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Volume 3 Going Home Chapter 316 Kepler-22b

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    This advanced alien creature calls itself the Dark Templar, and casually calls it Zeratul. Its appearance seems to be made entirely of blue energy, and its entire form is like mist.  If he hadn't really seen it with his own eyes and heard it with his own ears, it would be hard for Du Fei to imagine that this was a creature rather than the product of computer special effects.

    I saw that Zeratul of the Dark Templar continued to absorb the memory and knowledge of the corpse of the awakened person. There was a steady flow of strangely arranged energy flows from the eyes of the corpse into his eyes. It should be that he was selectively reading the memory information.

    Zeratul began to check his body at the same time, and then sighed to himself: "It turns out that it has been sleeping for more than half an era, huh? This planet calls such a long time six hundred years. It turns out that it is an intelligence with such a short lifespan.  Species, no wonder it¡¯s still an inferior civilization.¡±

    Du Fei stared at Zeratul warily and asked cautiously, "What planet are you from?"

    "Let me have a look." Ze Zhutu absorbed the memory of the awakened person's corpse, as if flipping through an earth encyclopedia, and found the answer in just a moment, "You have discovered this planet. Well, you guys  It's actually named 'Kepler'b'. This name seems not very elegant. How could an idiot choose such a name?"

    The more human memories Zeratul absorbs, the more human-like his tone and demeanor become, and he should be imitating humans.

    Du Fei was slightly surprised when he heard about Kepler. Most people on this planet have heard of it, but only once.

    Kepler ¡¥22b is the first exoplanet in the habitable zone confirmed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in February 2020. This planet orbits a star very similar to the sun.

    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration of China has confirmed that the planet Kepler ¡¥22b is suitable for human habitation.  The so-called suitable for human habitation means that the climate, temperature, water, air, etc. are suitable for most living things on earth.  In other words, it is very likely that there are carbon-based organisms like the Earth on this planet.

    Carbon-based organisms are organisms whose main element is carbon element c. The bodies of earthly organisms are all carbohydrates.  On similar planets, as long as there is enough carbon and water, plus a suitable temperature and climate, it is very likely that similar carbon-based organisms will form.  It's just that the energy creature in front of me is obviously not a carbon-based creature.

    Kepler ¡¥22b has a diameter about twice that of the Earth and is about a year away from the Earth. In other words, it will take years to reach Kepler ¡¥ by traveling at the speed of light.  But reaching the speed of light is not a simple matter, at least it cannot be achieved with today's human technology.  If we use current human technology to fly to Kepler, it will take at least 20 million years.

    How did the Corrupted Giant Tree and Zeratul get here from such a long distance?

    While Du Fei was thinking, he suddenly remembered that Zeratul had said "half an era" and "six hundred years" before. This is exactly the time it takes to reach Kepler from the earth at the speed of light. This should not be a coincidence.  So the Corrupted Giant Tree and Zeratul really flew over from Kepler at the speed of light?

    Theoretically, there is no air in the universe, so there is no resistance. If there is always power to push, it is possible to reach the speed of light. Whether it takes | years or 0 years to accelerate to the speed of light, this is only a small number of years.

    However, this conclusion is really difficult to accept.  In addition, Kepler is inhabited by monsters like giant corrupted trees?  Or an energy creature like Zeratul?

    Got some information but more questions.

    It was previously speculated that this guy Zeratul was most likely escaping from something or something, so he disguised himself as the seed of the corrupted giant tree.  So, Du Fei asked tentatively, "What creature did you escape here for?"

    "Escape?" Zeratul heard Du Fei's wording and learned from the corpse of the awakened person that the word was very indecent, so he was a little embarrassed. He insisted on his own point of view and emphasized, "Avoid, do you understand? I'm here  Use your language to communicate with you, not the lingua franca of higher civilizations. Do you understand what avoidance is? It is avoidance in pursuit of the truth."

    Du Fei¡¯s thoughts kept turning and he seemed to find that the IQ of this so-called advanced civilization creature did not break through the sky. Perhaps it was because IQ could not be described by numbers at all.  If we have to use numerical values ??to describe IQ, then the average human IQ is 00. If we increase this value a hundred times, will there be any creature in the universe with an IQ of dd?  What would that look like?

    Therefore, IQ has a limit, and no matter what kind of creature it is, it just tends towards this limit infinitely.  IQ includes many aspects, such as observation, memory, imagination, analytical judgment, thinking ability, and adaptability.  But no matter how high a creature's IQ is, it is impossible to 100% accurately guess what other intelligent creatures are thinking.  If it could, it would be the ability to read memories like Zeratul, and it would not fall into the category of IQ.

    IQ is like the power of a CPU, the higher the power, the faster you canThe ability to calculate complex problems should be reflected in the ability to analyze and judge.

    Therefore, Du Fei guessed that this alien creature may have a high IQ, but it has not reached the point of extreme intelligence.

    So, Du Fei catered to him and said, "I understand, it's avoidance. Then what creature are you avoiding?"

    "You don't need to know this. Tell me now where there are inferior energy crystals before I purify you." Zeratul said impatiently. Obviously the "purification" in his words was not a beautiful word.

    "Then let me ask one last question. Is the camp represented by the corrupted tree a sworn enemy or ally of yours?" Du Fei asked.

    "It's not hostility, nornot an ally." Zeratul said.

    After hearing this, Du Fei became more and more suspicious.  When Zeratul was still sleeping in the sphere, he and the Corrupted Tree were not friendly, but he said they were not hostile. What kind of relationship could that be?

    "Then will your people come to Earth?" Du Fei asked the question he was most concerned about. After all, even Pandora didn't understand it. If there was another alien invader, it would really be a waste of time.

    After hearing Du Fei's question, Zeratul did not answer immediately. Instead, he was silent for a while, and the mental vibrations emanating from Zeratul made Du Fei feel that this energy creature was not happy.

    After a while, Zeratul said in an unfriendly voice; "Tell you, if you don't resist, there will be no extinction. I will not answer your questions anymore. Tell me where there are inferior energy crystals, otherwise I will purify them immediately.  you."

    Du Fei didn¡¯t know how strong the energy creature Zeratul was, but at least it wasn¡¯t too weak, so he kept communicating with him in a low profile in order not to anger him.  But at this moment, Du Fei realized that Zeratul had threatened him with purification three times.

    If it is really a creature powerful enough to instantly kill the opponent and absorb the opponent's memory, is it really necessary to use threats to get the answer?

    So, Du Fei looked at the time, there was about one minute left, he thought deeply and made a bold decision, and said tentatively, "I don't know where there is that kind of crystal, I lied to you."!  .
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