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Volume 4: Walking in the Solar System Chapter 3: New Monetary System (2)

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    Since the large-scale application of automated clusters, the productivity of the earth has risen to a higher level.  Economic crises are inevitable because there is a glut of goods.  Central banks of various countries have significantly increased the amount of currency injection, but they are not synchronized with each other. No one even knows how much money some countries have injected.

    Unemployment reduces purchasing power and puts increasing pressure on the social security system.  At that time, some economists analyzed that a large-scale economic crisis was not far away.  Unexpectedly, the first thing that happened was the financial crisis. After a huge amount of goods poured into the market, the purchasing power of currency increased, which actually prevented the financial crisis from expanding.  The taxes paid by some people support others through the social security system, and most governments only have to deal with severe unemployment.

    The world¡¯s gold production has increased significantly since mining robots and related automatic crushing and screening equipment matured.  The gold production of Optical United Technologies is close to half of the previous world's total production, about 2,000 tons, and this is still taking into account profitability.

    Information comes one after another. The company¡¯s biggest competitor in the field of robots, the Japanese, has completed the design of its mining robots and is mining gold mines all over the world.  The Mitsui Zaibatsu has always done a good job in intelligence collection, and its resource layout is not comparable to that of China.  The Chinese all say that the Japanese are short-sighted, but they are actually slapping themselves in the face when they say this.  The company's biggest competitor in the field of automation, the Germans, are also designing special mining robots and automatic crushing and screening equipment to drill everywhere in Africa, the homeland that the French are familiar with.

    The official name of United Technologies Corporation Minerals Group is Wisconsin Gibson Minerals Group, commonly abbreviated as wgm.  It was originally called Narra Gold Minerals Co., Ltd., but later it was discovered that Western Australia was too sensitive to this name, so it was re-registered under the existing name after the establishment of Western Australia.

    WGM has a large number of gold mines and waste gold mines in Africa and Australia, with nearly 50,000 employees worldwide.  It is divided into three parts, precious metals, ordinary minerals, and energy minerals.  The mining and smelting of precious metals is its main business at present, and the energy minerals are mainly coal, oil and natural gas.

    The actions of the Germans came from the WGM Business Intelligence Center. Based on the information, the director of the headquarters Business Intelligence Center judged that there may be many golden plans.  The French's civilian nuclear technology is very advanced and ranks first in the world.  Germany and France, which are at the core of the EU, have most likely joined forces, with France researching artificial gold and Germany conducting deep mining.

    After the company's senior management received the report, they immediately investigated the company's capital flow. Li Zhuang asked Vicky to give a detailed fund management report.  Based on the raw materials and energy usage reports compiled by various departments in the future, the Joint Procurement Center issued huge purchase orders to suppliers. Those that could not be supplied in the short term were locked in forward contracts.  The U.S. dollar may lose its current status in the future, so foreign exchange reserves that may become worthless in the future can only be spent first. Energy and materials are the most valuable.

    As for artificial gold, according to the company's theoretical research results, the possibility of major forces producing gold at low cost is almost non-existent, so we will keep it for now.

    After all the preparation work was completed, the company's senior management was a little uneasy, not knowing what would happen.  Group convulsions don't happen once or twice, especially when conflicts are irreconcilable.

    The price of mercury is gradually rising, and by the beginning of September it has reached 400 US dollars per kilogram, an increase of five or six times compared with before.  CIA has noticed this abnormal situation and is currently discussing countermeasures within Citigroup. The specifics of what is going on have been basically understood, but this is an unsolvable problem.  Major consortiums have purchased materials as reserves, and the prices of commodities on the market are rising.

    United Technologies Corporation, located in the resource-rich Australian continent, was prepared in advance and paid a high deposit for its forward purchase contract.  If these big companies unexpectedly fall out, the company will not hesitate to show its strength, although the possibility is very small.

    This was a nonsensical matter, but it became out of control under the mutual suspicion of all parties, and the international trade environment became very bad.  United Technologies purchases large quantities of various goods from Citigroup, even if the seller's price increases.  This is impossible because the credibility of the U.S. dollar is extremely low, and exporters in many countries refuse to accept U.S. dollars.  There were some who were not afraid of death, so the company placed orders directly with them and paid in US dollars.

    The shipping industry is booming, but domestic prices in Citi are soaring, and a large amount of U.S. dollars are flowing back. Washington, which is borrowing money to survive, has no ability to recycle and destroy U.S. dollar cash to reduce liquidity.  After discussing countermeasures, Congress relaxed the debt ceiling to an unprecedented US$30 trillion, but not many people paid for the bonds issued.  Some credit rating agencies have adjusted Citigroup's sovereign credit rating due to the failure of the government bond issuance plan.  It's even worse now. The international settlement system dominated by the US dollar is on the verge of collapse.

