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Volume 1 Chapter 457 Meat Grinder

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    Chapter 457 Meat Grinder

    The golden fighter planes of the Divine Alliance swooped down from the clouds again, and an aerial strangulation ensued.

    The God Alliance people on the ground also started to take action.  Dozens of heavy mechas were at the forefront of the Divine Alliance's offensive front, followed by hundreds of mechas.

    A Duo couldn't help but spit bitterly.  He suddenly closed the baffle in front of the individual armor helmet, and the electronic panel immediately filtered out the dark red world, leaving only familiar colors, which made his eyes feel a little better.  The buildings on both sides, including the ground in front of him, were shrouded in dark red. Time seemed to pass faster than usual. The vibrant city a few hours ago had turned into a gray scene.  Even though the thermostatic system of the individual armor was still operating continuously to keep his body in optimal condition, he still felt a trace of sweat slowly flowing down his back.

    Ado was a little annoyed at his own nervousness.  Growling lowly and furiously over the internal channel, he ordered his men into fighting positions.  If you feel scared or nervous, roar loudly - this is the method Captain Carter taught him to dispel tension, which seems to explain why he can always be heard roaring every time he fights.  But you have to admit that this method of relieving the mood is very effective, and Ado feels that his mood is better.

    Now, you can already see the crowds of God League soldiers following closely behind the combat machinery. It is difficult to tell from their uniforms which ones are ordinary soldiers and which ones are supernatural warriors.  Their military uniforms are all the same.  Soldiers wearing heavy individual armor walked in the front, and behind them were ordinary soldiers wearing combat uniforms. The golden combat uniforms on their bodies were so conspicuous in the dark red sky and earth.

    "Be prepared with direct-fire artillery, knock off the opponent's heavy armor first." Ado ordered.  Heavy armor's large-caliber artillery is more threatening than mechas and supernatural warriors at long distances.  The two heavy armors that Captain Carter supported him had quietly driven into the armored bunker before the Shenmen launched their attack. Their gloomy muzzles were hidden behind a bush, and they moved slowly with the enemy's movements.  Behind the position, several high-power jammers were working hard, making a low buzzing sound.  Their purpose is to prevent enemy battlefield radar from detecting the placement of heavy firepower.  Although this shielding will become meaningless at the moment of firing, the first fire strike is enough to deal a heavy blow to the enemy.

    The enemy's heavy armor in the distance opened fire first, and at this time they were still outside the precise strike range.  The cluster bomb split into dozens of small anti-personnel bombs in the air and fell on the position, setting off a sky full of fire.  Several golden mechas quickly rushed out of the formation, and the electronic smoke interference bombs fired from the shoulder-mounted launchers in all directions formed a large cloud that clung to the ground. The electronic panel of Ado's individual armor immediately lost the enemy's information.  image.

    "Damn it!" Ado yelled angrily, "Fire the electronic dispersing projectiles!" Following his command, the sound of projectiles piercing the sky was heard in the sky.  Electronic smog is composed of smoke and dust filled with electric ions, which can effectively shield the other party's electronic reconnaissance.  But using electric ions with opposite properties can quickly dispel electronic smog.  This is similar to how the city uses ion force fields to dispel the dark red electronic dust.  "Shoot the coordinates and adjust the coordinates of ten units." Ado issued the order calmly.

    With the explosion of electronic dispersal bombs, the electronic smoke that enveloped the Shen League offensive group began to slowly dissipate.  A strong flash of light flashed over the position, and Ado felt his eyes sting, making him almost unable to see.  Immediately afterwards, a strong sense of nausea hit him. He knew that it was the enemy's dazzling bullet, and he roared lowly: "Long-range firepower launch!" The dazzling bullet only works on ordinary soldiers, but will not interfere with its use.  Long-range artillery for telescope mapping.  In his hazy vision, Ado felt groups of fiery bright lights flashing in the distance.  Then there was a series of huge roars.

