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Volume 1, Chapter 431: Iye Star¡ªTeer Family Territory

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    Chapter 431: Iye Star¡ªTeer Family Territory

    "It can't get any worse," Case muttered.  They can no longer escape. No matter how many more starships come, it will actually be the same to them who are in desperate situation.  Could they kill themselves twice?  The corners of Keith's mouth turned up slightly, revealing an ugly smile.  He was very satisfied that he had such a sense of humor until the end of his life.

    I don¡¯t know when, the starry sky seemed to become quiet.  It took a long time, however, for the silence to finally attract attention.

    "The enemy's attack seems to have stopped?" Gregor walked to Case's side with the support of his adjutant. His leg just hit the steel base of the command platform.

    "It seems so." Keith's face showed confusion.  The Targaryen royal family should know very well that the Tyr family will never surrender.  And they will never accept the surrender of the Tyr family.

    "Is the battle over?" Keyes shouted to a staff officer, raising his voice.

    The staff officer looked at him with a strange look on his face, "Report report to the commander, they they seem to be fighting on their own."

    The remaining Tyrian fleet seemed to be in the calm eye of a hurricane. Surrounding them, countless starships strangled each other. It seemed that the previous attack was just a ridiculous mistake, and no one paid attention to them anymore.  Case turned on the holographic projection with trembling hands, his face full of confusion and confusion.  Could it be that they made a mistake and it was not the royal fleet that attacked them?  Or, will someone else come to rescue them?  However, as far as he knew, no force in this star field could possess such a huge fleet, and more importantly, no one would do this!  The Targaryen royal family has ruled this country and this star territory for more than ten centuries.  His Majesty the Emperor - he still used to call them Your Majesty - all of them were talented and strategic, including the current one. Who would take the risk of offending His Majesty the Emperor of a powerful empire to rescue an emperor who was about to be submerged in history?  What about the members of the dying family?

    Gregor was just as confused as Case.  But there was a trace of speculation in his heart that even he himself couldn't believe.  There is a group of people, a group, an army in this world, and they might do this!  They are mysterious, selfless, and take protecting their country and saving mankind as their own mission. They rise to stardom in a short period of time and become invincible, shocking all forces. They are also allies and friends of the Tire family.  Even if all this has not been recognized by the family.

    But they are far away on the other side of the starry sky. Could it be them?

    When a familiar yet unfamiliar black color appeared on the image of the starry sky, Gregor smiled and laughed heartily, and all doubts disappeared.  That's who they are, that black is their logo.  Gregor felt the warmth in his eyes, and he felt the unquenchable excitement in his chest. He knew that the fate of the Tyr family would change because of the appearance of that black color¡ª¡ª

    Tier Mendez was sitting peacefully in his study, holding an ancient paper book in his hand and a steaming cup of fragrant tea on his right hand.  The Targaryen royal family's actions were both expected and unexpected.  He did not expect that they would take action against the Tire family before the situation was clear, and they also chose such a time.

    There was a slight knock on the wooden door, "Come in." Till put down the book in his hand.

    A young girl walked into the room and said, "Grandpa Tier, the other grandpas asked me to call you to a meeting." The girl's voice was as clear as the cry of an oriole.

    "I knew they would encourage you to come." A loving smile appeared on Tyr's face, "Lyanna, are you afraid?" Tens of millions of troops from the Targaryen royal family surrounded the territory of the Tyr family.  In a matter of days, several outer planets have been lost.  Everyone in Tire's territory knows this.

    "Don't be afraid!" Lyanna raised her head and said solemnly.  That crisp voice was full of confidence.

    "Oh?" Tyr turned around, looked at Lyanna who was secretly tasting his tea and asked curiously, "Why aren't you afraid?"

    "Because Grandpa Tyr is here!" Lyanna put down the tea cup calmly, not at all embarrassed by being caught.  "Because Grandpa Tyr is the Emperor God."

    "Emperor God? Haha, your Grandpa Tyr has nothing to do this time." Tyr stood up and reached out to stroke Lyanna's long, silky hair that hung down past her shoulders.  There was a hint of helplessness in Lyanna's invisible eyes.

    Stepping out of the warm study room, Tier immediately felt the deep chill of the night.

    The family headquarters of the Tire family is located on the planet Iye.  At this time, the time zone where the family castle is located is in the late autumn season, and the little heat accumulated during the day has long been dissipated by the night wind.  In the courtyard outside the study, an ancient tree that has survived for unknown years is blowing in the cold wind.??The leaves made a rustling sound.  Lyanna understandingly put the cloak on Tyr, and Tyr immediately felt better.  "Time is not forgiving." Tier sighed.  He looked around the familiar courtyard, as if he had returned to his youth decades ago when he was studying hard late at night.

