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Volume 1 Chapter 411 Discovery?

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    Chapter 411 Discovery?

    The Arden Crater is a place used by barbarians to absorb thermal energy.  They opened up channels to the mantle, allowing hot molten rock to flow out of the ground.  Overflowing lava pours down along four grooves that wind to the seaside. Gases dissolved in the magma continue to explode, making strange sounds.  If you don¡¯t take into account the thick smoke and pungent gases that cover the sky and the scorching heat, this is a rare spectacle.

    However, all of this suddenly disappeared with an indescribable roar like the earth was shattering.  Ten nuclear bombs placed under the ground after precise measurement were detonated at the same time. The huge explosion destroyed not only the Arden Crater, but also flew into the sky like a cork in a bottle, along with large tracts of land near the Arden Crater.  The huge plume of smoke and dust rose straight into the sky like a giant black dragon with fangs and claws, covering the sky and the sun, and a black rainstorm poured down.  The seawater was pushed out several nautical miles by the thrust generated by the explosion, and then rushed back. The moment before the seawater closed up, a huge crack could be seen extending along the undersea mountains to the poles, and fire poured out of the crack.  The bright lava looks like two red lines moving away.  Another series of muffled explosions came, the earth's crust shook, and the remaining earth bulged upwards and collapsed; the seawater spread and gathered, boiling like a basin of boiled water.

    The thermonuclear weapons placed by the Free Army on the left neighbor star were detonated one by one, causing a chain of devastating reactions.  If you use geological instruments to observe the entire planet at this moment, you will find that the crust of the left neighbor star is like a turtle shell full of cracks. Every explosion will make the crust more fragile and loose, until the planet's gravity can no longer restrain it.  Astral matter completes its final self-destruction.

    It is difficult to describe in words the process of a planet being destroyed and the series of disasters it may cause.  Especially when this kind of disaster is not a natural occurrence but the result of a short-term man-made release, Orr Drogo has no time to regret, reflect, or curse the young general who created all these disasters. He is just trying to survive.  And strive to fly.  Jason followed closely behind him, nervous and confused.  Al Drogo is undoubtedly the person who knows the secular world best among the barbarians. Choosing to follow Al Drogo may be the best way to deal with the dangers that he does not understand.

    "Help me!" Al Drogo noticed that Jason seemed to still have some strength left, and yelled at Jason.  Jason didn't answer, but stretched out his hand to grab Al Drogo's shoulder. The speed of the two men's flight immediately more than doubled.

    "Don't stop!" Al Drogo gasped.

    Neighbor Star finally completed the final stage of destruction in a series of fixed-point nuclear explosions. The entire planet began to spread outward like an inflated balloon. The heavier matter was the first to escape the shackles of gravity, and then other matter  .  The core of the earth is like a super giant thermonuclear bomb. As an incomparable bright light flashes, the life of the left neighbor star finally comes to an end.  The strong light eclipsed the planets and stars, as if a new sun was born in the neighboring planetary system. The white light gradually spread and swallowed everything he could catch up with.  The drastic change caused more than just that. The complete destruction of the neighboring star destroyed the gravitational system of the entire planetary system. The entire planetary system was struggling in the vortex of gravitational collapse.  As for the barbarians - the only thing they can do at this moment is to pray to the gods in the sky for blessings. Unfortunately, there are too few people who can receive the blessings of the gods.

    At the last moment of the explosion of the Left Neighbor Star, the last starship of the Free Army also escaped into the subspace and disappeared into the vast starry sky.  Yi Lexiang is on the last starship. He is the coordinates of all the ghost mechas. They need to use him to accurately return to the 'consciousness space'.  Otherwise, even if the planetary explosion cannot kill them, they will eventually die as the negative energy is exhausted.

    There was a slight fluctuation in the sea of ??consciousness, which was a signal for the soldiers in the mecha to return safely to another world.  Yi Lexiang's high-pitched heart finally returned to normal.

    "Exchanging one million empty mechas for hundreds of Barbarian battle groups is worth it no matter how you calculate it."  The hundreds of thousands of mechas on the Left Neighbor Star were the bait he sprinkled. In order to make everything look realistic, he had to send planetary fighter planes to fight to the death with the barbaric battle groups stationed on the Left Neighbor Star, and then cleverly disguised them.  The barbarian reinforcements are coming, and the ground mecha troops are preparing to evacuate.  Next, in order to hide from Yang Haojun, he had to order transport ships to be dispatched to Zuo Neixing again and again. This was a death mission. Facing the wild man with high flexibility and small target, star fighter planes could only protect the transport ships.  The role is very limited, and all pilots performing tasks can go there voluntarily.