    Ado moved his body backward gropingly, waiting for his vision to return to normal.  At this time, he thought of those fighter pilots again. Maybe he should have chosen to join the Air Force instead of becoming an Army soldier.  He heard the low blast of a long-range sniper rifle not far from him, a stream of hot air passing through his individual armor, and he could hear the hum of the thermostat system increasing power.  He cursed secretly, wondering which kid would shoot when there were comrades nearby.  He was a little worried that if the enemy reacted quickly, counterattack fire would blow him into the sky.  The sound of combat armor scraping across the ground came from beside him. It was the sniper moving his position. He felt someone grabbing his foot, and a voice came from the headset, "Company Commander, this direction!" He quickly moved backwards.  He moved, but his body remained close to the ground. Then he felt himself falling down a slope. The individual armor made a loud bang, and Addo, who was caught off guard, felt himself fall heavily on the solid ground.  A snicker came from his headset.Voice.

    "You bunch of cowards, when the hell are you going to take advantage of me for fun!" he roared angrily.  He knew that this must be the intention of those boys.  They must have seen from their movements that they had been hit by the dazzling bullet, and they pulled him up specifically to see him fall into the trench in embarrassment.

    When Ado's vision returned to normal, what came into view was the smiling face of the communications soldier.  "That bastard was just kidding me," he growled.

    The signal soldier put away the smile on his face and said, "Report to the company commander, I have been following you. I only saw a few figures from behind, but I didn't see who it was."

    Ado looked suspiciously at the signal soldier's baby face, which was trying to remain serious. He must know who this kid is?  But he just wouldn¡¯t tell him!  "Damn it, you kid must be an accomplice! I will take care of you after the war is over." He snorted angrily and got up from the ground, only feeling a soreness in his back.

    At this time, the entire position was shrouded in flames and smoke, dense particle beams streaked over the battle trench, a loud noise came from the place where he just lay down, and hard clods of soil and reinforcements solidified fell in like raindrops.  It fell into the trench and hit the battle armor with a clanking sound.  "Response is so slow!" Ado curled his lips disdainfully.

    He moved forward along the battle trench, found another observation point and slowly poked his head out.  Lying in the trench at the corner was the body of a soldier from the 7th Andorra Marine Division. There were no signs of being hit on the body.  He only took one look and knew that the unfortunate soldier was killed by the shock wave of the long-range artillery explosion.  His internal organs were probably turned into a mass of mush at this moment.

    The attack queue of the Divine Alliance people has advanced a few coordinates. There are more than a dozen burning chariots scattered along the long attack line, and more Divine Alliance tanks are constantly wandering left and right.  , the muzzle of the gun flashed with flames from time to time; the golden Shenmeng mecha had already passed the heavy armor and rushed towards the front of the position quickly.  He looked back at the black mechas lying motionless in the grooves of the reverse slope. They were like black giants lying on the ground. The mechas' shoulder-mounted launchers installed on the combat modules on their backs were not stopping.  The missile that was launched, the shoulder-mounted launcher was not launched vertically. It ejected from the launcher and moved laterally for a certain distance to both sides before igniting a second time and soaring, dragging flames and roaring towards the enemy's dense formation.  This is the lesson the Charno people learned during the long years of war.  The enemy's ballistic detection system can determine the launch point through the missile tail flame. The vertically launched weapon rack can easily attract special attention from the enemy's long-range artillery fire. This compact design without much technical content can greatly reduce the casualty rate.  The enemy's long-range artillery fire rained down on the missile's secondary ignition position, but unfortunately it deviated too far from the real target.  Presumably at this moment, the enemy's long-range counterattack troops are confused by these few firepower points that cannot be defeated.  Thinking of this, A Duo couldn't help but bring a faint smile to his face.

    The bunker group is the focus of the Shen League's long-range artillery, and all kinds of ammunition pour down.  But the damage done to the bunkers was minimal, and their landing craft couldn't possibly carry much heavy weapons.  There was static noise in Ado's headset, and he looked up. The sky showed strange colors, which was the scene after the explosion of the electronic pulse bomb.

    A messenger wearing power armor quickly shuttled between the buildings, braving intensive artillery fire and running towards Ado.  There is a flashing dark light in a conspicuous position on the back of Ado's command armor.  In special eyepieces, this bright light is quite dazzling.  This design is to cope with the current situation.  The messenger can easily find out who is the commander here.

    The orderly soldier rolled and climbed into the battle trench.  "Captain, let me tell you!" The messenger opened his individual armor mask and panted, "The main target of the Shenmen's attack is you, and it will take thirty minutes for the division's support mecha to reach you. Captain  The order is that you must hold on until the support mecha arrives!"

