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Volume 1 Chapter 122 sy-19

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    Chapter 122 sy-19

    As the fleet gets closer to the front line, lights can be seen flashing in the darkness in the distance.  Near the entire Kador defense line, there are no other large stars except for the large space fortress built by the warring parties. Only the battle close to the space fortress can be vaguely seen against the various spotlights on the surface of the space fortress, and the two sides are entangled in the dark starry sky.  The warships that are together can only set attack targets based on the friend and enemy markers and space positions on the tactical space map. The starship's main cannon flashes brightly from time to time, dazzling like a cluster of stars gathered together.

    At this moment, in the sy-19 area, the starships on both sides no longer have any space formations to speak of.  All kinds of starships mixed together and started a fierce battle around the space fortress.  The space fighters were like wasps surrounding the hive, and the continuously activated beam weapons were like a web of death shining with silver brilliance covering the sky above the space fortress.  The landing craft released by the Imperial Alliance warships poured down on the surface of the fortress like rain. From time to time, the landing craft was hit by beams of light from the sky and the ground, turning into burning fireballs.

    Huge beams of concentrated energy cut through the dark night sky and shot towards the battleships in space.  The moment the concentrated beam passed by, the slender figure of the tactical missile dragging lavender flames loomed.  The shimmering ripples of the energy shield rippled in the space. From time to time, a warship pierced by the beam emitted a dazzling light. A small space fighter bumped up and down in the shock wave generated by the warship's explosion, like a small boat in the huge waves.  Writhing helplessly.

    The rain-like artillery fire from the Imperial battleships raised streaks of fire on the surface of the space fortress. Imperial soldiers wearing black space combat uniforms surged toward the corridor inside the fortress under the cover of aerial firepower.

    Neither of the two sides, who were fighting fiercely around the two space fortresses, noticed at this moment that in the starry sky not far from the war zone, a huge main star fleet was quietly and slowly sliding through the empty space. The fleet had already implemented electronic shielding.  It was like a lurking giant crocodile, eyeing the intertwined starships in the sy-19 defense zone.

    "Release the particle pulse bomb!"

    "The fleet is in fish scale formation, and the electronic ships are preparing to block enemy communications. Each ship marks the enemy target!"

    "Guard fleet shuttle formation, auxiliary fleet escort and vigilance."

    Standing on the command bridge, Yi Lexiang issued combat orders in an orderly manner. There was actually no great danger for a main fleet to enter such a chaotic battlefield. The only thing to note was that soldiers who had experienced war for the first time should not  In the panic, he accidentally damaged his own warship.

    "The particle pulse bomb is confirmed to have detonated." Electromagnetic pulse waves that were invisible to the naked eye exploded in the universe, and the space maps of the starships on both sides of the battle were extinguished at the same time.  The originally chaotic starry sky suddenly became quiet. There were no coordinates on the space map. Blind shooting in the dark starry sky was likely to accidentally damage friendly warships. Only the space fighters near the fortress were still fighting, and the Imperial Alliance's attack ships were still there.  It kept spitting deadly flames towards the space fortress.

    The electromagnetic pulse wave can only last for a very short time, and it only takes tens of seconds for the starship's starry sky instrument to complete its restart.  But the starship captains in the starry sky were not at ease. The detonated pulse bombs had only one purpose: tactical assault.  Sometimes just a few dozen seconds can determine the outcome of a battle.  The only thing they could do at this moment was to pray that the sudden attack would come from their own reinforcements.

    "The electronic ship blocks enemy communications! The main guns of each ship fire!" A sneer appeared on Yi Lexiang's stern face, and he issued an attack order.

    A dense rain of light illuminated half of the starry sky. Under the light of death, the ferocious and huge fleet of the Ninth Fleet was displayed on the restarted starry sky instrument. For a time, the tactical public channel of Charno's side in Sy-19  Thunderous cheers.

    "Reinforcements are here!" "We are saved!"

    Facing the sudden flames of death, the Imperial Alliance battleship group flashed the unique blue flash of battleship explosion, and the Imperial starships that were originally on the offensive couldn't help but panic.  The dense red highlights on the starry sky instrument showed that what appeared on the battlefield at this moment was not a small fleet that had been continuously deployed on the battlefield for several days, but a real main fleet.

    "The auxiliary fleet and the escort fleet maintain their formation, target the space fortress, and make an assault. The other fleets maintain their original formation and shoot freely!"

    At present, the sy-19 defense zone is in chaos. The wreckage of bombed battleships, scrapped wandering forts, and the disintegrated interstellar airport outside the fortress. The space capacity is almost saturated. The complex and narrow space environment is not suitable for the main fleet to launch an attack formation.  Instead of rushing into the inner confines of the battle fortress in chaos, it would be better to send only a small number of elite fleets to rescue the battle fortress.  The precise "roll call tactics" on the periphery are more deterrent to the Imperial Alliance's starships.

