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Volume One Chapter 405 Ground War

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    Chapter 405 Ground War

    In the world of barbarians, most of the chapter leaders are the strongest people in the entire chapter.  They are generally not too old.  In order to collect fire crystals, collect daily necessities, and deal with various other unexpected dangers that may occur, most of them have a much shorter life span than others. Those who can truly survive all kinds of dangers are experienced and strong.  There are not many brave men.  To ensure that each clan's best warriors have a better chance of survival, it's a good idea to assign them an experienced deputy.  Therefore, Santaga attached great importance to Selmi's opinion. He listened quietly and motioned for Selmi to continue speaking.

    "Everyone should have received the warning from Envoy Orr a few days ago. This is the first time it has ever happened."

    "Perhaps the emissary has stayed in the secular world for too long, and has lost the fearless courage of the barbarians."

    "But he is staying by the 'Honorable' side, without the 'Honorable' consent. Even if he is one of the eight secret envoys, I am afraid he does not have the authority to issue such a warning to all the wild warriors." Selmy disagreed.  shook his head.

    "What are the eight great emissaries? Now we only see the Orr emissary alone. They have been away from the sealed land for so long, who knows if they can still be regarded as real barbarians?" Someone whispered.

    "The 'Honored One' is infallible." Selmy said with a serious expression, "Are you questioning the wisdom of the 'Honored One' by saying this?"

    Everyone stopped talking.  The "Venerable" is the "god" of the entire barbarian people. To question the great Venerable is simply to blaspheme the gods they believe in.

    "So we can't underestimate the enemy this time?" Santaga asked with some uncertainty.

    Selmy looked at Santaga with approval. Although the young commander still had doubts, he knew that he had heard his words.  "I suggest that we follow the emissary's advice and meet the enemy on the ground. It is best for us to retreat to areas with complex terrain or dense jungles and fight with the enemy there." He saw that Santaga seemed to disagree with his suggestion.  , raised his hand to indicate that he should listen to himself first.  "I suggest this based on two considerations. First, we don't know why the fleet in the sky did not fire at us. Maybe they made a mistake in judgment, but they will soon discover this mistake, and it is too early for us to take off to meet the enemy at this time.  It's too late;" He looked up at the sky. A roar came from deep in the sky, and a huge hexagonal prism dragging flames and smoke was cutting through the sky and falling from the sky. This was a weapon they had never seen before, and its specific function was unknown.  "Second, the Left Neighbor Star is the largest planet we occupy, and it is also the only nearby planet that can replenish Fire Armor energy. Even if I don't say it, you should understand how important this place is to us. And I have just ordered  The news of the secular people's attack here has been passed on to the 'Honorable' and the emissary. I believe that a large number of reinforcements will soon arrive. Our most important task now is to firmly drag this fleet here." At this point  , Selmy subconsciously looked at the pictures that Santaga was waving in his hand. The dense red light spots were heart-stopping. This was a huge fleet that he had never seen before.  Even if the barbarians had fought against the secular people many times before, the largest fleet could not compare to one-third of the size this time.  "I think you must agree that it would be a great achievement if we could annihilate this fleet this time. The key to whether we can annihilate this secular fleet depends on whether we can firmly drag them to the left star.  superior."

    Santaga was silent for a while, carefully weighing Selmy's suggestion.  As a commander who was ordered to lead fifty battle groups, Santaga was by no means a mediocre talent.  Even though he was harsh to his subordinates and ruthless to his enemies.  "Okay!" He finally made up his mind, "Just do what Selmy said."

    He waved his hand, "There are ten big islands on the left star. We have exactly fifty battle groups. Five battle groups are assigned to each island. Don't get together. This way the secular people will have no chance in the space fleet.  Use their starship cannon. We try to delay as much time as possible. When the reinforcements arrive, it will be the signal for counterattack. At that time, we will deal with these secular people."

    "Yes." Everyone suddenly accepted the order.


    "The barbarians dispersed." On the starship in space, Chen Yatian said with worry.  The responses of the barbarians are becoming more and more tactical, which shows that while they understand their opponents through battle after battle, their opponents are also quickly adapting to the strategies and tactics of the secular world.  It was obvious that they wanted to delay.  This tactic is naturally a little rough in the eyes of experienced generals, but it is undeniable that their enemies are starting to become smarter.

    "That means there is not much time left for us to attack, and reinforcements from the barbarians are coming. Who do you think will be the commander-in-chief of the reinforcements?"