    "Is there any enemy troop deployment?"

    "We only know that the other party has dropped a large number of landing craft in your direction. The division staff's guess is that there are about five army divisions or three mecha divisions."

    "That's a waste of time!" Ado glared and cursed angrily, "I only have one company in my hand!"

    "The regiment commander said he doesn't care about this! He said, you still have a division from Andorra here, go and discuss it with them. Well, the division headquarters has already informed their division headquarters of the news." The messenger said as he followed the machine  A took out a silver command module from the storage box, "This is the authorization module given to you by the regiment commander. There are a total of sixty fighters and ten heavy artillery pieces. This is the heavy firepower quota for our regiment. The regiment commander said, now the enemy  The firepower is too strong, and the mobile force directly under the regiment cannot be dispatched, so I can only give you these."

    "That's pretty much it!" Ado took the authorization module from the messenger and stuffed it into his command module box.  ??Is there anything else?  "

    The ordering soldier looked at A Duo, "The regiment leader also asked me to tell you something."

    "What are you talking about?"

    ¡°We must survive!¡±

    Ah Duo was silent for a while.  "I understand! When you go back, tell the leader that I will try my best to do it." A bright smile appeared on A Duo's face.

    The messenger looked back at the city that was already covered by artillery fire, "Captain Ado, let me stay here. You see, it's quite dangerous to go back."

    A Duo was stunned for a moment, then laughed and patted the young messenger on the shoulder.  His command armor was a whole level higher than that of his opponent. The messenger was caught off guard and almost fell down.  Ado smiled and supported the other person, "Well done, boy! Just stay here. Be my messenger!"

    "Yes, sir!"

    Both Ado and this young messenger knew very well that compared with the artillery fire behind them, the chance of survival in this position used as the main attack point by the Shenmen could only be described as a narrow escape.

    The division¡¯s support mecha will arrive in thirty minutes. This short thirty minutes may be the last thirty minutes for all of them.  With one Andorra division and one Charno reinforcement company, it is almost an impossible task to withstand the enemy's five divisions' repeated attacks.  The young messenger made a heroic decision.

    The exhausted fighters began to withdraw, and the dazzling flames in the sky gradually became sparse.  However, the battle at position 3297 has entered a fever pitch.  The mechas of the 7th Andorra Marine Division have broken out of the mecha bunker and are fighting with the mechas of the Divine Alliance.  The precision strike forces of both sides were constantly looking for the weaknesses of the other's mechas, and the dull gunshots of anti-armor heavy guns were connected continuously.

    The people of the League of Gods landed not five marine divisions again, but three mecha divisions.  This gave their mecha numbers an almost overwhelming advantage.  Their army avoids the frontal mecha battlefield and launches attacks from both wings. From time to time, agile warriors with special abilities break through the firepower and rush into the defensive positions. The soldiers of Andorra have almost no chance to face the surprise attack of the supernatural warriors of the League of Gods.  To fight back, a platoon of troops often cannot even exchange for the casualties of a single supernatural warrior.  The bunker defenses on both wings were lost one after another. As the firepower of the bunkers became sparse, ordinary soldiers of the Divine Alliance began to attack the entire front line through the torn gaps.  The messengers from the headquarters of the 7th Marine Division kept shuttling back and forth, passing the latest information to Ado.  Now the only force that can stop the supernatural warriors is the forty-two biological mechas in Ado's hands, which also includes the twelve mechas that Carter supported him.  They ran back and forth on both sides of the defensive position, retaking the defense line torn apart by the supernatural warriors again and again.

    Ado¡¯s face was full of worry. These mechas were not invincible ghost mechas. The people sitting in the cabs were real people. The high-intensity attack had exhausted them.  "The left wing position has been lost again." A messenger from the 7th Andorran Marine Division rushed into Addo's company headquarters.  This was a new face, and Ado glanced at him.  Running in intensive artillery fire is no different from seeking death. This is already the seventh messenger soldier replaced by the 7th Marine Division.  Of the six men in front, four were killed and two seriously wounded.  He had no other choice but to wish this young man better luck.  The launch density of the Shenmen's electronic pulse bombs has exceeded the maximum density.  Under the attack of such dense electronic pulses, even their own command communications were severely disrupted.  Ten minutes ago, the 7th Marine Division tried to set up a wired communication between their division headquarters and Addo's company headquarters. However, after paying the casualties of thirty logistics engineers, the wired communication that had just been connected failed under the powerful  Direct burning and melting under electron pulse.

