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Volume 1 Chapter 227 Battle of Crete (3)

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    Chapter 227 Battle of Crete (3)

    The battle at the Jeph Space Gate ended quickly. In such an environment, there was no suspense about the outcome of the war.

    The roaring fighter planes began to return to the starship, and the mechanics immediately got busy. They moved some of the starfighters to the lower deck, made room for intraplanetary aviation fighters, and began to assemble weapons and add energy to the planetary intraplanetary aircraft.  There is another battle waiting for them.  The fighter pilots took off their heavy helmets and walked into the lounge in twos and threes. The orderlies had already prepared nutritional solutions for them to replenish their physical strength; the flight commanders holding tactical record folders took advantage of this short gap because they had no time to take off their helmets.  The fighter pilots in flight suits explained the next step of tactical combat guidance.  The fleet is about to pass through the Jeph Space Gate. After passing through the space gate, the battle to rescue the Sixth Corps of Crete will begin.  They must seize every moment to make the fighter pilots understand their missions.  Any small mistake at this time may cause the loss of hundreds of lives.

    At the bottom of the starship's deck, the Marine stormtroopers who were ready were already ready for everything. Heavy armor and mechas were fixed on the deck with huge metal steel bolts. Once the fighter jets cleared out the space for them,  To land on the ground, they must clear a flat ground for the transport ship with the speed and momentum of a tiger descending a mountain.

    The fleet assembled near the Yev Space Gate, and the forward fleet composed of 50 powerful attack ships was ready for all battles.  Their mission is to open a tactical passage to Crete for the fleet.  Do this just in case.  The commander of the imperial aviation fleet encountered at the jump point left a deep impression on Yi Lexiang, and he did not rule out that the other party would see through the combined fleet's plan.  If the opponent sets up an ambush on the other side of the space gate, then the forward fleet will also have a place to use.  However, Yi Lexiang doubted whether the opponent had enough strength to do so.  The Imperial fleet that was just ambushed should be the last mobile force of the Empire in the Danube Star Territory. As for the reinforcements arriving from other Star Territories, there is no sign that the Imperial High Command has sent reinforcements.

    Soon, a signal came from the vanguard fleet that passed through the space gate: no imperial ambush fleet was found near the space gate.  The entire fleet slowly started to move into the space gate.

    Every time he passes through the space gate, the time stagnation effect will not affect Yi Lexiang. He has long been accustomed to this.  Different from usual, recently, he has always had an inexplicable expectation for the opportunity to enter that alternative "conscious space".  He was fascinated by the changes taking place within the "space of consciousness."  The huge black body planet is still far away, but another change in space makes him both horrified and looking forward to it.  These days, every time he enters the "consciousness space", he will find that the number of strange light particle aggregates is increasing.  The boring, seemingly eternity of time gave him the leisure to count the numbers of these aggregates, and for a while this even became his way of passing the time.

    However, an unintentional discovery gave him a bold hypothesis.

    Everything starts from the time when the United Fleet sets off to the Danube Star Territory.  As the highest military officer besides Anokhi, Charno's daily battle reports will be delivered to him through neutrino secret communications.  Among them, Yi Lexiang is undoubtedly most concerned about the battle reports of the two main fleets he brought out from Anokhi that are spread to various defense lines at this moment.  The cruel war brought seemingly endless casualties. Even after the two fleets completed the popularization of "spiritual guidance" and their combat effectiveness was greatly improved, the casualties caused by the war were still inevitable.  Every time I read these battle reports, Yi Lexiang will be sad for a while. It is undeniable that the soldiers fought bravely. Facing the Imperial Alliance army whose strength far exceeded their own, they fought bloody battles and held on with less than one-third of the enemy's strength.  They held a long and distant front, and finally blocked the Imperial people with insufficient logistics from the newly established theater defense line, and at the same time paid a heavy price.

    From a regiment to a division, as the war became more and more intense, the numbers of battle damage reports handed over to Yi Lexiang were constantly being updated, and there was even a tragic report of an entire army being killed.  The Charpian Astronomy Network is now available to the public.  He felt that the people needed to know the truth of the war, and those soldiers who died heroically needed to be remembered by the world. He wanted the people of Charno living in a peaceful world to know how hard-won their peace and harmony was.  This is undoubtedly fair to both the public and the military.

