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Volume 1 Chapter 381 The First Battle

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    Chapter 381 The First Battle

    The crimson craze, which is as bright as blood, spreads from Molkosia to the surrounding starry sky without most people knowing it. Savage warriors who can fly freely in the stars invade one planet after another like locusts, and with the invasion  It's endless killing.  They herded people like animals into overcrowded starships and transported them to the Blood Fey Gate, where they slaughtered the bewildered people like livestock.

    The Gate of Blood Essence is expanding day by day, and the barrier between the Red Flame Purgatory and this universe is getting thinner and thinner. However, this cruel act has never been known to the world.  People who pay attention to the movements of the barbarians are greatly puzzled by their continuous invasion of the planet and their behavior of transporting large numbers of people away.  The barbarians seem to have no regard for the resources of the planet. They are only interested in people, and they only plunder the population.  In just one month, the planets near Molkosia became desolate and uninhabited stars.  Although no one would have guessed that barbarians of the same kind would use such extreme methods to treat their brothers and sisters who were of the same blood, but no one would think that the people who fell into the hands of barbarians would enjoy wonderful treatment.

    The League of Gods is still unaware of the approaching crisis. There are no ecological planets near Molkosia. The loss of the resource star is obviously not enough to attract the attention of a vast alliance. Even the local government has not paid enough attention to it.  The fierce battle between the three major alliances has temporarily ceased, but some small moves between each other are inevitable.  As for the changes that occurred in the areas controlled by the Imperial Alliance and the Democratic Alliance, they were jointly suppressed by the powerful forces of the two alliances. It can be said that the series of shocks caused by the return of the barbarians are only known to a limited number of people in a small area.  It is obviously unbelievable for such a thing to happen to a race that has not yet set foot in space, but for a huge country that covers an area of ??more than a thousand light years, everything is logical.  Even in peacetime, it takes a long time for a decree from the political center to be transmitted to the outermost control area, not to mention that there are so many forces working together to hide it.  From the perspective of those in power, once this news is leaked, a series of changes will be unpredictable, such as races in the eternal ancient times, wars of gods, etc. These things will have a far-reaching impact on ordinary people living under the aura of science.  If the impact exceeds the discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence, it will herald the collapse of the social system that mankind has spent thousands of years establishing. No one, no family, no force, no one in power can withstand the impact of this.  all consequences.  As Yang Haojun or Khao Drogo realized, the current human society is based on lies and secrets. Once all the mysteries are revealed, the cornerstone of the human country will collapse, causing division and war.  It will immediately become the main theme of this world, crazy people, hysterical people, people with ulterior motives, as well as fanatical religious elements, heretics, etc. In short, anything can happen when a person loses his mind.  And these are precisely the things that the powers-that-be who maintain the normal operation of this world do not want to see.

    Seris Star Gate, the Empire had just captured it from the Holy Alliance a few months ago, and the embers of the war have not dissipated. The metal asteroid belt formed by the debris left over from the starship battle in the starry sky near the space gate shone in the light of the stars.  Glowing, the United Star Formation composed of five main-level fleets stood ready. In front of them, an endless stream of wild warriors wearing red armor floated quietly in the cold and empty vacuum. All the imperial soldiers were uneasy, even if  Even being in a sturdy starship did not relieve the tension in their hearts.  Who are their enemies?  Why can they survive in a vacuum?  Is that one of his own kind or some kind of alien creature?  One question after another emerged in everyone's mind.

    Weise was as nervous as his soldiers, or more nervous than his soldiers.  As a senior commander, he was allowed to watch the battle footage of Novos. He knew very well that the enemy he faced was different from any enemy in the past. The starships that humans were proud of could not bring them  For safety and victory, he didn't even know which formation or method to use to attack the enemy in front of him.  The combat advice given to him by the high command was to try not to let the enemy on the opposite side rush into the battle formation, and to use starfighters to keep the enemy out of the starship battle formation. However, only God knows whether this has any effect.  He knew very well in his heart that there were countless eyes behind him watching everything that happened here. He and his soldiers were an alchemy stone. This was the first time humans fought each other head-on. No one cared about their victory or defeat.  With death, the eyes behind him just wanted to know more information through them.

