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Volume One Chapter 166 Twenty Minutes

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    Chapter 166 Twenty Minutes

    "Order all soldiers to withdraw to the starship!" After a moment of silence, Yi Lexiang issued an order that surprised everyone.

    "General?" Li Shaojun asked, but what happened next made the intelligence officer who had just joined the Guards open his mouth in surprise.  Except for him, all the commanders present silently called for the soldiers under their command to assemble to the starship. No one asked or questioned.  For the first time, Li Shaojun saw the general's status in the hearts of his commanders. What kind of trust and loyalty this showed.  Everyone was executing the orders to the letter, and he remained silent. Maybe it would take more time for him to integrate into this fighting group.

    "The intensified "Fire" fleet will reach Yarnis in less than an hour. There is no need to devote the entire Guards army to this potentially fatal battle." A smile of understanding appeared on Yi Lexiang's face  , explained to Li Shaojun.

    "Wu Wei, you lead the fleet directly back to Charno, meet with Chief of Staff Bo Jiangang and find an opportunity to return to Anokhi."

    "how about you?"

    "I will lead the special mecha regiment to continue attacking the Imperial headquarters. You can keep several new starships supported by Anokhi. We will need them once the mission is completed."

    This time Wu Wei did not remain silent, "No, I will lead the special mecha regiment, and you will lead the fleet to leave." Chen Yatian and Xin Qiang nodded vigorously. This time the situation was different from before.

    "There is no choice. There may be high-level mecha warriors around Jia Lie. It is unlikely that the mecha war gods of the special mecha regiment will end the battle in a short time. I have to go."

    Wu Wei wanted to suggest that Yi Lexiang give up this mission, but he gave up the idea when he saw a trace of determination on Yi Lexiang's face.  He knew Yi Lexiang's character too well. If it weren't for Kador's tens of millions of soldiers, he might not have come at all.

    Seldon squinted his eyes and stared at the silent battlefield in the distance. His mecha masters quietly retreated a distance, and Gale's Myrick mecha masters took the first attack position.  Seldon's little move was not hidden from Gale, and there was nothing he could do about it.  The Imperial Alliance is a conglomeration of dozens of interstellar empires. Similar situations have always existed.

    There was a slight vibration on the ground, and a large number of mechas were moving towards this area.  The Myric mecha divisions responded immediately. Rows of defensive mechas occupied the prime position of the battle line. The energy shields connected in series glowed with blue light. The missile mounts on their shoulders were fully erected and ready for launch.  Behind these mechas, more mechas drew out their long fighting blades, and the war was about to break out.

    Suddenly, the vibrations caused by the mecha's movement stopped completely, and everyone's nerves immediately became tense.  The incoming mechas discovered the mecha defense positions that were waiting for them.  The roar of the mecha was faintly audible, indicating that the attacking Charno mecha did not retreat.  Donik's armored regiment set up a fire blockade at the other end of the corridor. His bulky steel tanks were not suitable for direct participation in combat in such an environment.  The battlefield radar of the command vehicle is turned on to maximum power, and the high-precision guided weapons are activated at any time.  Once the mechas on both sides get caught in a melee, this is the only tactical support he can provide.

    Yi Lexiang's petite biological mecha stood at the front of the entire mecha regiment. Behind him, Xin Qiang and Chen Yatian, two former captains of the special mecha regiment, were driving the latest fighting mecha.  Standing shoulder to shoulder.  This is already an old tradition of the mecha regiment. When fighting hand-to-hand, the top officer always stands in front of all the soldiers.

    The complex electronic interference between the enemy and ourselves has rendered the mecha's airborne battlefield radar useless. For the Imperials, in addition to the naked eye, they have to rely more on intuition and experience to judge the enemy's position.  But the mecha regiment is different. They have an omnipotent commander.  The Spiritual Power Network has once again shown the world that its role is far beyond this era.  After dozens of seconds of silence, all the mecha regiment soldiers received a message from the "Matrix".  After a chaotic sound of mechanical rotation, the mecha that manually adjusted its long-range weapons aimed its crosshair at an invisible target in sight.

    Gale felt his heart beating a little faster, and Seldon¡¯s words still left a trace of haze in his heart.  The Charno people's sudden stop gave him an ominous premonition.  He felt as if he had missed something, and he racked his brains to think about what he had forgotten, but the intense artillery fire that followed from a distance left him no time to distract himself from other things.

    Almost instantly, the defensive mecha at the forefront of the defense line was overwhelmed by dense missiles. The continuous protective cover did not have much effect on this penetrating anti-personnel weapon.  A huge metal mechanical arm crossed over the mecha group and hit the hard metal shell of Gale's command mecha, making a loud noise.  As the blue light blocking the front of the mecha group dissipated, more dense death beams emerged fromAttacking from afar, Gale seemed to be able to smell the burning smell in the air even if he was in a fully sealed mecha.  This was the smell of burned electronic components and scorched flesh. Light cyan smoke enveloped the narrow corridor. In panic, Gale once again heard the roar of the mecha as it ran, and the Charnos charged.

