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Volume One Chapter 436 The Mysterious Fleet

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    Chapter 436 The Mysterious Fleet

    Lovell was awakened by the rapid knocking sound. He sat up suddenly. There was only a small yellow light on in the room, which was blurry and dim.

    The knocking sound became more and more urgent, and Lovell fumbled to press the open button on the side of the bed.  The door opened slowly, and then he saw Meriwether's ugly face.

    "My chief of staff, it is not what a gentleman should do to disturb the commander's sleep at this time." Lovell looked at the flashing electronic clock on the wall. It was now three-twenty in the morning.

    The grim look on Meriwether's face did not dissipate because of Lovell's teasing, "Our space satellite has just detected a huge space fluctuation. I wonder if you are still in the mood to sleep after hearing this news?"

    Lovell almost jumped out of bed. He was only wearing a white cotton pajamas and a pair of shorts, revealing his thighs covered with golden hair. "When? Have the analysis results from the Intelligence Department come out?"  He jumped out of bed with his bare feet and rushed to Meriwether like a gust of wind.

    "I will inform you of what happened just now as soon as I get the news. It is estimated that by the time we arrive at the command bridge, the Intelligence Department's preliminary analysis will be completed."

    "Let's go!" Lovell waved his arm without thinking.  When he crossed Meriwether, who was blocking the door, and his bare left foot landed on the cold metal floor of the passage, Meriwether clearly felt his colleague tremble all over.

    "Damn it." Lovell cursed in a low voice and quickly retreated into the room.  "Why didn't you remind me?" He complained to his companion while taking off his general uniform from the hanger by the door.

    "You didn't give me a chance!" Meriwether responded lightly, "And I think if you appeared in front of the soldiers like this, you might be able to boost their morale." A faint smile appeared on Meriwether's face.

    The lights in the command bridge were brightly lit, and the well-dressed officers were discussing something in low voices.  Still, Lovell could sense a hint of weariness on some faces as he walked into the room.  "Orderly, give your officers a cup of strong coffee, they need it." He ordered loudly.

    "General," the chief of fleet intelligence pushed aside the two senior officers standing in front of him and hurriedly walked to Lovell, "that is a fleet." He said with a serious face, "unprecedented in scale!"

    The staff adjutant, who had been waiting for a long time, handed over Lovell's PDA. Lovell glanced at it briefly and handed it to Meriwether, who was standing behind him.  "What is the Ministry of Science and Technology's opinion on this matter?"

    "We agree with Colonel Loras's inference. Judging from the spatial data analysis results, this is indeed consistent with the spatial fluctuations caused by the fleet's jump."

    "Where is the destination?"

    "It should be an open star field near the Iye star, about two million kilometers away from the Iye star." Sam, the director of the science and technology department, said while calling up the starry sky map near the jump point.

    Lovell looked up at the starry sky map and said to Loras: "Is our interference field always working?"

    "I checked urgently. Everything is normal." Loras replied, with a bit of confusion on his face.

    "What explanation does the Ministry of Science and Technology have for this?"

    The head of the Science and Technology Department hesitated for a moment, "The purpose of the interference field is"

    "I know that." Lovell interrupted him, "No matter who it is, they can jump out if they can jump in, right?"

    "Wellthat's the theory."

    "Theoretically?" Lovell raised his eyebrows frivolously, "But what we are discussing is not a theoretical issue now. Someone has already done this." He didn't wait for Sam to answer and turned towards Loras, "You just said the size of this fleet.  What does unprecedented mean?¡±

    "This is the largest collective jump of starships that we know of, and the energy index of space fluctuations is astonishingly high."

    "Be specific!" Lovell frowned, "How many starships are there?"

    ¡°We compared this spatial fluctuation index with records in the database, and it exceeded the highest value by a full seven times.

    "What is the maximum starship jump scale?"

    "Eight thousand main starships."

    "You mean that a total of 56,000 starships jumped over us and entered the Tire territory during the jump just now?" There was a trace of doubt on Lovell's face.  Fifty-six thousand capital starships?  With so many starships enough to eat them all in one go, why would the other party spend astronomical amounts of energy to enter the Tire family's territory through space jumps?

    "You can't understand it this way." Meriwether looked at Loras who looked embarrassed, "With the increase in the number of starships in the jump fleet, the number of starships in the jump fleet will increase.Energy consumption will also increase exponentially.  The size of that fleet is not that outrageous.  "After explaining to Lovell, Meriwether turned to Sam, the director of the Science and Technology Department, and said, "Have you calculated the specific number of the opponent's fleet?  "

    Sam wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Still calculating."

    "As soon as you have any news, send it to me and the commander immediately."