    Lyanna reminded softly: "Grandpa Tyr, it's time for us to leave." Dozens of tough guards outside the courtyard, wearing light blue uniforms, waited silently.

    Along the way, Lyanna remained quiet.  She knew that the family was facing an unprecedented crisis.  The royal family loyal to the family is a few light years away, sharpening their swords and trying to uproot the Tyr family.  Although she didn't understand why all this happened, she knew they couldn't let it go.

    The ancient fortress of the Tyr family is located on three hills. Under the clear moonlight, it looks like an eternal ancient beast.  Many years ago, the first patriarch of the Tyr family built a castle here.  At that time, the Tyr family was just a little-known family of interstellar wanderers.  They were the first to discover the Iye star.  At that time, the Iye planet was not as beautiful and peaceful as it is now. Every day, the tribesmen had to face endless attacks by the planet's native creatures, as evidenced by the traces left on the walls of the old castle.  Since then, the Tire family has developed a tenacious character, and they have vowed to protect this place forever.  But now there are people who want to take this place away from the Tire family, and want to drive out the Tire family.

    Tyr¡¯s sight slowly swept across the tops of the seven towering battle towers in the castle. They were like seven ancient warriors guarding the huge dome building in the center.  There is the temple of the Tire family, where the Tire family holds a family meeting every year.  Now, this old castle and these battle towers, which have saved the lives of countless people, no longer have any substantive significance.  They are just a symbol!  In front of the huge starships carrying weapons of destruction, they were as vulnerable as the toy blocks in the hands of children.

    The church hall was very quiet, as if there was no one around.  When Lyanna pushed open the huge iron-wrapped wooden door for Tyr, the tribesmen who had been waiting for a long time all turned their attention to Tyr who was strolling in.  These looks are very complicated, including anger, hesitation, fear, and doubt.  Tier thought with difficulty, how many people are there in the Tier family now?  He really doesn't remember.  In this star field that spans five light years, the blood of the Tire family is spread everywhere. They call this place their home and are proud of it. Now they are about to die together with the Tire family.

    Lyanna let go of the hand that had been supporting Tyr and quietly returned to her seat.  The serious and dull atmosphere in the hall made her a little uncomfortable.

    Before Tyr Mendez sat down, a middle-aged man stood up. Lyanna recognized him. He was one of her uncles. Like most members of the family, he also ruled the Targaryen royal family.  Serve in the country below.  His position seems to be the theater commander of the Third Theater Garrison Fleet.

    "Patriarch, the royal fleet advanced one-third of a light year overnight. They blocked our communications with the outside world and blocked all our interstellar routes, but we still don't know why they  Do this. The royal family should be well aware of the importance of the family to the entire empire. Why do they do this?" There was a hint of questioning in his tone.

    "I heard that Gregor is going to attend the Hermit Alliance conference this time to support Charno's Free Army." A gloomy voice came from the corner, "Will this matter offend the royal family?"

    Lyanna also recognized this voice, it was the voice of fourth grandfather Tyr Doyle.  It is said that he was Grandpa Tire's biggest rival when he was competing for the position of patriarch.

    "It's useless to say anything now! The royal fleet has arrived at the door of the Tire family." Another voice sounded.  This time Lyanna didn't recognize who it was.  She looked around, but her sight was blocked by others.

    ¡°Don¡¯t mess up!¡± Tyr John, the great elder of the Presbyterian Church, who was sitting on the left hand seat of the patriarch, said majestically.  His gaze swept across the hall, and everyone he caught lowered their heads.  It seemed that Tyr John's eyes contained some kind of magical power that could pierce the secrets of people's hearts.

    Only then did Tire raise his head, which had been lowered. He nodded to the great elder Tire John.  "First question, it is no secret that the Targaryen royal family wants to take action against our Tyr family. I don't think anyone will deny this."

    Someone whispered, "But the war is not over yet" Before he could finish his words, someone seemed to cover his mouth.

    Tier Mendez glanced at the corner where the sound came from, "I don't want anyone in the family to make wild guesses. There are some things you don't know about here, because your qualifications, intelligence, and age are not enough for you.  Participate in the most confidential matters in the family. There are also some people who meet all the conditions, but have ulterior motives, and naturally have no right to know." Tier Mendez's words were like the cold wind blowing through everyone's mind in the middle of the night.Bottom, cold, icy, there was silence in the hall, and there was no other sound.

    "Most of the secrets are recorded by the core Presbyterian Church. There are also records by Feijide. If anyone doesn't believe it, you can check it out."
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