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Volume 1 Chapter 225 Battle of Crete (1)

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    Chapter 225 Battle of Crete (1)

    "Once we give up other strategic points, won't the Imperials be able to transport troops to the ground faster?" Someone raised a different opinion.

    "This is what I think. It is obvious that the Imperial people have the initiative on the battlefield. Of course, if we do not abandon other strategic locations, the Imperial people will not implement a forced landing. But with the cooperation of the ground troops, our people may no longer  It is also difficult to withdraw to the base. We must make a trade-off between time and troops. Not withdrawing the troops will delay the enemy's launch of a total attack, but we will lose a large number of troops, and the price paid by the Imperials may be higher than a direct attack.  The underground base needs to be small; conversely, if we proactively shrink our troops, it will undoubtedly facilitate the Imperial people to achieve a full-scale landing, but with the strong fortifications of the underground base, the enemy may pay a much greater price than in ground combat."

    After listening to Wang Miao's words, Guan Xiaotian fell into deep thought.  Obviously, this young staff officer's idea of ????operation is to stick to the underground fortress in order to inflict maximum casualties on the enemy.  He did not mention the issue of standing still and waiting for reinforcements. Giving up all landing points undoubtedly gave up the last hope of dispatching ground support when reinforcements arrived.  "You don't think there will be reinforcements?"

    "It doesn't matter whether there are reinforcements or not. Even if the headquarters can mobilize a support fleet in a short time, it will definitely be based on star battleships, otherwise it will not be enough to conquer the space gate. Whether we control the landing point is not so important. More  What's more" Wang Miao did not continue, but everyone could hear the meaning behind his words. It was obvious that he did not have much hope in whether the headquarters could send reinforcements.  Crete can only rely on itself.

    "What do you think?" Although Guan Xiaotian already agreed with Wang Miao's analysis, he still hoped that someone could come up with a way to get the best of both worlds.

    Staff officers, you look at me, I look at you, no one says anything.

    "Since everyone has no better way, then order the divisions on the ground to withdraw to the underground base." Guan Xiaotian saw a trace of despair in everyone's eyes. He shook his head helplessly, and then said firmly, "As a  Soldiers, the most important thing is to never give up hope. I believe that our country will not give up on us. Look at the imperialists outside who are attacking at all costs. Maybe our reinforcements have arrived. Everyone must have the courage to hold on to the last position.  .¡±

    "Yes!" All the officers and soldiers suddenly accepted the order.

    Guan Xiaotian did not expect that the sentence he originally used to boost morale hit the spot, making people lament the change of fate.

    Yi Lexiang, who was leading the Guards and the new academy army, was standing in front of the military simulation sand table in the Danube Star Territory, considering the next battle plan.

    "Yatian, do you think it still makes sense for us to play poker directly now?"

    "The imperial aviation fleet must have sounded the alarm. Tactically speaking, the surprise has been lost, and the raid plan should have failed. As for what kind of response the empire will make"

    "There are only two possibilities, send a support fleet or withdraw the fleet that attacked Crete."

    "I don't think the Empire will withdraw their attack fleet. After all, their total strength in the Danube Star Territory exceeds ours."

    "Then the only way left is to send reinforcements to Crete. Come, let's study it and see which interstellar route their reinforcements will take."

    Chen Yatian¡¯s eyes lit up, ¡°General, do you mean to send reinforcements first and then rescue Crete?¡±

    "Crete has an entire legion of our troops, and the Empire has no other main fleet here, plus the aviation fleet we encountered on the road. I estimate that the one currently besieging Crete is a ground attack force.  fleet, otherwise there is really no need to send another aviation fleet to support Crete."

    "If this is the case, it shouldn't be so easy for the Imperials to eat up the Sixth Army in one bite. We should have time to ambush the reinforcement fleet that reinforces Crete. Then we can return to attack Crete. If everything  If everything goes well, the empire's Danube Star Territory Theater should not be able to mobilize more troops to support it for the time being." Chen Yatian became more and more excited as he spoke.

    "Not necessarily!" Yi Lexiang waved his hand, "If the empire headquarters sends reinforcements, we may not have the time or opportunity to rescue the Sixth Army after we defeat the empire's support fleet."

    Chen Yatian replied disapprovingly: "In war, there is no foolproof plan. It would be a pity to give up such a good opportunity."

    Yi Lexiang nodded. Since the beginning of the war, he has never led his army like pulling chestnuts out of the fire, and the victory has been extremely difficult and dangerous.  This time seems to be no exception.  "Order the fleet to turn around, and the combat staff will immediately calculate the ambush location and strive to be foolproof."

    At the same time, the Empire's 7th Battle Group temporarily assembled to support KeThe reinforcement fleet of the planet Crete is leaving the assembly point and heading straight for the planet Crete.