    Yi Lexiang knows Yang Haojun very well.  This man is definitely the most cautious person he has ever seen, and he cannot be left with too much time to think.  The longer time passes, the easier it is for him to see through the loopholes.  The only way to prevent Yang Haojun from having time to think is to fly over the left neighbor star.In the fierce battle, every time a mecha was withdrawn, it interfered with Yang Haojun's mind, because no one understood the huge power of these black mechas better than Yang Haojun.  But the battle to evacuate the mecha was not a farce, but a real battle.

    Jason was breathing heavily from exhaustion, and the same was true for Emissary Orr Drogo beside him.  The fear on their faces has not dissipated, and their expressions of lingering fear still remain. However, the joy of surviving the disaster brought a few ugly smiles to their faces.

    "I thought I was dead this time." Jason patted his chest and said, just now they were overtaken by the destructive energy produced by the explosion of the left neighbor star.

    To be honest, if he didn't understand why Orr was running away like a lost dog before, he finally understood it now.  The destructive energy produced by the explosion of the Left Neighbor Star was so powerful that he had never seen or felt it anywhere or anyone before.  It has never been seen even in the "god" of the barbarians: the great venerable.  The only thing he was lucky about was that he chose the right person to follow, and they ran faster and further than the other savages.  It was this that allowed them to escape disaster.  Compared with others, they are much luckier.  Even when the power of destruction finally took shape, many barbarians had just realized what kind of danger they were about to face, and they were swallowed up by the white light of destruction early on.

    Orr Drogo looked at his shaky barrier like a candle and let out dry giggles.  Without Jason's help, he wouldn't have had a chance to survive.  "You saved my life!"

    ¡°You also saved my life!¡± Jason responded.  The two looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

    "Is everything a trap?" Jason, who had regained his breath, took out a goose egg-sized fire crystal from his arms and handed it to Al Drogo, "Private collection, save it for use." He looked around at the starry sky.  It looks empty and clean than ever.  Ten minutes ago, there was a huge planet in front of him, and the space was filled with figures of barbarians, but now they are all gone.  Occasionally, against the dark background, a few flashes of red light can be seen, indicating that there should be others who survived.

    "Yeah!" Al Drogo hummed feebly. He was now more worried about how to explain to His Holiness.  He brought a total of one hundred and fifty Savage Chapters, including five Bloodrider Chapters, and now these people were destroyed together with the destruction of the Left Neighbor Star.  This does not include the fifty battle groups originally commanded by Santaga who were stationed on the Left Neighbor Star.  After all, in this battle alone, the barbarians lost 250 battle groups and more than one million elite soldiers.  There may be survivors, but the loss will never be less than 200 battle groups.  Orr Drogo, who has experienced many battles, quickly came up with a number that surprised even himself.

    "They also killed their own people?" Jason looked puzzled. This seemed to be different from what he knew about the style of secular people.

    "No!" Al Drogo shook his head, "Those mechas are empty. You forgot, you told me this."

    "But it's impossible for a mecha to fight without a human pilot!"

    "That's right!" Al Drogo nodded, "Besides, it's impossible for a remotely controlled mecha to withstand the attack of the Savage Warriors!"

    "I'm sure those mechas are not remotely controlled," Jason replied affirmatively while recalling, "those mechas feel very weird, likelike they are alive and have life.  "

    "So Yi Lexiang must have mastered some kind of method or weapon that we don't understand. Damn it, why can he always come up with new tricks?" Al Drogo slapped his palms in frustration.

    "Yi Lexiang? The secular person that 'Venerable' specifically told to kill?"

    Orr Drogo nodded speechlessly, and he fell into the opponent's hands again.  And this time, I am afraid he will never have the chance to retaliate. The "Honored One" will never let go of his leader who has caused huge losses to the barbarians.

    Jason knew what Al Drogo was worried about.  He lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then raised his head and said: "We have just won a great victory. As the saying goes, killing ten thousand enemies and losing three thousand, there is no way to avoid casualties in war. Who would have thought that crazy secular people would detonate a planet?  .¡±

    "A great victory?" Al Drogo looked at Jason with a different kind of light in his eyes.

    "Not bad! Destroyed 1 million black mechas with powerful combat capabilities, destroyed a third of the opponent's fleet, successfully rescued the besieged and endangered colleagues, and annihilated the enemy's first batch of effective forces. If this counts,  If we don¡¯t win a big victory last time, then what kind of victory can be considered a big victory!¡±

    "But our losses are too great!" Al Drogo hesitated for a moment, but the light in his eyes became more and more intense.

    "But we also annihilated one million of our opponents' ink-black mechas that could confront the Savage Warriors head-on. The most important thing is that we passedThe First World War made a discovery that is crucial to us!  "

    "What did you find?" Al Drogo looked at Jason in confusion.
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