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Volume 1 Chapter 137 Escape from Tesno

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    Chapter 137 Escape from Tesno

    The Tesno star system is the closest star system to Kador.  The violent Tesno Sun constantly releases deadly rays into the surrounding space.  Eleven planets orbit in different orbits around this huge star that is about to end its life.  Eight million years ago, the twelfth planet located in the outermost part of the planetary system was reduced to a ball of debris in a sudden interstellar disaster.  Under the huge gravitational pull of the Tesno Sun, some of these broken planetary fragments still orbit the Tesno Sun according to their original planetary orbits.  The meteorite belt formed by the fragments passes through the outskirts of the Kador defense zone every three Earth years, and today this huge meteorite stream will pass through it again.

    The survival shuttle was flying at high speed in the void of space. The light starship following closely behind had already stopped firing useless shots. It was almost impossible to use the starship's main gun to hit the small survival shuttle in the vast starry sky.  Even if the starship at this moment is equipped with all special shooters, this is still a very difficult thing.  What's more, this special survival shuttle is equipped with electronic jamming equipment.

    "Utterbeck, are you sure the energy of that survival shuttle won't last too long?" Aden asked suspiciously, looking at the survival shuttle in space.

    "You should not doubt the judgment of one of the best starship captains in the Alliance. The small space of the survival shuttle cannot accommodate a large energy core. To be honest, the survival shuttle can still operate at such a high speed at this moment.  It surprised me. I have to admit that there is still a big gap between the alliance's technology and Charno." Utterbeck gently turned the transparent goblet filled with bright red wine in his hand.

    One Earth hour ago, as the captain of this attack ship, Utterbeck ordered the soldiers to stop that senseless shooting behavior.  In addition to consuming more energy from the energy core, the only thing this can do is bring a little tension to the person driving the survival shuttle.  At present, it seems that the driver's psychological quality is very good.

    "I hope you understand what you are doing. The life and death of the target person directly affects whether the secret agreement between the Alliance and Yang Haojun can continue smoothly. The failure of Galt's ambush has made Elder Leng furious. I don't want to face Elder Leng's cold face.  Stinky face. Also, I suggest that your pilot follow you closer. My tracking ability is not a panacea. Once the distance is too far, my ability will not be able to lock on the target person."

    "Copy that." Utterbeck gently snapped his fingers in a gesture that he thought was elegant.  "Energy cabin, add a little more energy to my 'little baby'. Be careful not to overload the energy. Our engine is currently running at full speed."

    "General, our energy is about to run out. If we continue at this rate for 20 Earth hours, we will become space junk floating in the universe."

    "Can we find a planet to land on before we run out of energy?" Yi Lexiang kept flipping the starry sky map. The harsh space environment is obviously not suitable for human survival. Even looking for a planet to crash land on requires a human immigrant.  planet.

    ¡°The nearest immigrant star is in Tesno.¡± The driver replied without thinking.  The Tesno planetary system originally belonged to Charno's star domain, and the harsh living environment was not suitable for human survival.  But because Tesno is rich in a special kind of flame crystal energy mineral, the Republic established a colony on it more than ten years ago.  After the invasion of the Imperial Alliance, Tesno also fell into enemy hands. At this time, Tesno, as the planet system closest to the Kador defense line, was used as an outpost by the Imperial Alliance.  "The problem is that our engines have been overloaded and we may not be able to hold on to Tesno."

    Yi Lexiang quickly found the Tesno planet system on the star map, and the relevant information about Tesno immediately came to mind.  The old dean's collection of books is all-encompassing, especially on science and interstellar geography.  Those miserable days were undoubtedly more like a paradise life than the precarious situation of being hunted down now.

    "Tesno meteorite flow?" Soon Yi Lexiang found a solution that seemed to solve the current dilemma.  "According to the recorded data, we are in the orbit of the Tesno meteorite." Yi Lexiang murmured to himself.

    "Sir, what did you say?"

    "Perhaps we have found a way to escape the current predicament." Yi Lexiang looked surprised.  If the calculations in his mental bank are correct, the meteorite flow will appear before long.  If the petite body of the survival shuttle can escape into the meteorite flow, then it is entirely possible to survive to Tesno with the help of the complex meteorite belt.  As for whose control area Tesno is at this moment, it is not very important.  Now the problem is: if there are no changes, the survival shuttle will not even be able to persist in Tesno.  It¡¯s important to save your life first!

    Yi Lexiang quickly drew a dotted line on the starry sky map, "Follow this trajectory. If we are lucky, we can at least persist."To Tesno.  "

    The pilot of the survival shuttle looked confused at the arc route marked by Yi Lexiang on the starry sky map. This increased the absolute distance to Tesno.  However, thinking of the series of incredible victories achieved by this general, he unconditionally turned the survival shuttle in the direction instructed by Yi Lexiang.

    ¡°Captain, the direction of travel of the survival shuttle has changed.¡± The starry sky observation officer of the Alliance attack ship reported, with a hint of surprise in his voice.

