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Volume 2 Qianlong Chapter 21 Steady Advancement

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    Li Zhuang sent away the tour group, and the center of attention returned to the power battery. This is an important project where the company is most likely to make large investments in the next few years.

    Wesson Technology¡¯s management and business department conducted a detailed investigation into the actual situation of the power battery industry before determining the R&D and business direction.

    The main reasons why electric vehicles are difficult to promote are battery capacity, driving range, charging and most importantly, price.  Family A-class cars are the largest-selling car type, taking into account both comfort and safety. The power is between 1.4 and 2.0, and the unloaded weight is 1000-1400 kg.

    Motors have the advantages of large torque, compactness, and high energy conversion efficiency. Hybrid vehicles will be the mainstream in the next decade or so. It will take some time for all-electric vehicles to meet the standards for customers to choose them. The reason is that the battery technology is complex and expensive.

    The cabin of a car is small, and the battery is not as compact as a fuel engine. Ventilation, heat dissipation and safety must be carefully considered.  In contrast, large pure electric buses are the object of research and development by automobile companies and are easy to implement.  The power combination solutions provided by Weisen Technology to several automobile companies in provincial capitals are mainly electric buses. The quotations are relatively cheap and not as big as Lion. In fact, the company's profit margin is still very large.  Although the investment in fully automated production is large, the scrap rate is low, and it has great advantages in the assembly of power battery blocks.

    Traffic congestion in the provincial capital is serious, and hybrid buses have been put into use in batches many years ago.  Provincial automobile companies have also produced electric buses, but the prices are too high and the driving range is not long.  In terms of charging, the bus company has built a dedicated charging station, but more than a dozen large electric buses often crowd the area near the charging station.

    Compared with electric cars, electric buses are less eye-catching, but they use a large amount of batteries and are an important financial source. Therefore, Wesson Technology will focus on the power combination of electric buses this time.

    The sample is produced in the laboratory. This can only represent the technical level and does not represent the mass production quality.  Several automobile companies have requested another batch of formal samples to be installed on electric buses for testing to see the driving range, battery life and charging and discharging capabilities.

    ?Compared with what company leaders expected, car companies are more interested in power combinations for sedans because this segment has large sales and is more eye-catching.  After Wang Zhijie reported the hastily completed car power combination design plan to several companies, even the boss was alarmed and repeatedly asked Wesson Technology to improve the plan, saying that there would be big orders.

    "Bah, big order? Why don't we spend money on research and development for them first? We hope we will still be alive when we get the big order." He Xiuwen was furious after receiving the report from Wang Zhijie. He was very familiar with these things in the province.  Car companies often lure suppliers to lay the groundwork for them.

    When He Xiuwen chose a battery cooperation factory, he would of course think of his uncle. Li Zhuang was no different, except that Director Qi was also familiar with him. Fortunately, the two families reached an agreement and did not squeeze him out.

    Power batteries are obvious fat, and Qi Dong has 49% of the shares in the new company being registered.  As for the workshop, it was already built in August last year and is just waiting for Wesson Technology¡¯s equipment and battery technology.

    Li Zhuang felt a little dizzy when he heard the name of the company negotiated by the two bosses. It was said to be called K City Liuqi Power Battery Co., Ltd.  He has known Dong Qi for more than ten years and knows that he is a lazy person. Now it seems that Brother Liu is not very diligent either.

    "Could it be that Liu Jing's name was chosen by others? I thought highly of him." Li Zhuang speculated maliciously.

    The workshop equipment of Liuqi Power Battery Company is truly high-end. The automatic line is designed by Weisen Technology Intelligent Production Laboratory. The precision processing laboratory uses the newly built laboratory affiliated factory to produce some ultra-precision parts, which are provided by the New Energy Laboratory.  For technical support, the production control system uses the lf3 battery manufacturing expert system upgraded by Lizhuang based on the electric vehicle power combination plan.  The first batch of construction includes two automatic lines and a huge activation and volumetric testing workshop to cope with the special production process of this industry and prevent the automatic lines from waiting for time-consuming subsequent processes.

