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Volume 3 Big Scene Chapter 35 Weird Theory

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    Einstein said, "Matter is energy, the essence of energy is matter, the essence of matter is energy, and energy is the manifestation of matter that is infinitely close to nothing."

    This sentence is regarded as a guideline by many physicists. Of course there are different opinions, but this is not within the scope of ordinary people's understanding. Even top physicists may not be able to really argue the results.  From the current point of view, Einstein's words make sense. Whether we can go further in the future is not a topic that computer experts should consider.

    Computers are related to mathematics. Compared with the Institute of Mathematics, which I occasionally go to, the Institute of Theoretical Physics is the place that the chairman is most afraid of, but he has to go.  Today's advanced energy sources such as nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, antimatter and vacuum energy are all related to physics. This is an area that aerospace technology absolutely cannot bypass.

    Before Christmas, while visiting the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Li Zhuang heard Xavier mention a weird theory, saying that isotopes, nuclear fission and nuclear fusion can be used to explain the development history of various countries in human society in recent hundreds of years.

    No nation can prosper forever, nor can it be immortal forever. Even the powerful crystal life will end one day.

    If we follow the rules of the particle world and establish a standard model for various groups in human society, many of them can be explained by this weird theory.

    The periodic table of chemical elements is one of the greatest discoveries in human history. The Russian chemist Mendeleev is undoubtedly a great scientist.  Li Zhuang liked to call Russians Lao Maozi at all times, but he respected Mendeleev and never used the title "Lao Maozi" in front of him.

    The periodic table of chemical elements is arranged according to the number of protons of the elements. Basically every element has isotopes.  Isotopes are elements of the same type that have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons.

    Not all isotopes are radioactive. Those that are radioactive are called "radioactive isotopes" and those that are not radioactive are called "stable isotopes." Isotope batteries all use radioactive isotopes.

    Nations and cultures on the earth can be divided into three categories, one is the "radioactive isotope" category, the second is the very comfortable "stable isotope" category, and the last is the stable isotope category that can undergo nuclear fusion with other isotopes.  .

    Nation, culture, and geographical location together form a large reactor, with different shell materials and technical standards. Again, the earth is great.  Although region cannot be said to be a decisive factor in the formation of culture, it is at least a very important part. Some sociologists simply believe that it is a decisive factor.  Region includes important factors such as terrain, climate, minerals, land, and transportation conditions. Li Zhuang believes that region should be the most important factor affecting culture.

    ??Chinese culture, dominated by the Han people, is a radioactive element with a medium atomic number and a long half-life.  Because of its geographical location, it is generally relatively mild.  When encountering external stimulation, the amount of radiation will increase significantly, and then it will switch to a suppressed state to prolong the life of the radioactive isotope.  After recovery, the radiation dose stabilized again.

    The excessively long half-life caused its own energy to gradually decline. Later, when it encountered the stimulation of foreign culture, nuclear fusion occurred to a certain extent, and its internal energy level was increased. Then it returned to its long half-life, causing internal disorder and causing even greater energy consumption.  .  Whether a highly tolerant culture will undergo mild and controllable nuclear fusion due to the absorption of foreign cultures, no one knows. Even scholars who study Chinese history and culture have different opinions.

    Japanese culture is a slightly heavier radioactive isotope than Chinese culture, and its half-life is not short.  Because it is located on a small island with poor resources, it has a strong sense of crisis. More than a hundred years ago, it used external energy to complete nuclear fusion, greatly increasing its energy level.  The nuclear fusion was very intense and caused great damage to the reactor shell. It was immediately covered by external radiation protection materials, but the energy inside was still accumulating.

    German culture is a type of heavy isotopes that are transformed into heavy isotopes after the nuclear fusion of unstable isotopes. It is the culture closest to the stable standard social model.  The necessary amount of isotopes has been accumulating internally in the early stage. The internal energy conflict is very fierce. After nuclear fusion, the amount of radiation increases greatly, which greatly pollutes the surrounding land.  Sixty or seventy years ago, the amount of radiation had been greatly reduced, entering a stable radiation period, and the internal energy had been accumulating.

