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Volume 3 Big Scene Chapter 43 First Launch

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    This period of time is very lively. First there was super-light speed, and later artificial intelligence. In addition to the original financial crisis, severe unemployment caused by automation technology innovation, etc., the content updated by the media every day is very interesting.

    After Citigroup announced that it would conduct a super-light spacecraft test in space, the International Space Station has been idle.  Those who have the ability to launch manned spacecraft will launch manned spacecraft, and those who are unable to launch will launch reconnaissance satellites.  The orbits of spacecraft and satellites pass near Citi's space assembly plant. NASA has nothing to do. Space is a public domain.  Other countries have no choice but to do this because the space assembly plant uses advanced equipment similar to the United Technologies Corporation base protection system.

    The archway of various countries have made a good place, and the use of the nuclear fuel of the spacecraft is the earth of human beings.  Citigroup will use nuclear power, which is certain. Conventional chemical fuels simply cannot give the engine enough specific impulse.  No matter how the engine is designed, energy is always indispensable.

    Scientists from the company¡¯s Aerospace Science and Technology Research Institute speculate that Citigroup may first use chemical rockets to push the spacecraft away from the earth, then start the nuclear fission rocket engine, and finally use the main power unit of the spacecraft, which is the so-called hyperlight engine.  This not only ensures sufficient speed, but also avoids the contamination of the airspace near the earth by nuclear fission, and can also conceal the secrets of the test from other countries.

    The nuclear fission rocket has been developed by Citigroup for more than ten years. It was originally a supporting propulsion project for the Mars plan and is estimated to have been completed.  As for the nuclear fusion rocket, let¡¯s save it and get the technology of the nuclear fusion power station first.  The laser inertial confinement technology and ultrasonic fusion technology required for nuclear fusion rockets are much more difficult to develop than the bulky Tokmak device used in nuclear fusion power plants. Technology upgrades have always been from easy to difficult.

    The company's management had no time to pay attention to these gossipy preparations but could not know the details. The observatory of the Institute of Aerospace Science and Technology peeped for a long time, but had no results, which made Li Zhuang very depressed.  The aerospace plane has not even begun to take shape, and it is not yet known when the manned spacecraft will be successful.  He was interested in using advanced observation facilities, but Andreev blocked his decision on the grounds that it might affect Citigroup's space assembly factory.

    Citigroup is the number one rival of United Technologies Corporation. It has a strong military and is very domineering. If it angers the military, it will definitely not be able to get away with it.  With the current relationship between Canberra and the company, I am afraid that they will not work hard to mediate.

    The tentative launch date of nwr-122 is September 10th. The prime minister in Canberra has already said that he will come to participate in person. Perth has also notified it, and the governor has promised to support it.

    Since the establishment of the Institute of Aerospace Science and Technology, the research and development of aerospace-related facilities and technologies have been in progress in an orderly manner. The advanced technology exchanged from Russia has broadened the horizons of the researchers.

    Speaking of the P-class ocean survey ship, it was originally designated as the Platypus class, imported from Russia, and is a sister ship to the world's largest survey ship "Yuri Gagarin".  The ship structure and main power are the same, but the company has modified it in its own shipyard. The full-load displacement is slightly larger, 54,500 tons, the main dimensions are 231.6x31x8.5 meters, the economic speed is 18 knots, the endurance is 25,000 nautical miles, and the self-sustainability is 300 days.

    The ship is a conventional ship with a total of 360 crew members and scientists and 86 laboratories.  The sounding radar, satellite communications, stability control, navigation and positioning and data processing systems used were all developed by the Aerospace Science and Technology Research Institute. The equipment, energy and power were adjusted at the LaGrange Shipyard of the Military Industry Group and installed.  Necessary protective equipment.  Each of the five survey ships is equipped with two trumpet-class intelligence computers. The names are newly given, l6101-l6110, which are different from the previous ones.  The attached high-speed von Neumann-type computers are all available and are controlled by two intelligent brains.