    "Of course it's Yang Haojun, the biggest enemy of the Free Army." Xin Qiang said bitterly.?

    Yi Lexiang nodded silently, and then said loudly: "Yang Haojun is a master of strategy, we cannot underestimate him. But for us, it would be a good thing if Yang Haojun personally takes action. He understands us, but we  I also know him well. Based on my experience of playing against him many times, this person is cautious in doing things, misses a single hit, escapes thousands of miles away, never procrastinates, and never goes into danger. Therefore, he does not make comprehensive arrangements before  We won't launch an attack. We should still have plenty of time."

    Yi Lexiang¡¯s analysis immediately received a lot of approval.  Chen Yatian also tried to analyze: "Yes. Moreover, Yang Haojun is suspicious by nature. He may come here this time to bring a secret fleet loyal to him. This way we don't have to face the chaotic attacks like swarms of barbarians.  ." What a strategist like Chen Yatian probably doesn't want to see the most is a chaotic swarm of attacks by the barbarians who don't pay attention to any strategy or tactics at all.  It is impossible to make a tactical response at all. If your enemy does not know what tactics you are adopting, then his enemy will be even more unable to respond.

    "Not necessarily." Yi Lexiang shook his head, "Everyone has seen the attitude of the barbarians towards the secular people. I don't think Yang Haojun will come with the secret fleet that defected to Charno with him. Moreover, Yang Haojun will come with him.  Along the way we traveled, almost every secular person on the planet was transported to other places. This seemed weird to me. Why did they transport all the people on the planet? They were not on the planet.  What kind of secret project is this? There must be a reason why they transported people away that we don¡¯t know.¡±

    "What do you think the barbarians eat?" Xin Qiang once again said something shocking.

    "Oh my god, Xin Qiang, you don't think they can eat people, do you?"

    ¡°Even the races from distant ancient times can reappear in the world, what else can¡¯t happen in this world?¡±

    "Barbarians are not ordinary people," Yi Lexiang said. "They are essentially the same humans as us, but they are a group of supermen who have surpassed the limits of human mental and physical abilities. They only need a small amount of food to meet their physical needs.  , It will never go to the point of cannibalism. Xin Qiang, don't talk nonsense." He looked at the continuously shining fire on the ground, and the battle on the ground had begun.  The starship moved forward one after another, ejecting huge hexagonal bodies, and retreated one after another. Under the light blue sky, countless fighters were ready to go, just waiting for all the mechas to be released.  After that, after grabbing the attention of the barbarians, they will engage in ground combat.  For the first time, when facing a battle, he did not have to worry about the safety of his soldiers, because everyone present knew that there were no crew members in those jet-black mechas, only the immortal souls of his former comrades.  However, this kind of peace of mind did not make Yi Lexiang feel better. He could not tell whether his peace of mind was because he knew that the destruction of those mechas would not bring real death, or because he was used to killing and getting used to it.  The fall of ignoring life.

    "We should pay attention to the issue of barbarian reinforcements next. I think someone will not let us leave this star field safely."

    "If Yang Haojun hadn't brought his secret fleet, with the speed of the barbarians, it would have taken them more time to get here. We can arrange it calmly, and maybe we can escape before they arrive.  .¡±

    "Impossible. Without Yang Haojun, we might be able to relax a little. But Yang Haojun will definitely not give us this opportunity unless" Chen Yatian pondered for a moment, "We will retreat now." But he knew Yi Lexiang  I would definitely not agree to this.

    Sure enough, Yi Lexiang shook his head firmly, "No." He replied, "We urgently need a hearty victory. I believe that there must be many people in the rear who are afraid of the barbarians. People are facing  It's always like this when there's unknown danger." He thought for a moment, "I'm not fighting to get the position of commander-in-chief of the coalition forces. We must tell others that the barbarians are no different from us. They can be killed just as well.  Can be defeated by our starship. For this, the risk is worth taking."¡ª¡ª

    At this moment, the fear and confusion in Santaga's heart were the same as when Zorn faced the "Ghost Mecha" for the first time.  He didn't know exactly what he was facing.  A mecha without a crew?  He has heard that secular people have some machines that can move automatically without human driving, and he has also seen some of them with his own eyes.  But he didn't believe that what he was facing was something similar. The movements of those mechas were as smooth as flowing water, light and flexible. It was not easy even for a manned pilot to do this, let alone his mental strength.  There is nothing in it.
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