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Volume 2, Chapter 172 The demons awaken one after another

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    Chapter 172 The demons wake up one after another

    "Then, everything is about to begin" I closed my eyes, and the cluster of nothingness in front of me slowly began to disintegrate, until it finally turned into wisps of dissolved black mist in the air.  "There is no point in staying here any longer, Renault, how long will it take for the Lord of the Sky to arrive?"

    Retracting his gaze from the direction of the disintegration of the void cluster, Renault gently bent towards me: "Your Majesty, it's almost here. Please wait patiently"

    "Oh, never mind" My fingers tapped the handle of the seat rhythmically, and I supported my head: "Let's go to Alabasta. After we leave, Aika, the Lord of the Sea will be left to you.  You can act freely until O'Hara is completely reorganized, and the land and islands you grab will belong to you later, do you understand what I mean"

    "Yes! Your Majesty!!" Without concealing a trace of fanaticism in his eyes, Aika knelt on the ground respectfully and nodded. The marine ability users behind him also showed bloodthirsty expressions on their faces. They have always been  They cannot be free because of my ban, but now, I will lift the imprisonment of these ability users. What kind of impact will the ability users who are not afraid of sea water and sea tower stones bring to this world?

    The huge body of the Lord of the Sea slowly rose from the dark depths of the sea floor and floated towards the surface of the sea. There was a strong flapping sound of wings in the sky, and the same bright red color slowly rose from the sky.  mid-fall.  Like two opposing curtains being slowly opened, the clouds on the sea and sky slowly spread to both sides, and the two huge beasts each showed their huge bodies, and the scales on their bodies were glowing with fiery red light.  , including the pair of huge open red wings, the four strong lower limbs are tucked into the abdomen amidst the flapping of the wings, and the sharp teeth exposed at the corners of the mouth reveal a different kind of beastly authority.

    The Lord of the Sea's figure is not gorgeous in comparison, but it is much larger than the Lord of the Sky. It is big enough for the Lord of the Sky to land firmly on its back and stop, and it falls to the sea.  After being put on the Lord's back, the Lord of the Sky carefully retracted his wings, always ensuring that the palace on his back was in a stable state.

    "Your Majesty has finally returned" Standing on the edge of the palace on the Lord of the Sky's back, looking down at the Lord of the Sea below, a smile appeared on the face of the woman.

    Caris Darkmoon, the Dark Moon Angel who once appeared on Sky Island, is one of the original Sky Islanders who perfectly blended the blood of demons. She is also the captain of the first team of Sky Gravediggers and the director of the Intelligence Agency.  , but compared to his sister, Lalan Darkmoon, the current leader of the Sky Gravedigger, she seems to be lacking in strength.

    "Karis, what are you doing there?" The woman wearing the obsidian crown walked out of the palace. Compared with Caris, who still had a slightly childish face, this woman had a more calm and mature expression. She was Caris.  Liz's sister, Lalan Darkmoon.

    "Ah, it's nothing, I just want to see His Majesty Casa as soon as possible" Caris turned back indifferently, not paying attention to the other party's question: "Or do you think that my sister also wants to see His Majesty as soon as possible? You  Don¡¯t you care about your princess?¡±

    Caris' seemingly unscrupulous words made Lalan frown in displeasure, and her next words also brought a hint of majesty: "Caris, don't forget, although I am your biological sister, I am also you.  You don¡¯t need me to teach you any more about your attitude and etiquette"

    "Hey, heyyes, my leader" Still showing no respect, Caris tapped her fingers lightly: "By the way, the time has come. It's time to wake up that adult, now.  Then you can see His Majesty"

    Slightly twitching the corner of her mouth, Lalan looked at her own sister with an indescribable meaning in her eyes. Realizing this, she turned around to prevent the other party from seeing: "If you are referring to the cat,  As for Lady Liz, I think you should give up the idea of ??unnaturally awakening her. Lady Cat Liz is one of the earliest gravediggers created by His Majesty Casa. No matter how ancient or powerful it is, we cannot touch it.  Getting angry is the prerogative of those in power"

    "I know this, but I still have to give it a try" Nodding noncommittally, Caris walked straight towards the interior of the palace, frowning at the other person's back, and Lalan followed.  Go up.  The two women walked through a section of the palace floor covered with red carpets one after another. Although the palace was located on the back of the Lord of the Sky and was shaking slightly with the breath of the Lord of the Sky, they were already familiar with this kind of palace.  For people who are shaking, it is very enjoyable. It is like a natural cradle. Naturally, it also allows those who are familiar with this place to sleep more comfortably.

