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Volume 3 Returning Home Chapter 477 Split

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    When Du Fei arrived at the military headquarters, the institute's analysis of the technical data on the crystal core force field had been completed, but it was all icon data, and Du Fei was not interested.

    Du Fei is only interested in the deeper secrets of the crystal core force field, so he is waiting for Yan Dingtian¡¯s conclusion.

    Due to his past life experience, Du Fei knew some information about Xingchen's force. Of course, it was not a secret, but superficial information.  But based on that information, Star Force should have many secrets.

    First of all, the style of technology is very different from other human technologies. Take the spaceship of the blond man Ronald a few days ago. The spaceship is generally light yellow, with blue crystal machinery everywhere, and the style is very elegant.  The appearance of various Spitfire-propelled spacecraft is very different from the metallic luster shells that normal people imagine, and their shapes do not conform to the design structure of reducing radar reflection.

    What¡¯s even weirder is that the Star Force was split from the Freemasonry, and behind it was the Rothschild family.  Since it was split from the Freemasons, it should have a lot in common with the Freemasons in terms of technology.  However, the star force's crystal core force field, anti-gravity technology, and warp jump technology will appear in a few years.  Not only does it not exist in Freemasonry, it is even beyond the cognition of all technology geeks.

    Therefore, after Du Fei came into contact with the Star Force again, he began to suspect that there should be some secrets behind the Star Force.

    It may be that the star force has obtained the civilizational legacy left by some kind of intelligent creature in ancient times. After all, many things have proved that the earth was visited by advanced civilization thousands or tens of thousands of years ago.  At least, the Xel'Naga Star and the broken blade picked up by the Mayans were both left behind thousands of years ago.

    Therefore, no one can guarantee whether there are any remains left by other alien civilizations on the earth.

    In addition, there is another possibility. There is another alien species hidden behind the Star Force.

    Du Fei looked at the theoretical data of the crystal core force field, but his thoughts had already gone very far.

    Not long after, the news about Yan Dingtian came.

    Du Fei confirmed to accept.  A holographic image of Yan Dingtian popped up in front of him.

    Yan Dingtian never used greetings and went directly to the topic: "The information on the crystal core force field is incomplete and the most secret part is missing."

    Du Fei didn¡¯t find it strange.  It would be strange if Xingchen Martial Arts stopped playing tricks on the technical data.

    "Can you analyze anything from the parts you got?"

    "It is certain that the crystal core force field technology is not developed based on human technology." Yan Dingtian said expressionlessly.

    Under normal circumstances, things like technology will not be achieved overnight, but will develop step by step.  Whether it's weapons or engines.  Each generation of technological innovation will have residual shadows from previous generations. Each technological innovation requires many years of technical reserves to be realized.  People who are familiar with technology can deduce the pace of entire technological development from a modern machine.  China's military industry is full of shadows of the former Soviet Union, and the footprints left by this development process cannot be erased in a short time.

    However, some of the cutting-edge technologies demonstrated by the crystal core force field and star force have no trace of human technology at all, as if they were suddenly there completely.

    so.  Various evidences.  The inferred result is that the Star Force suddenly obtained these complete technologies, and then realized these technologies through existing means.

    This may be the reason why Xingchen Force dares to break away from Freemasonry.

    Before the end of the world, there were originally three factions within Freemasonry, the European faction headed by the British, and the American faction headed by Morgan.  Another faction is Rothschild.  The three factions restrict each other and jointly maintain a series of global economic, military and other forces.

    Because of the strict sect of Judaism.  Only children born to Jewish women are recognized as Jewish.  But, in the twenty-first century.  The blood of the Jewish people is no longer so pure. Some have only one-half blood, and some have only one-quarter or even less.  If intermarriage is allowed, blood ties will inevitably be diluted, which is inevitable.

    But under the general environment, the Rothschild family has maintained the ethnic rules of pure-blood Jews.  Because the Rothschild family believes that only Jewish genes are the most perfect, and only pure Jewish blood can allow the family to control the world economy for a long time. Jews are natural financiers, artists and scientists.

    Therefore, discrimination also occurred within Freemasonry. Non-Jews and Jews with weak blood were excluded. In particular, the Rothschild family rejected non-Jews the most.

    By the end of the world, the individual differences among awakened people will become larger and larger. The excellent ones will become better and better, while the weak ones will become weaker and weaker.  Coupled with the different pursuit of goals, the differences within the Freemasonry became increasingly large, which eventually led to the Rothschild family and the Freemasonry parting ways.?Self-established star force.

    Therefore, the core members of the Star Force are all Jews of pure blood, and only non-Jewish people will appear in the peripheral fighting teams.

    "Is there any similarity between the energy of the crystal core force field and the Pandora creature?" Du Fei asked.

    "Energy comes from the same source, and the application ideas are completely opposite." Yan Dingtian replied.