    "My people need to rest!" Ado explained, "They are really too tired! If this continues, we will eventually be unable to defend both lines of defense!"

    The Andorra communications soldier said anxiously: "Sir, without the support of your mechas, our left wing position would be lost. Now our brothers are using their flesh and blood to resist the supernatural soldiers of the Shen League, sir.  "The young messenger couldn't help but choke up as he spoke.

    Ado didn¡¯t blame the other party.  Now that the war has reached this point, his worries about the Andorran soldiers have long been wiped away.  They fought as bravely as they did.  Their combat effectiveness is not as strong as the Charno soldiers, and their soldiers are not as rich in combat experience as the Charno soldiers, but they are equally brave and fearless of death.  Their mechas blocked the successive attacks of three Shen Alliance mecha masters on the frontal battlefield, and their soldiers used their flesh and blood to block the attack progress of the supernatural warriors.  But the problem is that now his mecha can no longer hold on.  If there hadn't been a strong will to support them, perhaps they would have collapsed long ago.  In just twenty minutes, they attacked the two flanks thirty-two times and repelled thirty-two attacks by the Shenmen.  they mustTake a break, even if it's just for a minute.

    "Commander!" Ado shouted loudly. The communication soldier who was originally following him had already joined the fierce positional battle. Now he was alive or dead, and Ado didn't know.  The Shenmen people's electronic suppression destroyed all communication networks, and it was useless for him to stay with him.

    "Here!" The messenger from the regiment dropped the hot long-range sniper rifle in his hand and ran all the way to Ado.

    "You go to the left-wing position! Bring a flare gun, the red one!" Ado's expression was serious.  The regiment commander put the entire regiment's long-range firepower into his hands, but after losing the communication system, their role was greatly reduced.  Currently they can only indicate firing areas via flare guns.  A green flare gun indicates support fire on the target area.  The red color represents urgency, fire at me!  He knew that the messenger knew this as well as he did, but there was no hesitation on the other person's face.

    ¡°Find a place to hide and try to survive.¡± Ado warned the other party.  Under three minutes of indiscriminate full-scale firepower, even a small piece of metal will dissolve into molten iron. Ado knew very well that the opponent's chance of survival was almost zero.  And his sacrifice only bought three minutes of rest time for the mecha. This was an extremely cruel order.

    "Don't worry, company commander!" A naughty smile appeared on the young messenger's face, "I'm the messenger! The fastest one in the whole regiment!"

    Ado watched indifferently as the figure of the messenger gradually disappeared into the smoke. He felt like a hard-hearted executioner who had handed over a task that he knew would lead to death into the hands of a young man, which made him even more confused.  What's sad is that the young man didn't even hesitate.


    The endless artillery fire releases its roar. When the red flare flashes in the sky, it also means that the battle on the front line has entered the final moment of life and death.  The heavy artillery soldiers frantically filled the barrels with ammunition. They shed tears and roared loudly as they fired shells out of the barrels. They knew full well that every shell dropped might also take away the lives of their comrades.  life, but they have no choice.  They can only repay their comrades with more intensive artillery fire. How they hope that these shells piercing the air will have eyes and distinguish which side is the enemy and which side is their comrades, but they know very well in their hearts that this extravagant wish will never be possible.  accomplish.

    The artillery fire extended five hundred meters forward and back from the point where the signal flare was emitted, and then turned to the front and extended the strike one thousand meters forward.  The exhausted artillerymen completed the fire coverage strike in three minutes, which usually takes ten minutes.  This is the only thing they can do for their comrades who are fighting bloody battles on the front.

    When the artillery fire ceased, the heavy gunners could no longer suppress the sadness in their hearts and cried in their arms.  Men don't shed tears easily, but they are not sad yet. Perhaps this is the most helpless portrayal of these fierce soldiers at this time.  There is nothing more cruel than pouring artillery fire on the heads of your comrades!  Several veterans climbed up to the bunker in front of the fort and shouted loudly toward the invisible position: "Comrades, go away!"  Tears poured down his cheeks, which were blackened by cannon fodder¡ª¡ª

    The left wing of position 3297 fell into a deathly silence.  The entire battlefield seemed to be shaken by the unprecedentedly violent artillery fire just now!  The Shen League people retreated like a tide, and the brutal battle also put the Shen League offensive group under tremendous pressure.