    At this time, the metal sliding doors of the command bridge opened to both sides, and an orderly stood at the door pushing a cart full of coffee.  As if feeling the tense atmosphere in the bridge, he looked at Meriwether hesitantly, wondering whether he should enter.

    "Come in!" Meriwether waved to him, "Everyone needs to calm down at this time."

    Lovell glanced at everyone with a cold gaze, "Drink the coffee later! Make arrangements immediately and order all fleets to attack across the board. No matter what the Tire family wants to do, they cannot be given time to breathe. Loras  , you go contact the Imperial Intelligence Headquarters and see if any country has made any abnormal deployment of military forces in recent times? As for Sam, I will give you two hours. You must find out for me this group of people who have entered the Tire family.  How many fleets are there?" Lovell took a breath, "Turn on the interference field to its maximum power. Well, will this have any effect?"

    Sam glanced at Meriwether cautiously, and replied cautiously: "It may have a little effect, but it won't have much effect."

    "It's possible again!" Lovell snorted, "Whether it has any effect or not, you can turn it on to the maximum. If the Tire family runs away because of this, I swear that I will kill him before His Majesty the Emperor cuts off my head.  You!" Lovell almost yelled at the last sentence.

    The officers who received the order dispersed like frightened birds, and the previously quiet command bridge immediately became noisy.

    Meriwether shook his head and walked to Lovell, "You are too harsh on them. It's not their fault."

    "Hmph!" Lovell walked up to the orderly, took a cup of coffee from the cart, and poured it into his mouth.  The coffee was a bit hot and bitter.  "What do you think about this?" He stared at Meriwether, who was getting coffee from the cart.

    "I'm wondering who in the entire galaxy has the ability to mobilize a huge fleet." Meriwether took a sip, and the bitterness of the coffee made him frown.

    "You don't think someone in the alliance is doing it secretly?"

    Meriwether shook his head, "No one in this starry sky can hide it from our eyes and ears, only forces outside the alliance."

    "Then how do you explain the Bazin rebels? I heard that Orbis and the Free Federation have fallen, and now the situation of the Covenant Empire and Yiluo is also in danger."

    "I have read the battle report from the headquarters. The starships of the Bazan rebels are quite advanced, and the quality of their military resources is also very good. They are not like a rebel army, but more like a well-equipped and well-trained army.  Army. His Majesty the Emperor has ordered the assembly of a crusade."

    "Could it be the Tyr family"

    "Then how did they contact the rebels?" Meriwether glanced at Lovell, "Whether it is as a friend or as the chief of staff of the fleet, I have the responsibility to remind you that you'd better put all your energy into  On the Tyr family. Otherwise, even if you are the son-in-law of His Majesty the Emperor, he will not let you go."

    "I understand!" Lovell sighed, "What should we do next?"

    "It's best to report this matter to His Majesty the Emperor immediately." Meriwether suggested, "Let him replenish the supplies for us, and we will launch a general attack on the Tire family immediately."

    "But you also know that he just took away two batches of supplies to form a crusade army"

    "His Majesty the Emperor will make his own judgment!" Seemingly noticing the embarrassment on Lovell's face, Meriwether explained: "The enemy doesn't have much time left for us. Since their starship can go in, it can naturally come out.  Although the calculation results of the Ministry of Science and Technology have not yet come out, in my estimation its scale will not be less than 10,000 starships, or even more. Now the gap between us and the Tire family's military strength has been weakened, and now  If the Tire family wants to escape, we seem to be helpless."

    "His Majesty the Emperor secretly ambush a chess piece, maybe it will work."

    "My Lord Commander, you may have forgotten who we are facing? That is the military god of the empire. After many years of open and covert attacks, he has not been defeated, but now someone wants to make a fuss under his nose" Meili  Weiser sneered, "Do you think it's possible?"


    Fejed rushed into Tire's room like a whirlwind, holding a small black communicator in his hand.  Tyr noticed this detail, and a touch of surprise appeared on his face.  ??Contacted Gregor?  "

    Feijide nodded vigorously, "There is better news." His eyes swept across the table and he found several family genealogies neatly placed together in the corner of the table.  It seems that Tier has found what he wants.

    "What's the good news?"

    "They are near Star Iye."

    "Impossible!" Tyr lost his voice, but after seeing the affirmative expression on Fejed's face, he immediately realized that his words were true.  "where?"

    "An interstellar open zone less than two million kilometers away from Iye Star."

    Tier stood up and opened the three-dimensional star map.  As if he felt that Feijide's words were not enough, he turned around in surprise, "How many people are there?" For some reason, various magical legends about the young commander suddenly appeared in his mind.
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