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Volume One Chapter 125 The First Battle

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    Chapter 125 The First Battle

    The Kador star field is located in the middle of the Charno Republic, where the "Alna Interstellar Corridor" and the "Mantinglang Interstellar Corridor" intersect. Behind the Kador defense line are a large number of large and small space gates, which can accommodate huge  There are no fewer than six large space gates through which star battleships pass.  Although it is relatively simple to defend the space gate, facing the imperial coalition with an absolute advantage in numbers, this defensive advantage is reduced to the extreme.  The loss of any space gate will lead to catastrophic consequences. The imperial army will use the interstellar space channels that extend in all directions to gallop through the star domain of Charno, but the Republic of Charno no longer has a favorable space terrain that can resist the imperial army.  .

    To this end, the interstellar defense line established in the Kador Star Domain has invested in almost all the space fortresses of the Republic of Charno. With the space fortress as the base point and the interstellar fleet as the supplement, a huge three-dimensional defense line was displayed in front of everyone.  The three defense zones of sy-19, sy-20, and sy-21 are lined up at the front of the entire Kador defense zone. The sy-19 defense zone consists of two space fortresses; the two space fortresses of the sy-21 defense zone  In the previous battle, they were conquered by the Imperial landing force. At the last moment, the military commanders of the two forts detonated the self-destruction systems of the two forts, and perished together with the attacking Imperial fleet. The large celestial body exploded with excessive doses of radiation sources and floating everywhere.  The wreckage of the SY-21 has temporarily become a no-man's land; and the SY-20, which is currently waiting for rescue by the Ninth Fleet, is located in the middle of the first line of defense of the Cador Line. It is also the area with the strongest defense force and consists of three fortresses.  It consists of three space fortresses: "Tianshu", "Tianci" and "Hero".

    "Strong's starship?" Yi Lexiang looked at the information displayed on the space map and frowned slightly.  Although the starships of various interstellar empires are not much different in terms of combat effectiveness, they are still different in details. Strong's starship is different from the Charno long shuttle battleship. Most of them adopt a delta-wing structure and are space holographic.  It¡¯s clear on the image.

    "The opposite side should be an interstellar battle group of the Strong people. Their combat effectiveness is almost the same as ours." Pang Hai said with certainty after observing carefully.  Most of the Sturt's star battleship formations are named after armies, and their combat power is roughly the same as that of Charno's main fleet.

    "Jia Lie sent the Strong people here to guess our origins. We annihilated part of the Royal Guards of the Strong people in Orit that day. These Strong people hated us.  , I¡¯m afraid this battle will not be easy to win!¡± Bo Jiangang quickly surmised Jia Lie¡¯s plan, and his fear of this famous general of the empire became even deeper.

    "The Strong people will move forward bravely in order to wash away the shame of that day, but our side is not inferior to the opponent in terms of morale after the victory over Sy-19. Moreover, the Strong people's eagerness to win may not be what Jia Lie expected.  That becomes the key to victory." Standing on the podium, Yi Lexiang calmly analyzed that no matter how powerful Jie Lie is, he is just a mortal, and Yi Lexiang, who has experienced all kinds of incredible events, really lacks awe for this star star Myrick.  Heart.

    The mission of the First Group of Strongmen was to prevent the Charno fleet from rushing to aid the fierce battle in the battle fortress. Under the command of General Garfia, they formed a "rock" defense formation.  A large number of auxiliary defense warships were arranged on the outside of the formation, and the main ships were hidden on the inside. It was obvious that the Strong people did not want to fight to the death with this menacing Charno fleet.

    "Hmph! I'm afraid these Strong people don't know our specific number. Otherwise they wouldn't adopt such a conservative formation. Let's add fire to the opponent!" Yi Lexiang looked at the Strong on the space map.  Langren fleet sneered a few times.  No matter what the situation is, the defending side always occupies the space advantage. With Yi Lexiang's character, he will never take the initiative to expose the fleet to the enemy's well-prepared firepower unless it is absolutely necessary.

    Orders were issued from the "Light of Victory". Under the gaze of the Sturts, the tactical formation of the Ninth Fleet slowly changed. The left-wing fleet and the right-wing fleet moved to both sides respectively, revealing the battleship in the middle.  Under the protection of many capital ships, the slightly petite hull of the 'Light of Victory' was exposed to the sight of the Strong people.

    "What are these Charno people doing?" Garfea looked at the starship group in the distance with some strangeness. How could anyone expose the battleship to the enemy as soon as they came up? In this case, how could the main fleet lack the protection of defense ships?  Not directly facing the local fire attack?

    "'Light of Victory'?" Garfea muttered to himself, looking at the light aircraft carrier surrounded by Charno's battleships like stars over the moon. He seemed to have heard the name of this battleship somewhere. It seemed that  It seems that this battleship is still the flagship of the Charno people.

    "General Jaffia, urgent call from headquarters!"

