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Volume One Chapter 278 The First Alliance Battle (3)

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    Chapter 278 The First Alliance Battle (3)

    "Let them be happy for a while, and when their high morale drops, we will defeat them in one fell swoop." A few sneers appeared on Andracus's face, "Order each ship to conserve its strength and consume the enemy's firepower."


    The intensive firepower of the Third Battle Group Elta continued unchecked for a full thirty minutes. It was not until this moment that Christensen suddenly realized the mistake he had made.  The Imperial fleet on the opposite side has been using stepped formation changes to continuously consume their firepower. Although the dazzling death rays and dense explosions look extremely brilliant, in fact they have little direct impact on the enemy.  However, the starship main gun of the third battle group is already close to the maximum firing frequency.

    The maximum firing frequency refers to the maximum number of times the main gun is fired per unit time. Once the maximum firing frequency is reached, the main gun will automatically lock and cannot be started again until the temperature of the barrel drops below a safe value.  Christensen's face instantly turned ugly.

    "Tactical radar position, report immediately, enemy counterattack data."

    "The counterattack rate of the main gun is 29%, and the counterattack rate of the secondary battery is 82%."

    "So the enemy has been waiting for our main guns to enter a technical lock-up state." Christensen snorted, "Order each ship's main gun firing frequency to change to three-one rotation, increase the energy shield charging, and guard against the enemy.  Ship salvo."


    "Alarm, alarm, energy fluctuations from the enemy ship's joint salvos have been detected." As soon as the combat order was changed, the starship's brain issued an alarm.  Christensen's already ugly face became even more ugly.  Under the attack of our own intensive firepower, the opponent not only did not collapse, but also completed the tactical arrangement of volley linkage.

    "Open the protective shield strength to 120% and activate the joint defense system."

    ¡°The battleship brakes urgently, the heavy destroyer moves forward to protect the battleship, and issues a fleet-wide anti-collision warning.¡±

    "Joint defense is activated, and the entire fleet is prepared for collision."

    Christason firmly grasped the fixed device in front of the command chair. The enemy commander obviously took advantage of his eagerness for success and made a small calculation on him.

    "The enemy fleet launches a coordinated salvo!" The huge curtain wall in front of the command module was covered in a dense white light, and the starship began to shake violently.

    "The first wave of joint strikes is over, battle damage rate: 0." There was a burst of suppressed cheers in the command room. Several young staff officers looked at Christasen, who was sitting firmly on the command chair, with a few words mixed in their eyes.  Silk worship.

    "Don't be chaotic, the attack is not over yet. Each ship starts the self-test program and increases the charging rate of the energy shield." Christason's cold and sharp eyes suppressed the excitement of the young staff officer.

    He looked around the command cabin with an expressionless face, turning a blind eye to the admiration from the young staff officer.  There is really nothing to admire, he just did what a fleet commander should do.

    These young staff officers, who had never received training as a senior starship commander, simply did not understand that what Christason did was to circumvent the standard procedure of 'fleet linked salvo'.  They also did not realize that their commander had already lost a round in the first round of the contest.

    The design of the linked salvo is inspired by the naval triple gun technology of ancient Earth.

    In order to realize the simultaneous firing of artillery fire by a large-scale interstellar fleet, generally speaking, complex numerical calculations are required before linking salvos, and the preparation time is long. Except for starship shooting, there is no real opportunity to realize this tactical action.  not much.  The Imperial fleet was able to achieve this tactical move entirely because of Christason's faulty tactical command.  Of course, Andracus's innovative thinking and bold and radical command style were also one of the reasons why the Alliance's Third Battle Group fell into this unfavorable situation.

    Once the complex calculations of the fleet's linked salvo firepower configuration are completed, the operational command of all the fleet's main guns will be synchronized with the flagship through beam waves. Depending on the similarities and differences in the starship's advanced level, the linked salvo can carry out three to seven waves.  Synchronized attacks are quite lethal to the enemy fleet's joint defense system.  If this tactic is used properly, it can even influence the outcome of the battle.

    "The second strike is coming." The staff officer responsible for monitoring the radar screen sounded the alarm again.  The huge holographic curtain wall of the command module once again turned into a vast expanse of white. Christason, who was sitting on the command seat, clearly felt that the shaking of the ship's hull this time was much stronger than the last time.

    An announcement that the battle damage rate was zero came from the loudspeaker, and low cheers erupted in the command module again.

    But Christason always felt that he seemed to have missed something.

    The artillery fire of the Third Fleet did not stop. The intensive artillery fire splashed on the energy shield of the Imperial Fleet, causing ripples like ripples.  After a brief silence, the EmpireThe team started their third joint salvo.

    Christason frowned, what did he miss?  His eyes kept scanning the command screen filled with various parameters. A set of numbers at the bottom of the screen caught Christason's eyes. "No!" He suddenly realized that he had missed something.

