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    Feilance's body lay quietly in the coffin, surrounded by all the reformers, including Hart.  Feiliansi is not only a great commander in transforming people, he is also a guide like a prophet and a big brother like a loving father.  His death not only caused the reformers to lose their guide, but also caused them to lose their spiritual support.

    The furious Hart came out on top at the new leader selection meeting.  With extraordinary strength, tough style, and decisive methods, the Cyborg Legion with infinite sorrow has become a sad soldier that everyone is afraid of under the leadership of the new leader Hart.

    Richardson and Albert did not believe that the newly appointed commander of the Cyborgs was resourceful enough to extend Felicien's plan, nor did he have the ability to suppress the various contradictions within the Cyborgs.  The right time, the right place, and the right people seemed to have decided for the first time to rally to the federal side.  With Albert's approval, Richardson ordered all his federal army battle order soldiers to attack the space fortress.

    Unexpectedly, the federal army stepped into the battle domain slowly with pride and arrogance. Hart, who was holding back, ordered all the reformers to leave the fortress, and two of the fortresses directly started the self-destruction program.  In the next step, Hart gave full play to the characteristics of the mourning soldier and put himself and his army on the defensive in order to survive. He ignored the federal army that had already begun to move behind and led the Cyborg Corps to drive the only fortress and attack the lunar base.  !

    Richardson and Albert were shocked when they saw this situation, but the battle situation has now affected the whole body. It is impossible to stop it by force. All the battle sequences are thrown into the invasion.  At this time, the federal army was helpless in the face of the two fortresses that were gradually approaching the earth's gravitational circle. The firepower on the defensive warships was not enough to destroy the two natural disasters.  After a calm analysis, Richardson concluded that the matter was not feasible, and immediately ordered all repair and defense ships to abandon their burdens and restrict personnel, use the steel cables towing the battleships to drag the two crumbling space fortresses, and called on the troops involved in the battle to pursue them with all their strength.  Kill the current leader of the Cyborgs. This person is too terrifying and inhumane. This person's tactics and strategies will not only lead himself but also the enemy into the abyss of destruction.

    Ignoring the federal troops following behind, Hart ordered all the Cyborg Corps to assemble outside the defensive perimeter of the lunar base.  Several anxious federal army frontline commanders hurriedly hurried, only to find that when they arrived at the lunar base, the entire lunar base seemed to be facing a powerful enemy but was safe and sound. When Seth's weak message was transmitted to the federal army, it only said two words.  Words: "Run away!"

    The officer who didn¡¯t know what was happening was caught off guard by the army of Cyborgs that suddenly appeared behind him before he could recover.  Hart rushed to the lunar base just to mobilize the defense line of the impregnable federal army. Richardson, who easily dispatched troops, did not understand that Hart's relatives were ambushing the lunar base on the other side of the moon, hiding on the dark side of the moon.  The legion and Feiliansi's private legion began to perform a textbook-like tutorial on encirclement and support.

    The commander whose attention was all drawn to the space fortress was already too late to withdraw his troops. Faced with the various units that were divided and scattered, no one could unify them to implement effective resistance.  Compared to ordinary human soldiers, the Cyborgs are like using tanks to crush infantry, leaving no trace of armor behind.

    The commander was still in panic, not to mention the soldiers. Twenty-three Dragon King-class battleships and five Angel-class battleships only managed to escape, with three Dragon King-class and two Angel-class battleships returning. The soldiers on the returning battleships were too frightened and dispersed the federal army.  The defensive front caused a vicious incident in which two ships collided.  Hart's eyes were vicious and he immediately returned his troops to attack the federal army's gap.  Albert and Richardson knew very well what Hart was thinking at this time. If they did not take the initiative to defend themselves, then Hart would really go straight to Huanglong. If they were to shrink their defense lines in order to protect the warships holding the two space fortresses,  If they retreat, then Hart will definitely turn around and attack the lunar base.  Faced with Hart's conspiracy, Richardson had no choice but to retreat and chose to keep the earth, voluntarily giving up the lunar base.

    When Hart saw Richardson's army retreating, he smiled coldly, waved his sword, turned around and headed straight for the lunar base.  The Cyborgs used the lives of 5,000 elite soldiers to achieve the first major victory after Cockroach's death in an offensive method regardless of casualties. All the defensive measures in the lunar base were completely dismantled, and Seth left 3,000 soldiers to fight.  Withdrawing to block the attack, the remaining 10,000 wounded soldiers quit the lunar base and defected to the "Military Gods" Locke and Mike who were far away on Mercury.  After Hart won the victory, he ordered the soldiers to transfer strategic supplies and rushed to the earth without stopping. Richardson and Albert were ordered to fight. At this time, the strategy was completely ineffective. The competition between the two camps was dominated by the Federation.  The army was completely defeated.  The victorious Hart turned around without stopping and rushed back to the lunar base to loot commercial and military supplies. After being interfered by the powerful magnetic field of the dark side of the moon, he completely disappeared from the federal army's sight.

    At this time, Richardson and Albert were not upset. Although almost all their army formations were disbanded, this failure forced them to use their ownHis eyes understand what war is, he uses his brain to think about how to win the war, and he uses his body and mind to experience the infinite cruelty of war.  What the two need to think about most now is not where Hart is or how to pursue him, but how to solve the two time bombs hanging on the edge of the earth's gravitational circle. The almost irreversible self-destruction process has brought huge challenges to the two of them.  trouble.  If left unchecked, the earth will be destroyed. If these two large iron blocks are to be disposed of, they may become cosmic dust.

    After several rounds of altercations, Albert proposed that instead of using the impossible plan of dragging out of the gravitational circle, he should take a gamble and directly self-destruct in outer space. After Richardson refused, he came up with a brilliant idea and immediately called the earth.  Send engineers directly to carry out artificial segmentation in outer space and break these fortresses into several small parts, so that ground defense measures can be capable of intercepting them after they fall into the atmosphere.

    Although the Earth side wanted to disagree, this was indeed the only way out of all options. The Federal Army, who had no choice but to agree to Richardson's plan, heard that "Military God" Locke had come out before his engineers could even go to heaven.  information.  For the first time, the federal government, which is in the midst of a troubled period, has received support from high-ranking officials who have been behind the scenes during the turmoil.

    Less than a week after the news came out, the five behemoths hidden behind the Federation finally slowly emerged: the military leader Locke family, the energy industry Chart family, the leader of handicraft manufacturing industry Brilliant Group, the raw material and rare resource merchant House Chamber of Commerce, and the logistics company.  Shang Solas and others.

    As soon as the Five Gates were born, the people clamored that the reformers must be wiped out. Richardson and Albert, who were not interested in this, scoffed at this idea.  Little did he know that in the darkness behind him, Hart's eyes also turned blood red with the birth of the family.  .  .  Hot blood red.

    {PiaoTian Literature thanks all book friends for their support. Your support is our greatest motivation}
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