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Volume 1 Chapter 403 Zuo Neixing

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    Chapter 403 Zuo Neixing

    Orr Drogo stared coldly at the violent throne flame. The flame was extremely blue and shot straight into the sky, like a huge pillar reaching into the sky.  No one can get close to the throne. The blazing heat turns everything to ashes, even the air, and the swirling air currents rage around the throne. Like him, the former arrogant Blood Alliance guards stayed away from the throne that represented the supreme glory, watching with fearful and uneasy eyes.  That piece of blue, shivering.

    Seven battle groups and 35,000 wild warriors perished just like this!  Everyone was inexplicably sad and angry about this.  And under this mania, Orr Drogo knew in his heart that a faint fear was growing in the hearts of the soldiers.  No one knows the details of the battle.  How many enemies are there?  What price did they pay for encircling and annihilating 35,000 warriors?  Everything is a mystery!  The unknown is the most terrifying enemy!

    The air flow slashed across Al Drogo's cheek, like a knife cutting, and there was silence all around, except for the roaring sound of the air.  When the "Venerable" became angry, the color of heaven and earth changed, as if a real god had descended into the world.  However, Al Drogo knew that the "Honored One" was not angry because he was grieving for the soldiers who died in the battle.  In the eyes of "Venerable", the withering of life is like the ants under his feet. No matter how many he dies, it will not shake his rocky heart that no longer belongs to human beings.  He could feel the faint fear beneath the fury of the "Venerable". The fear was like a poisonous snake entwining in the heart of the "Venerable", and the object of fear was that young man.  A trace of doubt arose in Al Drogo's heart. What was the "Venerable" afraid of?  Why does he care so much about Yi Lexiang?¡ª¡ª

    The huge fleet moved forward silently in the silent universe, like a giant beast lurking in the darkness.  After a brief cheer of victory, Yi Lexiang once again led his loyal men to advance into the depths of this star field that no longer belonged to humans.

    The compiled battle report will be sent to the Ability Star after being heavily encrypted. It won¡¯t be long before Wu Wei receives it, and it will become a bargaining chip in the hands of the Free Army.  However, this is not enough!  To convince those cunning bosses who are blinded by power, the Free Army still needs a truly brilliant victory.  The vastness of the universe more or less limits the communication between people. At this time, Yi Lexiang still doesn't know that with the actions of the Tire family, more and more forces are reconsidering their relationship with the Free Army.  Relationship.  This battle report is enough to win more "friends" for the Free Army.  However, things in the world are often like this, always wrapped up in all kinds of accidents, and it is precisely because of this that life is full of excitement.  If Yi Lexiang had known what happened to the superpower star at this time, he would most likely have chosen to retreat, and then the "shattering battle" that would be forever sung by future generations would not have broken out.

    Destiny is slowly moving forward according to its own trajectory, and a bigger battle is slowly fermenting and brewing in the endless darkness.

    The Left Neighbor Star is the largest ecological star in the star field occupied by the barbarians.  There are 400 million people from the League of Gods living here. There used to be ten temple knights and nearly one million supernatural soldiers. The entire planet is surrounded by the ocean, with islands of all sizes standing in between. The sky is blue, and the air is always full of energy.  Permeated with the breath of the ocean, almost everyone who has been here can't help but think of the mother planet "Earth" that gave birth to human civilization.  They are so similar!  But now this place is just a blue hell. The ocean near the main island is dyed a light red, and the barbarians massacred millions of God Alliance soldiers on the seashore.  Not long ago, these soldiers had just surrendered to the feet of the "gods" descending from the sky. They probably never thought that they would face such a tragic fate.  Three days ago, the last batch of starships transporting people left the planet. They sailed to Molkesia, like a group of animals, driven by "gods", they were packed into overcrowded ships. The doom of death had already  It has come to them, but they still don't know it.  The stench of sulfur replaced the fresh and moist air. The barbarians blew up nearly half of the small islands and led the underground lava to the surface. The sea water and the lava were constantly fighting. In the steaming heat, teams of barbarian warriors sat cross-legged.  On the exposed dark rocks, they absorbed the fire energy they desperately needed.  The once picturesque Left Neighbor Star has long been changed beyond recognition, like a blazing hell.

    A total of 50 barbarian war groups are stationed on the Left Neighbor Star. If it were not for the fact that it is too far away from Molkosia, this place should have become the base camp of the barbarians.  And now it has been abandoned, becoming one of the few planets where energy can be replenished.

    The fleet is docked in an asteroid belt three light years away from the left neighbor star.  Yi Lexiang silently watched the video sent back by the spy satellite. If the interstellar coordinates had not confirmed that this was the Left Neighbor Star, he would not have believed his eyes.  The upper part of the screen displays the previous picture of the neighboring star on the left. The comparison between the two gives people a feeling of a vast ocean.

