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Volume 1 Chapter 241 Bounty Hunter: Toby

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    Chapter 241 Bounty Hunter: Toby

    "We can avoid the imperial occupation area and enter Charno through the territory of the Holy Alliance. This can save a lot of time and avoid a head-on confrontation with the main imperial army in the imperial occupation area. During the evacuation, not only can we not go quietly  Instead of making noise, we must make some noise. You can imagine how excited the citizens would be if they knew that a Charno army was rampaging within the borders of the Imperial Alliance."

    "I'm afraid that the Empire will block the news of our existence." Someone whispered, and Yi Lexiang knew as soon as he heard that he was from the Sixth Corps.

    "As long as we leave this ghost place and escape into the vast starry sky, the fleet's neutrino communicator will be able to work normally, so that our contact with the headquarters can be restored. I think it is impossible for the Imperials to implement tactics even on their own territory.  Block communications."

    Guan Xiaotian walked out of the meeting room with a puzzled look on his face. The meeting finally decided on the evacuation route from the empire to the Holy Alliance, but a key issue was not mentioned.  The strategic reserve energy of the Combined Fleet has been exhausted. Without enough energy and materials, what can the Combined Fleet use to fight?  He did not believe that the officers of the Guards who had experienced hundreds of battles would not have thought of this problem, but they did not mention this problem. It seemed that they had already prepared countermeasures for this.  Guan Xiaotian shook his head. This seemed to be none of his business. He was just a guest to this fleet. It was better not to be too curious about things he shouldn't know.

    Until the officers participating in the meeting walked out of the conference room one after another, a confidential staff officer who had been waiting outside the door for a long time walked into the room and handed a latest detection report to Li Shaojun.  Li Shaojun glanced at it for a few times, then handed it to Yi Lexiang, who was still thinking, with a look of surprise on his face.  "General, look at this report. The situation is much better than we expected."

    After Li Shaojun received the first "Black Star" detection report, he ordered the starship to dispatch more unmanned detection ships. Now the detection ships have sent back the latest report.

    Yi Lexiang took the report, glanced at it a few times, and handed it to Chen Yatian, who was looking behind him.  After seeing it, Chen Yatian couldn't help but whistle.

    The detection results of twelve unmanned detection ships confirmed Li Shaojun¡¯s guess.  These "black stars" are all made of various purified metals. Not only that, the exploration ship also found that one of the "black stars" is completely made of pure energy crystals, covered with a thick layer of special  Black metal, this metal can shield the energy disturbance emitted by the energy crystal.

    "Now we are rich, haha!" Chen Yatian smiled silly.

    "The mining volume of Anokhi has been unable to keep up with our consumption, and these problems have finally been solved." Li Shaojun smacked his palm excitedly.

    Yi Lexiang raised his head and rolled his eyes at his two subordinates who were obviously overly excited. "Are you too happy too early? The nebula monster in the Herbie Nebula is guarding the other side of the space gate, and other space gates are waiting for you."  How can we develop these black stars if they are not within the territory of Charno?"

    Chen Yatian waved his hand nonchalantly, "That's something you officials should consider. I'll arrange a logistics ship right now."

    Li Shaojun grabbed Chen Yatian who was about to leave in a hurry. "Each ship is assigned a safety officer. The matter is so important that there is no room for sloppiness. Forget it, I'll make the arrangements myself." Li Shaojun pushed Chen Yatian back to his seat.  and hurriedly left the conference room.

    The wild galaxy is located in the fuzzy area of ????the interstellar boundary. This is the end of human exploration.

    The existence of the wild galaxy can be traced back to the early days of the universe. Now, after a long and long baptism of time, this old galaxy is gradually declining.  Stars are dying one by one, supernovae and dim nebulae make this galaxy one of the most dangerous in the universe.  Since there are few planets available for development, human footprints are rarely seen here.

    "The Gravel Zone" is an area formed after the collapse of a huge planetary system. Countless planetary fragments rotate around a non-existent center.

    ¡°I don¡¯t know that a few years ago, a huge star destroyed itself in an explosion. The shock wave generated by the explosion shattered the thirty-two planets orbiting it.  Under the influence of inertia, the asteroid fragments are still making irregular circular motions around the long-defunct star.  Perhaps hundreds of thousands of years later, after the planetary fragments have exhausted their last kinetic energy, the "gravel zone" will eventually turn into a dead silence.

    The "Cisco" spacecraft has a length of 260 meters and a standard crew of 1,200. The scrapped steel plates and messy installed weapons make this interstellar spacecraft look a bit nondescript.