    The front of the position is covered with craters and charred soil, black and red are mixed together, burning mechanical remains and corpses scattered everywhere demonstrate the cruelty of war.  Here, human beings who claim to be advanced creatures seem to be transformed into beasts. Civilization, morality, and all the nobility advocated by human beings are gone, and there is only life and death!

    There was silence in the Shenmen¡¯s landing group headquarters.

    "How many people did we lose just now?" Little tried his best to dispel the despair that filled his heart, but his efforts were destined to be in vain.  They had already detected that there was only one division of defensive troops stationed in the highland bunker group with a radius of less than five kilometers opposite, and they had three marine divisions and three mecha divisions in their hands, but they had no chance to advance even half a step.

    "Three regiments, and two squadrons with special abilities!" the adjutant replied bitterly.

    Ritter was silent for a while, then suddenly raised his head, his face full of helplessness, "Launch one last attack!" He tried his best to sound firmer, but he failed to do so.

    "The soldiers can't hold on anymore." The adjutant couldn't help but said.  He has never fought such a cruel offensive and defensive battle.  In just twenty minutes, there were more than 20,000 casualties, including thousands of supernatural warriors and thousands of mechas, but their target was only a small high ground.

    "I will fight even if I can't hold on," Little's face looked a little ferocious under the flickering lights, "Charno people??Support is coming soon, this is our last chance!  "

    The adjutant hesitated for a moment, and then asked angrily: "What if we capture this high ground? The exhausted soldiers can't stop a counterattack by the Charno support force. Doing so will only produce unnecessary consequences.  Apart from casualties, what practical significance does it have?¡±

    "Practical meaning?" A hint of helplessness appeared on Little's ferocious face, "You don't understand anything at all!" He roared at the adjutant: "All of this has no meaning! Don't you still understand? We are not at all  During the battle, we are just acting for the 'warriors of God' who are watching indifferently in space. We want to tell them that we have been fighting and fighting hard!"

    The adjutant stared at the somewhat hysterical Little with his mouth open, "Acting?" He looked blankly at the other person's desperate and bitter face, turned around and looked at the burning battlefield with corpses everywhere, "Is the price the lives of countless soldiers?  ?¡±

    "Our sacrifices bought the lives of others! Didn't you notice? We are the only army fighting against Charno," Little quickly walked to the entrance of the temporary headquarters, pointed outside and shouted loudly  Said: "Listen to those intensive artillery fires, what are they doing? They are also acting, but in this drama we are the protagonists. But it will be their turn soon, and we take turns playing the offensive role. The funny thing is  , but we are showing it to our own people. Because if we don't attack, those damn 'Soldiers of God' will not let us go. They will drive us all to the enemy's gunpoint like a flock of sheep.  !Do you understand it?!"

    A ferocious look flashed across the adjutant's face. He remained silent, suppressed, and panted violently. In the end, he did not have the courage to resist.  He turned around dejectedly, grabbed the communicator on the table angrily, "Launch another attack!" He shouted loudly.

    A slightly crying reply came from the communicator, "We have suffered too much loss, sir. Their morale has collapsed, and they need to rest! Sir, just let them rest. Letting them go up like this will only lead to death!"

    "Follow me even if you die!" Ritter took the communicator from the adjutant's hand, "Tell them this is the last time! The last attack! Then we can rest, tell them!" Ritter's voice was the last.  It almost turned into a plea.  A trace of hatred and anger flashed in his eyes, but the target of his hatred was not the enemies on the opposite side, but some beings above them who did not regard them as human beings¡ª¡ª

    Landing craft one by one departed from Kangdar Star.

    After taking off his bullet-riddled individual armor, Ado leaned quietly in front of the porthole. In his sight, the burning battlefield became smaller and smaller until it was replaced by the dark red planet Condar.  The division's support mechas arrived at their defense line five minutes in advance. At the moment when the influx of Divine Alliance people was about to step into the position, they rushed into the Divine Alliance people with unrivaled momentum like tigers descending from the mountain.  In the formation, it was a massacre. The Shenmen who had long lost their will to fight fled in panic, leaving behind countless corpses.  The battle ended like this, at least for Ado and his soldiers, as well as the 7th Andorra Marine Division, which suffered heavy casualties, the battle was over!