    "Don't worry about them, we just need to follow them closely until their energy core is exhausted." Utterbeck carefully observed the starry sky map.  After choosing the ambush location, he studied the starry sky and geography in this area in detail.  Except for Tesno, there was no planet in the nearby starry sky where a survival shuttle could make an emergency landing.  As soon as the pursuit began, he consciously ordered the starship to drive the survival shuttle in the direction away from Kador.  Except for Tesno, the survival shuttle had nowhere to go.  According to his calculations, it was impossible for the survival shuttle's engine to sustain the speed of Tesno.  If all went well, they could destroy the survival shuttle before it could escape to Tesno.

    Two Earth hours later, when the huge meteorite belt appeared in the sight of the survival shuttle pilot, he let out a scream of surprise, "We are saved."

    There was a suppressed sound of surprise in the survival shuttle, and the low atmosphere in the cabin was lifted.  Who would choose death if they could live?  This has nothing to do with greed for life and fear of death, it is just a natural reaction of people to survive in desperate situations.

    The pilot of the survival shuttle looked at Yi Lexiang involuntarily with a hint of respect in his eyes.  As a senior star fighter pilot, taking action with the help of complex and changeable interstellar geographical environment is a required course for every star fighter.  However, that requires complicated data calculations and rich knowledge of interstellar geography.  Generally, these tasks are completed by interstellar meteorologists in the rear base camp with the assistance of large central computers.  None of these are found on the small survival shuttle.  It is hard to imagine that two hours ago, his general completed a series of operations with only the help of his brain.

    At the same time, on the attack ship behind, Utterback also let out an angry scream: "Damn it, we're in trouble now."

    Aden sneered sarcastically, "Didn't you say everything is under your control? What's going on with this meteorite belt?"

    "Shut up! You should focus on locking the target person's survival shuttle now instead of cynicizing at me. If the target person escapes our pursuit with the help of the meteorite belt, you will be the one to meet Elder Leng's thunderous wrath, not me."  Utterback's face turned red, and the fleeing survival shuttle had obviously been preparing to use meteorite belts to avoid the starship's pursuit.  This was a moderate blow to the arrogant man, but given the current delicate relationship between the Holy Alliance and the Imperial Alliance, he was not too worried about what would happen if the target escaped to Tesno.  I believe that the Imperial people want to capture or eliminate General Charno from the country.

    Galang, the imperial soldier responsible for operating the starry sky radar, had just made himself a cup of fragrant coffee. Compared with the soldiers on the front line, his job was much easier, at least he did not have to face the threat of death.  I heard that the Charno people raided the sy-20 defense area a few days ago, and at least 300,000 marines were burned to ashes by the flames from the sky.

    The war has been going on for several years, and the crumbling Charno is still like a big stone blocking the road between the Imperial Alliance and the Democratic Alliance. Millions of Imperial soldiers have paid their lives for this.  Although Galang is an imperial man, he still admires the bravery of the Charno people.

    The detection radar shows that the Tesno meteorite belt is approaching.  A few days ago, the command center on the frontline offensive space fortress had sent a reminder stating that Tesno's triennial meteorite flow would pass through the planetary system again in the next few days, requiring all ground forces and alert fleets to take precautionary measures.  Because when the meteorite flow passes through the planetary system, under the action of gravity, some meteorite fragments will detach from the orbit and form a dense meteor shower.

    Galang took a sip of the steaming coffee. He was just an ordinary radar soldier. Those tedious matters should be left to the superiors to worry about.

    Suddenly a small bright spot on the radar caught his attention.  "Strange, at such a long distance, has the gravity of the planet already begun to take effect?"

    The huge group of meteorites is still moving along the established orbit, but this small bright spot seems to be heading straight for the planet Tesno III.  Just when Galang was puzzled, a larger signal source appeared behind the small bright spot.  The radar showed that this was a light starship of unknown origin, and the automatic friend-or-foe identification system showed that this starship did not belong to the Imperial Alliance.  Galang pressed the siren of the warning fleet and conveyed the coordinates of the target to the warning fleet traveling in space.

    There are too many interstellar wanderers in the starry sky, and maybe some wanderers' exploration starships have rushed into the military area.  addLang continued to drink his coffee indifferently, which was nothing to a radar soldier who was bored in front of the electronic screen every day.  Of course, he didn't know that the first bright spot that was not recognized by the radar was riding Yi Lexiang, who had caused heavy losses to the Imperial Alliance many times.  Due to the small size of the survival shuttle and the fact that it was equipped with Charno's most advanced electronic system, the radar did not identify the survival shuttle as a starship.  The negligent Galang did not amplify the signal to confirm again, allowing Yi Lexiang and others to escape.

    A wonderful misunderstanding!  However, this small misunderstanding undoubtedly saved the life of our General Yi Lexiang. At least he was not shot down by the artillery fire of the Imperial Fleet in the outer space of Thanos before he blossomed into a brilliant life that amazed the entire universe.  .
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