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Volume 1 Chapter 305 The truth in troubled times!

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    Chapter 305 The truth in troubled times!

    Wu Wei stared at Yi Lexiang for a while, as if he wanted to read something from Yi Lexiang's frozen face like a piece of thousand-year-old ice.

    "General!"  Purpose. It was built not long ago and is probably a relay station for some interstellar channel."

    Yi Lexiang walked to the starry sky map. Charno had lost this vast star field for a year. The once familiar starry sky had long since become unfamiliar to the soldiers. They had no informants and no intelligence sources.  Here, they have no advantage at all.

    "The whole army rushes forward! Erase it completely from the star map!"

    Without any tactical arrangements or plans, Yi Lexiang looked at the starry sky map coldly and said coldly, his eyes not even stopping for a moment at the empire relay station that was about to be destroyed before moving to the wider interstellar space.  For the Free Army, which was almost in full force, erasing that relay station was as easy as blowing off a grain of sand. What mattered was what they should do next.

    The hot coffee in Soldier Leo's hand slipped from his stiff fingers, fell to the hard ground and shattered, making a crisp sound.  In front of him, a strange red light covered half of the starry sky on the radar screen of the console.  In the small radar monitoring room, all the warning lights were flashing and screaming, but Leo had no reaction at the moment and just sat quietly in the same posture as before.  The overwhelming fear temporarily took away control of his body.  A few minutes later, Leo suddenly jumped up from his seat as if he had woken up from a nightmare, as if there were springs under his feet.

    "Enemy attack! Enemy attack!" Leo pressed the call button in front of him and shouted in a hoarse, completely distorted voice.

    Just an hour ago, a heavy aviation formation retreating from Taritak had just entered the airport.  After a busy day, the airport soldiers just had the opportunity to sit down and take a rest. For these soldiers at the rear, this was an intense exercise.  However, they do not envy their colleagues who can make great achievements on the front line. There is only a thin line between merit and death.  Most of the second-line troops like them are not professional soldiers.  A few years ago, before the war started, many of them were just farmers and handicraftsmen who knew nothing, living on meager supplies every day.  For them, this war is nothing more than the personal decision of His Majesty the Supreme Emperor.  There is neither glory nor expectation. In comparison, they miss the peaceful life in the past, although that life was a bit embarrassing and boring.

    The piercing siren in the base resounded through the sky, like a death knell in some ancient memorial ceremony.  The heavy fleet that had just stationed at the airport responded immediately. Even if there was no warning from the observation radar station, the information sent back by their small reconnaissance ship traveling in space was enough to panic them.  The giant metal brackets that stabilized the starship made a squeaking and harsh sound, and then broke under the huge force of the starship's thrusters.  The starships that had not yet had time to stop and rest roared into the sky again, but this time the blood-heated roar of the starships was more like a whimper at the tragic fate they were about to face.  Even if they are not second-line troops, even if the soldiers of the heavy aviation formation are professional soldiers who have undergone rigorous training for several years, it is difficult to calm down the fear in their hearts at this moment.  Compared with the soldiers who have fought many battles on the front line, they have never seen such a large fleet. It is ferocious and gloomy. Is this revenge from the Charno people?  This revenge came so quickly and fiercely, instantly shattering all desire for life.

    Yi Lexiang stood quietly in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling porthole of the "New Light of Victory". In the eyes of ordinary people, there was still a swaying light and shadow, but in his eyes it was extremely clear.  It was the Imperial relay station. It was chaotic and disorderly. Most of the starships were still in the air. Collisions that occurred from time to time made the assembly of the Imperial starships even slower.  The attack teams of the new starships are scattered in the vast space and are temporarily dormant.  The four fleets of the original Anokhi were sent out this time. The jump thrusters allowed them to jump freely within the starry sky that originally belonged to them. Just like now, they appeared directly in front of the Imperial people, catching them off guard.

    "Taritake's heavy aviation formation!" A staff officer responsible for checking the opponent's number screamed, with a hint of surprise that was difficult to conceal.

    A flash of light flashed in Yi Lexiang's eyes, "Destroy them!"

    As soon as Yi Lexiang finished speaking, countless incandescent rays of light illuminated the entire starry sky into a pale, cold color.  This is the flame of the Avengers' wrath!

    ?? Explosions, flames, and metal fragments flying everywhere, the imperial warship instantly collapsed before it had time to open the energy shield.  The fragments falling from the sky are divided intoThe wreckage of the ship pierced the energy shield over the airport and fell down, like a burning hell.