    Akers struggled to maintain the course of the spacecraft. Interstellar dust and debris flying through the starry sky at high speeds constantly tested his tense nerves.  This hunter-killer boat converted from a civilian spacecraft has been in use for more than 30 years.Some of the instruments on the ship were even older than his age, and the engine on the planetary anti-smuggling boat that he bought from an old factory still caused him some minor troubles from time to time.  Akers kept making low and coherent curses, cursing their crazy captain.

    "Akers" A middle-aged man sitting on the three-seater sofa behind Akers shouted in dissatisfaction. The three-seater sofa under his butt was nailed firmly with long metal nails.  On the floor, the big man was lying on the sofa. At his feet was a six-barreled Thor cannon. It seemed that this bulky weapon installed on the police helicopter in the planet was used by this big man.  Your own standard weapon.

    The big man pulled out a thick cigar from his mouth and blew out a puff of smoke into the air, "Akers, can you please stop talking about me when you are driving the spaceship? I am the captain, do you understand?"  You must be grateful and respectful to me.¡±

    There was a burst of laughter immediately in the cabin, and the crew whistled unscrupulously and made all kinds of weird noises.  Respect the captain?  This is as ridiculous as an amoeba playing with computers. Their captain is selfish and greedy. A man who would sell his soul for money, how can everyone respect him?  This may be the funniest joke anyone has ever heard.  Of course, he was nice to the crew.

    Toby, without looking back, rushed behind him and gestured with his middle finger, which attracted another round of boos. A few pieces of hard, dry black bread without lethality accurately hit Toby's head, which was exposed from the backrest.

    Toby rubbed his head, grinned widely, put the cigar into his mouth, and took a deep breath. The thick special cigar immediately became shorter.

    Akers grabbed a piece of black bread that fell on the bridge and stuffed it into his mouth, making a crunching sound, as if he was chewing a bone.

    Toby, he was indeed grateful for saving him from the Empire's death ship.  However, he soon found that he was just jumping from one misfortune to another.

    Toby is a bounty hunter. He and his team are constantly tracking fugitives with bounties placed by the empire in the universe, and in this way exchange for generous bounties from imperial officials.  However, most of the bounty was used by Toby to repair the dilapidated ship.  Toby often said that this ship was more important than the lives of everyone on board combined.  Without this spaceship, these people, some butchers who only know how to use violence, will definitely starve to death except for being cannon fodder on the front line.

    This ship was purchased by Toby¡¯s grandfather, and was hijacked by pirates while transporting ore. Of course, his grandfather never came back.  Toby's father was serving in the Imperial Army at the time. He gathered a group of friends, recaptured the spaceship and killed the pirates. From then on, Toby's family became bounty hunters until today.  A few years ago, Toby's father was killed in a battle, and Toby became the captain.

    "Toby, why are you so sure that Bazin escaped into the "gravel area"?" Akers asked curiously while trying to control the spacecraft.

    Toby took out a small flashing red object from his arms and tossed it up and down in his hand. "Don't you know there is something called a tracker?" There was a hint of ridicule in his tone.

    A trace of imperceptible fear appeared in Akers's eyes, "The Empire's explosive collar? Bazan, has he ever been caught by the Empire?"

    "Yes," Toby put away the tracker in his hand, "The Empire captured Bazan on the planet Tex. It is said that he was preparing to smuggle out of the country. The Empire's secret police caught him at the border."


    "Don't forget, Bazan is the leader of the Resistance Army. They kidnapped him when the secret police took him to the headquarters. As for why the collar around Bazan's neck didn't explode I guess the Resistance Army used something  The explosive collar was blocked. It took me a lot of effort to snatch this mission from the noble officials."

    Akers' hand shook, and the spacecraft swayed through the middle of the two asteroid fragments.

    "Hi! Hi! Boy, didn't your teacher tell you to pay attention to the road when driving?" Toby grabbed the back of the sofa and yelled at Ax's back, but the expression on his face showed that he seemed very nervous.  Enjoy the thrill.

    "Toby, are you crazy? Don't tell me that we are chasing a resistance fleet!"

    "Aha, young man, you are much smarter than those stupid cows behind me. It seems that my decision to rescue you was correct."

    "I made a serious mistake by joining you." Ax muttered.

    "But you are wrong about one thing. We are not going after them, we are going to join them!"

    Before Toby could finish his words, the cabin immediately fell into silence, and was immediately followed by the ship again.drowned out by their cheers.

    "Well done, Toby."

    "Toby, it's so rare that you finally did the right thing."

    Toby, who was leaning relaxedly on the back of the sofa, had a smile on his face. Everything was as he expected.
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