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Endless sadness that falls

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    "Sixty percent." Mikey still smiled brightly.

    "I'll ask you one last time, what's the percentage?" Hart began to bite his back molars.

    "Fifty percent. This time it's a real number."

    "Fifty percent?!"

    "Yes, 50%! There is no perfect layout in this world. Any layout is just a competition of wisdom when the strength is similar. 50% is already worth our risk. If the plan can succeed, we will have a bright future.  Yes. Trust me."

    "You said the same thing last time." Hart said with veins on his face.

    "Your Excellency, alas I understand that you feel sorry for your soldiers, but without mercy, your soldiers must sacrifice 50% again to achieve your goal. Any gain must be at the same cost. This shallow

    You obviously understand the obvious truth.  Do you think your soldiers have ever complained? Just for their awareness, I will do my best to let their robes continue their ideals. Their deaths are necessary and valuable.  federal

    It¡¯s too huge, and with the five gates, we really don¡¯t have an equal opportunity to talk to them.  You must be patient now"

    "Huh" Hart exhaled a long breath and said indifferently, "I knowdon'tlet them down"

    "I swear on my life!"

    "Swear on your life?" Hart's narrow eyes shined with unprecedented light, and his entire body shook with powerful momentum as he stared at the rarely serious young man in front of him.

    "Yes, I swear on my life!" McGee replied without giving up!

    "Based on the current political environment of the Federation, Mercury, which needs a lot of supplies, will definitely not receive federal funding for the time being, so what they need most now is living resources. Mercury, which has not yet opened its jumping point, will definitely

    There are various resource shortages. Without the federal distribution, these materials will definitely fall on the Brilliance family and the House family.  The supernatural troops of Solas Legion will definitely not escort the team, and there is a possibility that the Federation will be included in the team.

    Army.  If calculated based on this force ratio, the battle will be easier. We will deploy four-fifths of all our forces here as the main combat force.  "McGee drew a picture on the holographic map for Hart.

    A range.

    "Based on the analysis just now, their main force must be deployed here, so how to attack it is a headache. There are many types of space garbage of different sizes, and this is not conducive to the formation of the team. The opponent can advance, attack, retreat or defend. It must be  Tell them to take the initiative and then cut off their retreat and annihilate them." Albert also drew a range for Richardson on the holographic map.

    "But I have been thinking about another issue. If I can think of this, then I think others can also think of this. "Military God" and "Poseidon" are not idiots. There may even be people within the Federation who can.

    Understand our tactical intentions.  So I have a second plan here, which is a second response plan when the enemy is prepared or even laid out in advance.  "McGee took out a piece of information from his arms and handed it to Hart.

    "I have been thinking about an issue. Although their tactical intentions are secretive, they are not undetectable. The various clues may have been laid out in advance to confuse our tactics. So here I am

    There is also a second plan, which is the second response plan when the cyborgs raid in advance or even disappear.  "Albert took out a folder from behind and handed it to Richardson.

    Hart frowned and played with the strange stones in his hand.

    Richardson smiled and tapped the table.

    The eyes of both of them burst out with a fascinating light at the same time!

    ¡°That¡¯s it!¡±

    "Are those supplies ready? We must ensure the quality. After all, Mercury is our springboard." Zhao Xu, a man with white hair, looked kindly at his son Zhao Xiang in front of him.

    "Yes, father. The construction materials and steel, as well as lighting and energy circulation devices are all ready." Zhao Xiang replied, holding up his glasses.

    ¡°Then, you go contact House and Solas and ask them to take a look at the situation and book a departure time. Don¡¯t be too anxious and put stability first.¡±

    "Yes, father."

    "Well, let's go down."

    "I'm completely ready. I'm just waiting for news from Solas. You can transport the things to the airport first. When they are ready, Solas' people will be responsible for receiving them."  House hung up the phone and bit Zhao Xiang's chocolate.

    This guy Solas is so slow

    Thoras scratched his head looking at the incomplete corps, losing contact.?The resources required to fund nearly two months of Mercury needs are unprecedented.  Dais, the new commander of Solas Legion, contacted him several times to request additional troops, but he did not have any troops at hand that he could use.

    Looking at such a huge fleet, Solas could only bite the bullet and contact Locke.

    ¡°My friend Solas, you single-handedly pushed yourself into this situation without being punished, or I and other families jointly shared the responsibility for you. I myself have just sent a superpower brigade and a legion.

    Mike and I both have no troops to send.  The only soldiers I can use now are the small elite team responsible for my personal security, but such a huge fleet is simply not enough.  I suggest you contact Cao Moxian

    Sir, ask him to reveal your current predicament to His Excellency the Head of State a little bit, so that you may gain the support of His Excellency the Head of State.  After all, the Federation also attaches great importance to the development of Mercury. As for the source of troops, you can safely go to Mike¡¯s boss.

    Friend Belnos, all the legions that I had dispersed were reorganized under his command.  But the premise is that you must tactfully let the Head of State know your actual situation through Lord Cao Mo.  In this way, the head of state will not be direct to you

    I approached Bernos with suspicion.  "Although Locke didn't agree, he finally gave him a solution.

    "But for such a big thing, it will take a long time just to arrange it" Solas began to have a headache.

    Locke smiled elegantly and said, "There is nothing we can do about it. After all, if there are any unplanned actions now, the position of the Head of State will be very difficult."

    ¡°Old fox¡­this guy Locke¡­

    "I know, then I will contact Mr. Cao Mo."

    "Looking forward to your success."

    "Hey, you!" Solas waved to the guard.

    "Yes, sir, what are your orders?"

    "You can summarize the situation just now and report it to Mr. Zhao Xu and Mr. House, and then help me ask Mr. Cao Mo and tell him that I have something I want to ask for his help."