    Yi Lexiang walked downCommanding the bridge, he, the fleet commander, is no longer needed to directly command the battle. The next thing Bo Jiangang and the tactical staff can completely complete. In fact, this small tactical support does not have any technical content. The only thing he does is  The thing is to boost the sluggish morale of the entire fleet.

    Wu Wei waved his arms excitedly. The escort fleet that broke into the fortress was not here to watch the fireworks. The land attack troops with high morale were already ready to go.

    "Lieutenant General Yi, where are you going?" Standing on the command platform, Bo Jiangang looked coldly at Yi Lexiang who was about to leave the command room, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

    "Oh? The battle in the fortress is not over yet. I will take people to teach those Imperial Marines a lesson."

    "You lead people? Lieutenant General Yi Lexiang, as your chief of staff, I have to remind you that you are now the supreme commander of a main star fleet of the Republic. Have you ever seen a general with the rank of lieutenant general?  Are you personally on the front line of the battlefield?"

    Wu Wei, who had already reached the induction metal door, suddenly stopped and turned around. He had forgotten that Yi Lexiang was already the commander of the interstellar fleet at this moment. It seemed that it was inappropriate to go to the battlefield in person.

    However, when Yi Lexiang heard Bo Jiangang's words, he not only did not stop, but instead quickened his pace and ran towards the metal door, "The most important principle of war is to use the power in your hands to the maximum extent. I think it makes a  It would be a huge waste for mecha combat masters to sit idle on the battleship! The important task of commanding the fleet as Chief of Staff Bo Jiangang will be left to you, I believe in you!"

    Bo Jiangang looked helplessly at the back of the figure who quickly passed through the metal door, and shook his head with a wry smile.  What Yi Lexiang did was completely within his expectation. The battle to retake the space fortress was also very important after all. It was indeed inappropriate to let a super mecha god of war stay in the command room, so he could only let him go for the time being.

    Under the command of Chief of Staff Bo Jiangang, the advancing escort fleet was like a sharp sword cutting through the sky, piercing the encirclement surrounding the space fortress.  Countless landing craft rushed out of the huge hull of the battleship and rushed towards the "Tianyuan" space fortress, which was still fighting.

    Imperial Alliance, Kador Front Command

    "General Jialie, the latest intelligence from sy-19 has just been received, and our contact with them has been interrupted. According to the speculation of the staff, it is likely that Charno has implemented battlefield shielding."

    "Battlefield shielding?" General Jiale was a little surprised. He walked quickly towards the huge space tactical map.  Generally, only high-power electronic ships equipped with some larger interstellar fleets are capable of implementing battlefield shielding.  Before planning this attack, he had accurately calculated the overall strength of the Charno defense force on the Cador defense line. The Charno people who were currently fighting on multiple fronts should not have any extra troops to invest.  Could it be that the Charno garrison in Kador could no longer hold on and used its strategic reserves?  It doesn't seem like it should be the case. My purpose is only to destroy Kador's first line of defense. Sy-19 is only the last strategic attack point of the first line of defense. Is it necessary for Charno to use the reserve team?

    "Are there any changes in other attack and defense lines?"

    "Report, everything is normal, there is no sign of additional troops from Charno." The combat staff replied loudly with a loud voice, his eyes full of respect and admiration.

    "Jia Lie", the most famous general of the Merrick Empire, planned this multi-front attack as soon as he arrived at the front line.

    The exquisite tactical design and rigorous tactical conception fascinate all staff members.  In just ten days, the first line of Kador's defense, which had stood in front of the imperial army for months, was already crumbling.

    Especially his multi-line command ability amazed all the staff members.  The elite staff officers from various empires in the headquarters found it a bit difficult just to assist in the command. However, the starship units, attack forces, and auxiliary fleets were very clear in Admiral Jiali's mind. The attack of each fleet  There was no omission or error in the line, attack strength, or target, it was incredible.

    Jia Lie stared at the sy-19 defense zone shrouded in fog on the tactical map and fell into deep thought.

    "Order all attack fleets to return!"

    "Ah? General, but"

    "Execute the order!" Jia Lie frowned in displeasure.

    Although the Imperial Alliance's army looks huge, the military strength and tactical staff command capabilities of each country are uneven, which undoubtedly reduces the combat effectiveness of the Alliance's army.  In comparison, the "Fire" fleet under his command was even better.  At least every senior commander or staff member of the "Fire" fleet will not question any of his orders.  However, at the moment, his "Fire" fleet is resting on the "Titan" star behind and replacing the empire's latest warships. It will probably take two months before it can be put into the Kador defense line.??attack campaign.

    "I'm afraid the reinforcements from Charno have arrived. Continuing the attack has no meaning other than increasing casualties. In order to conquer the Kador defense line, the Imperial Alliance has shed enough blood. There is no need for us to consume these elite soldiers.  In a meaningless offensive. As combat staff, I hope all of you can remember that the victory of the war does not depend on the number of people, but on the commander's tactical accomplishment!"

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