    Xin Qiang threw away the light energy cannon that was emitting white smoke in his hand, and the high-frequency shooting burned the energy core of the light energy cannon.  The maximum firing frequency of this kind of mecha-specific weapon is 3,000 rounds/second, but in less than a minute, according to the coordinates Yi Lexiang sent, more than twenty mechas have fallen to his gun.  Under the mouth.  Xin Qiang rubbed his sore fingers and glanced unconvincingly at Chen Yatian, who also threw away the light cannon.  The tactical recorder showed that Chen Yatian had just destroyed two more Imperial mechas than himself.  It seems that he can only have a showdown with his predecessor in the next hand-to-hand battle.

    Yi Lexiang made a meaningless scream and drove the mecha forward.  The light proton cannon in his left hand is still spraying deadly light bombs. The special material of the biological mecha allows him to shoot more energy bombs at a speed that ordinary mechas cannot match.  Chen Yatian and Xin Qiang almost simultaneously glanced at the inconspicuous black mecha with envy. Yi Lexiang had promised to build their own exclusive biological mecha for them when they returned to Anokhi.  Of course, given the unique manufacturing process of biological mechas, such advanced mechas cannot become the standard weapon of the Ninth Fleet.  According to his military rank, Wu Wei was naturally the first one to get the biological mecha, and who was second would depend on who killed more enemies in this battle.  The two of them drove their mechas almost at the same time and rushed towards the Imperials' chaotic mecha formation.

    The Myric mecha masters were stunned by the oncoming long-range firepower. The accurate and intensive firepower destroyed more than half of the mechas almost instantly.  The defensive mecha standing at the forefront had already been turned into burning ruins in the fire, which did not buy them any more preparation time.

    What happened in front of them made all the officers and soldiers of the Strong Mecha Division standing on the second line of defense secretly sweat in their hearts.  If Commander Seldon hadn't secretly ordered the mecha divisions to move back the defense line, perhaps the Strong men would have been among the mechas that were hit by Charno at this time.  Seldon put away his surprise and ordered all long-range weapons to start covering the corridor in the distance.  The Charnor attack is undoubtedly full of mysteries that are difficult to explain.  At such a long distance, how did they launch such a precise long-range attack when all battlefield radars were ineffective?  However, now is obviously not the best time to study this issue. His mecha masters must buy a little time for the Myrick mecha masters who are in chaos.  Otherwise, the Strong people may have to bear the attack from the Charno people.

    The dense long-range artillery fire did not stop the Charno mecha from advancing. Being able to hit the target with artillery fire that was not locked on the target is obviously a matter of probability and luck.  Passing through the corridor shrouded in smoke and gunpowder smoke, the mecha regiment with high morale rushed into the Myrick mecha defense line.  The sound of metal collision was infinitely amplified in the sealed metal tunnel, and the deafening sound covered up all other sounds.  The Merik people only resisted for less than ten minutes before they were completely defeated. No one could imagine the amazing power that hundreds of sharp knives composed of mecha war gods erupted in the narrow corridor with nowhere to dodge.

    Commander Myrick, who was somewhat dismissive of the Charno people, had already become one of the piles of broken steel ruins.  The number of Myrick mechas that frantically fled backwards was less than one percent of the original number.  Fear was the only feeling in everyone's heart. In less than twenty minutes, an entire division of mechas disappeared.  Metal debris everywhere piled up into piles of metal garbage several meters high. The already crazy Myrick mecha even broke down the defense line that Seldon had just established behind them. The soldiers of the special mecha regiment were almost clinging to these people who had lost their fighting spirit.  The Myrick mecha rushed into the Strong defense line from behind.

    The nightmare has come to the Strong people again. This is an unspeakable scene.  The attack phalanx of the special mecha regiment is like a huge metal meat grinder. All mechas that come into contact with them will be minced into a pile of twisted steel garbage that is unrecognizable to the naked eye.  Seldon didn't even try to organize the defense line again. In his eyes, these Charnor mechs were a hundred times more terrifying than what his colleagues had described to him.  Mecha skills he had never seen before, mecha joint attacks he had never seen before. In just a short encounter, he had seen dozens of outstanding mecha warriors being attacked in groups of three or five.  The Charno mecha teamed up to tear them into pieces.  Those were the most elite first-class mecha soldiers under his command. Normally, they were the objects of worship for ordinary mecha soldiers, but here they were as vulnerable as the mechas lying on the ground.  The retreating steel torrent once again overwhelmed Donik's tank formation. He didn't know whether he should order the troops to open fire. The Charno mechas were mixed in with the retreating mechas.  Soon he regretted his hesitation. The heavy tank once again became the prey of the Charno mecha.An armored vehicle weighing dozens of tons was overturned to the ground by the mechas. The steel chains were spinning helplessly, looking like tortoises struggling in vain on all fours.  The only good thing is that the Charnos didn't seem to want to pull out the frightened soldiers hiding in the tank. It would take too much time to break the thick armor.

    ¡°It was one minute or two minutes, Donique himself couldn¡¯t tell, the torrent of mechas gradually disappeared into the corridor.  Donik lay in the chariot in an extremely inelegant posture, staring blankly at the debris-strewn battlefield through the cracked tempered glass.  The hands of the atomic watch on his wrist showed that only twenty minutes had passed. Two mecha divisions and one armored tank regiment were gone.  "Where did these Charno monsters come from? I pray that I will never encounter them on the battlefield again." Donik murmured and crossed himself on his chest. The young technical soldiers who crowded beside him were still frightened.  Nodding, his raised limbs seemed to indicate his attitude.
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