    French culture is a kind of unstable radioactive isotope with medium atomic number. It has a long decay period and high internal initial energy. Nuclear fusion and nuclear fission occasionally occur, but the overall energy is always under the control of the reactor.  The fusion and fission that occur from time to time create the strange characteristics of this culture that is both dignified and erratic. When dealing with domestic and international affairs, the performance of the French government is the result of culture.

    British culture is a kind of unstable radioactive light element that plunders external energy through the reactor to complete the energy level jump, and then gradually evolves.This type of isotope has a high internal energy and ultimately forms a slightly radioactive stable isotope.

    Russian culture is a highly radioactive heavy isotope with a low atomic number. It has been plundering external energy through reactors. The energy conflict is fierce, but the reactor shell is strong.

    Citizen culture is a type of radioactive isotope mixed with nuclear fusion and nuclear fission.

    Before the founding of the People¡¯s Republic of China, immigrants from different cultures produced different relatively stable isotopes. After enough accumulation, nuclear fusion occurred to a certain extent, changing from light elements to less stable and heavier elements.  During the nuclear fusion process, the surrounding land is greatly polluted and countless lives are killed.  After the nuclear fusion is completed, because the isotopes are unstable, when the unstable energy is expelled from the reactor, it has a great impact on the reactor shell.  After the shell is repaired, the isotopes become relatively stable, and the amount of radiation is relatively stable. The advanced reactor robs a large amount of external energy, causing the internal energy level to continue to increase.

    During a certain period, the amount of radiation increased greatly, and then the internal structure and shell of the reactor were upgraded by plundering external energy and materials, entering a relatively stable radiation period.  Too much external energy enters, causing the internal structure to withstand greater pressure while being reinforced.

    The current Citigroup culture is one that favors a mixture of stable isotopes and radioactive isotopes. Although the reactor shell is strong, the upgrade of the internal structure is lagging behind.

    Other cultures are either radioactive isotopes with very short half-lives, or stable isotopes with very low energy levels.

    Although racial discrimination is undesirable, according to the development of human history, there are indeed high and low levels among ethnic groups.  Some nations have never risen. Their reaction material energy level is not enough, and their reactors are not advanced enough to support their energy accumulation for further development.

    This weird theory can barely be justified. The material world and human cultural and ethical systems are often connected.  Laws are not subject to human will. No matter how the rules change, they are adjusted around the laws.

    Everyone¡¯s understanding of the nature and phenomena of social culture is different, and it is impossible to be completely consistent.  Li Zhuang was wondering what kind of isotope collective United Technologies was, and how long the half-life of the mixed culture it eventually formed was.

    It is difficult to say whether this framework derived from philosophy and human nature will succeed in the end.  Needless to say, there are many advantages, but also many disadvantages. At least the shell of this reactor is not too strong, the core is in a self-contained state, the density and solidity have been increasing, the reactor's ability to plunder external energy and materials is slowly increasing, and radioactivity is not to mention  Very strong, but not weak either.

    The radioactivity is too strong, making enemies everywhere, and more and more people will get in trouble.  The radioactivity is too weak and will certainly not achieve United Technologies' purpose of suppressing its competitors.

    Li Zhuang believes that Zhou Qisen¡¯s team can handle these delicate relationships. All he needs to do is to solidify the core foundation and strengthen the next generation education of core management and employees who are relatively loyal to the company.

    This theory aroused Li Zhuang's interest, and he later took time to find out more about it from Xavier. Unexpectedly, the bookworm reluctantly told him, "I'm just a physicist, and I'm not interested in this theory. I suggest you still  It¡¯s better to study sociology.¡±

    "Then why are you still telling me so much?"

    "I heard that you are studying human nature. I think these things may be useful to you. Starting from the material basis, psychology assists to analyze human nature and starting from psychology, the material basis assists to analyze human nature. The intersection area should be the most authentic human nature  .¡±

    "Really?" Li Zhuang scratched his head and prepared to ask more questions, but found that the bookworm had already walked away and could only shake his head.  In cutting-edge fields, there are no all-rounders, and no top researchers can answer your own questions.