    Ado retracted his gaze and looked out the window. The landing craft was empty.  Before the battle, he had 422 subordinates, instead of 423!  A'duo secretly said to himself that he should also add the young messenger from the regiment whose name he didn't even know.  He did not carry out his order, and he found the figure of the young messenger in the battlefield recorder left on the battlefield in Andorra.  Just like what he said, he ran really fast, maybe he was really the fastest person in the whole group.  He held a red signal launcher gun and rushed into the battle formation of the Divine Alliance people under the intensive artillery fire of the Divine Alliance people. The bright red signal bomb was the last thing he left to this world.  Ado believed that at the last moment, he still had a naughty smile on his face.  His heroic act dealt a heavy blow to the God League people. More than three regiments of God League soldiers were reduced to ashes under the shining red flare.

    Ado subconsciously moved his eyes to his left side, and saw that the metal seat was empty.  He didn't see the familiar shy face from the past.  Normally, the young communications soldier should be looking out the window excitedly at this time, but he's not here!  He also wanted to ask him whether it was the coward who was playing a joke on him.

    His eyes moved slowly, staring at the empty metal seats. "Tian Ming, Malisi, 'Big Mouth' Douger, Sergeant Smith" Ado muttered and repeated.  A familiar name, two warm streams of heat rolled down his cheeks.

    There are four hundred and twenty-three people, and there are less than a hundred people left!  This was the only thing left to him from this battle.  The living people silently wiped the firearms in their hands, the smoke of battle still lingering on their faces.?They are ready for the next battle at any time.

    Ado slowly picked up the gun at his feet and deftly removed the barrel, which still exuded the residual heat of the battle. The battle is not over yet!  He told himself secretly.  Just like what Commander Kurt often said: Soldiers, as long as they are alive, they are always ready to face new battles!  This is the fate of a soldier and the honor of a soldier!¡ª¡ª

    "It seems that the barbarians are determined to let the Shenlian people serve as cannon fodder." Yi Lexiang sighed softly.

    The battle on Kangdar Star has been going on for a whole week.  Every day, the starships of the Divine Alliance would bring in new landing troops.  They took turns attacking Charno's position.  Only attack one point at a time.  The battle was fierce.  But Yi Lexiang knew very well that the commander of the Shen League had tried his best to control the war to a minimum.  They are aware of the fact that they are cannon fodder, but they cannot refuse to fight.  So they can only reduce the intensity of the battle in this way.  The fighting was brutal. In seven weeks, Charno lost more than 300,000 men.  There are even more people in the Divine Alliance, and the Intelligence Department estimates that there are at least more than 1.3 million.  But considering that the total number of troops assembled by both sides in the star field near the Kangdar planet exceeds 30 million, this loss is actually not that big.  At least far less than the losses caused by a full-scale war.

    "We have determined the location of the enemy's main force!" Li Shaojun hurriedly walked into the combat command room.  He had received the message twenty minutes ago, but he was cautious and confirmed it again.

    "Have you confirmed it?" Yi Lexiang perked up.

    "already confirmed!"

    "Okay!" Yi Lexiang slapped his palm excitedly.  The Shenlian people's passive attack cannot always deceive the barbarians. If things continue to drag on, the battle on the planet Condar will evolve into a full-scale war.  At that point, whether Charnow wants it or not, the battle will revolve around Kondar.  "Deploy polymer satellites to the target area immediately. Let's have a good fight with the barbarians!"

    "But the fleet of the Divine Alliance"

    "As long as Black Star One appears, we will give them the best reason to retreat!" Yi Lexiang's face showed the only smile in several days, "They will understand."

    Li Shaojun hesitated.  This is just their speculation, and the Divine Alliance may not do what they envision.  A sly smile appeared on Yi Lexiang's face, "Aren't Zamami's surrender troops here? Let them go out together! I think when the people of the Divine Alliance see them, they will naturally understand!"

    "But it may also arouse their determination to resist desperately!" Li Shaojun said worriedly.

