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Volume 1 Chapter 248 The Death of Nikolato

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    Chapter 248 Death of Nikolato

    "This is much crazier than what you did back then." Chen Yatian murmured.

    There was laughter in the command room.  Everyone knew that what Chen Yatian was talking about was what happened when the "Ninth Fleet" participated in the Star Wars for the first time. At that time, in order to boost morale, Yi Lexiang flew the flag of Charno above the flagship.

    But obviously what the fleet commander on the other side did was even crazier, and of course he was also very mentally retarded.  Generally speaking, starships in various countries will be painted black, because it is easier to hide themselves in the dark background of the universe. The surface of the ship body is always made to be uneven, so that the anti-collision ability will be stronger, and the uneven surface  It will also produce diffraction when the enemy's energy beam is concentrated on the starship, reducing damage to the ship's hull.

    "General, I have decided that when the war is over one day, I will follow you to explore the mysteries of the universe. If you are not prepared to take me with you, then I will take out all my pension and travel around the stars at my own expense.  This world is really amazing, and you always have the opportunity to discover things that you can't see or even think of, just like this fleet that needs a beating in front of you."

    Chen Yatian¡¯s half-truths and half-false words triggered a new round of laughter in the command room.  Everyone seemed relaxed. The fleet was well-equipped and well-maintained, but none of this could hide the fact that his commander was a layman who didn't understand interstellar warfare at all.  To be precise, in the eyes of the officers and soldiers of the combined fleet, this was more like a game than a battle.

    They have reason to think so. Along the way from Orbis to Nikola, the combined fleet experienced a total of thirty-two battles, large and small. Under the miraculous command of their general, the combined fleet did not lose a single soldier, and only seven  wounded.  And among the seven wounded, two were not injured in battle.  One was because after winning the battle, he unfortunately slipped while landing to cheer and hit the built-in starship cannon in front of him, causing a slight concussion. He was a gunner; the other was more unlucky, he was an academy student.  An army officer of the New Army, in order to show his authority in front of his subordinates, he always put an old-fashioned pellet gun on his waist. Unfortunately, the gun misfired, and the metal slug penetrated his thigh, almost  Let him not be a man.  Naturally, he immediately won the honorary title of "The Most Excellent Officer in the Combined Fleet".

    However, relaxation does not mean contempt, and the combined fleet launched an attack formation in an orderly manner.

    Yi Lexiang has been instilling an eternal truth into his officers and soldiers. Any slight mistake may cause irreparable losses.  You can despise your enemy, but you must not despise your enemy. Once you enter the battle, you must go all out. After the enemy is completely destroyed, it is the time to cheer for victory.

    Unlike the chaos and noise in most fleet command cabins, Yi Lexiang's command cabin is always unusually quiet when he is directing battles. The spiritual connection of spiritual guidance allows him to issue orders to the commander without going through the communications officer or combat staff.  For every captain and every soldier, the only sound in the command cabin is the footsteps of the combat staff. They input the latest situation on the battlefield into the starry sky map so that his general can make the most correct judgment.

    What Yi Lexiang desires most right now is for the latest sensor-type battleships to be put into use, so that he can command battles without even needing a combat staff.  Some time ago, the Anokhi Academy of Science, under the leadership of the old dean, finally conquered the key technology of induction battleships, and the factory is working overtime to produce this new type of battleship.  Anokhi's starship depot is already full of built starships, and the only thing to do now is to wait for Yi Lexiang to go back and receive these warships.  No one can control them but him.

    The old dean has established a superpower academy on Anokhi, and the elites selected by the superpower management center are receiving training in operating sensor battleships.  But the progress is very slow. The strongest student can only control seven starships or 300 induction mines at the same time. This is far from what Yi Lexiang can do.  But no one knows what the problem is.  The instructors at the Superpower Academy eagerly hope that Yi Lexiang can take the time to rush back and answer their questions. Once this problem is solved, it is conceivable that Anokhi's interstellar combat capabilities will be qualitatively improved.

    Nick Rathore is very talented, and he once went to the Starfleet Military Academy of the Strong Empire to study systematic interstellar warfare. To be precise, he is not an idiot, but his comfortable living environment and excessive self-confidence and arrogance have turned him into  What it looks like today.  Under his command, his "Invincible Fleet" used uniform and standard movements to evolve textbook-precise battle formation changes.

