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Endless Sorrow Mother Earth

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    Warning again, all troops should stop reporting to me about the energy load problem of weapons!  Now we must figure out the laws of this twisted space, otherwise we will all die here!  "

    McGee ordered while paying close attention to the degree of distortion of the laser.

    "Oh? Are you starting to go berserk? It's a pity This kind of meaningless accumulation of fire can't reach us at all." Will looked indifferently at the McGee fleet that was galloping and gathering fire not far ahead and murmured  With.

    "It's almost It's almost Give me a little more time Give me a little more time" McGee began to pray in the bridge.  .

    "This this is?" Will looked at the other party in surprise as he knew it was meaningless but still kept thinking as if he understood something.  .

    The difference between life and death.  .  .  .  .  Who can go further?  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

    "Finally broke out, Mr. McGee We survived!! Ahhhhh We survived!!" A staff officer clenched and opened his hands, as if he couldn't believe it.

    "Yes, we survived, carrying the lives of the entire fleet behind us We survived, and I have never been so humiliated" McGee buried his head in his hands dejectedly.  .  .  The entire bridge fell into dead silence.  .  .  .  An oppressive silence.  .  .  .  .  .  .

    "Report the current situation truthfully to Lord Hart, give up the plan, and ask Lord Hart to retain all the current combat power and retreat Both of us have been severely hit, but in fact it is us  Lost The Federal Army has rich strategic and human resources. It won't be long before another organic corps will be established, and with all our trump cards used, our advantage will be the same the next time we face the Federal Army.  will no longer exist. So the most important thing now is to preserve our strength We can no longer afford such a defeat. Every soldier is a vital combat force Just tell Lord Hart this way.  Well As for other matters, just let Mr. Hart make his own decision I am fully responsible for the failure of this battle, although I know that I cannot afford such responsibility I  Those soldiers who died after taking responsibility will not be able to return"

    "McGee" Hart frowned as he looked at the report from McGee, ignoring the artillery fire coming towards him from the front.  "Hahahaha This kid is still alive There is hope when he is alive Brothers, retreat to the direction of the flagship, Goliath, Carlos stay and break up the rear with me." Hart said  He smiled and gave the order.

    Goliath - Hart's lover, an absolute outlier among the reformers, the leader of Hart's four generals, a delicate face with smooth black hair, and two brown eyes inlaid on his face.  The small cherry mouth under the upturned bridge of the nose shows everyone the extraordinary gentleness and beauty of this woman.  Different from other female female warriors who dress in hot clothes, she has a docile personality and wears a long white dress and meanders behind Hart, using her superb strength to protect the lover in her heart.  Among all the modified people, she is the only alien with spiritual power, so that several attempts by Will's superpower team to strangle Hart were easily resolved by her. Because of her existence, Hart  Only then can you attack and attack without worrying about defense issues on the battlefield, and become the overlord's spear on the battlefield.

    "Ah ah Do you want Ms. Goliath to participate in the retreat sniper attack? It's really okay for Sir Hart to involve his own woman in such a dangerous mission What a headache. It's more."  Someone to take care of" Carlos muttered.

    "Remember to turn off the communicator every time you speak ill of someone, Mr. Carlos." Goliath reminded softly with a smile.

    "What!? IMiss Goliath, Lord Hart, I didn't mean thatyou know" Carlos explained hurriedly.

    "Okay, Carlos, Goliath will take care of you when you go back. The whole army obeys the order. All non-mecha units have priority to retreat. The mecha units are responsible for cover and defense on the flanks and rear. Use echelon retreat. Don't be stingy with ammunition.  . This may be our last battle in the next ten years Survive, my brothers."

    After Hart gave the order, he rushed towards the federal army formation.

    "Hello, hello? Hello! Lord Hart! We are retreating and blocking, not a forceful assault!" Carlos yelled and followed Hart with full propulsion.

    "This is our leaderour god of war, our goddess, our hope" A soldier looked back with tears in his eyes as he laughed and rushed towards the federal army formation.  Three people.  .  .  .

      "Sora! Hey! Sora! What are you doing?!" The acting captain of the mecha unit, who was responsible for commanding the retreat, watched as a machine broke away from the retreat sequence and rushed towards Hart's direction.