    "Maybe!" Yi Lexiang answered uncertainly, "But their fleet cannot pose a threat to the planetary fortress. It is also impossible for the barbarians to allow the planetary fortress to destroy the starships of the Divine Alliance. If that is the case, they will  They have lost their means of transportation back to the southern star field. In this vast universe, their only foothold is the planet Condar. Aren't they afraid that we will repeat the scene on the left neighbor star? They have no other choice but to retreat.  Protect the fleet of the Divine Alliance! The initiative is in our hands." Yi Lexiang said firmly.

    "Okay! I'll make arrangements!" Li Shaojun replied helplessly.  In terms of tactical deduction, ten of them combined are no match for Yi Lexiang.  Since Yi Lexiang made this decision, he had no choice but to execute it!  What's more, Yi Lexiang rarely makes mistakes, and Li Shaojun even smells victory.


    The Divine Alliance fleet, command flagship, "Holy Light".

    Melnikov frowned at the information in his hand, and found traces of the Charno scout ship near the starry sky where the main force of the fleet was stationed.  This news made him a little uneasy.

    For several days, both sides have been trying to find the location of the other side's main force.  Melnikov knew very well what the barbarians were planning, and he even speculated that the Charno people were making the same strategic plan.  Both sides wanted to surprise the other side's main fleet.  There is no doubt that whoever launches the attack will take the initiative.  However, the Charno people's starships are much more advanced than the Divine Alliance, and their reconnaissance work has not made much progress.

    He once suggested to the commander-in-chief of the barbarians that the barbarians should carry out this task, but he was flatly rejected by the other party.  This also proved that Jon's speculation was correct.  No matter what the God's envoy said before leaving, it was obvious that he, the fleet commander, could not command these proud 'warriors of God'.

    Melnikov let out a deep sigh. He had a bad feeling that this battle was probably coming to an end.  And the victor is unlikely to be a savage.  The savage's pride would bring its own consequences, he was sure of it.  Lord Wyndham did not listen to his advice precisely because he felt that following the advice of a worldly man would stain the nobility of the barbarians.  In fact, there is nothing noble about him at all.?What¡¯s so noble about a group that still implements the clan system?  No matter how powerful they are, it cannot change the fact that their civilization is still in its primitive stage.

    Jon read the information in a hurry, with a thoughtful expression on his face.  "Melnikov, this may be our chance to get out of this war!" He was a little excited.

    "Out of the war?" Melnikov looked at Jon in confusion.  From this intelligence, he saw only danger.  Sometimes, he still admired his chief of staff because he could always see different results from the same thing.  Of course, his inherent sense of superiority is still disgusting.  "I only know that if the Charno people really attack our main force directly as I expected, we will directly face that unrivaled planetary fortress."

    A sly smile appeared on Jon's face, and that smile made Melnikov feel a little uncomfortable, as if he was being calculated by the other party.  "The emergence of Planet Fortress is the opportunity I mentioned!" Jon said.

    "Really? I only saw destruction and death!" Melnikov responded coldly.

    Jon paid no attention to Melnikov's indifference.  Melnikov has always had this attitude since he proposed the idea of ??using soldiers' lives to trade for time.  But this does not affect the other party's compliance with his own arrangements.  Melnikov is a smart man, he knows that he has a chance only if he survives.  This time, he will definitely listen to his own opinion.  He trusts his instincts.

    "It is impossible for our starships to threaten the planetary fortress, admit it!"


    "So?" Jon tried to guide Melnikov to think along this line of thinking.

    "So? So we either run away or are destroyed!"

    Jon shrugged helplessly, "You are so rigid! So - our noble 'Warrior of God' can only deal with that giant monster personally."

    "If they fail, we will be finished too!" Milnikov still didn't seem to understand what Jon meant.

    "Why don't you understand yet! Now the initiative is back in our hands. We can leave the barbarians and retreat alone. Without the starship to transport them, they are dead! Or, more safely, temporarily with  The Charno people are in a stalemate, and we will make a choice when the final result comes out! However, if we watch indifferently, the barbarians may not let us go after they win!"

    Melnikov looked at Jon coldly, "No matter what the outcome is, I undoubtedly bear all responsibilities as the commander-in-chief of the fleet. Zamami is the best example. And you, my chief of staff, you have a family  The protection of nature is safe and worry-free!"
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