    The Jeph meteorite circle is located less than one light-year away from the star Crete. Hundreds of millions of years ago, there was once a star system composed of one star and seven planets. The old star consumed its last bit of light.  The heat ended the life of the entire star system with a big explosion, and the remaining stellar debris eventually formed the Jever meteorite circle.  There is no light here, it is cold and silent, and meteorites of different sizes floating in space form a violent world with extremely harsh navigation environment. However, there is a space gate in the star domain hidden at the core of the meteorite circle. Through this space gate  You can jump directly to the starry sky near Crete.  This is an out-of-the-way route. Most of the time, unmanned transport ships transporting ores rarely pass by here. It is difficult for the transport ship's intelligent navigator to cope with the complex interstellar environment here.  Before the war broke out, this place had been a paradise for interstellar wanderers and interstellar pirates.  However, with the arrival of the Imperials, wanderers and pirates have already fled to more remote interstellar areas to avoid the war.

    Major General Robert, the fleet commander responsible for reinforcing Crete. In order to reach Crete as soon as possible, he chose this route through the Jeffe meteorite circle.  The Jeff meteorite circle, which is regarded as a scourge by civilian ships, does not pose a great threat to the well-equipped and sturdy Starfleet.  After Robert ordered his staff to set the planned route, he walked into the small conference room with a few confidants.  The technical officer had set up the holographic interstellar map in the conference room early, connected it directly to the data port of the central smart computer, and constantly refreshed the latest battle report on Crete.

    Robert and Sussman both came from the Yale empire, but unlike his colleague who was equally violent in appearance and heart, Robert looked gentle and elegant, with a slight mustache above his lips, and a neat Yale military uniform. He was a model military model.  appearance.  Sussman had been his deputy.  The noble emperor of the Yale Empire knew the personalities of several outstanding generals under his command very well. The combination of the steady Robert and the manic Sussman undoubtedly fully considered the needs of Sussman, a wild horse known as the "beast in the army"  A rein to control.

    "The speed of the fleet needs to be accelerated." Robert frowned slightly as he looked at the constantly refreshing battle reports. He knew his colleague too well. The huge casualties of the Yale Legion would only further stimulate Susman to launch a desperate attack.  for a violent attack.  However, judging from the intelligence sent back from Crete, the Charno people built a huge and well-defended underground fortress on Crete.  Although he didn't know why the Charno people would build such a military facility on this remote planet with no military value, he was certain that Susman's rough tactical command would definitely cause huge casualties to the Yale Empire.  .

    "General, we are about to enter the meteorite circle. Should we send an advance fleet to conduct reconnaissance?"

    Robert waved his hand confidently, "No need, the purpose of the Charno people is to rescue the besieged army on Crete, not to fight a frontal battle with us. Besides, the Charno people are not gods, they  How do you know which route we will choose? Right now, the most important thing is to get to Crete as soon as possible. If the Charno people arrive before us, the reckless Sussman may ruin our Marine Corps.  .¡±

    Several commanders from the Yale Empire nodded, and Robert's speculation made sense.  The staff officer who made the suggestion thought for a while and did not stick to his opinion.

    In order to speed up the movement of the fleet, Robert moved the logistics engineering ship to the forward position, and continuously launched smart thrusters to push large meteorites blocking the fleet's path away from their original orbits. The originally orderly meteorite circle began to  It became violent, and the fragments of the meteorites that collided with each other flew everywhere at extremely high speeds. The starships on both wings opened their energy shields, and ripples continued to flash on the light blue shields.  Under the command of the flagship, the inner starship slowly moved its huge body to replace the outer starship, and the entire fleet traveled through the meteorite circle at an extremely high speed.

    Suddenly, several white lights flashed, and all starships' starry sky instruments and external radar scanning systems were shut down.  Before the astonished Robert could ask questions, a shrill enemy attack siren sounded inside the starship.  Charno fighter planes appeared out of nowhere and attacked the Imperial support fleet in the narrow passage in an attack formation.  Robert hurried out of the small conference room and rushed to the captain's command seat on the command bridge.  Ten seconds later, the star chart was restarted again. The holographic screen was already covered with dense red dots, flying non-stop. The entire fleet was like an insect falling into an ant colony, non-stop.  The ground turned and twisted.  Before the busy staff officers could clearly see the situation between ourselves and the enemy, several more white lights flashed by, and the starry sky instrument that had just been restarted stopped again. Facing the empty starry sky chart, everyone's hearts sank to the bottom.  There is no doubt that this was a premeditated ambush. The Charno people did not go to Crete. They chose to ambush and rescue the empire of Crete here.fleet.
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