    "Yes, sir."

    "Boys." Richardson adjusted his collar while facing the camera. "Many of you received orders before just to fight against the Cyborgs. Today will be the day when you are going to attack. I will tell you the meaning of this battle.

    They.  The military, as a state machine that extends politics, has witnessed many ruthless struggles for power, inexplicable changes in leaders, and ugly political deals in the federal environment.  Since the emergence of the Cyborgs, the federal army has faced the Cyborgs

    There was no victory in the battle.  But today, you are not going out for political deals, for high-level power grabs, or for some fucking bullshit justice. Today, you will go out only for yourself, for your identity and honor as soldiers.

    Fight with the Cyborg.  And I don¡¯t know how many people will not be able to come back here tomorrow, but those who survive until tomorrow, you will prove your honor and your strength, and tomorrow you will become heroes that the entire federation looks up to!  Today, you

    Will only pursue victory!  Today, victory will belong only to you!  "

    "Fight for victory!!" The crowd was excited!  !  !

    "I know you hate me, and I don't like you either." Mikey combed his hair and smiled slightly, "Today, half of you will not be able to come back here, and I will no longer command you today, and will return tomorrow.  this

    The people inside will be free forever.  The Federation will be horrified by your combat power. That old guy Cole will jump up and throw the battle reports in the faces of the generals. Zhao Xu and House will huddle in their legs and cry.

    Weeping, General Felix will be there to greet you with a smile!  After today, everything will belong to you and only you!  !  !  You have the right to live!  !  !  !  !  "

    "Fight for survival!!" It was solemn and solemn!  !  !

    Hart leads the way!

    Richardson waves to start the army!

    "Set off!"

    "For victory!"

    "For survival!"

    ¡°It¡¯s such a difficult collar to get, I hate clothes like this.¡± Richardson loosened his collar and shook his head awkwardly, walked over to Albert, and looked at the march route and response plan solemnly.

    "It's not until today that I understand why Felicien is a handsome man while many other generals can only be called generals." Richardson sighed.

    "What?" Albert looked up at Richardson in confusion.

    "As a general, you have to take orders and lead the army to fight, but as a commander, you have to issue orders, choose strategies and make decisions. It's difficult"

    "Huh, talking with a straight face really doesn't suit me.""McGee scratched his head and played a hometown tune as he walked to Hart's side, his eyes looking like crescent moons at the ambush location and special measures.

    "It's not until today that I understand why Locke is the God of War while many other generals are just generals." McGee smiled even brighter.

    Hart frowned.

    "Locke has a perfect plan. He has all the tactical, strategic and political influences under his control, while others are just pawns, like gods"

    "Legion Commander! It's not good, it's not good!!" The guard burst into Mike's command room with an anxious look on his face.

    "Huh?" Locke motioned for him to speak slowly.

    "Your Excellency Richardson and Mr. Albert gathered their legions and started to march!!"

    "What!!" Mike jumped up from his chair at that time.

    "Watch your image, you are the legion commander" Locke frowned dissatisfied.

    "Fuck, what kind of image do you need at this time?" Mike Hu roared and turned to the guard, "When did he start the army?"

    "Two hours ago."

    "You fucking idiots, it took us two hours to let us know. Now the initiative is all in the hands of others!"

    "It's useless for you to yell at him. Now we should focus on why Richardson led the army out." Locke shook the wine glass that never left his hand.

    "Who am I going to ask when Cao Mo is gone? Fucking bullshit, fuck, if you had called me before they left the port, I would have been able to choke them with just one brigade."

    "It's not you who should be anxious now, but me, right? Your sense of role is too strong." Locke teased the frustrated Mike with an elegant smile.

    "What do you think we should do? This is obviously a Felicius II." Mike turned to the guard and asked: "What kind of weapons did they carry when they started the army?"

    "According to eyewitness testimony, the exteriors of Lord Richardson's legion battleships are all painted in the style of Solas Logistics Company, and the weapons they carry also meet the specifications of the Commercial Guard."


    "Haha, it's interesting. This little guy Richardson has such a big appetite." Locke looked at the confused Mike and laughed.

    "What? It would be too shabby to usher in an era with such a weapon. What is this guy's intention?"

    "The little guy Richardson still underestimates the battlefield. Who can be deceived by such a trick that a discerning person can see through at a glance? Even if it attracts Hart to successfully fight with such equipment, the chance of winning is not high. And he  The quality of the legion¡¯s soldiers is not high, and the issue of morale will be the first difficulty he faces.¡±

    "you mean?"

    "That's right, Richardson, I don't think he is a person stupid enough to leave such a big loophole for others. He has a backup plan. He is attracting Hart to play!"

    "What if" Mike's eyes lit up.

    "No ifs!" Locke stood up and gave a rare low shout, "Don't forget the current political environment. If you send troops without orders, your Poseidon Legion will not have your surname! Only the head of state can keep an eye on you at all times.  I have the military power in your hands!"

    Mike laughed awkwardly.

    He still underestimates me You won't always be the God of War.  Locke

    "The traveling route is in normal condition. No information from the Federation has been received since departure from the airport. The space garbage in front has been cleaned up. All systems are running well, and the combatants are already on standby in the mecha."

    Albert, who was listening to the report in the bridge, tapped his forehead, "The combat plan is ready to enter the first phase after the jump is completed. All combatants should pay attention to their assigned tasks and do not make any unplanned plans. This is a war."  I

    We don¡¯t need heroes, but victory.  "

    "Yes! Your Excellency"

    ¡°We will enter the ambush site in half an hour. The overall situation in the area is stable and all personnel are ready at any time.
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