    The naming of the Platypus class aroused strong protests from Russian employees. Andreev firmly disagreed, "Yuri Gagarin is a hero of the Russians. How come he became a Platypus when he arrived in Australia?"

    Everyone now knows that Li Zhuang likes to choose random names based on his feelings. When it comes to national dignity, he has no choice but to publicly apologize. He always corrects his mistakes when he knows they are wrong, and never cares about face.  The employees from Russia knew about his problem and didn't mind it too much. Andreev gave the final decision to name it Pride Class, or P Class for short. From P1 to P5, there is no official name, only code names.  This is a habit within the company. On the one hand, it is for confidentiality, and on the other hand, it takes care of Li Zhuang's face without going to any trouble.

    La Grange is the location of the United Technologies Corporation Military Industrial Group and Logistics Group shipyards. The affiliated Logistics Group Headquarters and the Ship and Ocean Research Institute are located in the park near the shipyard.  The Ship Research Institute of the Military Industry Research Institute and the Ship and Ocean Research Institute are located in the same park.

    This small town has now become a central town with a population of 200,000, covering an area of ??2,000 square kilometers. It is the first local town to be included in the company's sphere of influence. All residents inside work in the company, and those who are unwilling to join are also excluded.  Straighten up, urban areaThe area is gradually expanding.

    In view of the actual situation, Canberra and Perth readily agreed to incorporate La Grange into the jurisdiction of Sunway City. The name did not change and was still called La Grange Town.  Although the name is everywhere, the company management is too lazy to choose another name, otherwise the relevant legal documents will have to be changed again and again.

    Considering safety and environmental protection, the North cannot be too close to Broome Town and other scenic spots, although company employees often go to the scenic spots to visit.

    Having said too much gossip, let¡¯s get back to the topic.  There are not many countries that can design their own rockets and launch satellites into space. United Technologies, a company registered in Australia, has made countries paying attention to Citi's test adjust their attention.  Although they knew that with the company's strength, it would not take long to achieve their goals, they did not expect that it would be at least half a year ahead of schedule.

    Citi¡¯s radar station in Australia has now been dismantled by Canberra. This time, while NASA was being watched, the Citizen Navy did not forget to send a survey ship out to see what was going on.

    As for other forces, they had a premonition after the company's modified P-class survey ship set off.  Although they were unable to find out the exact information inside the tightly guarded Sunway Space Center and Sunway City, as long as there was any unusual movement outside the company, they could successfully deduce the whole story.  Everyone has to use their own mouth to eat, and no other organs will be chosen ingeniously.

    Preparations have been going on for a month, and the first launch of any new rocket is always unsettling. The management of the Institute of Aerospace Science and Technology has experienced hundreds of launches in total, but is still not sure.

    "Don't have any psychological burden. If it doesn't work once, try it a second time. I will fully support you," Li Zhuang comforted Andreev.

    The researchers on the side were speechless, but the acting dean took over, "Daniel, that's not the case. If this fails, there will be losses in financial, human and material resources. It will take a long time to analyze the reasons. In the future, our confidence  It¡¯s definitely not as good as it is now.¡±

    "Oh, that's it," Li Zhuang immediately thought of the process of developing the Vicky class. At that time, he was in hell and under great pressure.  If that failed, it is estimated that the subsequent research will not go so smoothly, and there will definitely be a psychological shadow.  Aerospace is a super complex project that requires more consideration than the research of tens of millions of intelligent brains.

    "I think the possibility of success this time is very high," said Yuri Berekov, director of the nearby measurement and control center. "Our component assembly tests and final assembly tests went very smoothly. We didn't have such a good assistant before.  The success rate of launches is still extremely high. Nowadays, the detection items are more complete and the degree of automation is higher. Intelligent opportunities can help us make up for human mistakes."

    "Yes, neither Russia nor Citigroup will spend huge sums of money to set up industrial parks to manufacture parts like we do. Errors during transportation can be eliminated. The main control smartphone of the rocket can be adjusted randomly, and the response speed is much faster than  It used to be faster,¡± said Vice President Masu Hamilton.

