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Volume 1 Chapter 316 The Parliamentary Envoy from the Capital Star

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    Chapter 316 Parliamentary Envoy from the Capital Star

    "@#£¤%" Kasol fell into a state of absolutely irrepressible collapse. This was not a negotiation at all. The general made various demands unilaterally from the beginning, and could not be refused or questioned by others.  Of course, these requirements are not excessive and are in fact completely within the scope of Kasol's authority.  But the problem is that almost every proposal is closely aligned with his bottom line.  Kasol even suspected that the general had already mastered the empire's intelligence about this secret meeting.

    "General" Kasuo stood up with difficulty and stopped Yi Lexiang from leaving. "Perhaps we can continue talking. What else do you want?" Kasuo's lips tightened, with a smile on his face.  Wearing a fake official smile.

    Negotiations must continue. The Charno people's invasion war seriously threatens the logistics supply line of the forward army of the Tianlun planet system that is confronting the Alliance Army. In the small-scale invasion war conflict, the empire is at an absolute disadvantage.  If this fatal threat is not resolved, the Imperial Army will have to abandon the two space gates it has mastered before the Holy Alliance battle is over.  If we want to recapture this strategic location, we will probably have to pay the lives of tens of thousands of imperial soldiers. The imperial army obviously does not want this outcome.

    Yi Lexiang smiled and sat down again. This was the bargaining chip he relied on.  Driving the Imperial people away from the Tianlun planetary system will not help the situation in Charno much. On the contrary, after the balance is broken, the situation in Charno may move in an unpredictable direction.  Containment and balance are what Charno needs.  The Imperials obviously understand this, but compared to Charno, the Imperials have less room for maneuver.  This extremely small gap is enough to give Yi Lexiang the upper hand in the negotiation.

    When Kasol walked out of the room in a daze, the depression and decadence in his heart were beyond words.  He felt like a shameful thief who had given up the glory and interests of the empire to others.  That damn, shameless General Charno was simply a demon who could see into the deepest secrets of other people's souls, peeling off Kasol and the interests of the empire to pieces.  If anyone else said at this time that the young man was a military genius and a political fool, Kasol would definitely fight him without hesitation.  Just now, he signed a series of reconciliation agreements under the young general's sometimes intimidating, sometimes dishonest, sometimes tough, sometimes gentle persuasion.  These agreements are all close to the minimum limit provided by the military. Kosol looked at the smiling young man beside him with a frown. He really didn't know what the military bosses would do when they saw this agreement.  reaction.  Maybe there would be a cerebral hemorrhage on the spot?  This might be a good ending.  The greater possibility is that he took out a pistol on the spot and killed him directly.

    Yi Lexiang watched Kasol leave in despair. A small transport boat, like a seed separated from its mother body, crossed the dark starry sky and gradually disappeared without a trace.

    "General, we got a big advantage in this meeting!" Li Shaojun rushed into the room excitedly, looking at Yi Lexiang with a somewhat scrutinizing look in his eyes, as if he wanted to get to know each other again.

    Li Shaojun is not Annuoji's old man. Compared with Wu Wei and others who followed Yi Lexiang earlier, Yi Lexiang has always been a general with rigorous style and kind personality in his mind, but sometimes he doesn't pay much attention to his own image.  That¡¯s all.  But in this meeting with the imperial people, Yi Lexiang's performance shocked him. He was cunning, rogue and a little bit rogue. No wonder when Yi Lexiang volunteered to negotiate with the imperial envoy in person, Wu Wei and the others had a look on their faces.  Weird expression, they must have all suffered from this commander who liked to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger.

    ¡°This is just what we deserve, what¡¯s so exciting about it.¡± Yi Lexiang smiled calmly, stood up and walked out of the room.  Li Shaojun looked at the figure disappearing at the door of the room and couldn't help but secretly pout, his general is really good at pretending, tsk!


    Peace has returned to the stars, at least for the Charnorans.  War, the most evil evil in the world, seems to have suddenly gone away, at least for the people who have returned to the embrace of Charno.

    The democratic parliament of the capital star once again returned to its former noisy and shouting state. The alliance members who were always condescending, glanced at and trampled on the glory of democracy with contemptuous eyes hurriedly left, and those members who knelt and bowed their heads also once again  Get active.

    Ye Haoran is feeling haggard. Bo Jiangang is currently in the alliance, and his situation must not be too good.  Without the constraints of the military's violent institutions, the re-raised democratic banner has once again become a sharp weapon in the hands of parliamentarians. However, this weapon is not pointed at the enemy, but towards their own people.  The first topic after the restoration of Parliament was to discuss the restoration of control over the military.  Of course, under the premise that the Democratic Alliance army is still checking and balancing the Tianlun Five Stars and the Imperial Army, the congressmen will never have the guts to propose to the theater command center to take back military control.  TheirThe target is Yi Lexiang, the civilian army that defeated Jiale. In the eyes of short-sighted members of Congress, everything in this country belongs to the people, which is equivalent to belonging to the people's representatives - the parliament.