    "II can't watch my leader sacrifice for usIf I receive the unfortunate news about Lord Hart after returning to the safe zone, I will go crazyForgive me, Captain.  "

    "You bastard You have to come back alive Everyone is strictly prohibited from making any further actions that would affect the retreat. Everyone, please move, don't let their sacrifices be lost.  Meaning!" The captain couldn't stop tears from pouring out of his eyes.


    "C¨¡o ah"

    "I'm not willing to accept it"

    The Cyborg¡¯s communication channel was in a state of excitement, but this did not affect the speed and calmness of their retreat.

    "Will's plan has been successfully implemented, but according to the report he sent back, it seems that the flagship escaped from Will's hands at the cost of serious damage, so the person responsible for the overall layout planning for Hart  " As he spoke, Albert turned to look at Richardson.

    "That's it for this time, but our basic goal has been achieved. Although the losses on our side are much more serious than those of the Cyborgs, we have severely damaged the Cyborgs. We lost one round but  However, it has gained an advantage in the overall strategy, and the meager foundation of the Cyborgs has begun to shake. In the next local war, the federal side will further gain a numerical advantage. Now every Cyborg is important to the Hart side.  It is extremely precious, otherwise Hart would not have brought people of that level to block the retreat. We would not have the power to pursue Even if we left them with information transmission facilities  Mike still hasn't come. It seems that we have misjudged the cautious Locke's influence on Mike. If the Poseidon Legion only comes with two battleshipsWith their strength, if they participate in the war  We wouldn't have watched Hart's side retreat but not be able to launch a pursuit" Richardson shook his head regretfully.

    "Can't we keep Hart and his escorts here?" Albert watched Hart rushing around on the battlefield like a god, and there was no one to join the federal troops who wanted to participate in the pursuit.  Break up easily.

    "It's impossible. If it was Will in his heyday, and with the cooperation of our fleet and mecha troops, it might be possible. But with the current combat power, we can only watch Hart act mischievously for a while before letting him go.  "

    Albert shrugged his eyebrows: "Is it just possible? Is he so strong?"

    "There is no doubt that he is beyond conventional combat power. This kind of person can single-handedly reverse the situation of the battle regardless of the opponent's numbers If Will does not exist, even whether we can go back will be affected.  It¡¯s a problem. Give up How to deal with the post-war aftermath is now the most serious problem"

    "There is no order from the military department The losses are still so serious It is true that the problem is not easy to solve" Albert sternly looked at Hart who began to retreat and murmured in confusion.  .  .  .  .  .

    "Richardson's department is now returning home. According to the loss data he provided, more than 80% of all participating troops were lost. Only three of the eight Dragon King-class warships under his command were able to return home normally. Above." The intelligence officer closed his hand.  The folder saluted Cole and closed the door.

    "Such a serious loss These two guys Huh. The purpose of their attack must be to fight to the death with Hart, but even the Solas Legion cannot do it. Judging from the conventional configuration of their troops  , this is basically going to die. And those two people are not idiots, so in other words, since they went out to fight without obeying orders, they must have a plan that they think is perfect. Judging from the current battle damage rate, this time  The losing side of the war will definitely not be the Hart side, which means that their plan has a low chance of success Civilians really shouldn't cross over to command the army. I saw their command in the lunar base battle.  I thought they were excellent commanders with a commanding command, but it seems I was wrong Locke and the others' opinions on how to deal with it have not been conveyed to me, so they must also be having a headache Take a look.  Let¡¯s talk about their attitude" Cole stood in front of the window and looked into the distance and pondered.  .  .

    "When was this report delivered to you?" Locke asked the intelligence officer gently.

    "Based on the arrival time of this information, excluding the interference of transmission time, this text-based battle report was sent out an hour ago."

    ¡°So, apart from our military and the head of state, is there anyone else who will take over?What about receiving this battle report?  "

    "This This is unknown, Your Excellency. We will track the whereabouts of the intelligence next time."

    "Haha, I'm just asking, don't mind. You did a good job, go down. Also, ask Commander Mike to come to my place."

    "Yes, Your Excellency."

    "Judging from this text-based battle report, the loss of this level against the Cyborg Legion is expected. It is already a success to have people who come back alive. This kind of battle loss rate is definitely in line with the main force of the Cyborgs.  They fought with all their strength, and the Cyborg side must have shown their best. The key point is how much the Cyborgs lost after this war. And in a frontal battlefield confrontation, with this kind of combat power, it is possible to entangle the Cyborgs.  To what extent will the fight go, and to what extent this battle damage rate can restrain the opponent's high-end characters I can't really tell from the text-based things now I need more things  If I take any action against them now, the F¨¹hrer will definitely suppress me After all, the right to issue military orders belongs to them, not me Cole will definitely be watching me from behind.  Shit, now you must use the microphone to lead the charge for me"

    "Didn't Locke tell you why he asked me to come over?"