    Except for a few coordinators, the current employees are all drawn from Wesson Technology. It is a true high-tech factory, regardless of the quality of equipment or the quality of employees.

    Director Qi has been staying in K City these days, running to the workshop every day and putting aside his hobby of playing chess.  Today is the day when the finished product is produced, and he has been waiting in the workshop early.

    The factory that is too advanced is a bit weird. As He Xiuwen said, it feels like a big robot.  Qi Dong didn't care. He didn't understand and didn't want to understand. Forcing him to understand these advanced gadgets that were far away from his time would be tantamount to killing him.

    There is no one in the power battery block assembly workshop. Only robots using ultra-precision manipulators are operating. The cleanliness is very high. In the eyes of the onlookers, only the dazzling white light emitted by the laser welding equipment is visible.

    Qi Dong made a "tsk tsk" sound from his mouthLi Zhuang stood next to him and couldn't help but turned around and asked: "Dr. Qi, what's wrong?"

    "Mr. Li, forget it, let's call you Li Gong. You like this title. If you had been born ten years earlier, you probably wouldn't have had anything to do with old guys like us." The fat man sighed.

    Li Zhuang was a little dizzy and replied casually: "I'm not a god. These devices are the result of the joint efforts of countless people. Now they are just integrated together. There was no such advanced stuff ten years ago."

    Dong Qi had no interface and turned to stare at the hard-working robot in the assembly workshop.  The welding speed is very fast. After completing a small module, the inspection robot on the side takes over and starts inspecting, classifying and placing it.  The shelves on the side are slowly filled with battery blocks, and the completed small battery blocks of the same type are circulated again through the conveyor belt.  The welding robot is very busy, automatically aligning standard parts every once in a while to ensure accuracy.

    Several huge battery blocks that were assembled were finally sent out of the assembly workshop by conveyor belts. The inspectors who had been waiting at the designated location began to perform manual inspections to test capacity, safety, fast charge and discharge capabilities, and cycle life. These all take a long time.  time.

    "I don't understand, it's boring!" Li Zhuang is actually not interested in batteries. He likes power transmission and distribution and electronic electricians.  There are only two reasons for investing huge energy in this area: making money and involving the energy of robots.  From this point of view, the purpose of all laboratories is the same, to provide funds for future research and development and to expand the entire range of directions in the field of artificial intelligence to the extreme.

    After returning to the office in the Hexagon Building, Li Zhuang thought about it and opened the report sent by He Xiuwen, and thought about it to see what was wrong. It is better to seek help from others than to ask for yourself. It will always be beneficial to learn more. There are overlaps in various disciplines.

    The attachment to the report is a very detailed cooperation agreement signed by Zhou Qisen and several automobile companies.  Li Zhuang scanned it hastily and didn't pay attention.  It's a fantasy that someone as smart as Zhou Qisen would suffer a loss, and besides, He Xiuwen, a true industry expert, was on hand to give advice.

    He Xiuwen¡¯s report is not long. It mainly contains some technical explanations and the car company¡¯s evaluation of the company¡¯s samples, as well as common clich¨¦s.

    The full text is listed below:

    Electric vehicles have been very popular in recent years, and basically all major automobile companies have established relevant research departments.  Domestic automobile companies basically have no core technologies. They are lacking in precision processing, materials and design capabilities. They are overstaffed and led by laymen who are experts.  The current level of traditional power combinations, fuel engines and gearboxes is far lower than that of developed countries. The field of automatic gearboxes is almost blank. There are occasional braggadocios, but they often fail to achieve results for many years.  Many domestic manufacturers are focusing on electric vehicles, but the three major components of electric vehicles, such as batteries, power management, and motors, are all average.