    Walking to a door at the far end of the corridor and stopping, Caris knocked on the white door tentatively: "Lord Cat Liss, it's time for you to get up We have arrived at our destination"

    ¡°¡­Snoring" What Caris responded to was a few inaudible snores coming from behind the door, while Lalan on the side had an expression of 'Look, I told you this would be like this', and hesitated for a moment.  , Caris opened the door anyway and called softly: "Ms. Cat Liss?  "

    "" Caris, who still didn't get a response, walked into the room and looked helplessly at the girl huddled on the bed inside: "Lord Cat Liss, please wake up"

    She was in a strange curled up position. The girl's body on the bed was rising and falling rhythmically with her breathing. The two white cat ears on her head bounced from time to time as if they were living creatures. Moreover, this curled up posture also looked very similar.  a cat.

    "Lord Catlis" She tried to get as close to the girl on the bed as possible, and pushed the girl's shoulder gently, speaking as softly as possible: "We have arrived at the place where His Majesty is, please wake up.  Awake"

    "" Caris, who still had no results, couldn't help but put a little more strength into her hands and pushed the opponent's shoulder again: "Cat Lis"

    "Whoa!!!!" Without any warning, a sharp sound of wind interrupted Caris's words, and a black shadow flew from the girl's body like lightning and swept towards Caris, "Bang!  !" A dull crash sounded, and even though he crossed his arms in time to protect his body, Caris's body was still swept away by the black shadow. Lalan next to him whispered: "Caris.  !", and then accurately made a small jump to catch the opponent's body that was knocked away.  "Squeak~~~~" The impact from Caris was so strong that Lalan's feet left two conspicuous scratch marks on the wide indoor floor.

    "Well" Lalan frowned as he stopped and stood still, looking at Caris with a trace of blame in his eyes: "I told you a long time ago, Caris"

    "Whooshwhoosh" The black shadow that knocked Caris away was still swinging comfortably in the air. It was a white cat tail, but it was as distinct as the white cat ears on the girl's head.  It actually appeared on the body of the girl who was called 'Cat Liz' by Caris and Lalan. "Meow~~~" seemed to be yawning, and the girl's eyes slowly opened, red.  The vertical pupil eyes, coupled with the two looming sharp tiger teeth at the corners of the girl's mouth, add a touch of cruelty to the girl's cute appearance.

    Seeing the girl wake up, Lalan, who was supporting Caris, breathed a sigh of relief, "Ms. Cat Liss, great, we have arrived at the place where His Majesty is So, please forgive us for disturbing you.  The rest"

    Tilting her head, Cat Liz seemed to have not woken up yet. She wagged her tail and still just called out "Meow".  Breaking free from Lalan's arms, Caris spoke again: "Ms. Cat Lis, this is His Majesty Casa Please wake up"

    "!" As if awakened by these words, Cat Liz's originally sleepy eyes suddenly focused: "Ah, are we here already? Didn't Teacher Renault just contact us?"

    "That was before you went to bed. Now we have arrived at the Lord of the Sea" Looking at the blood stasis on Caris's arm, Lalan returned his gaze to Cat Liss:  "So, now that we've arrived"

    "Ah, so it's like this It's all because it's so comfortable to sleep here, so I accidentally overslept, ho ho ho" Cat Liz sat up and shook her head while scratching her cat ears.  Wagging his tail: "Then, let's go see His Majesty right now Hehe, I haven't seen each other for so long, and I don't know how your Majesty and Teacher Renault are doing"

    "So, please change your clothes first Let's go get ready" After bending slightly, Lalan took the lead to retreat, and Caris followed suit and closed the door.  house door.  "Tsk" She gently pressed the blood stasis on her arm that was swept away by Cat Liz's tail, and Caris frowned: "It's really hard to deal with getting angry"

    "So I say we are not good enough to wake up an origin gravedigger like Lady Cat Liz" Lalan sighed: "The gap in strength is essential. Let's go to my room.  , there happens to be some medicines there"

    "No, I just need to wait for one day to recover" The stubborn Caris wanted to refuse the other party's proposal, but Lalan couldn't help but grabbed the other party's arm, and her tone was unquestionable: "Let's go, it's official.  There is still enough time to meet His Majesty Casa, and you don¡¯t want to go to see His Majesty Casa with scars"

    "Tch" She broke away for a moment, but did not get rid of the other party's hand. Caris also allowed the other party to hold her and walk in another direction: "Thank yousister".

