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Volume 1 Chapter 140 A confusing situation (1)

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    Chapter 140 A confusing situation (1)

    With the guidance of Xiong Jianming, an out-and-out Tesno resident, the team finally found an ideal campsite on a high ground before the sun set in Tesno.  This is a naturally formed cave that is very dry inside.  For a small team without any camping equipment, such a natural cave that can block the constantly swirling mountain wind in the mountainous area is undoubtedly the best camping location.

    The soldiers took out the dry food collected from the gathering area and chewed the cold water. It was not a wise choice to raise a bonfire to avoid the imperial aerial reconnaissance.  This place is not too far from the location where the survival shuttle crash-landed, especially for mechanized troops or fighter planes in the air that are not affected by night and day.  The team, which lacked information and reference, was not sure whether the local Imperial garrison had discovered the wreckage of the survival shuttle destroyed during the day, and there was a pursuit attack ship of unknown origin behind them. It was better to be careful.

    Sitting at the entrance of the cave, Xiong Jianming and two other marines watched the dark mountains outside the cave warily.  Although this natural cave can withstand the mountain wind, it is also a dead cave with no exit on the other side.  If the Empire or someone else blocks the only exit, the entire team will become a turtle in a jar.  Arranging guard posts is inevitable.

    After a period of contact, Xiong Jianming soon discovered that the composition of this escape team seemed to be very complicated.  There are both marine soldiers and starship soldiers, and nearly half of them are technical arms or other non-combatants.  The young man who contacted him during the day seemed to be the leader of these people.  There were even several team members who he had not seen during the day who had the military rank on their clothes that were captain or lieutenant colonel. This made Xiong Jianming, who had already left the army, a little confused.

    "Brother, what kind of army do you belong to?" Taking advantage of the leisure time on guard, Xiong Jianming asked the soldiers who were on guard duty with him.

    The soldier glanced at Xiong Jianming warily but did not answer.  Although the man who claimed to be a veteran of Charno provided them with supplies during the day, Lieutenant General Yi's identity was too sensitive.  Before confirming whether the other party was sincerely helping him and others, he was still not prepared to reveal the true situation of the team to the other party.

    The soldier's indifference made Xiong Jianming a little embarrassed, but the doubts in his heart were getting bigger and bigger.  Such strict confidentiality measures and the vigilant eyes of the surrounding soldiers indicate that there is some kind of secret hidden in this team.  The soldier's distrust did not make him unhappy. As a former soldier, he clearly understood: In addition to not being afraid of death, what awaits you when you put on that military uniform is more responsibility and responsibility.  Strict discipline.  He smiled friendly at the young soldier and stopped talking.  Time will prove his loyalty to the Republic.

    The red mountains of Planet Tesno III look a bit weird in shape. Scattered plants grow on the yellow and red rocks. You can only see a relatively dense forest after walking for a while.  Unlike other ecological planets, the mountains here are not covered with soil, and a hurried Charno team is traveling through completely exposed rocky mountains.  Under the leadership of Xiong Jianming, the team avoided several natural chasms that humans could not cross on foot.  With the replenishment of food and water, the team's march speed accelerated a lot.  However, the more and more frequent reconnaissance fighter planes flying through the sky made everyone's hearts tense. The Imperials had probably discovered the self-destructing survival shuttle.  The only good thing is that the strong radiation from Tesno's sun has seriously interfered with the precision of the reconnaissance fighter detectors, so until now, although fighter planes frequently fly over their heads, the whereabouts of the team have not been discovered, but like this  The situation may not last long, and they must leave the mountains and escape into densely populated cities as soon as possible.

    Not far behind the team, a Holy Alliance hunting team was also traveling through the rugged mountains.  As Tesno is an occupied area of ??the Imperial Alliance, it is obvious that the people of the Holy Alliance will not be allowed to use fighter planes to assist in aerial reconnaissance.  Aden kept cursing Utterback's stupidity. If they could destroy this damn survival shuttle in space, he and others would not have to work hard to track the target in the hot climate.  Now, he can only rely on his supernatural powers to search for the breath left by the opponent and catch up step by step.  This hunting team consists of six supernatural warriors and eighty fully armed starship soldiers.  Except for Aden, who is a non-combat supernatural warrior, the other five all have combat powers.  Unfortunately, they were in the territory of the Imperial Alliance at this time, and the supernatural warriors could not take off to pursue them, which greatly extended the pursuit time.  He had been thinking about whether to abandon these obstructive ordinary soldiers and other supernatural warriors and take off to pursue them, but in the end he gave up this very tempting idea.  This is a war zone, and the Imperial people's surveillance must be very strong. If the identities of himself and others are exposed, I am afraid it will cause unnecessary trouble.  Thinking of this, Aden couldn't help but? He then angrily cursed Utterbeck, who was still waiting leisurely for their news at the airport.