    Domestic research on batteries is quite in-depth. Compared with foreign advanced levels, it is not very good. The mass production quality is average and the cost is very high. The main reason is that the uniformity is not good and problems are prone to occur when forming battery blocks.

    Our power combination solution has solved technical problems for automobile companies. Maybe they are not ready to develop independently at all and want to introduce foreign technology in the future. This is our business opportunity.

    The supercapacitor battery used in the power combination is a rare breakthrough, which is far higher than the research level of relevant domestic enterprises.  We avoided Citi's patent and developed a composite sulfate paint, which is slightly more expensive than the titanium barium salt used by Citi, but is more efficient. After the production process is improved, the cost will be significantly reduced.  We entrusted Ackermann to conduct nanoparticle processing, which can stably obtain a discharge capacity of 0.35kwh/kg, reduce the volume by a quarter, and solve the problem of heat dissipation within three months.

    Currently, the one that can be stably mass-produced is 0.35kwww.piaotia.comah/g, and the actual specific capacity is up to 160. This means that our industrial production can achieve a maximum of about 0.5kwww.piaotia.comah/g. This design needs to be solved.  There are many problems, but it has certain potential. The first discharge specific capacity of the positive electrode produced by the New Energy Laboratory is 1000mah/g.

    Combining large-capacity and relatively cheap lithium iron phosphate battery blocks with more expensive but more efficient supercapacitor batteries not only takes into account the mileage and high-current charging and discharging, but also effectively reduces costs.  This is a solution proposed by our theoretical research team after analyzing foreign designs. It has been proven in the laboratory and has good results. However, the road test results still need to be notified by the automobile company.

    The samples provided to car companies do not exceed the highest level that large companies claim in the media, and being the first to do so will only lead to trouble.  The company is currently weak and cannot withstand the pressure from numerous large enterprises and interest groups.

    The power combination solution includes lithium iron phosphate battery blocks, supercapacitor batteries, energy recovery systems, power management systems, and double-stator magnetic levitation composite rotor DC motors jointly developed by Jay Chou and the company.

      There are two technical solutions for electric buses.

    The first type, a 0.35kwh/kg lithium iron phosphate battery block, weighs about 1,000 kilograms; a 0.20kwh/kg supercapacitor battery combination weighs about 100 kilograms.  The discharge capacity of the entire battery combination is 370kwh, the power consumption per ton-kilometer is 0.032 kilowatt-hours, and the cycle life is 2,000 times.

    A 12-meter standard bus, with the support of the company's power combination, consumes about 70 kilowatt-hours of electricity per 100 kilometers under comprehensive operating conditions. It can travel 530 kilometers on a single charge, and its cycle life can fully support the scrapping of the entire vehicle.

    The second option is to reduce the cycle life. Under normal circumstances, buses are unlikely to need more than one million kilometers of driving mileage. This option is 10% cheaper.  The reason for designing a high cycle life is to maintain sufficient margin to cope with various unexpected situations.

    We currently only have one technical solution for the power combination of electric cars, which is not yet mature, but we plan to complete the development within half a year.

    This solution uses relatively high-end technology, using 0.40 lithium iron phosphate batteries and 0.35 supercapacitor batteries to match the new motor.  Taking a common A-class fuel-powered car to travel 650 kilometers on one tank of fuel as a benchmark, it consumes 12 kilowatt-hours of electricity per 100 kilometers and requires 78 kilowatt-hours of electricity.  The total mass of the power combination is about 250 kilograms, which can achieve fast charging.  The trouble is that the cabin of the car is small, the battery block is not as compact as the fuel engine, and issues such as ventilation and heat dissipation are still being addressed.  The pressure on the front suspension is too great, and the front and rear weights need to be balanced, otherwise the performance of the car will be seriously affected.