    He has done this more than once, in front of his respected father, and every time he will win endless cheers from the nobles and the people.  In front of people who don't understand the art of war at all, it is indeed easy for him to win applause for his performance.  But now his faceAt present, they are not citizens who know nothing about war, but iron-blooded soldiers who have been shaped into war machines by endless battles, and they are the most elite kind.

    The two wings of the combined fleet gradually spread to both sides, and the enemy starships were still gathered together. They seemed not to realize that it was impossible to use their maximum firepower.

    The enemy is still working hard to evolve the formation. Many soldiers in the combined fleet are even a little confused. They whisper to each other, not knowing whether the enemy is greeting them or preparing to commit suicide.

    The blazing white light illuminated the command screen in front of Nikolato in white, and he didn't even understand what was happening.  He turned around and angrily asked the adjutant if his beloved car had been inspected before departure. The sweating adjutant hurriedly found the maintenance officer and reprimanded him for his negligence.

    No one knew about this episode that happened in the command module, and no one wanted to know that the "Invincible Fleet" gathered together was being violently attacked by the enemy, and the outer starships began to melt and collapse under the impact of long-range energy beams.  , they didn't even open the protective shield against the energy beam.  What greeted them next were countless heavy space torpedoes and cruise missiles fired from enemy starships. Behind them were endless starry sky fighters, swooping on their prey like wasps.

    The shock wave generated by the torpedo explosion finally made Nikolato realize that they were being attacked by the enemy. He turned on the fleet's internal communicator on the command platform with an extremely elegant gesture. What came from the communicator was a noisy current busy tone.  The enemy's high-frequency jammer had cut off the normal communication between starships. He could not hear the dying howls of his soldiers and his generals; the starry sky map in front of him kept restarting, and he could not see  His fleet was being eaten away bit by bit by the enemy, until a thermonuclear bomb hit his ship, and in a dazzling light it was all over.

    ??Niklator, the last royal heir of the Niklator Empire, disappeared into the stars, and with him the empire he was supposed to rule died with him.

    Yi Lexiang did not know that this battle, which could not be called a battle at all, destroyed an empire.  He led his fleet and continued to advance to the next target.

    But his enemies know.

    The latest battle report was placed in front of Tire. Just now, the General Charno who gave him a headache had once again unintentionally created a miracle, destroying an empire in one battle.  Nick Lacket passed away the day after receiving the bad news. His empire was split into three independent kingdoms. Their respective representatives were chattering in the imperial alliance's international affairs mediation hall. Everyone thought that  They are the orthodox royal family, and they have the right and obligation to continue to rule the country in place of the Nikola royal family.

    Tyr didn't care about the farce that happened in Nikola. He was racking his brains to calculate the route of the Charno fleet on the panoramic view of the empire. He hoped to find out their patterns so that he could move at the right time.  place to surround and annihilate them.  It was difficult, for his enemies were constantly changing their course, and he could find nothing to exploit, for they were not heading in the direction of Charno.  They seemed to be getting farther and farther away from Charno.  The High Command had to mobilize more fleets to form a huge encirclement; they also had to send heavy troops to guard the borders of the Orbis Empire, because the coalition Marshal Tire believed that there was an unknown space gate there; they also had to send a force  The fleet headed to the territory of the former Nikola Empire to prevent a civil war that could break out at any time. The source of all this came from the Charno fleet that was rampaging in the hinterland of the Imperial Alliance.

    Soldiers can concentrate on studying military affairs, but politicians cannot.  The panic caused by the Charno fleet that penetrated deep into the empire's hinterland is spreading within the Imperial Alliance, and several neighboring empires have deployed heavy troops on the border.  They also refused to continue to provide supplies for the Alliance's military expedition to Charno on the grounds that their country was likely to be attacked at any time. One empire even threatened that if the Imperial Alliance could not deal with the Charno fleet as soon as possible, they would withdraw from the front line.  Deploy their troops back.  For the first time, these nobles realized that war not only meant that they attacked others, but also meant that the enemy would also attack them at the same time.  This obviously panicked them a bit.

    By this time, the combined fleet had already passed through the Nikola Empire and entered the Tobes Empire. This empire was not as easy to deal with as the previous two countries.  It is the most powerful empire in this star field.  But the Combined Fleet had their own reasons.

    The preliminary combat plan has been revised several times.  News came from Charno's headquarters that it would take at least two months for reinforcements from the Democratic Alliance to actually enter the battle.  They were nearly two weeks slower than their old rival: the Imperial Alliance to complete the final assembly, which undoubtedly made Charno's situation slip in an even more unfavorable direction.
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