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Volume One Chapter 322 Investigation

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    Chapter 322 Investigation

    "It's best for me to go! Isn't it?" Yi Lexiang waved his hand indifferently.

    This is not to detect the enemy's situation, but to sneak into a barracks.  No one is more suitable than him!  What's more, this is the Divine Alliance after all, a country that the outside world doesn't know much about.  The seemingly dilapidated camp might be stationed by warriors with special powers who came to practice, but it was impossible for ordinary people to hide it from the sensitive eyes and ears of superpowers.  Not even the elite soldiers of the Free Army who have practiced "spiritual guidance".  This is different from a battle on the battlefield. Driving a mecha or controlling a starship, the officers and soldiers under his command may not be at a disadvantage, and may even kill everyone.  But you can't sneak into a military camp with a roaring mecha that weighs several tons and is several meters tall.

    Yi Lexiang's figure suddenly disappeared between the rocks and the low trees. He was quickly lost from the sight of everyone lying behind the hidden rocks.  Only occasionally, when the dark light and shadow change, can a vague shadow be barely caught.

    There is no night in Black Mist Star, and it is always a misty bright color. The sky will only become slightly dim at the moment when two stars intersect.  According to time calculation, if there is no dense and thick atmosphere, it will be noon at this moment, and the huge star should be suspended in the center of the sky.  This is the hottest and brightest moment of the day in Black Mist Star. The scorching high temperature has dispelled the thick fog that originally enveloped the earth. The steaming heat wave makes everything look a bit ethereal and unreal.  Everyone finally lost sight of Yi Lexiang.

    The surroundings were calm again, and the heat wave invaded everyone's bodies. Sweat slowly flowed down along the tight-fitting combat uniforms. The dripping sweat was quickly evaporated by the high temperature and turned into part of the steaming heat wave.  There seems to be no movement in the military camp under the cliff. It is as peaceful as ever. All that is left now is waiting.

    Time seemed to slow down. Weimar could feel the big man lying next to him twisting his body uneasily, his wandering eyes occasionally looking at a place on the other side of the ridge that was indistinguishable to the naked eye.  There were thirty-two mechas parked there that he had never seen before.

    "Gods bless you!" Weimar prayed secretly, sincerely hoping that the young officer would return smoothly.  Otherwise, he had no doubt that these people would jump on the mecha and rush directly to the barracks where at least three thousand soldiers were stationed.  They definitely do!  He could find an unspoken loyalty in their eyes, thirty to three thousand, or more!  Just thinking about it made Weimar feel crazy.  These people must be crazy!  But for some reason, Will seemed to feel a long-lost passionate emotion.  Damn it, do you still have unquenched passion?  He thought that his conscience and passionate blood had long been swallowed up by the cold universe. How could there still be people with passionate blood in this world bathed in the glory of God?  He shook his head, it must be impossible.  This is my own illusion!


    The mecha shuttled between the mountains, passed through the uninhabited woods, and crossed the barren land, quickly heading towards a certain destination.  Facts show that everyone's worries are unnecessary.  An hour later, Yi Lexiang returned to the camp unscathed.  Now they are heading towards a training camp for quasi-superpower warriors.  It was a military base with an airport, and only a base like this that could accommodate starships would have the starry sky map they needed.  Weimar and Xin Qiang were riding in a mecha. Of course, as a prisoner, it was unlikely that he would be allowed into the cockpit.  He was placed in an empty metal box on the back of the mecha.  This was originally a place for carrying spare magazines. It can accommodate one person and is quite spacious.  But it was definitely not comfortable. Every jump and climb of the mecha made Weimar tremble with fear.  He was afraid that he would accidentally be thrown out of the fast-moving mecha, and he never expected that Xin Qiang, who was in the excitement at the moment, would remember that there was a passenger in the empty box behind him, and he was holding it firmly with his hand.  He stood against the two walls of the cabin, facing the fierce hot wind, and cursed and cursed in a low voice at the "stupid bear" who had long forgotten his existence.

    Without any warning, the speeding mecha suddenly stopped. This process from movement to stillness was too short. The unsuspecting Weimar immediately hit the hard metal box wall, feeling dizzy and having a headache for a while.  crack.

    They are here!

    This selected barracks is located in the middle of a vast and boundless dense forest. For some unknown reason, the dense and tall trees on all sides have not been damaged. It seems that the people living there do not want to come out at all, at least that is how it is depicted on the holographic map.  .