    It is inevitable that the energy has the same origin. The core force field is the use of Pandora crystals. The energy is naturally the same type, but the application ideas are opposite. It can basically confirm that the star force has nothing to do with Pandora creatures.

    This conclusion is very important, because after the Pandora creature differentiates its master brain intelligence, it is very likely to control humans to deal with humans.  If the Star Force is a puppet organization controlled by Pandora's mastermind, then the strategy for dealing with the Star Force must be changed.

    However, according to the current information, the star force has nothing to do with the Pandora creature.

    "Using this technical information, can we create a crystal core force field?" Du Fei asked.

    "Yes, it will take about two weeks to make a test product. In addition, I think there is still potential to explore the technology of the crystal core force field. Since its stress surface is hexagonal, it can be seamlessly connected into a  Many flat spheres can theoretically reach infinity," Yan Dingtian replied.

    "Then what?"

    ¡°Nothing at the moment, we¡¯ll wait until the test product is ready,¡± Yan Dingtian replied.

    "Then what are you talking about?"

    ¡°I¡¯m just sharing new technological ideas with you in a friendly way.¡± Yan Dingtian said in a calm tone.

    "Thanks for sharing. Is there anything else you want to share with me?" Du Fei was very unhappy with Yan Dingtian's attitude of being calm about everything.

    "No, maybe you want to take a look at the second war life I created, 'Lilith'." When Yan Dingtian introduced his work, he still used a calm tone and did not need praise from others at all.

    "No, no farewell." Du Fei turned off Yan Dingtian's holographic image.

    Then, he unconsciously repeated the name "Lilith" of the war life created by Yan Dingtian.  The name is very pleasant, as if I have heard it somewhere.  The last one who was tortured to the point of self-destruction by three Shuras was named "Adam", and the second one was not named "Eve". It's really unscientific.

    After turning off the holographic image, Du Fei turned on the system and remembered the scanning function that appeared in the system's advanced mode.

    So I took out a Pandora crystal and scanned it, and got a series of results.

    ¡ª¡ªLevel 5 civilization product, energy focusing crystal, inferior quality.

    There is a series of detailed data at the back, from density to energy focus data. The data is so professional that Du Fei can't understand it.

    Pandora crystal is a product of level 5 civilization. It seems that when Pandora crystal appeared, Pandora's creatures had already developed to level 5 civilization.

    Humanity is also jumping from level 3 civilization to level 5 civilization. Looking at the overall situation, species with fast civilization development can occupy this planet. Although humans are indigenous intelligent creatures, in the laws of nature, there is no first come, first served.  customs.

    After finishing the matters that needed to be dealt with, Du Fei went outside the city to practice source ability control.

    Since evolving to level 6, Du Fei has taken time to practice controlling the source ability every day. This is a necessary exercise to continue evolving to higher levels.

    After evolving to level 6, you will have stronger control over the magnetic field.

    Now you can emit a magnetic field around your body, intersect with the earth's magnetic field, and realize the movement of your body through the rotation of the magnetic field.

    In other words, after reaching level 6, you can achieve the purpose of flying by controlling the magnetic field.

    Before level 6, if you want to float in the air, you must cover your body with metal, and then rely on controlling the metal to achieve the effect of floating and moving your body.

    However, now you don¡¯t need metal to fly freely in the air, and the speed can reach an exaggerated level.

    The principle of making the body fly is very similar to that of electromagnetic sniper rifles and electromagnetic guns.  The principle is very simple. The electromagnetic gun uses the force of the electromagnetic field in the electromagnetic system. Its action time is much longer, which can greatly increase the speed and range of the projectile.

    In Du Fei's case, the earth's magnetic field is equivalent to the magnetic field of the electromagnetic gun, and his body is equivalent to the cannonball. Whatever speed the cannonball can reach, he can reach the same speed.  Of course, the premise is that it can withstand the squeeze of air resistance at this speed.

    However, air resistance is not a big problem. As long as there is a force field protective layer, it can fly at extreme speeds.  A telekinesis barrier will do, as will a crystal core force field.

    Du Fei just waited for the test product of the crystal core force field to be made, and then made a small??Crystal core force field, combined with the flight ability of level 6 magnetic field force, can fly several times the speed of sound.  But the disadvantage is that the acceleration is not enough, it takes time to accelerate to supersonic speed, and it is not very good at turning when the speed is too fast.

    "However, it is only level 6 now. If the original ability continues to evolve, it will definitely reach the flying level of Superman in the future.

    Du Fei is flying around in the sky, and he can fly freely even without the Zui Xian Moon Step.

    At this time, I suddenly received a message from the third child, Liu Xiaobin, with a very excited tone, as if something big had happened.

    Du Fei quickly flew towards the military headquarters.

    {PiaoTian Literature thanks all book friends for their support. Your support is our greatest motivation}
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