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Volume 3 Big Scene Chapter 5 Tokyo Agreement

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    Lisa said that she would handle the immigration procedures. Li Zhuang was very busy and let her do it.  During this time, he had to pay attention to the various forces negotiating in Tokyo. In addition to government departments, existing groups that had developed intelligent brains all sent representatives to participate.  www.piaotia.comnd led by He Xiuwen, Zhang Mingde and Dr. Song Jize, acting director of the Robotics Laboratory, these guys played their cards randomly just because of convulsions.  "Li Zhuang looked at the progress report sent back by the wai delegation and was a little angry. Then he looked through the scattered information and gossip on the Internet, and was even more worried about the outcome of the negotiation.

    The Japanese like robots, especially humanoid robots. Robotics technology is recognized as the highest in the world. Even the Citizen military, which likes to show off, is ashamed of itself.  Tokyo has been restrained since the last time it went crazy, but the Citizen military is still as arrogant as ever. They like to fight.  Some people say that the interests of arms dealers are behind this. This is certainly one of the main reasons, but it may not be the fundamental reason.  The military often has its own system, and soldiers and businessmen are two different people.

    An army with long experience cannot have strong combat effectiveness, it is just a paper tiger.  A force that does not even have combat experience in its officer corps is not worthy of being called an elite force.  The belligerence of Citi's military comes from Citi's social system.

    In early June, Afghanistan, known as the weapons testing ground of the Citizen military, ushered in a new round of steel storm. Armored combat robots and unmanned fighter jets, pseudo-intelligence that is not afraid of death, gave full play to their advantages on the battlefield.  Afghanistan is mountainous, but the efficiency of four-legged and six-legged combat robots in the mountains is far beyond that of crawler robots.  The junior digital warriors and these killing machines form a local area network, which is estimated to be part of the future c5i.

    The foldable concentrated solar charging device launched by United Technologies Corporation has become an accomplice, but it doesn¡¯t matter to the general public. The Citizen military has related technology, but it only bought it from Australia because it was cheap.

    Li Zhuang didn¡¯t know whether the two neighboring countries were involved. He only knew that the Afghan resistance organization was having a miserable life.  Ordinary robots do not need to rest except for charging. Some large robots can also use manipulators to replenish fuel and ammunition from airdropped supplies.  People need to rest, and they cannot stare at monsters crawling out of nowhere all day long, and the harassment of robots continues until the end of life.

    Within half a month, most of the resistance organizations¡¯ nests were demolished by the Citizen military.  Just as these guys were preparing to wipe out the remaining resistance organizations in one fell swoop, Washington couldn't hold it anymore and recalled the relevant troops. Both the capital and Moscow breathed a sigh of relief.

    Someone was demonstrating in Washington, blocking the area near the Pentagon and shouting loud slogans.  The more successful the Citizen military's robot operations become, the more terrifying it becomes.  The army is enjoying itself, while ordinary people are frightened.  Even among the military, there are worried people.  Some soldiers simply refuse to fight alongside intelligent robots for fear of dying in their sleep.

    "Smartphones can do research, and mentally retarded smartphones can control automatic lines, but everyone absolutely cannot accept the self-development and manufacturing of smartphones that already have the intelligence of teenagers. This has touched the most sensitive nerves.  Human beings are carbon-based creatures with relatively fragile bodies and cannot resist the overwhelming robots.  Even if electromagnetic weapons are used, who knows if Intelligent Brain can develop protective devices?

    The fear of intelligent robots has spread to the electric vehicle industry, and it is actually a small device, a wireless charger.  Everyone is afraid that the densely populated wireless chargers can allow robots to charge at any time and expand their mobility, so they all demand the cancellation of wireless chargers.  The Electric Vehicle Alliance fought hard but still lost.  Fortunately, compared with hybrid vehicles, the sales volume of pure electric vehicles is not high, so it will not have a big impact on electric vehicle manufacturers for the time being.

    During the April turmoil, in addition to unmanned combat aircraft, intelligent missiles and combat robots, the most attention-grabbing items were the Japanese high-power isotope batteries.  It is common knowledge in the world that the power density and volume density of isotope batteries are not high. The military has high-end products, but the gap with civilian products is not too big.

    Li Zhuang asked Yamamoto about the Japanese isotope battery, but Yamamoto didn¡¯t know. When he was in Tokyo, he had only vaguely heard that it was a top-secret project. All the information was not online, and the control was very strict.  At that time, the government department also wanted to transfer him there. He was not used to being controlled by others, so he politely refused, saying that he only knew electrochemistry and that his physics research was purely theoretical and did not involve nuclear technology.  Yamamoto is also a dilemma for Tokyo, because his mother is a Citizen and a professor.  Just as Li Zhuang is worried about his Japanese roots, Tokyo is also worried about his Citizen roots.

    ??I couldn¡¯t buy it from Citigroup, so I had to do my own research.  Basically all experts and scholars have watched Japanese live broadcasts, but it is difficult to achieve both high power and size. After studying for a long time, there is no way to achieve it.  The military was furious. Citigroup has always been arrogant. At that time, it claimed to have 48 basic research projects, 44 of which were firsts. NowOf course you can't make a small isotope battery.  The military general was angry with the director of the research institute, and the director was also angry, so he said, "Don't you have Area 51? Ask them to study it. Maybe the Japanese have also discovered something from the ruins on the seabed.  .¡±

    Citigroup has a top-secret research area codenamed Area 51, but that doesn¡¯t mean it can be number one in everything. Every big country has its own unique skills, even China has them. It¡¯s just a matter of how many, because the research directions and ideas are different.