    We modified a car, and the power combination parameters of the electric car were measured at a constant speed of 100 km/h.  The dedicated charging station can charge 50% of the battery in 10 minutes, and the battery combination module can withstand high-current charging.  The time required for home use is relatively long, about 8 hours.  The wiring needs to be modified, but the amount of work is not large.  The battery block of the power combination has the same lifespan as the entire vehicle and is maintenance-free. Maintenance of high-power motors requires maintenance according to regulations.

    This kind of electric car is not cheap, it is 40% more expensive than a fuel-powered car, but it has many advantages and I think some people will buy it.  I'm going to take my time so I don't get taken advantage of by the car companies.  They have the strength and can compete with two barrels of oil, but we can't, so we'll stay back for now.

    Specific capacity and specific power have always been important indicators of batteries, but the charging current of the line is a big trouble, and some laws of physics still cannot be bypassed.  When we provide samples, we specify that these are small batch trial products from the factory, and the performance of mass production will fluctuate by 10~20%.

    The operating conditions of automobiles are complex, and power management is very important, but it is difficult to develop a relatively perfect power management system.  I am familiar with the technical level of several automobile companies in the province, but I cannot trust them. They are good at shirk responsibility, but not good at technology.  I was afraid that our good stuff would be wasted in their hands, so I developed my own power management system without having to provide them with detailed technical information.

    Complete text.

    "It's over like this? Why did He Xiuwen write the report like this? It's so confusing." Li Zhuang helplessly turned over a page, followed by a scan of the evaluation feedback from the car company's researchers.

    ? 1. Disadvantages: The main issues are charging and price. We hope that Wesen Technology will continue to improve and strive to make electric cars become mainstream as soon as possible.  In terms of price, we hope to reduce it by 20% within three years.

    2. Advantages: Wesson Technology¡¯s products have very high uniformity, long cycle life, small size, and high heat dissipation efficiency, which is no less than the most advanced foreign products.  The power management system is outstanding and I hope it can be carried forward in the power combination scheme of cars.

    "Haha, cars, everyone wants to play with cars, knowing that sales will be high and profit margins will be large. These people really like to lure people to do things for them. They keep the benefits while others bear the risks. We won't be fooled so easily." Li Zhuang said to himself.  Talk to yourself.

    Except for a few domestic automobile companies, they are eager for someone to provide a full set of technical support, so that they only need to do what they are best at, which is assembly, and then rely on policies to make some money.  As for independent intellectual property rights?  It¡¯s easy to think about it, you have to convince the leaders first.

    Li Zhuang felt a little angry when he thought about what happened this month.

    After signing cooperation agreements with several companies, they have always been ambitious, frequently tempted, and completely mixed up. Even the simplest light-hybrid start-stop system has been entrusted to this company for development. It seems that they don¡¯t need to do anything, and they also  Stingy as hell.

    "Is it still necessary for companies like yours to exist? No wonder the domestic technical level is so poor. They are all raising lazy people." Li Zhuang cursed and then picked up another report, which was about foreign automobile companies.

    Large companies pay great attention to the collection of business intelligence. Wesson Technology only sent test samples to several companies in the province last month.  Within two weeks, India's Tata and France's PSA sent their cooperation intentions to the company's business department via fax.

    Although Tata is a large group, it is not strong in automobiles and has not made much progress in recent years. PSA is okay.  Their automatic transmission doesn't work??The R&D aspect of electric vehicles has been very careful so that they only need to do the design and chassis that they are good at.

    "Well, there is room for cooperation with PSA. We have to discuss it with He Xiuwen. If it doesn't work out, we can lower the price and let them help us charge first."

    The biggest improvement during this period is not the new energy laboratory, but the combination of intelligent production laboratory and precision processing laboratory, because an alternative automatic line manufacturing plant comparable to foreign precision automatic lines has been completed and the first product has been launched to the market. Currently,  Already received orders for dozens of lines and partial advance payment.

    "It's great, it feels so good to make money!" Li Zhuang hummed a tune proudly, and was immediately interrupted by a knock on the door.

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