    At the same time, in another placeSanta Loxia Island, the dock here is crowded with people, because their prince is about to take the first fleet to the end of the Great Route.  There are some busy sailors everywhereand cheering people.  "Hurry up, hurry up! That one over there! Pack up all the supplies!!" "Hey! Brother! Come on, we must help the prince find that oneriece!!" "Hahaha, don't worry! With the Dark God  In the name of!!¡±

    Looking at the busy crowd, Kaim, who was standing on the bow of the flagship ship, scratched his chin thoughtfully: "It's strange, it always feels like it's going too smoothly"

    "Are you referring to the Pope's permission for us to go to sea?" Felan next to him nodded: "Indeed, there is a feeling that we have been waiting for our request to go to sea for a long time. But In this case, we will  Now we can really go to sea, what do you think?"

    "Yeah that's right!" He laughed and Kaim nodded: "Now! We can let those so-called pirates see how powerful the Royal Robbery Group blessed by the Dark God is! Then!  Set off!!"

    Standing far away on the balcony of the Holy See Palace, the Dark Pope's expression was well covered by the black mask. Only the flickering light in his eyes revealed some of the other person's thoughts, and a red-haired woman standing next to him was  Smiling slightly: "Great Emperor, what are you thinking about?"

    Shaking his head noncommittally, the Pope, known as the Emperor, turned around and said in a hoarse and ethereal voice with indifference: "I'm just thinking about some of the things His Majesty has done before. Have you prepared the gifts I prepared to give to His Majesty?  Pari.¡±

    "Everything is as you wish" Nodding, Pali stroked her long red hair charmingly: "Next, which body do you want to use to go out?"

    Walking straight down the indoor stairs leading to a basement, the Pope stretched out his hand to clasp the black mask on his face: "Go and choose, after all, I am going to see His Majesty, whom I have not seen for a long time But before that"

    Pali has been following the footsteps of the Pope, and the tall figure of the other party stopped in front of a heavy door. Then he reached into his close-fitting robe and took out a key to open the door: "Let me see the long-lost old man first.  Be friends"

    As the door opened, a figure in the center of the inner room also turned around, wearing the same black cloak, but the other person held a bone staff in his pale hand, and the same bloodless face could be seen through the cloak.  Surrounded by some messy test tubes and complicated instruments, judging from the fact that the other party was sitting on a black coffin with the lid pushed open, it seemed that the other party had just climbed out of the coffin not long ago.

    "WellDrew, long time no see" There was a trace of nostalgia in the pope's ethereal figure, and the light in the corner of his eyes flickered: "You seem to be in good spirits"

    There was a rolling sound in his throat, and the man named Drew stood up silently. He gently waved the bone staff in his hand, and a pile of bones in the corner of the room stood up again with the sound of joints, "  "Ah, I'm fine" He looked at the standing skeleton carefully, as if to confirm his ability.  Drew waved his hand again, and the bones were scattered on the ground again: "I'm sorry to have you take care of my body for so long"

    "Hey hey hey, when did you become so polite" He reached out and took off the black mask on his face, revealing the pope's face. It turned out to be a completely skeleton face, with only the dim light in the corners of his eyes strangely  With the opening and flashing of the mandible: "We are like-minded partners among His Majesty's subordinates. How about it? Do you want to see His Majesty?"

    "No, I'm more interested in what you have been studying for so many years" A smile appeared on his pale face, and Drew gently tapped the ground with his bone staff: "Can you let me take a look first?  "

    "Of course, Pari, you can lead the way" Without minding Drew's request, the Pope walked out of the room and put on his mask again: "Oh, Drew, I have to go to see His Majesty during this period, so I'll ask you first.  You can take care of this place for me, Pari will help you, okay?"

    "Don't worry" After walking out of the room, Drew nodded slightly to reassure the other party: "When you see His Majesty, please pay tribute to him first for me Muro"
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