    The intelligence officer looked embarrassed: "Mr. Locke didn't explain the reason to me, but according to my guess, it must be related to the incident of Richardson's Corps."

    "I know, I will reply to him."

    Locke, the old fox.  .  .  .  Although I received Richardson's messages in advance, I did not follow up on their messages.  So whether I follow up or not, my responsibility cannot be shied away from.  .  There's no way Locke would be held accountable for something like this.  .  .  .  In other words, he is going to take action.  He was the one who had agreed in advance not to move under any circumstances.  .  .  .  The high battle loss rate of Richardson's Corps is normal both emotionally and logically.  Locke must be trying to understand the situation of the reformed people.  .  .  .  And the purpose of calling me over must be to help him stand out.  .  .  .  .  This is what must be done.  .  .  .  .

    Mike took a picture of the communicator: "Locke?"

    ¡°It¡¯s me, come here, I need your help with something.¡±

    "Is it about the Richardson Corps?"

    "Yes, but it is always unsafe to use this method of communication. Come and find me."

    "No need, I can probably guess what you want to do. I'll go over there right away. Just wait for my news."

    Well?  .  .  .  .  .  hehe.  This guy has made some progress.  .  .  .  Locke touched his chin.

    "Okay. Then be careful not to let too many people know about your contact."

    Locke knew that with the strength of Cao Mo¡¯s intelligence team, nothing could be hidden from them, so he just reminded Mike to pay attention to intelligence officers from other forces.

    "This is no different from the annihilation of the entire army." Solas threw the information in his hand on the table.

    This old man will never die.  .  .  .  .  .  I still remember the incident about the lunar base.  .  .

    Zhao Xu, the president of Huihuang Group, frowned as he looked at the information lying on the table. "I don't think this document is a final report. This report does not mention any achievements at all, only mentions  Isn't it strange that the battle damage rate has been reduced? This report must be just for questioning. When the federal side has doubts about this document, then the issue of their culpability will definitely be delayed. What they need is definitely this delay.  The time it brings gives you the opportunity to work on your relationships.¡±

    Solas glanced at Zhao Xu with a slight sigh of disdain and said in a voice like scraping copper and tearing iron: "Don't I know these? I have already considered these issues. But think about it, these two people  In terms of connections, the two of them have only just joined the work, and they are not professional soldiers. They are civilians! And their connections in the military are rarely limited to their subordinates. Without upper-level connections, where would they get the time even if they had it?  Use personal connections to operate. This is a complete failure! Seeing the successive failures in the war against the modified humans, the two young boys attacked with enthusiasm and anger and were easily defeated by the other party! This is the context of the whole thing. Young people  , we need to think more about practical issues before we can see further.¡±

    "I've learned a lesson" Zhao Xu lowered his head slightly, hiding the disdain in his eyes, and seemed to turn a blind eye to the smug Solas opposite him.

    ¡°I don¡¯t know what the consequences will be if this report is submitted.¡± Richardson seemed worried.

    ¡°Whether it is the federal side, the military, or the elite, they must now know that our current report is to delay time.So that I can have time to work on my relationship after I go back.  This is a conspiracy. Even though we know that the other party can fully understand our purpose, they can't do anything to us.  Because we have what they need in our hands, that is, how much combat power the Cyborgs have left after several battles.  How much military strength did the reformers lose when they almost broke up our organization?  Throughout the entire battle, how much influence could the Harts, who possessed the ultimate strength, have on the regular federal army.  There is also the question of what kind of situation the person hiding behind Hart who is planning for him can lead the battle to through his own layout.  These are things they care about.  And now that we have mastered this, we are taking the initiative. What we must do now is to gather together the remaining data on each ship and destroy them centrally, infinitely amplifying the importance of the data in our hands, and when we are singled out  Unify the caliber before separation.  This laid the foundation for a battle that seemed like a failure but was actually a great victory.  Only in this way can we have enough capital to face future inquiries.  Our punishment will not be too severe.  "Albert analyzed the current situation calmly. The situation that seemed to be densely covered with fog gradually became clearer.

    "So?" Richardson was still worried and continued to ask.