    The huge fleet did not stop advancing and advanced towards the burning airport step by step.  Countless fighter planes roared out and pounced on the fish that had slipped through the starry sky.  Starships, escape shuttles, rescue capsules, and all objects that may contain life are the targets of their attacks.  In the eyes of the living Imperial people, this was a complete massacre, but for the angry Charno people, this was just the beginning of revenge.

    It seems unfair that one person¡¯s mistake requires more people to bear it, but how many things in this world are truly fair?  If fairness and justice really existed, this war would not have happened; if morality and justice really existed, then countless innocent people would not have their families destroyed and their families separated because of the war.  Power is the truth in this troubled world, the absolute truth!  A sudden realization came to Yi Lexiang's heart!  The world needed someone to change, and he was that person.

    "General, we just found the information from the central brain of the Imperial starship when we were cleaning the battlefield. I think you should take a look!"

    Yi Lexiang took the electronic recorder from the staff, "That Taritak heavy fleet was not the one who caused the massacre, they were just the people who were ordered to erase the evidence."

    "**Fleet 4th Fleet?"

    "This ** fleet is the fleet commanded by Jia Lie specifically to deal with us. The commander of the fourth fleet happens to be named Halifax." Li Shaojun almost gritted his teeth and said the last name in his mouth.

    "Find them!" Yi Lexiang threw the recorder in his hand to Li Shaojun, "Don't let me down!"

    "Yes, General."


    As soon as Jialie lay down, he was awakened by the adjutant's anxious knock on the door.  This made him very angry!

    He finally agreed to Halifax¡¯s despicable approach. As Halifax expected, the Charno people who had been harassing the empire¡¯s logistics finally went dormant.  But the sense of honor as a soldier and the self-esteem as a famous interstellar general were like poisonous snakes everywhere, constantly condemning his strong heart.  But he still forced himself to sleep. The second alliance battle was imminent, and the two war machines that had accumulated enough energy would burst out with fierce sparks at any time.  This is the strongest collision between human beings in the past few hundred years. Either you will crush me, or I will crush you.  Of course, it may also be a lose-lose situation, which is also the outcome that both warring parties least want to see.

    Jia Lie opened the door with hesitation on his face, "What's going on?"

    "The theater command headquarters has an emergency combat meeting and requires you to rush over immediately!"

    "What's going on? Is there something else going on on the front line?"

    "I'm not sure! But" There was a hesitant look on the adjutant's face.

    "If you have anything to say, just say it, don't hesitate."

    The adjutant looked around and lowered his voice and said: "I inquired privately, and it seems to be related to the Charno people. It is said that the theater command has been in chaos, and the theater commander seems to be furious about it. You'd better be mentally prepared.  !¡±

    "Is it related to the Charno people? You call Halifax, we will leave immediately!"

    "Bang!" The theater commander from the Laquia Empire threw an electronic recorder heavily in front of Jiale. The recorder bounced a few times on the imitation metal table and then fell to the ground.

    "What's going on?" Jialie didn't lean over to pick up the recorder. The twisted muscles on the face of the theater commander told him that something big might have happened.  Halifax, who was standing behind him, shrugged helplessly, lowered his head and picked up the electronic recorder. After just a few glances, the cynicism on Halifax's face turned into disbelief.  After browsing it in a hurry, he placed the recorder in front of Jiale, took a step back and stopped talking.  But the expression on his face instantly turned ugly.

    The theater commander pointed to the recorder in front of Jialie and told him to look at it.  Whether it was in terms of military rank or command skills, his qualifications were inferior to the famous interstellar general sitting in front of him.  If it weren't for the dire situation, he would never have lost his composure.  After barely suppressing the anger in his heart, he sat down opposite Jialie and waited for him to give him an explanation.

    Jialie read it very carefully, almost pondering for a moment every time he turned over a page.  The harassment of the logistics line by the Charno people has indeed temporarily stopped, but the ending is not what the empire wants.  A large and unknown Charno fleet is rampaging through the imperial-occupied areas.  According to the time displayed on the recorder, in just eight Earth hours, three airports, seven relay stations, and two resource stars have been attacked in the empire's rear control star area.  There are no prisoners and no survivors. The Charno people have left almost no chickens and dogs behind wherever they go. Their attack targets are all military bases. Hundreds of thousands of imperial soldiers have become CharThe soul of the dead under the knife of the Nuo people.  There are several resource stars where the Charno people are mixed and they have also come into contact with the Charno people fleet. However, once it is discovered that this is not a purely military target, the Charno people fleet will immediately withdraw.  This is also the reason why the theater command learned that it was the Charno people who were moving in the rear.  (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation at *** (***.***), ***. Your support is my biggest motivation.)
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