    This bold and radical approach was strongly opposed by President Ye Haoran, who was worried that doing so would destroy people's last hope.  However, in the end, Yi Lexiang used the war provisional bill in his hand to force the passage of this resolution.  He comes from the bottom of society. He understands the psychology of ordinary people better than the politicians above him. He believes that the accumulation of thousands of years of ancient civilization will not be defeated by the huge casualty figures and harsh reality.

      He was right. When one battle report after another that had not been processed by the General Information Administration appeared on the public media network, after a brief period of confusion and worry, amidst the disbelief of the public, on the 1st  After the first and second battle report, Charno burned.  The logistics department, which had been complaining about the lack of disease sources, was overwhelmed by the surging crowds. The rising enthusiasm for the war was like a burst of hot molten steel, burning people's nerves. Students, workers, scientific researchers, and even criminals and pirates who committed all kinds of evil,  Recruitment points on almost all planets were crowded with angry crowds.  Officials in the Logistics Department had to go to great lengths to persuade people who did not meet the criteria to join the army.

    Facing the scene that happened in front of them, the entire top management of Charno was silent. The young general once again achieved a victory in a way that they did not understand.  This forced them to reflect on whether everything they had done for the people over the years was really what the people of this ancient empire needed. Some people did not understand, some were afraid, and more people put down their high arrogance.  Devoting himself wholeheartedly to this great Patriotic War, Yi Lexiang silently changed this ancient country in an alternative way.  It can be expected that after experiencing many hardships and being forged by fire, the riddled Charno Empire will usher in its own new life.  The premise is that they must survive this war that is sweeping across the entire human kingdom.

    "High-spirited war hymns stirred in the vast land of Charno", the largest media group of the Democratic Alliance used such a word full of fighting spirit as their news headline. Their reporters used their cameras and pens to faithfully  Reproduce the great changes that occurred in the land of Charno.  At the end of the article, the editor attached the following sentences: When this ancient neighbor of ours uses his own life to defend freedom and dignity, what is our parliament doing?  When our friends, our former allies, and members under the banner of democracy used their own flesh and blood to block the advance of the enemy, what were our country and our people in power doing?  When Charno is about to shed his last bit of blood, should we watch indifferently as this former giant collapses to the ground, or should we lend a stingy helping hand?

    As soon as this special report came out, it immediately caused an uproar within the "Democratic Alliance".  A big discussion from small to large swept the entire league.  Admiral Huang Huang, who was ill and resting, attended the latest joint meeting of the Alliance Parliament in a wheelchair. At the meeting, he made an impassioned speech and eventually fainted at the venue due to being too excited.  The entire venue fell silent due to the old general's speech. For the first time, the leaders of the "People's Alliance" began to truly face the possibility of directly intervening in this war.  They understand that war is inevitable and passive resistance will eventually push the entire alliance into the abyss of destruction.

    Of course, Yi Lexiang doesn¡¯t know much about these things.  Before this further turmoil occurred, he had already led the combined fleet into the vast universe.  At this time, he didn't know that there was a bigger surprise or shock waiting for him.

    On the way to Crete, when he passed the space gate for the second time, he entered the "consciousness space" and once again boredly counted the liquid photopolymers that continued to grow for unknown reasons. The earliest batch gave birth to something.  This collection of unknown life forms has grown to an objective level. The huge "Light Nest" is now half the height of a human being. Through the flickering light, he can even see that there is some kind of life form that looks like a human being contained in it.  The evolution of life in the positive space obviously has no practical significance to what happened before his eyes.  However, the set of numbers he had just calculated through the mental power network gave him a familiar feeling, as if he had seen similar numbers somewhere.  Is this a coincidence, or is there some unknown secret hidden in it?  Yi Lexiang thought hard about where he had seen similar numbers.  Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed through his mind, and he finally remembered this group of words that seemed quite familiar to him.

    324597, the last battle report to enter subspace, represents the latest casualty figures of the two main fleets, the "Ninth Fleet" and the "Abyss Fleet".  He was shocked, this was no coincidence.  Memories began to revive in his mind. He clearly remembered that the last time he entered the "consciousness space", the number of these aggregates he counted was 289,754, and in the latest battle report, the battle damage number of the two main fleets was 278,944, which was also extremely extreme.  near.  What does this seem to portend?  His eyes swept over the aggregates surrounding his body, and he had a bold hypothesis in his mind, which even made him shudder.
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