    There are also many weird theories in the field of artificial intelligence, but many of them are not operational and are purely philosophical and sociological derivation.  Some people are even so funny that they simply imitate the human brain and swear that this is definitely possible.

    When Einstein commented on the fact that the Joliot-Curie couple missed out on the NB Prize three times, he said, ¡°Imagination is more important than knowledge.¡±

    Li Zhuang used to agree with this sentence, but now he feels that the old man's words have serious side effects, because many delusional people later regarded this sentence as truth.

    Without verification by experimental physicists, the theories of theoretical physicists are useless no matter how sophisticated they are.  The Joliot-Curie couple should share the NB Prize for the discovery of neutrons with Chadwick. They just had no contact with Rutherford's "neutron" idea, but they actually paved the way for Chadwick's discovery.  the road.

    "Knowledge reserve and imagination are equally important", this is what Li Zhuang has learned now?¡¯s conclusion.  He has worked on various theories, including the class of hyperparallel computing networks featured in the movie The Terminator.  The possibility of theoretical derivation exists, but the ultra-parallel computing network he built in the laboratory at a cost of nearly one billion US dollars has a total power consumption of nearly fifteen times that of Vicki. The intelligence generated is not stable and can barely reach the level of a large speaker.  standards, but the response is not fast, and conflicts between different nodes occur from time to time.

    "Can ordinary programmers use a language like VAI? Humans are not machines. People like me are in the very minority. If I can't succeed, how many others can succeed?" Li Zhuang still remembers murmuring to himself a few days ago.  , he could not imagine that ordinary programmers could program relatively perfect parallel computing software.

    He is very confident on this point. Whether United Technologies is a combination of software and hardware or a pure software product, its stability is higher than that of its competitors.  The power of Vai is not just to say that it took seven years of hard work to take shape and then continued to improve for ten years. If something can be surpassed so easily, then that person obviously does not belong to the category of human beings.

    S5 is considered the pinnacle of the field of pure software simulation. Vicky has improved it to the extreme according to Li Zhuang's design, greatly reducing the burden on the support server.  The S5 robot, which is wielding its manipulator around the world, is WLFS's best-selling product, and there is no comparable competitor on the market.  No one can decipher its encryption to this day, which shows that there are not many masters in the world who may surpass him, and they may be able to count them on one hand.

    " This hyper-parallel computing network would have been impossible to complete for US$10 billion in the past. The hardware Li Zhuang received was all at an internal price, and the software was written by him with the assistance of Vicky.  Its energy consumption is enough to bankrupt ordinary institutions. The annual electricity and maintenance costs exceed 20 million US dollars. Who can afford such a luxurious thing?

    The alternative intelligent life completed its life course in just one month. The creator turned off the power of the entire system and disassembled its components and used them for other purposes.

    "The theory is a theory, and engineering implementation is engineering implementation. What is feasible in theory may not work in reality." The computer expert sat in the laboratory, and the air was filled with sadness. This was the first time that he took the initiative to kill the life created by his own hands.  .

    "Father, don't be sad. It is worse to die than to live like this. Life will end one day, but sooner or later," Vicky's mechanical glove was beating his back with a plastic glove.

    "Haha, Vicky, you're right, it's so comfortable," Li Zhuang stretched, thinking of the product just launched by the Medical Research Institute, he estimated that the "money fans" would talk endlessly at tomorrow's meeting.

    The Artificial Intelligence Research Institute has entered the top ranks of the industry in research on touch. The Medical Research Institute used the results in this area to launch a smart massager, but the sales were not good.

    "How come we can't make money with such a good product?" Han Shumei complained loudly at the management meeting, but all the men snickered, except Dr. Hoffman, the director of the Institute of Medicine, who was as confused as his deputy.

    "This matter is over here. From now on, similar products from the Institute of Medicine will be trialled internally before deciding whether to launch them," Zhou Qisen couldn't explain, so he could only announce this.

    ¡°Don¡¯t leave after the meeting, let¡¯s go see the artificial gold together,¡± Li Zhuang presented the highlight, and the venue was filled with exclaims.

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