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Volume One Chapter 289 Battle

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    Chapter 289 Battle

    Bo Jiangang shook his head in disappointment, and the hopes that had just risen in everyone's hearts instantly fell from their hearts.

    Of course Bo Jiangang knew in his heart that Yi Lexiang and his 10,000 starships were hidden somewhere in the planetary system.  But he did not believe that under the current situation, Yi Lexiang's 10,000 starships alone could have an impact on turning the tide of the war.

    The huge digital countdown on the starry sky map was beating slowly, and the red arrow representing the strengthening fleet drew a straight line on the starry sky map with an extremely arrogant and swift attitude, pointing directly at the two space gates.  In the empty star field one hundred thousand kilometers away from the space gate, countless light blue arrows are converging into an interception line spanning between the space gate and Jiale, where the final decisive battle will take place.

    "Chief of Staff," Sivana quietly walked up behind Kalam who was thinking hard and whispered, "Look at this!"

    "Huh?" Karam was a little surprised that Sivana was not commanding his fleet at the moment but still staying in the combat command room. He took the lead and looked around in surprise. There were only a few front-line combat commanders in the combat command room. "Why are you still there?"  Here? Commander Sivana? You should lead your fleet to the assembly point now!" Kalam's tone contained a hint of reproach.  From what he knew about Sivana, it seemed that Sivana was not a fearless commander.

    "Look at this first!" A sly smile appeared on Sivana's face, "The Charno people didn't tell the truth completely! They also have a hidden fleet in this galaxy!"

    What Sivana handed to Karam was a starry sky battle map that was taken in real time. He used a red circle to mark an inconspicuous dot among the intricate battle parameters.  Kalam tried hard to identify the parameters of the enemy and the enemy in the picture. There was no doubt that this was a Charno fleet, and the fleet was not large in size.

    "What do you mean? This is just a Charno fleet."

    "Yes, it is a Charno fleet. But it only has the identification code of the coalition forces, but it does not exist in the unit number reported by Charno. In fact, the most interesting thing is that this fleet is joining forces.  It suddenly appeared after Lie's fleet was exposed."

    "Huh?" Karam looked at Sivana with some confusion. Even if Charno hid such an interstellar fleet, it was not a big deal. It didn't seem worthy of Sivana's attention.

    "Look at this starry sky map again," Sivana took out another starry sky map and pointed to the red circle marked on it.  The shooting time at the top of the image shows that this is the image ten minutes later, and the Charno fleet appears in another position in the starry sky map.

    "Is there any problem?" Kalam was a little impatient. The current war situation was extremely unfavorable to the alliance, and he was really in no mood to play riddles with Sivana.

    "What a big problem! This Charno fleet passed through two areas of fierce fighting within ten minutes, but we didn't get any reports! I just studied it carefully, and the commander of this fleet is simply a  Genius, he passes through the edge of the combat area every time, and every time he happens to be in the blind spot of reconnaissance for both the enemy and us." Sivana took out a few more starry sky images, "Their goal is to intensify! If my calculations  If there is no mistake, they will appear here exactly thirty minutes after our battle with Galle began!" Sivana's finger focused on the picture, "And that time happened to be the most intense moment of our battle with Galle.  !¡±

    Kalam laid out several starry sky maps on the table and looked at them carefully. After a few minutes, he raised his head in shock and looked at Sivana with eyes full of disbelief.

    "It's incredible! That Charno fleet not only bypassed all the fighting areas, but also happened to appear behind the imperial fleet at the most intense moment of our battle with Garret. And I also doubt" Sivana said deeply  Taking a deep breath, "That location is where the Galle flagship is!"

    "This?" Karam shook his head suspiciously. The exquisite position of the Charno fleet was undoubtedly refreshing and pleasing to the eye, but it would be a bit disappointing to say that the final move was also a must-have for Jia Lie.  Unbelievable.

    "There are no absolutes, Chief of Staff! Don't forget that the best soldier in Charno is not the Chief of Staff, but the 'Light of Victory'! And it was also mentioned in the secret information of the military department,  That Jiale was once a defeated subordinate of the 'Light of Victory'!"

    ¡°This news has not been confirmed!¡±

    "If this news is not true, then how did Charno's huge fleet on the Kador defense line safely escape from the war zone? Do you really believe what Charno said that their main fleet has been completely defeated? More  Besides, didn¡¯t news come from our ¡®Mole¡¯ in the Holy Alliance a few days ago? A super fleet once appeared in the territory of the Holy Alliance!¡±

    "The news has not yet been??Confirmed!  "Karam shook his head helplessly. These information are all top secret. I really don't know how Sivana got this information.