    "Nian!" There was a hint of sneer on Jia Feiya's face. Jia Feiya might not have any good intentions in sending his newly arrived starship formation to the front line. Maybe he wanted to use this to consume Stella.??'s military strength is not as good as what he wants.  Anyway, as long as they block the path of Charno's fleet and prevent it from rushing to support the fortress group fighting hard at the rear, it is really not worth fighting to the death against the Charno fleet on the opposite side.

    "It has been determined by the intelligence department that the Charno fleet opposite is the newly formed ninth main fleet. It is led by Charno, a rising star in the military who annihilated the Royal Guards in the Battle of Oret and is known as the 'Light of Victory'.  "Lieutenant General Yi Lexiang" As the latest information read out by the combat staff, Jia Feiya felt a rush of blood rushing to the top of his head. No wonder he felt that the name of the opponent's flagship was somewhat familiar. It turned out that this person was the one who made the Strong Empire famous in the empire.  Yi Lexiang, who was humiliated in front of his colleagues, looked at the arrogant starship formation of the Charno people in the distance, and a bloodthirsty light flashed in Gafeiya's eyes.

    "Your Excellency, General, His Majesty the Emperor has already issued strict orders to everyone who encounters them on the battlefield."

    "I know!" Garfea interrupted the staff officer, "Inform the entire fleet of this information! Order all ships to change formations, attack ships to move out of line, auxiliary defense ships to move their wings, and the entire fleet to assume an attack formation!"

    The news of the destruction of the Imperial Guard that day shocked the whole country. His Majesty the Emperor regarded it as a great shame and humiliation, and strictly ordered all troops who encountered this person to move forward bravely and try their best to kill this person to wash away the national humiliation.

    When Strong's fleet received the news about the flagship, it suddenly boiled like cold water dripping into a calm oil pan. Some even ill-tempered captains rushed out of the space formation regardless of the flagship's instructions and pounced on those who were still out of range.  Ninth Fleet.

    Looking at the somewhat chaotic battle formation on the space star map, General Garfia shouted that he had made a mistake. Although he was angry, he was fooled by the other party. The other party's arrogant formation was obviously to anger him.  Unfortunately, not only was he fooled, but he also rashly informed the entire fleet of the news.  Faced with the originally neat and orderly battle formation that became chaotic as the notification was issued, Gafeia was almost on the verge of tears at this moment.

    Thinking about it, even I, as the fleet commander, can¡¯t suppress the shame and anger in my chest, let alone these starship captains?  But it was too late to regret it now, and he could only keep urging the ships to speed up their rotation immediately.

    "The fleet of the Strang people has moved! Damn, what are they doing?" Wu Weiwei on the side screamed in surprise. In front of everyone's eyes, the Strang people made an own mistake, and the originally neat battleship formation was in chaos.  In a group, many heavy battleships located at the rear of the battle formation hurriedly rushed out of the formation regardless of the auxiliary defense ships in front of them before they could get out of the way. Some small battleships that could not dodge were hit by the huge battleships and rolled around.

    Yi Lexiang couldn't help but laugh. He just wanted to stimulate the opponent's commander. He didn't expect that the opponent's commander would make such a nasty move out of anger.

    Bo Jiangang couldn¡¯t help but smile on his face. This Yi Lexiang was really a blessed general. Just now, he had dismissed his childish arrangements, but he didn¡¯t expect that there would be such a dramatic change next.  However, it can be seen that the resentment of the Strong people towards Yi Lexiang may have reached the extreme.

    "Long-range missile launch! Release interference electronic fog! Defense ships move forward, prepare to attack!"

    The long-range missiles that were ready to go sprayed out like rain, and under the cover of electronic mist, they attacked the Strong fleet, which was changing formations. Yi Lexiang had been waiting for the Strong people's movements, and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity.  The enemy was just picking up a small advantage when they changed their formations, but they didn't expect to receive a big gift.

    In a hurry, the chaotic Strong fleet hurriedly launched interceptor missiles, but compared with the clusters of attacking missile groups, the number of interceptor missiles was much sparse.  For a moment, silent firelights flashed in the empty starry sky between the two far apart star fleets. Under the dazzling flash, the Strong defense ship blocking the battleship flashed with shimmering ripples from time to time.  Block the incoming missile swarm for the battleship behind you.

    However, many warships outside the protruding formation were not so lucky. The intelligent identification system of the heavy space missile prioritized these warships that were out of the formation. The shock waves of the continuous explosions quickly tore through the energy shield outside the warship.  The blue light of the exploding battleships flashed into one piece, and Strong's battleship group became even more chaotic under the shock wave of the exploding battleships.

    Under the cover of electronic fog, the left and right fast assault ships of the Ninth Fleet rushed forward quickly, trying to occupy a favorable space position before the Strong people completed the formation change.  Behind the assault fleet, dozens of large minelayers were also advancing at full speed. The propellers behind the battleships emitted lavender flames, indicating that these battleships were operating at overload, even after taking on the battle and not being attacked by the enemy.  I'm afraid it will have to be returned to the factory for repairs if it's destroyed.

    Several valuable heavy electronic ships also quietly moved behind the two assault fleets under the cover of electronic fog. The main battleships gathered in the central area. The strange tactical layout made everyone in the command room confused.
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