    China, the European Union, and Japan all hold large amounts of Citigroup treasury bonds.has been suffering from the depreciation of the US dollar.  Because a new credit system cannot be established in the short term, all parties have borrowed heavily to maintain the normal operation of Citigroup, but now this system seems to be unsustainable.

    NASA¡¯s lunar base plan was originally ambitious. The lunar development company that originally planned to raise trillions of dollars ended miserably in this embarrassing situation. Even the consortium was busy coping with the imminent collapse of the credit system.

    The price of gold has not soared while the credibility of the US dollar has been significantly reduced due to rumors of low-cost artificial gold. The overwhelming analysis articles are mixed with countless spoilers, so that ordinary people do not know who to believe.

    As a local technology center, the Australian media went to Sunway City very frequently and wanted to hear United Technologies¡¯ technical explanation. The Prime Minister¡¯s Office and the National Assembly asked the company not to make any reservations.

    As the technical person in charge of artificial gold, Jacob gave reporters a detailed briefing on the cost structure and troubles of artificial gold, telling them not to worry. The price of gold could rise to up to three times what it was before the crisis.

    As soon as the reporters¡¯ articles came out, there were different opinions abroad. Some people spread rumors on the Internet that United Technologies Corporation has mastered the technology of manufacturing gold at low cost. This is to make profits for the company.

    People under the credit crisis are a little nervous. The spokesperson of the company's public relations department has been very anxious and exhausted during that period.

    Today¡¯s world is inseparable from international trade. The ancient barter trade has begun to appear, the efficiency of economic operations has decreased, and the unemployment problem has further aggravated.  Countries have to expand domestic demand, and countries with large populations have an advantage, but Citigroup is not included.

    Citigroup used to print money to engage in technical default, but now it cannot even engage in technical default because a large amount of US dollars has accumulated in the country, which has seriously affected the domestic economic operation.  Even if a certain part of the political donations and major financial groups are used to make up for it, it can only delay the time, but cannot fundamentally solve the problem.

    United Technologies does not hold many U.S. dollars. There are always people with different views in the world. They are the targets of the company's selling of U.S. dollars. The materials and gold imported by the company over the years have finally played their role.  Australia's local market is small, and the company's turnover mainly comes from abroad.  The efficiency of barter trade is not generally low. The sales of the company's industrial group have dropped sharply, but the internal operation is relatively stable because large-scale construction in Weizhou is beginning.

    Compared with United Technologies, Australia's large mining companies are under greater pressure.  They have a lot of high-quality resources but don't know what to replace them with. For the company's management, layoffs are a foregone conclusion.

    The price of gold continues to rise, and the gold flooding into the market is a drop in the bucket relative to the global economic system.  The truth becomes clearer and clearer with each passing day. Most people accept that it is impossible to significantly reduce the cost of artificial gold in the short term, and deep mining has become the only option at hand.

    Due to suspicion of United Technologies, some forces began to research artificial gold, and a large amount of manpower and material resources were invested in the research of artificial gold and deep mining. According to estimates from the Financial Division, it has exceeded previously imagined levels.

    After Citigroup defaulted on its national debt, all major forces began negotiating with them, demanding that gold and physical assets be used to offset the debt.  Washington wanted to cheat, but public anger was hard to offend, so he had to try his best to delay.  Military and administrative expenses have been significantly reduced, and even NASA has begun to lay off employees. Veterans and laid-off civil servants demonstrated in the capital, which has exacerbated domestic chaos.

    International trade has suffered an unprecedented blow, and countries are desperately trying to purchase supplies in Citi countries to avoid further depreciation of the U.S. dollar, which will lead to greater losses.  As the situation worsens, Citigroup, whose credit is bankrupt, is no longer able to buy any supplies abroad with U.S. dollars. Citizen people who are accustomed to spending money are finally tasting the bitter consequences.

    China has a huge population base, and if domestic demand is developed, it will be very strong. However, it has taken too many stimulants in recent years and is now in a state of contraction, but it is not as uncontrollable as the so-called critics think.  In the past, during the planned economy era, foreign trade volume was very small, but there was no situation where China could not survive.

    The return to normalcy in Citigroup cannot be achieved in the short term. The United Technologies Corporation¡¯s Human Resources Department took the opportunity to step up the pace of recruiting talents in Citigroup. Veterans laid off by NASA have become one of the recruitment targets.

    The demand for gold in international trade is increasing. Many people realize that the rising trend of gold is inevitable and begin to reserve gold.  There are many people who do not agree with this view. They believe that the human and material costs consumed by the gold mining industry are not worth so much compared with the price of gold in the market.