    "Haha, I see that each of you is more confident than the other, I believe there will be no problem this time," Zhou Qisen said with a smile, "There will always be success, and it is better to succeed once."

    When the management came to the Xinwei Space Center for the second time, they accompanied the prime minister and governor.  Reporters from several major Australian media followed, and the area around the launch center suddenly became lively.  The launch time of the spacecraft is very particular. This launch is scheduled for one o'clock in the morning, with a breeze and no clouds. It is the most suitable time of the day for launch. It is difficult to have such good weather in the desert.

    Everyone sat on the viewing platform with a wide view and watched the staff of the launch area, technical area, command and control center, aerospace measurement and control station, emergency lifesaving station, service support and management department busy coming and going.  Like other space centers, security here is tight and filming content is strictly restricted.

    Li Zhuang accompanied the Prime Minister to speak. This Prime Minister was young and strong, and his words were humorous, which made the atmosphere not boring.  It was nothing at first, but suddenly he asked in a low voice, "Can intercontinental missiles be developed?"

    "Uh," the landlord was speechless for a moment, so he leaned over and replied: "Nuclear weapons are not around yet. We are a company. The development of powerful weapons requires your authorization and supervision, otherwise we will not be able to come to Taiwan."

    "Then let me think about it again. The debate in Congress is fierce right now, and I don't know if it can be passed." The Prime Minister was a little distressed. The military's strength has increased greatly, and now it often goes to grind him.

    The two of them didn¡¯t speak anymore, both were thinking. Soon they were awakened by the sound of horns coming from nearby, because the launch had entered the final countdown.

    "5, 4, 3, 2, 1ignite!" Andreev's bear-like roar came from the loudspeaker. Li Zhuang was startled, and then he saw huge flames spurting out from the bottom of the rocket, in the dark night  becomes the brightest light source.

    The launch of the heavy rocket is very spectacular, near the viewing platformA series of flash lights connected together, and everyone in the stands stared at the slowly rising rocket.  As the engine thrust gradually increased, the rocket's speed became faster and faster, and the liquid nitrogen cooling system began to work, forming a white funnel hanging on the rocket.

    The flames at the tail of the rocket cut through the desert sky on a spring night, and then turned into a small bright spot and flew out of people's sight. Andreev's voice came from Li Zhuang's walkie-talkie, "The first stage has been successful.  There was no fault with the rocket."

    Five P-class large-scale ocean survey ships have long been ready in various oceans. Basically, experienced scientists and crews easily captured the trajectory of the satellite, started the satellite's own engine, and adjusted to the predetermined orbit.

    The Xinwei Space Center and large-scale measurement and control stations throughout Australia monitored the situation for three days together with the ocean-going survey ship. The equipment on the satellite operated stably and met the design requirements.

    The inside of the base was full of joy as soon as the satellite was successfully put into orbit and the signal was transmitted back. Although the experienced players had seen this kind of scene many times, they couldn't help but scream along with the rookies.

    "Australia successfully launched its first high-thrust launch vehicle nwr-122 at the New Way Space Center, sending a self-developed large satellite into low-Earth orbit!"

    Australian local newspapers have published similar headlines, others such as "Australia successfully joins the space club" and so on.  The press conference, led by Canberra, was the result of negotiations between United Technologies and the federal government.  Li Zhuang had never thought about fighting for this title. Canberra still wanted to lose face. Besides, they couldn't say it too much. The Aerospace Science and Technology Research Institute was a department co-managed by United Technologies Corporation and Canberra.

    Australians have reason to believe that this is an achievement achieved by their country. Regardless of nationality, Li Zhuang, the boss of United Technologies Corporation, is also an Australian son-in-law. The company is registered in Australia, and a quarter of the researchers are from government research institutes.

    The hot comments on the Internet and major newspapers and magazines did not last long before they were attracted by the Brazilian incident.  Those working in the media have been the happiest in the past few years. The more chaotic the world becomes, the higher the income of the entire industry, although small media organizations often go bankrupt.

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