    "So, the information in our hands is now crucial to any political force in the Federation. Moreover, this is just the battle report of our battle with Hart on the frontal battlefield. We also have an ace in the ace.  The ace, that is, the ace in the hands of Will that severely damaged the main battleship sequence in the rear of the Cyborg. The seriousness of the federal punishment for this kind of war that completely violates military rules can be fully reflected from the existing military regulations. If we did not have Will's battle report  If so, they can only be criminals who provide data to federal parties. But if this information is valued by the highest decision-making level, the opinions on our handling will be very serious on the surface, but it will never hurt our muscles.  Move your bones, although our tactical plan was not completely successfully implemented, we have severely damaged the foundation of transforming people after all. Our value will gradually be reflected as they become curious about our tactical arrangements. In this way, no matter what the situation  Now, the initiative is in our hands. Moreover, compared with the head of state who attaches great importance to the political significance of this incident, the military that pays attention to the war situation and the clans that pay attention to practical interests are the key points that should be fought for. The military  The party discovered the bright spot of this battle, and the clan members showed the actual vested interests of the Mercury peripheral material transportation channel opened through this war, influencing the head of state who made the final decision, forcing them not to kill us."

    "Huh, no matter who is your opponent, I'm afraid they won't be able to sleep. I finally know what it means to have both sides. You simply took this word to the extreme" Hearing Albert's precise and unique words  Analyzing, Richardson breathed a sigh of relief.

    "But this is not the end. The biggest unstable factor in our plan will also be buried, which is the tangled relationship between the military and the clan, which directly led to the final result of this battle. If Mike can  If we send troops to follow up according to the message we sent, against all opinions, then in the battle of transforming people, in addition to those super-level powers, it can be said that the effect of a full battle can be achieved. The clan will be irreversibly defeated  The military is dissatisfied. After all, any individual with extraordinary personal strength is a potential destabilizing factor that directly affects their interests. The military will be at odds with the clan because of the clan's constraints on the military's decision-making.  The best effect is for the military and the elite to seem inseparable. As the head of state standing at the top of the political field, the feedback they receive from having the most powerful intelligence system will directly lead to dissatisfaction with the military and the elite. The three parties  A delicate balance will be maintained under an extremely delicate balance, and neither party will make any big moves. In this way, from a political perspective, the water has been completely muddied, and whoever dares to enter the water will be  Will be drowned. The leaders of these three parties are all mature figures, and they are certainly not idiots. So when this delicate balanced relationship begins to form, that is when we are completely free. At that time, no matter in  The height we can stand in the future, our political choices, and the impact on the military will reach an unprecedented height. The Federation has been at an absolute disadvantage and disadvantage in the war against transformed humans for a long time.  No matter how obvious the numerical advantage is, in the face of the reformers who come and go like the wind, their leaders are tyrannical, and their intelligence is superb, every battle is a black mark on the military record of the Federation. The low morale continues.  This has caused headaches for the military and the other two parties, especially the defeat of Solas's private group this time, which proves that even the most elite troops in the Federation are difficult to survive against the Cyborgs. The Federation needs a battle now.  Victory boosts morale. Every federal soldier hopes that a hero will appear. Even if this hero is not by his side, as long as he is in the same camp, he willInspire them with unparalleled courage.  We have taken the initiative, and I think we will be made into heroes who fight against the modified people by the joint efforts of the three parties.  All our troops will benefit greatly from participating in this campaign.  Then our subordinates will not take the defeat of this battle too seriously, but will thank us for leading them into this war, and they will become more loyal to us.  We can gain the morale of the military and the people from the bottom up.  The three major forces attach more and more importance to our importance.  "Albert's detailed explanation with burning eyes left Richardson stunned.

    "Youare you Albert? Are you Albert?"


    "Are you really Albert?" Richardson looked at the confident Albert and was surprised. It was only today that he discovered that this man has such a keen sense of politics, such an outstanding grasp of people's hearts, and his understanding of the situation.  The mastery is so transcendent.  When the seemingly unrelated little strategies are connected in series, a large network is formed that includes the reformers, the head of state, the military, the clans, the lower-level soldiers, the ordinary people and themselves, surrounding  At the center of the whole conspiracy, he seemed to be doing nothing but a trivial matter like killing a fly.  Unexpectedly, this childhood friend who peeed and muddled with him in front of him had grown into a giant who could influence the direction of the world under the experience of war and death.
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