    The words of the director of the institute were spread out somehow. Everyone spread the news to me and I to you. In the end, it turned out that the Japanese isotope battery technology was discovered in the underwater ruins. The number of inspections of the underwater ruins increased greatly.  Considering the need to protect the ruins, Tokyo restricted entry, but the result was a negative effect.  Everyone even thought there was a secret inside and swarmed over, causing a huge headache for the environmental protection department and the military.

    It is a very strange phenomenon in our human society that a small rumor can waste so much social wealth. In life, the joke of "donkeys turn into women, women turn into beauties, and beauties turn into super beauties" has been repeated frequently.

    In mid-July, the sun was blazing in the northern hemisphere. Li Zhuang was sitting in a cool office writing and drawing. His thoughts were interrupted by the ringing phone next to him.

    "Li Zhuang, I signed the agreement just signed on behalf of Wesson Technology, and Canberra also signed it. There will probably be trouble using robots in Australia in the future. You will have to redesign future robots. I can send the scanned copy at noon.  Sent to you." He Xiuwen's tired voice came from the phone.

    "Well, okay, please take a rest. We are just kittens now, so don't worry. It seems that no one is worse than us except mai, haha." Li Zhuang was very proud of his low profile.

    "Haha, as long as you have confidence, I'm dead." He Xiuwen's voice became more cheerful.

    Li Zhuang rubbed his forehead, feeling a little headache. He originally planned to use the loudspeaker stage for construction control, but I'm afraid that won't work now. Canberra will definitely send someone to keep an eye on it.  All the original design plans must be overthrown and restarted to enhance the intelligence of the robot itself.

    "It's so frustrating. I hope the agreement won't be too stingy. Otherwise, the construction cost of the super estate will at least double. Where can I find so much money to plant trees and grass in the desert?"

    After lunch, Li Zhuang hurried back to the office and looked at the content of the agreement sent back by He Xiuwen with Zhou Qisen.  The agreement was long and detailed, but Li Zhuang only looked at some basic elements.

    The first is the signing date, which is this morning, July 30.

    Agreement name: "Agreement on the Research, Development, Manufacturing and Use of Smart Machines and Robots", referred to as the "Tokyo Agreement".

    There are many signatories, mainly governments and relevant R&D and manufacturing companies. Advanced nanolithography equipment has become the focus of monitoring by various countries.

    Main restrictions: It is prohibited to produce robots with integrated chips of more than 30,000 neurons; industrial control systems can use up to 500,000 neuron smart machines; B-level and above smart machines are prohibited from accessing the Internet.

    The field of pure research is not restricted. If new types of smart machines emerge, they will be added to the agreement.  The definition of robot is as follows,


    "Okay, I finally didn't kill all the pseudo-intelligent robots, but having said that, this will increase my workload, so I have to find another way to solve it." Li Zhuang talked to Zhou Qisen, thinking about the deformed s5 dragging the server, he found it difficult  Accepted, "It appears necessary to develop new control technologies."

    "You should think about it seriously. I don't understand. I don't even know what to say when you pull me over." Zhou Qisen looked at him helplessly.

    There were a lot of comments about the "Tokyo Agreement" on the Internet and newspapers. The media interviewed executives from the major factions. Li Zhuang also accepted interviews from several media in the afternoon.  Many news items were made into special topics on portal websites, and Li Zhuang's high-sounding words were also placed on them.

    Smartphone researchers are helpless about the Tokyo Agreement, but few are opposed to it.  Developing better technology is important, but you have to keep yourself safe first.  You must know that these people are the first to come into contact with smart phones, and they know that accidents are easy to happen.  There are only a few factories in the world that can produce advanced nanolithography equipment. For a time, these manufacturers raised prices significantly, making smartphone manufacturers miserable.

    Li Zhuang expected this to happen. In addition to asking the Basic Physics Laboratory, Nanotechnology Laboratory and Precision Processing Laboratory to jointly develop nanolithography equipment, he also placed orders with those manufacturers in advance, barely escaping the disaster.  , the prices of subsequent orders all increased by 100%.  Things that were already extremely expensive have suddenly become even more expensive, so they have no choice but to raise the prices of their products.  He didn't dare to stand out, and honestly followed the industry, raising all prices by 20%, and orders increased even more in a short period of time.

    "I smile proudly, I smile triumphantly"?.  "Li Zhuang hummed a ditty at the management meeting, still the same old tune. This is a song he always sings when he is in a good mood, but it has been changed beyond recognition.

    "Don't be complacent yet. Sun Guobao is very worried. He said that if you don't visit him again, he will come back to you. Also, how to arrange the newly arrived nanolithography equipment? We can't move it here now, they are all piled up in Lagla  In the warehouse of Qi Logistics Department." Zhou Qisen poured a ladle of cold water on him.

    "Then let me go and take a look. It's very hot here in mid-August, but the weather in Australia is nice, so I'm going on vacation." The real reason is that Sunway Materials' robot workshop has been fully built, and he has to go there to upgrade the program.

    China is a failed country in the Tokyo Agreement, and the import of advanced nanoprocessing equipment is restricted.  Wesson Technology is an Australian-funded enterprise. It is not difficult to import this kind of equipment, but it can only be placed in Australia.

    Farewell to the management, Li Zhuang took the ticket booked by the General Affairs Department and set off to the Provincial Capital International Airport to prepare for Perth.  When he arrived at the airport with his bodyguard, an accident happened.  Someone stopped them and the bodyguard wanted to draw his gun, but when the person showed his ID, the bodyguard had to retract his hand.

    "Mr. Li, you are a special person. You cannot go abroad now. You will need approval from relevant departments to go abroad in the future!"

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