    In order to ensure maximum firepower output, the third fleet has always maintained a reasonable distance from the opposing fleet.  This distance was strictly calculated, but now the value has shrunk a lot.  Christason was very sure that he had not issued any fleet advance orders, so there was only one reasonable explanation. While passively withstanding the firepower of the Third Fleet, the Imperial fleet was swimming upstream.

    In the absence of reference objects in the empty space, no one noticed the small movements of the imperial fleet.  Just facing the command screen, the naked eye cannot detect such subtle changes.  What's more, the behavior of the imperial fleet violated general tactical operating norms.  There is undoubtedly a certain risk in doing so. If you are not careful, the entire fleet may be in danger.  Lieutenant General Christason's livid face showed a hint of helplessness.

    In order to prevent the starship's main gun from locking up, Christensen ordered the fleet's main gun to fire in a three-to-one rotation, that is, three guns fire and one gun has a bye. This means that the firepower of the entire fleet is weakened by four times.  In one case, the commander of the Imperial Fleet took advantage of the weakening firepower of the Third Battle Group to shorten the space distance with the Third Battle Group.

    On one side, the fleets fired in coordinated salvos, while on the other side, the three fleets fired in rotation. One was ebbing and the other was ebbing. The third fleet was at an absolute disadvantage in terms of firepower.  Moreover, the imperial fleet is still slowly approaching. Every distance it advances means that the intensity of the opponent's firepower becomes more threatening.

    "What is the energy index of the protective shield?"

    "64%." A combat staff officer glanced at the instrument panel in front of him and replied.

    The combat staff officer looked at Lieutenant General Kristassen with a solemn look in confusion. The Imperials had only destroyed about 40% of the fleet's joint protective cover after three coordinated volleys. Calculated based on this reduction rate, unless the Imperial fleet could fire seven coordinated attacks.  A salvo would otherwise be unlikely to deal a serious blow to the entire fleet.  But seven coordinated strikes are not that easy to achieve. Only a starship fleet with S-class combat power can do this.

    Christason lowered his body and quickly input several values ??with his right hand. Looking at the values ??displayed on the command platform, his face suddenly turned pale.

    The Imperial Fleet's fourth coordinated salvo was launched again, and the flashing red warning lights made everyone in the command module change their expressions.  The shield reading dropped below 30%.

    ¡°What¡¯s going on?¡± The staff officer who had just answered Christasen¡¯s question was hurriedly adjusting the buttons on the dashboard, with unconcealable panic on his face.

    "The enemy ships are constantly moving forward!" Kristasen slapped the command podium hard. It was obvious that the enemy would definitely be able to fire five coordinated salvos or even higher. "The heavy cruiser broke away from its headquarters and moved forward, and the energy shield was opened to overload.  status, other ships retreated and immediately carried out tactical evasion."

    "General" Several younger staff officers looked at Kristassen in shock. This combat order will undoubtedly push the heavy cruiser fleet to death. After breaking away from the joint defense system, it is absolutely impossible for the heavy cruiser fleet to withstand the imperial fleet.  The next round of linked volleys.

    "Immediately execute the order! Are you going to destroy the entire fleet!" Kristasen shouted, his face constantly distorted and looking extremely ferocious. His thick palms tightly grasped the anti-collision handle in front of him, and his veins were exposed.  .  It was his momentary negligence that caused such serious consequences. Thinking that hundreds of thousands of soldiers were about to die because of him, Christason felt the pain in his heart like a knife.

    A brilliant fire flickered in the empty space. Under the gorgeous scenery was the destruction of the heavy cruiser fleet of the Alliance's Third Battle Group.  The dazzling white and blue light was quickly swallowed up by the darkness of the universe. The Alliance starship commanders, who were making tactical evades according to the established trajectory, silently looked at the area filled with starship wreckage and remained silent for a long time;  Soldiers were crowded in front of the starship portholes. This was the first time they witnessed the cruelty of war. Hundreds of starships and hundreds of thousands of soldiers became a thing of the past in an instant. The fear of death that had been temporarily forgotten to wash away the shame suddenly surged into everyone.  human heart.

    "Reform, all ships gather towards the flagship." The fleet announcement issued by the flagship broke the silence. The officers and soldiers gathered in front of the portholes quickly ran back to their respective combat posts. Their faces were expressionless, and their movements were quick and silent.

    This battle is not over yet, no, it should be said that the battle has just begun.

    "Throwing away the fleet to protect the commander?" Andracus muttered softly, "Order the fleet to form an attack array, and we will defeat the enemy in one go."

    "yes!"The Imperial Army officers and soldiers with high morale suddenly accepted the order.

    The aggressive imperial fleet began to change its formation slowly and orderly, and the starships that were compacted into a ball expanded into an attack sequence.
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