    What a ridiculous reason this is. Ye Haoran looked away in disgust, as if just seeing this ugly report on the table that was full of lies and power struggles was an unbearable shame.

    "Stupid!" Ye Haoran picked up a corner of the report and threw it into the wastebasket beside the table. The rest of the parliament had no idea what Yi Lexiang meant to Charno.  They have not even figured out who is the savior of this country and who is the person who truly holds real power in this country.  In this chaotic era, the power of the country will only be in the hands of soldiers with heavy troops, rather than falling into the hands of politicians who can only talk and dream every day, which will only lead to the destruction of this country, or become something worse.  A vassal of powerful forces.


    The cooperation with the Imperial people was far smoother than expected, and soon they began the evacuation of the occupying forces.  Under the surveillance of the Free Army fleet, giant transport ships with all weapons disassembled travel between the stars.  Some of the Imperial soldiers who threw away their weapons seemed to be freed, and seemed to be glad that they could survive this war, while others had complicated expressions on their faces, victors and shameful captives, these two extreme extremes.  The role reversal was a bit too drastic, so much so that many Imperial people still felt like they were in a dream, which was difficult to accept.

    The mountains of weapons confiscated were quickly redistributed. The underground organizations and the reorganized ground defense forces were their new masters.  In just a few days, several resource stars with relatively good foundations were restarted, and large amounts of resources and minerals began to be continuously transported to the rear areas.  No one knows how long the temporary peace will last, but it won't be too long.  Charno, this ancient country that had been bullied by war for several years, was already suffering from hunger and poverty, and it was difficult to survive. These resources taken back from the enemy were undoubtedly as important as giving timely help.

    Li Shaojun and Xin Qiang went to the planet Tyasko, where the Imperials delivered the third batch of Charno prisoners of war.  There must be a lot of water mixed in, including ordinary people or miners, as well as a large number of spies they installed among them, who must go through strict screening before they can return to the army.  This job naturally belongs to Li Shaojun, and the appearance of Xin Qiang, the god of murder, will naturally bring about a bloody storm.

    Wu Wei and Chen Yatian also have their own tasks. They use the list they obtained from Dean Fu Cailei to search for talents planet by planet.  The victory of the war depends on weapons, resources and the quality of the soldiers, but what supports the operation of this behemoth of a war is talent. Countless talents, from scientists to technicians, the "Black Star Zone" who knows where it is.  "There is an urgent need for a large number of personnel to be supplemented, so that more well-trained soldiers can be free to participate in this war that does not know when it will end. Peace is only temporary after all!

    So what is our Lieutenant General Yi Lexiang doing now?

    "Your Excellency, General, I am the plenipotentiary representative of the parliament. I think you need to give me an explanation for your repeated postponements of the meeting." The arrogant Sun Ziai put his hands on the table and tried his best to make his gaze more majestic.

    Yi Lexiang lazily looked up and down at the middle-aged man in front of him who claimed to be the plenipotentiary representative of the parliament. To be honest, at this moment, he was quite curious about the thick nervous systems of politicians.  What makes them think that they will obey orders from Parliament?  And who cultivated their arrogance and stupidity to the extreme?

    "Okay, I apologize!" Yi Lexiang shrugged indifferently,

    "This is an order issued by the Parliament. From the date of receipt of the order, the army that originally belonged to the people will be led by the Parliament. As for you, Lieutenant General Yi Lexiang, in view of your outstanding performance in the Patriotic War, the Parliament will give you two  There are two options. 1. You can return to the capital star and serve as the deputy chief of staff of the Republic of Charno to assist the chief of staff of Bo Jiangang. Or you can choose to continue to serve as the military commander of the Free Army, but you must be controlled by the special envoy of the parliamentary garrison.  In a democratic country, the people will never allow the emergence of a military dictatorship."

    Yi Lexiang took over this strange personnel order with the seal of the parliament from Sun Ziai's hand with a surprised look on his face.  He didn't know whether Sun Ziai was extremely stupid or arrogant.  Even in peaceful times, the power of the Republic has always been jointly controlled by the military, the Parliament, and the Presidential Palace. Now, with just an order signed only by the Parliament, he wants to take over the most powerful military in the Republic from his hands.  The command of power is like child's play.  What's more, this is not a peaceful time!
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