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Volume 1 Chapter 487 Luck

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    Chapter 487 Lucky

    Whether it is imperial power or divine power, or even democracy that symbolizes freedom, they are nothing more than whitewashed decorations. In essence, they are just a way for the rulers to fool the ruled.  But just like the universe is filled with all kinds of life, existence is the truth. Perhaps an imperfect system is the most suitable for humans, because humans themselves are not perfect.

    For Rhaegar, or for the Cabasi Secret Society, after experiencing this, no matter what the outcome, their power will be wiped out.  Hiding in the darkness is their greatest advantage; provoking fights among ignorant secular people is their strength.  If they were face to face, head-on, the power of the Kabbalah Secret Society would be much weaker than that of their brethren.

    But for the Charno Empire, which has a strong army and is expanding rapidly with each passing day, it will usher in a new era of dominance over the world.  Without the support of Rhaegar and the forces hiding behind him, the influence of the Targaryen Dynasty on the Imperial Alliance will be greatly weakened. The rise of all heroes and the loss of a powerful alliance leader means that the Imperial Alliance will continue to have internal disputes and become stronger.  Moreover, the Charno Empire, which had transformed into an imperial system, just filled this gap.  It is foreseeable that the countries of the Imperial Alliance, which are also imperial systems, do not mind submitting to the leadership of another empire.  Compared with the aggressive stance of the Targaryen dynasty, Yi Lexiang's gentle ruling methods may be easier to accept.

    In fact, both the people at the bottom and the high-level ruling class have silently accepted the reality that in the future, there will be only one voice under the starry sky of human life, and that is the noble and powerful young emperor of Charno  Your Majesty: Yi Lexiang¡¯s voice and will.  Although some people are still unwilling to admit this, the fact is that after six thousand years of strife, mankind will once again be unified under the will of one person, and everything will depend on the final outcome of this crusade.  Finish.

    When the golden and dark mecha appeared in this fiery red world, Hall's face turned extremely ugly.  Next to him, Balon Irvine also looked shocked.

    "You said, no one will come to help the barbarians?" Hall's stern eyes glanced at the 'angel' who was also surprised.

    "The barbarians are fighting a desperate war with humans" the 'God Envoy' stammered in reply, "You have also seen the information about the civil war between humans. That is a fact." He protested.

    "Perhaps our understanding of human beings is too superficial." Balon Irwin thought for a moment and said, "There are many examples recorded in their history. When foreign enemies invaded, they would put aside their immediate hatred to fight against the enemy together  "

    "They don't know what we are?" Hall interrupted Baron Irwin without politeness.  This Baron Irwin seems to like to put himself in the enemy's perspective when analyzing any problem, which sometimes allows him to see problems that others cannot.  But it's really annoying in the long run.  This would give the impression that Balon Alvin is a traitor to humanity rather than one of his fellow humans.

    Baron Alvin was speechless.  Hall is right, secular people have no idea who they are.  They have only had contact with each other a few times. Since humans can accept the existence of barbarians, there is no reason why they would treat them as some kind of life outside of the human race.  In appearance, they look exactly like them.

    At this time, the rearguard army was already engaged in a fierce battle with the mechas that were pouring in from the Blood Gate.  There is no doubt that the fleet remaining outside the space gate has been destroyed by the opponent.  If parasitic tactics were not adopted, the people driving the starship would never be a match for humans.  After all, the instinctive skills acquired by 'parasites' are different from those of real humans. The only advantage they have is that they cannot be killed.  You can search for parasites again and again and join the battle again.  But the problem is that they are facing the weirdest enemy in history. Although they are weak, they probably cannot be parasitized.  Soul creatures are noble and advanced life forms. Unless absolutely necessary, no one is willing to risk the possibility of accidents and parasitize such creatures.  No matter how you look at it, the exchange of a soul creature for a vulgar human life is not worth it.

    From the beginning of the battle, the soul creatures were at a disadvantage. They retreated again and again, and the defense line continued to shrink. Although they destroyed many mechas with the superior physical fitness of the barbarians, they continued to pour in in huge numbers.  Compared with the mechas, the results achieved obviously cannot stop the human attack.

    Outside the bloody gate, densely packed starships have already surrounded the bloody gate.  In the distance, more starships are piercing the darkness and appearing on the battlefield.  Their muzzles shine with dazzling light, and as long as a trace of red or silver light appears near the bloody door, they will immediately be attacked by ruthless artillery fire.  The situation is extremely favorable to mankind.  The peripheral soul creatures are still fighting, but they appear? They are also in a dilemma. There are fewer and fewer parasitic life forms in space, which makes their attacks somewhat timid.