    "How can there be so many coincidences! And if you look at the Imperial people's offensive route, almost all the breakthroughs are on the defense line guarded by the Alliance Army. What does this mean? It means that they are deeply wary of the Charno people. If they hadn't been attacked by a big enemy before,  Damn, with the arrogance of the Imperial people, how could they do such an abnormal behavior?"

    "" Kalam hesitated for a moment, "What do you mean"

    Sivana pointed to Bo Jiangang not far away, "Maybe we can cooperate with the Charno people's actions."

    "Cooperate with the Charno people?" Kalam looked at Sivana in surprise. He really didn't expect that such words would come from Sivana. As one of the best fleet commanders in Eryas, such words were almost  This means that Sivana recognized in disguise that the Charno people were superior in tactical command.

    "If we are not careful now, we will be facing an irreversible outcome! Our stupid theater commander has already driven us to death, my chief of staff!" Sivana looked at Kalam with a wry smile.  "Marshal Thomas' back-up staff will not appear on the battlefield for another two hours. If a miracle doesn't happen, we may not be able to hold on until then."

    "I'm afraid others won't agree with your conjecture!"

    ¡°Then don¡¯t tell them, as long as they follow us!¡±

    Kalam pondered for a while, then stood up and walked towards Bo Jiangang.

    Even if everything goes as Sivana said, a starship attacking the flagship of a mixed fleet has never happened in the long history of interstellar warfare, but this is an opportunity, isn't it?


    In the darkness, two bright rings emitting silver light shone in the distance, and countless colorful bright spots surrounding the two silver rings echoed each other.  That's where the battle ended.  Farther away, an extremely huge fireball burned tirelessly in the starry sky, releasing deadly rays and flames.  Countless starships converge on a point of nothingness from all directions in the starry sky. The ever-changing star array twinkles like stars. In a few dozen minutes, this place will become a sea of ??burning fire, and countless lives will be transformed under the fire from the same kind.  A part of this starry sky sleeps here forever.

    In the center of the star array composed of starships, the three main fleets of the Eryas Republic are waiting in full array. Thirty-six thousand starships are arranged in a square shape, and a light blue light curtain covers the entire fleet like a water curtain.  The two wings of the star formation are flanking fleets from thirteen alliance allies. The extended battle wings are like the wings of a big bird, guarding the main fleet of the central battle formation.  The dark and solemn starry sky seemed to feel the battle that was about to happen under his wings, and became even darker and darker.

    There was silence in the public communication channel, and only the suppressed coughing and breathing of the communication staff could occasionally be heard; the high bows of the starships pointed uniformly at a point in the void, and everyone was waiting, waiting for the upcoming judgment of fate.  Live or die.

    In the depressing atmosphere, the passage of time seemed to slow down; in the anxiety and trance, a ball of light formed by a collection of light points gradually appeared in the darkness, like a comet approaching from far away, which brought death and misfortune.  The messenger, the imperial fleet appeared.

    Countless flames peeled off from the 'Comet', and the long flames streaked across the starry sky, gorgeous and dazzling.

    "Launch interceptor missiles!" Sivana's deep voice was transmitted to each starship through radio waves. The fleet forming the 'Crab Formation' exploded like fireworks in the night sky, and interceptor missiles that were ready to go poured out.  , thirty seconds later, the entire starry sky was covered with brilliant flames.

    "Prepare for the second wave, launch cruise missiles!"

    On the command bridge of the "Strum"-class aircraft carrier, Sivana, Cruz, and Vinci, three fleet commanders from the Republic of Eryas, stand side by side. The three of them will be the commanders of this final battle.  The shock wave formed by countless explosion points was like the tide of ocean waves hitting the starship stagnant in the void, causing slight bumps. The firelight of the explosion pierced the nano-metal glass and reflected on the resolute faces of the three people. The light kept changing.  The dark shadows make you feel like you are in hell.

    "The interference bomb is launched and the protective cover is strengthened!"

    "The countdown to space torpedo preparation begins, and the recharging of the starship's main gun begins."

    A faint blue light curtain slowly appeared in the dazzling flames. Braving the rain of interstellar missiles, the Imperial fleet rushed to the location of the starship duel at high speed. Time seemed to pause briefly at this moment, and then countless beams of light suddenly burst from the sky.  Starships from both sides burst out, and the glory of the 'Overlord' seemed to dim quickly.

    After hundreds of years of peace, humans once again raised their butcher's knives against their fellow species.??

    The light curtain lasted for about thirty seconds, and then quickly dimmed again. Countless star fighters broke out of the sky, roaring towards the opponent's star array.  The tiny laser beams and flares of fighter jets, as well as space torpedoes and attack missiles launched from their respective formations, once again enveloped the starry sky.
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