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Volume 1 Chapter 145 Shocking Change

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    Chapter 145: Shocking Change

    Li Shaojun¡¯s excitement and embarrassment made the two old men who were a little uncomfortable with Yi Lexiang realize that maybe things here were not what they thought, but it was obvious that neither of them wanted to explain to them.  After Li Shaojun politely greeted several members of the underground resistance organization, he took Yi Lexiang away from the hidden spot of the underground organization right under the eyes of the Imperial Camp.  Yi Lexiang silently followed Li Shaojun and boarded the maglev car he was driving.  The relationship between Minsk's secret services and underground resistance groups feels a bit strange.  In principle, the two should be in an integrated relationship. Most of the commanders of underground organizations should be military officers. At the same time, the supply of weapons and the planning of military operations also require the participation of special agents.  However, judging from the situation just now, the underground resistance organization in Minsk seems to be composed of civilians who have not received military training, and there is no organization at all.  Moreover, the relationship with Major Li Shaojun of the secret service organization is also relatively stiff, and he is even a little wary.

    "Compared with Yaris, Li Shaojun's suspension car is far inferior in terms of quality and comfort.  After Li Shaojun got on the car, he started the autopilot, and the maglev car took off and wandered aimlessly along the established sky corridor.  Facing Yi Lexiang's puzzled expression, Li Shaojun explained with a wry smile: "Taisi Piao Astronomy has been wiped out. Even the secret service organization has suffered heavy losses. The original spy chief, Lieutenant Colonel Jiayi, also died in a purge.  Now the entire Tesno underground force, especially all the resistance actions in Minsk, are almost at a standstill, and you can also see that these people are civilians who know almost nothing."

    Yi Lexiang was silent for a while. Whether it was the war-torn front line or the armed forces behind enemy lines, it was obviously difficult to face the behemoth of the Imperial Alliance.  In the past few years since the outbreak of the Patriotic War, it is unknown how many brave Charnos paid the price with their lives.  But victory is still elusive.

    Yi Lexiang put away the sadness in his heart and briefly told Li Shaojun about the current situation. There were still more than 200 soldiers who had narrowly escaped death in the city center waiting for him to be resettled.

    "It's easy. We'll go there right away." Li Shaojun's current public identity is the head of a department in the Empire's Provisional Military Government.  Today's Minsk has just experienced the baptism of war and is in chaos in all aspects.  It is not too difficult to solve the livelihood and temporary status of more than 200 people.  Without saying a word, Li Shaojun turned the car and drove directly in the direction pointed by Yi Lexiang.

    After Li Shaojun gave Yi Lexiang a new address, he placed him on the street near the meeting point.  A small floating car cannot carry 200 people, so Yi Lexiang and the others can only walk there.  After putting down Yi Lexiang, Li Shaojun drove the hovercar and sped away. He took this opportunity to do some preparations first.  Two hundred people were either too many or too few. If Minsk hadn't been in the chaotic period after the war, Li Shaojun would not have been able to solve the identity problems of so many people at the same time.

    When Yi Lexiang arrived at the agreed meeting place in a good mood, the anxious and worried expressions on everyone's faces made his heart suddenly freeze.  "What's going on?" he asked anxiously.  Judging by the time, everyone else should have entered the city.  However, the team that originally had more than 200 people now only had about 150 people. He had an unknown premonition.

    "Two hours ago, several of our brothers sent a change of clothes back to the hiding spot, but they never came back. Lao Xiong and several other team members rushed back to check, but there has been no news." A person responsible for protecting Yi Lexiang's safety  The lieutenant colonel of the escort team explained the situation simply and clearly, with deep concern in his tone.

    "Damn it!" Yi Lexiang cursed, something must have happened.  "You and others first go to this address to find a person named Li Shaojun. He is one of our own." Yi Lexiang said as he took off his electronic identification tag from the speaking guard and entered the new authorization code.  , Li Shaojun can confirm the identities of these soldiers as long as he has this new authorization code.

    "General" An impatient soldier almost shouted the word "general" in public. When he realized his mistake, he hurriedly shut up.  Several higher-ranking non-commissioned officers glared at him reproachfully.

    "We'll go with you."

    "No, you don't have weapons and equipment and it will only cause chaos." Yi Lexiang categorically rejected the requests of several soldiers. He had just received intelligence that there were at least two groups of people chasing him on Planet Tesno III.  One group is the local defense force of the Imperial Alliance; the other group is naturally the inexplicable group of pursuers from the Holy Alliance. Although it is unclear whether the empire will allow them to move freely, these pursuers may have supernatural warriors among them.  After chasing him all the way from the vast interstellar space to Tesno, it was obvious that he would never give up so easily.

    Yi Lexiang forcibly ordered the soldiers to go to the location agreed with Li Shaojun to wait for news, and hurriedly left the city.  Don't careHe immediately speeded up to see if there was a surveillance system in the air. His thin figure seemed to be an arrow from the string, streaking through the air with illusory shadows. With the help of his powerful gun power, Yi Lexiang simply did not take the winding mountain path.  Climb directly over the steep cliff and rush towards the team's temporary hiding spot in the mountainous area.

