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Volume 3 Returning Home Chapter 553 The decisive battle is approaching

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    Du Fei personally sent his parents to the ark, and seriously asked Illya to protect the two elders.

    The boss and his relatives also boarded the same ark. Each ark was protected by a small number of awakened people. The ark made with current technology has no problem resisting this crustal movement.

    Europe began to sink, and the idiots who originally cried for their fathers and cursed at their mothers and denounced the inhumanity of the awakened vampires began to cry for their fathers and mothers again, and cursed at no one to transport them away.

    Part of the federal forces and awakened people stayed in the base city. Those military spacecraft and aircraft were surrounded by some difficult people who were unwilling to leave, protesting that they asked these military aircraft spacecraft to plant them.

    The earth is constantly shaking, and a cave-in crack may appear under your feet at any time, swallowing up everyone around you.  It is even difficult for airplanes to take off. In places where the earth's crust is relatively thin, magma gushes out of the ground and even forms volcanic eruptions.

    Those who were originally proud of the Federation, swore not to follow the arrangements of the blood clan, and were so noble that they looked down on Australia, a place where birds do not shit.  Now the wails of this group of proud nobles have spread across the entire European continent. They are as embarrassed as bereaved dogs, begging for someone to transport them to Australia, rushing to squeeze into the transport ship, and selling their children and daughters for a ticket.  There are many people selling wives.

    Just like the computer simulation, the European continent is slowly sinking, and faults are squeezing the African continent to the south.  The African continent began to drift southward, rotating slightly counterclockwise.

    Under the joint squeeze of Antarctica and Africa, the seafloor of the Atlantic Plate is undergoing drastic changes. In some places, the altitude is rising, in some places the stratigraphic folds are sinking, and in some places magma eruptions are occurring.  Magma meets seawater and forms new layers of rock.

    The tsunami formed, first sweeping across the land around the Atlantic Ocean, and then spreading around the world. The intensity of the tsunami gradually became lower, and the inland areas of other continental plates were not hit by the huge waves.

    Everyone knows that something big has happened to the earth.  The scene that some believe to be the real 2012 movie arrives.  Some people also know that Europe was sunk artificially.

    On the European continent, those who were originally unwilling to leave also piled onto the spaceship in embarrassment and left the Federation to fly to Australia. In just one day, the migration efficiency was much better than before. Those low-level awakened people obediently migrated to Australia.  Migrants on the Australian continent.  Hiding in the newly built earthquake-proof building, shivering and enduring the pain of the earth.

    The pain of the earth continues, and the federal troops have all moved to Australia very efficiently and re-established military bases.

    The real plan for the decisive battle has been sent to the leaders of the major military forces. There are still ten days before the decisive battle. There are only ten days of preparation time. This is a decisive battle.  A battle that determines the fate of mankind.

    Anyone who is not an army leader with only flour and water in his head can see the importance of this decisive battle, because if humans lose, then the remaining human forces will no longer have the possibility of survival.

    Therefore, every army knows that it must participate in the war, but the specific amount of effort is unknown.

    Therefore, Yan Dingtian divided the southern Atlantic area into several areas, marked each army's combat zone, and determined the range of the combat zone after high-level debate.  By the time.  Each army force deals with the Pandora monster in one area.  If there is any slack, they will be subject to military court arbitration after the war.

    This can also give full play to the personal abilities of these army commanders. After all, they have been in the apocalypse for so long.  Even if he had not actually commanded an army in combat before the end of the world, he would have experienced hundreds of battles by this time in the end of the world.

    Zeratul has been hiding in the swirling clouds, and he has naturally seen the changes in the earth's crust. By observing the data, analyzing and modeling, he easily came to the conclusion that the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean will become land.

    Zeratul naturally surmised what humans wanted to do, and could already imagine the consequences of the southern Atlantic being exposed.

    The decisive battle, the real decisive battle.  He wanted to destroy mankind immediately, but after Du Fei evolved to level 9, he had clearly sent out a warning signal.  This is a deterrent signal from a powerful creature.  If an attack on humans is launched at this time, the results will appear in advance.  If Du Fei loses, humans will be attacked by Pandora creatures and the Protoss Mothership.  If Dufy wins, the result will be exactly the opposite.

    Zeratul had no doubt that as long as the swirling clouds started to move, Du Fei would break into the Protoss Mothership again.

    Zeratul immediately made a decision.  He took control of the Brain Tree and immediately asked the Brain Tree to give the command to corrupt the giant tree and start gathering energy.

    Du Fei is not yet absolutely sure of defeating Zeratul, but according to the plan, humanity has a high chance of winning. As long as his mission is to hold off the protoss mothership and prevent it from attacking the human army, it will be a success.

    According to Yan Dingtian¡¯s calculation,?Whenever Zeratul appears, there will be a leap in technology, whether it is biotechnology or energy technology.  He also advised Du Fei not to act rashly. As a person who grasps the overall situation of the war, as long as he has a clear mind, he will not put the victory or defeat on one person.

    According to Yan Dingtian¡¯s calculations, as long as Du Fei can hold back the Star Spirit Mothership, with the current human power, there will be more than 60% victory.  A winning rate of more than half is enough to make this a reality.

    Du Fei has been working on his level 9 clinker ability and the mutated reincarnation eye, hoping to be in the best condition to face the decisive battle.

    As time goes by, the southern Atlantic plate is getting higher and higher under the squeeze of the two continents, and some shallow sea areas have emerged from the sea.

    At the same time, under the command of Naoshu, more than two thousand corrupted giant trees gathered together began to overlap to form a corrupted giant tree mountain. A steady stream of energy gathered from each corrupted giant tree, condensing  Go to the corrupted giant tree in the center.  The majestic energy emits waves of fluctuations, and those with awakened perceptions on the other side of the earth can feel these violent energy fluctuations.

    Yan Dingtian also detected this energy fluctuation and knew that Zeratul had begun to implement his true purpose. However, the number of corrupted giant trees did not reach 3,000, so opening the star gate should not be enough.

    The answer has been basically confirmed. What Zeratul wants is an Argus Crystal to restore his victorious state and create a more powerful and complete protoss mothership, or for other purposes.

    With this result, the star gate cannot be opened, the protoss group has not been transmitted, and the self-destruction gene chain of the Pandora creature will not take effect.  Just like the previous speculation, Zeratul cannot be trusted.

    The fact is also obvious. In order to obtain the Argus Crystal, Zeratul even ignored the protoss people on Kepler 22b. For such a life, how could he be asked to be gentle on humans?

    The atmosphere of the approaching war is getting more and more tense. Every awakened person and soldier who needs to participate in the war is training as hard as possible, training in the pain of the earth.

    The shaking of the earth's crust continues, and the boss and the others are still training.

    With five days left before the decisive battle, Yan Dingtian contacted Du Fei to discuss important matters.  .  .  )

    {PiaoTian Literature thanks all book friends for their support. Your support is our greatest motivation}
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