    "The God of Luck seems to be on our side again this time." Wu Wei murmured to himself, staring at the battle on the screen, but the corner of his eye couldn't help but glance at Yi Lexiang, who had a stern look on his face not far away.  .  In the command hall, whether they were Charno soldiers wearing Charno uniforms or soldiers from other countries, many people had the same look on their faces as him, which was both excited and a little weird.

    Since Yi Lexiang was born and won his first battle, his enemies joked that he was a boy favored by the god of luck. However, at that time, this was just a joke, and it contained more contempt than importance.  But now, after experiencing countless victories, the joke has turned into a legend, casting a mysterious aura around the young emperor who has ascended the throne. Every battle he fights is quite incredible.  Its victory was also very dramatic in the eyes of many strategists.  It can be said that the young Emperor is a dancer dancing on the edge of the cliff. He is dangerous but never falls off the cliff.  Even many soldiers tried their best to join his command, and their original purpose was just because they had a higher chance of surviving by serving under His Majesty the Emperor.

    Yi Lexiang heard Wu Wei's words, but his face was expressionless.  He didn't know whether it was the blessing of the God of Luck or not, but one thing was certain.  They are in the best position for humanity.  Almost most of the main force of soul creatures entered the world behind the Blood Gate, and the mighty human coalition fleet sealed them tightly with infinitely powerful starship cannons.  The danger of the soul creature's wanton parasitic life body that was previously worried has been solved.  No one can withstand the concentrated strikes of countless starship cannons, not even soul creatures.  As long as they still belong to the category of life, they can certainly be destroyed.  There is only one thing left now: to continuously send ghost mechas and faith mechas to the world behind the bloody m¨¦n.

    This is an unprecedented war of attrition. Soul creatures represent immortal life, but this is not their unique patent.  Charnor's Ghost Mecha and Faith Mech can do this as well.  The information sent back from the front line showed that the soul creatures were afraid of them, and they did not even adopt the terrifying parasitic tactics.  From this point of view, humans undoubtedly have the absolute upper hand.  Soul creatures consume human bodies, but how many human bodies are there for them to squander after the seal?  The barbarian tribe will never sit back and die, they will fight to the death, and dead humans are of no use to soul creatures.  On the other hand, the coalition fleet has the entire human territory as a logistics base, and the ghost mechas and faith mechas have enough mechas to replace.  When all human bodies are exhausted, the soul creatures will be defeated.

    Everyone remains optimistic, except for Rhaegar and others from the Savage Clan.  Lei Jia walked to Yi Lexiang hesitantly, "Your promise?"

    "I still remember." Yi Lexiang nodded. He was not a treacherous person.  He still remembered the purpose of sending troops this time. They not only wanted to defeat the soul creatures, but also to save the barbarian clan who was in a huge crisis.  There was a trace of distress on his face, "My people are attacking, but the problem is" He spread his hands helplessly, "What should we do next?"

    Rhaegar was speechless.  Yes, the battle never stopped. He saw those mechas from Charno that were no less weird than soul creatures pouring into the sealed land like water. They kept their promise to him, just like Yi.  As Lexiang said: No one knows what to do except keep consuming.  If you don't take into account the tribesmen who are trapped in the sealed land at the moment, this tactic is obviously the most suitable for the current situation.  But this is not the case for him. What the Charno people consume is only their mechas (if what Yi Lexiang said about the immortality of the mechas is true, it seems that the other party did not deceive him at present.), the soul creatures  What was consumed was the lives of his people.  If the battle continues in this way, even if the battle ends with human victory, the Savage Clan will be finished.

    Li Shaojun had a strange smile on his face. It was surprising that such a situation would occur during this hasty expedition.  Previously, he was firmly opposed to this expedition. In his opinion, it might not be a bad thing if the soul creatures could destroy the barbarian clan.  Although the soul creatures are preparing to summon the distant tribesmen, which poses a great threat to mankind, but even if the coalition fleet finds the opponent, what if they start a war with the opponent?  They know so little about soul creatures that they don't even know how to stop them from issuing summons.  However, now it seems that they have a chance to eliminate the dual threats from barbarians and soul creatures once and for all.  Like everyone else, at this moment, he was sighing in his heart that Yi Lexiang was lucky.strange fate.  He turned his body indiscriminately and scanned the huge command hall. It seemed that there were many people who had the same opinion as him, because he could see a long-lost sense of relaxation on everyone's faces.
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