    After analysis, agents from the Imperial Secret Investigation Bureau believe that the people on the survival shuttle will definitely try to contact the local underground resistance forces in Tesno, and the city closest to the crash site of the survival shuttle is Minsk.  Horner placed aerial reconnaissance forces at the intersection of Minsk and the mountains.  It stands to reason that Yi Lexiang's figure jumping between boulders and mountain streams at this moment should not be able to hide from the detection of the Secret Investigation Bureau.  Unfortunately, at this time, the detection forces gathered by the Secret Investigation Bureau near the mountainous area were all attracted by a bloody massacre that occurred in the mountainous area, and no one noticed the fleeting figure on the real-time monitoring screen.

    Horner, a senior agent of the Imperial Alliance, has dealt heavy blows to the resistance organizations left by Charno since he took over the agent work of Planet 3.  However, at this moment, facing the cruelty and blood on the surveillance screen, he still couldn't control the nausea that kept churning in his heart and his extreme disgust for these members of the hunting team sent by the Holy Alliance.  He has never seen any creature that would inflict such cruel punishment on its own kind. It seems that these people of the Holy Alliance do not regard humans other than themselves as their own kind, but as livestock to be slaughtered.

    "I hope these people from the Holy Alliance will not fall into my hands, otherwise I will tear them alive." An agent in the remote monitoring room said through gritted teeth.  Horner did not blame the agent. This time these Holy Alliance people went too far.  Through the surveillance images of ultra-high-altitude drones, it can be determined what the people of the Holy Alliance are forcing these people wearing Charno uniforms to confess.  No matter what they are looking for, it is obvious that the target they are looking for is very important to these people of the Holy Alliance.

    "Inform the garrison and agents in Minsk to intensify their search efforts, and be sure to find out what these Holy Alliance people are looking for." Horner gave the order expressionlessly, "No matter what they are looking for, it is likely to be related to the crashed survival ship.  Shuttle-related, let our people in Minsk pay attention to whether there are any new faces." An agent who received the order turned his head and glanced at the bloody scene on the surveillance image that was coming to an end, and walked out of the surveillance room with a low curse in his mouth.  .

    When Yi Lexiang approached the hiding place at the fastest speed, he slowed down.  While calming down the rapid breathing caused by the rapid movement, he approached cautiously.  The heat brought by the violent Tesno sun made the red rocks extremely hot. The steaming heat wave rolled from the ground to the sky. The heat wave made the surrounding scenery erratic, and the dry and hard leafless trees became strange and strange.  It's like being in an illusory world like a mirage.

    Yi Lexiang dodged and dodged all the way. With the help of the strange rocks in the mountains, he finally climbed over the last hill. With the help of the boulders on the hills to hide his body, he was able to overlook the hidden spots in the mountains from a high place.  The scene that immediately appeared in front of him made Yi Lexiang stunned.  He had experienced bloody battlefields on the ground, had seen bodies blown up by artillery fire, and had seen corpses burned to charcoal by the blazing flames, but the hell-like scene in front of him still seriously stimulated his heart.  Quite a hard heart.

    What a tragic scene this is!  Dozens of soldiers who had followed him and escaped the interstellar pursuit were lying on the crimson rocks in the valley like slaughtered lambs. A few of them were naked hanging upside down on a few leafless dead trees.  The corpses of the soldiers were swaying gently with the mountain wind, and the solidified blood blended with the red ground. Not far from them, Xiong Jianming, an older veteran of the team who had no hesitation in helping the escape, was dried up with several sticks.  The branch of the man was nailed to a huge towering rock, and his body was covered with horrific scars. A pair of lifeless eyes stared straight up at the sky, and the violently twisted muscles on his face showed that he had been brutally forced to confess before his death;  The smoke left by gunfire in the valley has not dissipated. Almost every soldier who was not killed in the enemy's surprise attack was brutally and bloody tortured by the pursuers. The air is filled with a fishy smell of coagulated blood.  .  The scorching heat turned the blood of the soldiers flowing into the lowlands into dark red solid clots.

    The burnt bullet holes in the rocks and the craters exploded in all directions showed that the raiders attacked very quickly, and it was not until the soldiers were close that they launched a counterattack.  Xiong Jianming and other soldiers who were tortured even more cruelly were apparently captured by the enemy when they returned to their hiding spot.

    Yi Lexiang barely controlled his stiff body and walked down the hill. His dull expression and somewhat stiff movements made him look clumsy, like a walking corpse that had lost its soul.  Who is it?  Who could treat these soldiers, mostly non-combatants, so cruelly?  Who can be so cold??Abusing young soldiers of his own kind?  Tears of blood mixed with blood flowed from the corners of Yi Lexiang's cracked eyes.  He had never resented a person or group of people as he did today - those cruel and ruthless pursuers.  A tragic roar echoed among the rolling mountains, and another blood debt was added to the revenge ledger in Yi Lexiang's heart!
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