    "Are these barbarians crazy?" Chen Yatian murmured, "They turned a planet into ahell.  "The steaming heat concealed the figures of the barbarian warriors who were absorbing energy. In the eyes of everyone, the behavior of the barbarians was somewhat unreasonable.

    "Could it be that their aesthetics are different from ours?" Xin Qiang scratched his head thoughtfully and said confused.

    No one is laughing!  The development of human civilization has not been smooth sailing, and it has also experienced various crises and tests.  The original intention of mankind's expedition to the stars was not to explore this vast universe, but simply to survive.  Excessive exploitation of resources has destroyed the ecological balance of the earth, the mother planet that gave birth to human civilization. The polluted atmosphere, the dead ocean, and all things on the earth have withered. Human beings have destroyed the planet they live on with their own hands.  Before they were fully prepared, they had to plunge into the universe and paid a heavy price for it.  It was a tragic era that almost extinguished the fire of civilization. It was not until the advent of the Age of Interstellar Discovery many years later that the fire of humanity flourished again, until today.

    Countless generations of memories have been recorded. Even today, with the population explosion and the increasing shortage of survival materials, protecting the environment and protecting the home of human life is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has never been forgotten.  After witnessing what the barbarians had done, everyone really lacked the mood to joke.

    Facing the serious faces in the cabin, Xin Qiang helplessly shrugged and said nothing.

    "Look, what is that?" A staff officer pointed at the screen. A gust of wind temporarily blew away the steam that shrouded the flames, revealing the faint figure inside.

    "So that's it." Chen Yatian suddenly realized, and the fiery red figure revealed the answer to the mystery, "They are drawing energy from the lava."

    Xin Qiang looked at the shining stars in the distant sky, "Why don't they absorb the energy of the stars?"

    "I'm afraid the star's energy is mixed with something harmful to them," an older technical officer analyzed,

    "Well, that should be the case. After all, they are humans, not gods." Chen Yatian said,

    "Then there are other resource stars, why do we have to destroy the ecological star?" Xin Qiang asked doubtfully.

    "Resource stars? The cores of most resource stars have long since cooled down. How can there be underground lava to replenish their energy?" Chen Yatian looked at Xin Qiang with disdain.  Xin Qiang scratched his head in embarrassment, it seemed like this.  "If they keep doing this, they'll be in trouble."

    Yi Lexiang nodded. This time Xin Qiang was right.  It would be really troublesome if the barbarians kept using this method to replenish their energy.  Every time they occupy a planet, they will destroy the local ecological environment.  Human beings have one more reason to fight.

    "Strange." The technical officer adjusted the angle of the spy satellite with a confused look on his face.

    "What's wrong?"

    "According to the data, there are more than 400 million people from the League of Gods living in Zuoxinxing, but we have not scanned the signal of a large population gathering."

    "That's a blast." Xin Qiang waved his fist excitedly.

    Yi Lexiang glared at Xin Qiang accusingly. In Xin Qiang's eyes, apart from fighting, it was still fighting. His mind rarely considered anything unrelated to war.  Perhaps it was for this reason that his instructor allowed him to graduate from the command academy even though he failed many subjects.  "The key question is why those more than 400 million people disappeared. I don't think the barbarians would be so kind and send them away. In their eyes, we are enemies and enemies. They want to kill us all, so what?  Would they transport the population away from the neighboring star for fear of changing the planet's environment?" Yi Lexiang was wrong on this point. In the eyes of the barbarians, secular people are not human beings at all, they are livestock and ants, so there is no need to care about them.  Something of life and death.  In their eyes, this world can only belong to and be inhabited by barbarians.  Of course, within a certain scope, they will also trap some ordinary people for their driving, but that is something that should be considered only after the entire secular civilization has been wiped out.

    ¡°Invade their ¡®Skynet¡¯.¡± Yi Lexiang said calmly.  If the barbarians want to transport so many people, the only thing they can use is the starships and transportation networks established by secular people.

    A few minutes later, the technical officer and several of his young men easily invaded the "Skynet" system.  The Shenmeng's technology was originally far behind other countries, and since there was no dedicated person in charge, it became increasingly easier to hack into the "Skynet" system.  "The navigation mark set by the transport ship shows that everyone has been transported to Molkosia."

    "Morkosia? What are they doing by transporting people there?" Yi Lexiang frowned. There are no known ecological stars there, and there is a lack of supply bases necessary for life. How can they ensure that so many people are normal when they transport them there?  Life?  Do they want to transport people back to the sealed land?  impossible.  Yi Lexiang immediately denied this speculation.  The living environment in the Sealed Land is quite harsh, although??I haven't seen it with my own eyes, but based on the information we have, ordinary people simply cannot survive there.  Did they never consider the life and death of these people at all?  A chilling thought suddenly appeared in Yi Lexiang's mind.
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