    Some people immediately retorted that once credit currencies lose their credibility, they are no different from waste paper, and they are even less valuable.  No matter how much gold depreciates, at the rate of technological development on Earth, even in another hundred years, the extent to which it can depreciate is extremely limited.

     The situation is becoming increasingly chaotic. Due to the lack of a commonly recognized pricing currency, international trade has reached a deadlock.  The gold mining industry is booming, and the level of refining technology and prospecting is advancing rapidly.

    Bulk goods are mainly traded by barter, while small and medium-sized goods transactions are almost at a standstill because it is not easy for both parties to determine the value, which leads to a longer transaction cycle.  This has increased the pressure on the financial systems of various countries, and the collection and refund of taxes on imported and exported goods has become a headache for tax authorities.

    The euro's inherent flaws have put it in crisis, and it is unable to take over the role of the US dollar. The Chinese dollar is unstable, and the scale of Japanese yen issuance is small. Moreover, most people do not have high trust in the Japanese yen. Its ups and downs are higher than  The euro is still serious.  The scale of other currencies is too small to become the denomination currency for international bulk supplies.

    The trend of the U.S. dollar's return cannot be changed, and Citigroup is in dire straits.  Although the country has huge productivity, its political system determines that some of its measures are not effective.

    Compared with the serious national debt problem, the financial derivatives issued randomly by Wall Street account for three-quarters of the world. The financial derivatives worth more than 100 billion US dollars are more and more likely to be burst under the credit crisis.  Big, Citigroup's financial system is facing catastrophe.

    At a critical point in history, God¡¯s calculations are worse than those of humans. No one can control everything. In the face of the astonishing wealth created around the world, the thieves on Wall Street can only bounce up and down in the stormy waves.  Even if it is an aircraft carrier, it will not be much different from other small ships in the face of a Category 20 hurricane.

    Citigroup has been discussing with governments of various countries to urge them to continue buying national debt to avoid temporary defaults and allow international trade to return to normal, but this does not mean that everything will be fine.  Because the fiscal deficit is not reduced, investors, including China, will stay away from U.S. Treasury bonds, which will lead to an increase in Treasury bond yields; cutting insurance benefits will cause public dissatisfaction in the country and increase pressure on social stability; if income tax on the rich is increased,  Taxes, increasing corporate taxes will reduce their investment and affect economic growth.

    Starting the money printing press will drive more global investors away from U.S. Treasury bonds, which in turn means an increase in Treasury bond yields.  The price of gold continues to rise and has reached twice the level before the crisis, and a large number of voices calling for the restoration of the gold standard have begun to appear.

    Citigroup firmly does not agree to use gold reserves to offset debts, but it has adopted a release attitude towards gold stored in other countries at the New York Federal Reserve Bank, without restrictions like before.

    As the price of gold rose, Washington began to relax its attitude and used 2,000 tons of gold bricks to repay part of the maturing national debt.  This caused heavy losses for investors, as the price of gold in US dollars has increased by 100% compared with before the crisis.

    The entire international situation is full of weirdness. Except for Citigroup and a few countries, imports are greater than exports.  Citigroup's domestic liquidity is flooding, and financial speculators are stirring up trouble.  While industrial and energy production surged, most companies were unable to make profits because raw material and labor costs rose faster, and a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises went bankrupt.

    The cost of mining gold deep in the earth¡¯s crust is rising, and artificial gold is starting to become profitable.  In May of the following year, South Africa announced its return to the gold standard, followed closely by Australia.  With Australia's gold reserves and gold production, it can barely maintain the normal operation of the economy, and the status of the Australian dollar has skyrocketed.

    Countless media are promoting that gold is just a bunch of metals that can only be seen but not used, inferior to food and materials. However, humans¡¯ deep-rooted trust in gold is enough to bankrupt any view. It is a valuable precious metal recognized by everyone.  With gold, you can buy food and weapons. In an increasingly connected world, there is no group that gold cannot conquer.

    Huge amounts of gold poured into the market, gradually crowding out credit currencies from the international trade settlement system.  No complex group has the same heart. In the end, the large Citigroup financial group couldn't help but start artificial gold.  The return of the gold standard is no longer subject to the will of any group, although countless people denounce it as a retrogression of the human monetary system.

    Canberra stared dumbfounded at the actions of countless groups, directly giving the green light to United Technologies' frantic gold mining in Australia.  The artificial gold project is officially named "Alchemy Furnace". The alchemy furnace device has been being improved, and the company's artificial gold project is already profitable.

    The whole people is refining gold, all moon base plans are suspended, and political leaders from various countries meet frequently to try to solve the situation where the credit and currency system is on the verge of collapse.

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