    The crimson enemies finally moved. They rushed towards the battle formation like locusts all over the sky. Their movements were as flexible as flying birds. They kept spinning and doing all kinds of flexibility that fighters could not do.  With this movement, countless fighters broke away from the mothership and rushed towards the incoming red. Compared with the enemies on the opposite side, they were so clumsy that they seemed to have just learnedFlying chicks, white beams of light, and missiles with flashing blue tail flames flooded the sky. Weese tried to keep his eyes open, trying to distinguish who had the upper hand in the chaotic battle.  The endless piercing sirens came from the huge battlefield control platform behind him, and Weise's heart sank to the bottom.  This is the most urgent alarm sound he has heard since he became the commander of the fleet. The continuous sound is like a lively tune. However, the more urgent the sound is, the more it indicates that the overwhelming group of fighter planes are moving at an unimaginable speed.  loss.

    "The First Fighter Wing was destroyed."

    "The Thirteenth Regiment, the battle loss rate reached 80%."

    "The Sixth and Seventh Wings lost their signal."


    The combat staff officer kept spitting out chilling figures one after another. His forehead was covered with sweat, and his face was miserable. Gradually, his voice became deeper and deeper, until there was no more sound. He looked at it with dull eyes.  On the screen in front of me, the constantly beating "0"s are so dazzling and heart-wrenching.  He raised his head blankly and looked around. The group of combat staff behind him were like sculptures that had lost their souls. Their expressions were dull. The tens of thousands of fighters assembled by the five main-level fleets were lost in less than a quarter of an hour of fighting.  After all, this is not a battle at all but a massacre.

    Chiyun is still moving forward, blood boiling, but the battle just now has destroyed the little extravagant desire for victory in the human heart. Weise saw fear and helplessness in the eyes of his subordinates, and so did he!  As the red clouds got closer and closer, the strict battle formation began to loosen. When a starship in the vanguard fleet retreated without authorization, the loosening finally turned into collapse. More and more starships turned their bows and turned towards the back.  The space gate in the distance sailed away. With the complete collapse of the forward fleet, the main formation behind it also fell into chaos. It was like toppling dominoes. When the first domino was toppled, everything became irreversible.  .

    "General" The military judge glanced at Wessey. According to Imperial law, the war supervisory fleet located at the rear of the entire fleet at this time has the right to destroy any starship that escapes the battlefield.

    Weise looked at the military judge coldly, his mouth tightened and he didn't make a sound.  The military judge understood what the general meant. A fight with the enemy would lead to death. If he allowed them to escape, there might be a chance of survival. At most, they would become interstellar pirates.  He hesitated and said, "General, you"

    Weise turned around and looked at Chi Yun, who was getting closer and closer in the distance, "There are extra life cabins on the ship, and you still have the opportunity to catch other starships." His hand gently stroked the metal platform in front of him.  He caressed the cold and ruthless metal machine as if caressing a lover, "Let's all go. We have done what we should do, and they have seen what they want to see." He raised his head with a hint of sneer on his face,  "I want to see if they are really made of steel."

    The Battle of Seris Stargate was the first frontal battle between humans and barbarians. The entire battle lasted less than thirty minutes and ended with the collapse of the Imperial fleet.  The fleet commander, Major General Wesser Reese, activated the starship to self-destruct when the Savage soldiers broke through the outer wall of the starship, and died for his country.  After the battle, for the first time, the empire did not hold the officers and soldiers who fled the battlefield accountable. In the words of Marshal Tire, running away in the face of such an enemy may not be so shameful.


    Fu Cailei walked out of the room tiredly. He had not rested for more than thirty hours since he came to the capital planet. He felt sore all over and his eyes were a little blurry.  As if aware of Fu Cailei's physical discomfort, the assistant following him hurriedly called the medical officer.

    Yi Lexiang and Bo Jiangang arrived in a hurry after receiving the news twenty minutes later.  "How is the old dean's health?" he asked anxiously as soon as he entered the room.  "Old Dean, I'm just too tired." The medical officer replied while giving Fu Cailei an injection of nutrient solution.  "Old Dean, there is nothing wrong with your body. But you are not young after all. You need to balance work and rest." The medical officer turned around and told Mi Zhiqing.

    "Haha, I can be considered half a doctor. I know my own body well, just take a rest." He turned to blame the assistant again, "You just like to make a fuss, who told you to inform Axiang and the others."

    "You must have mistakenly blamed your assistant. I informed the general." The medical officer interrupted with a smile.  "General, I have repeatedly asked you to inform him if there is any problem."

    Fu Cailei snorted, "Axiang, you came just in time. Our research has just gained some insights. The secret that the barbarians can soar in the starry sky comes from the armor on their bodies. The crystals that make up the armor contain huge energy.  , that kind of energy can form an energy field, oh, what is it called in your words? Barrier, right?"
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