    But Aden didn¡¯t know that at a high altitude that he couldn¡¯t see, an ultra-high-altitude unmanned reconnaissance aircraft was silently monitoring every move of this hunting team of the Holy Alliance.  Horner has been able to confirm that these Holy Alliance people are by no means a starship lost in space as they say.  They must be tracking someone.  Under Horner's order, reconnaissance fighter planes took off in the sky and continued to search for the targets that the Holy Alliance was pursuing in the desolate mountains.  A few hours ago, the Imperial Planetary Defense Force discovered the wreckage of a spacecraft that had been blown to pieces in the outer area on the other side of the mountain.  After analysis by experts from the Intelligence Agency, they determined that this was a starship survival shuttle belonging to Charno.  After the computer virtually reassembled the fragments, experts were surprised to find that the survival shuttle was quite well-equipped and some of the equipment was very advanced.  Horner was not surprised by this. If the survival shuttle was not equipped with advanced instruments and equipment, no matter how backward the Holy Alliance's starship technology was, it would not be possible to destroy even one survival shuttle.  What interested him was who was on board this Charno survival shuttle?  Why did the people of the Holy Alliance spare no effort to hunt him down?

    In order to find the answer, Horner reported this situation to the Imperial Alliance's frontline headquarters on the Kador Line of Defense, hoping that the "Mole" agents hidden in Charno could provide some useful intelligence.  The person who can ride such an advanced survival shuttle is definitely not an ordinary person.  Horner's cooperative investigation report quickly attracted the attention of "Intensified". These days, Charno's forward defense line seemed to be undergoing some unusual and subtle changes.  According to reports from outer space reconnaissance satellites and combat reconnaissance squads that are constantly trying to penetrate the Kador defense line, the Charno troops seem to have been on first-level alert.  This made him a little confused. He didn't understand that after the loss of sy-20, in order to restore the low morale caused by the heavy casualties, he had temporarily suspended all large-scale military operations against Charno.  However, Charno seemed to be in a constant state of tension internally, and he was puzzled.  Horner's intelligence was undoubtedly like a bolt of lightning that cleared away the fog, making Gallie realize that there might indeed be a problem within Charno.  Under the chairmanship of Jialie, a large-scale military planning meeting was held urgently at the Imperial Frontline Command.  As the meeting progressed, military orders were issued from the command headquarters to various theaters. The situation on the entire Kador defense line suddenly became tense, and the imperial army was ready to move.

    On the other hand, intelligence about the imperial army¡¯s preparations to launch a large-scale attack was also reported to Marshal Bai Weiqi of the Supreme Command of the Capital Star.  Based on various intelligence sources, the General Staff concluded that the Imperials were likely to launch a larger offensive than the last time.  The situation is getting more and more critical.

    Marshal Bai Weiqi, President Ye Haoran, and the two Republic generals Ouyang Seiya and Bo Shengguo in the capital star held an emergency meeting overnight.  At this time, the entire Charno Republic was in turmoil as Yi Lexiang was ambushed in Kador, and the confrontation in the Kador theater continued; Yang Haojun was hiding in the underground headquarters of the secret force and did not show up.  The troops have entered a state of emergency; the garrison fleet of the Capital Star Command and the armed guard forces affiliated with the Republican government have also entered a state of alert; and the task force far away in Annoki has also sent a questioning message. Everything indicates that if Yi Le  If Xiang's ambush cannot be properly resolved, Charno is likely to face a large-scale civil war.

    There are powerful enemies outside who are watching with eager eyes; there are worries inside and are ready to take action.  Several veteran generals and senior politicians who held the meeting were all worried at the moment.  The investigation of the ambush site is still continuing. So far, all parties are still unable to confirm whether Yi Lexiang was killed in the ambush.  If Yi Lexiang really died in this ambush, it would be an unsolvable dead end.  Marshal Bai Weiqi has issued a marshal order to the Intelligence Bureau responsible for investigating the Kador defense line in front. The whereabouts of Yi Lexiang must be confirmed as soon as possible. He must see the person alive and the body after death.  At the same time, the restraint order jointly issued by the generals and the presidential office was also sent to all troops, requiring all parties to exercise restraint and restrain their soldiers in the tense situation of national crisis to avoid irreparable serious consequences.

    "Marshal, the latest information." Du Xianghua's appearance interrupted the three-hour meeting. The last thing the old marshal wanted to see at the moment was Du Xianghua.  From the time he ambushed Yi Lexiang to now, almost every time Du Xianghua brings more bad news.

    "Alas! Tell me what news there is." Bai Weiqi let out a long sigh, his old face looking more and more haggard.
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