    "General, send the signal!" Xin Qiang jumped out of the mecha and stood beside Yi Lexiang, gearing up.  He had long forgotten that there was a passenger behind his mecha. At this moment, the passenger was looking at his tall back with a look of resentment.  Weimar's position was about four meters above the ground. He was considering whether he would be able to escape unscathed with his clumsy size if he jumped from this position.

    "Wait a little longer"??Always reconnaissance of the enemy's situation first.  Yatian has already led people to sneak in, waiting for him to come back to talk.  "

    "Okay." Xin Qiang looked reluctant.

    This dense forest was different from the ones they had encountered before. It was very tall, and some trees seemed to be thirty meters high. They had branches and leaves that were so red that they glowed dark red under the high temperature.  light.  The temperature on the ground continued to rise, but the air did not become dry. On the contrary, the wet feeling became more and more intense.  The moist wind blows in the face, mixed with heat waves, making people feel as if they are really in a sauna, but this natural sauna is a bit too huge.

    Yi Lexiang squinted his eyes slightly, feeling the moist heat blowing on his cheeks.  If we were in Charno, this would definitely be a good tourist attraction, and the flock of tourists might fill the entire planet.  Of course that was in peaceful times!  Now maybe no one cares about the fun of life anymore, this damn war!

    It has almost become a habit for Yi Lexiang to explore the forest with his spiritual power.  Whenever he goes to a place he has never been before, the spiritual filaments deep in his brain will poke out, curiously exploring the world.

    The ecological structure of this planet is so simple.  Apart from humans, the only thing that can barely be considered life is the ubiquitous various plant communities with weird colors.  When the Holy Alliance first discovered this planet, they wiped out all living creatures.  But it seems that the world without native organisms still retains its original charm, and the broken biological chain seems to maintain a fragile balance under the influence of some unknown force.  Could this be the result of the intervention of a force that the temple monks call "divine power"?

    Any unknown power is worthy of awe!  It is precisely because of the unknown that they appear so powerful.  But sometimes, they may not be as invincible as they appear.  The key to the problem is that they will only reveal their most intimidating power, and hide their weaknesses very deeply. In fact, as long as they find a way to control them, those unknowns may become as vulnerable as mortals.

    Several mechas emerged from the dense forest silently, like melting ice sculptures gradually revealing their tall figures.  Chen Yatian and his scouts are back.

    "How is it going?"

    "It's good or not, and it's not bad. Because the other side may have supernatural warriors, we are just observing from a distance." Chen Yatian said as he opened the holographic image of the mecha and showed Yi Lexiang the military camp they recorded.  image.

    "This military camp is much larger than the previous military camp we encountered. It is equipped with air fighters. The number is unknown. It is roughly estimated that there are two aviation formations, about 120 to 200 aircraft. It can't be more. Their supplies  The system cannot support the consumption of so many fighters. Since it is not training time, there are no people on the training ground. The number of soldiers can only be roughly estimated through the officer and soldier dormitories, which should be between 30,000 and 50,000. As for the number of supernatural warriors  ¡­¡±

    Chen Yatian smiled bitterly, "there are no statistics!" No one wants to fight those creatures that can no longer be called humans. You have no idea of ??the power they possess. Even the mecha war gods driving the most advanced mechas are unavoidable.  I felt uneasy.

    "Well, thank you for your hard work. How is the situation at the airport? How many starships are there!"

    "There are only five ships on the tarmac, and one of them is in active state. It seems that the defense is very lax. It doesn't look like a starship performing a routine cruise alert. It may be a starship performing a routine transportation mission."

    "That's right!" A bruised and swollen Weimar emerged from nowhere, limping. It looked like he had paid a heavy price for jumping from a height of four meters.  "This should be a central training camp for superpower warriors. Quasi-superpower warriors from training camps scattered across the planet have to leave Black Mist Star through here every once in a while! This is a routine rotation. After all, this is just for training.  a part of."

    Yi Lexiang glanced at Weimar with interest. Generally speaking, this kind of thing is a military secret.  Especially regarding the deployment of troops and the deployment of supernatural warriors. Is it possible for a pirate to know this?

    Weimar's sneer stopped suddenly, and the general's casual glance was like lightning and thunder. The flash of light in his black eyes went straight to the bottom of his heart, as if he had seen through all the disguises under his rude appearance.

    "Xin Qiang, go ahead and send the signal. Let them come down. This time we attack here, we must leave something for the League of Gods."

    "Okay!" Xin Qiang happily accepted the order.  He knew that the general had something to ask Weimar and it was not convenient for him to be here.  He was the only person here who had a good relationship with Weimar. As soon as he left, Weimar's situation immediately became isolated and helpless.  Psychological pressure!  He had learned this in military school, but had no chance to use it.  "
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