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Volume 1 Chapter 98 Further Studies

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    Chapter 98 Further Studies

    After the fleet entered the subspace state, Yi Lexiang's consciousness once again entered the new universe in the spiritual sea. The sea of ??light composed of milky white liquid light did not seem to have changed much.  The liquid light that originally filled the spiritual threads was undergoing some strange replacement with the new liquid light, which seemed to be replenishing energy and an exchange.

    In the unfathomable distance, there are more and more black nebula-like materials, and some large black nebulae have begun to rotate independently. Obviously, this negative energy universe is consistent with the positive universe in some laws.  Perhaps it won't be long before the first dark matter stars will form.

    Most of the stars in the positive universe are main sequence stars, that is, stars in a hydrogen burning state.  Later, as the life of the star continues to increase, the star will burn step by step in the order of hydrogen, helium, carbon, oxygen, neon, and silicon. Of course, not all stars will follow this rule. Most stars may only be able to burn  Proceed to step two.

    Depending on the mass of the star, the different stages of combustion and the evolution process, different stars may have different endings.  Some stars may evolve into white dwarfs or black dwarfs until they disappear; while other large stars may evolve into neutron stars or black holes.

    Yi Lexiang looked at the slowly rotating black nebula in the distance. What kind of magical things would happen in a universe composed entirely of negative energy?  Is there an evolutionary process that is completely opposite to that of the positive universe? The first thing to be formed is a strange celestial body similar to a black hole.  If this is the case, a universe formed by countless black holes would be too terrifying.

    If we interpret it according to the Big Bang theory of the real universe, the universe that was just formed at this moment should still be expanding rapidly, and this stage will last for a long, long time, even for a long time that far exceeds human imagination.

    Yi Lexiang is a little worried. If the evolution of this infant universe is similar to his own illusion, and energy is constantly extracted into black holes, this newborn universe may not exist for too long.  Once the entire negative energy universe collapses, he doesn't know what kind of unpredictable future will greet him!

    Yi Lexiang shook his head with some annoyance. Facing a chaotic universe completely filled with pure liquid light, he was just the only fish in the ocean of liquid light. There was no reference or material for analysis. What should he do at this time?  Can't do it either.

    He put away the random thoughts in his mind. Standing here and thinking about it will not solve any problems. Let's leave it to later.  Now he is more concerned with the neutral energy transformed through the liquid light in the spiritual filaments.

    But what surprised Yi Lexiang was that there was no trace of that neutral energy around.

    "Weird," Yi Lexiang muttered to himself. When the mutated spiritual thread parasitized the energy core of Luo Konggang, he clearly sensed the existence of this energy. After the energy was transferred, this energy disappeared without a trace.  I thought it would enter the negative universe of the spiritual sea with the energy transfer.  But at this time, Yi Lexiang was shocked to find that the neutral energy still could not be found here.

    After thinking hard for a long time, Yi Lexiang suddenly woke up.  Is that energy still in his spiritual thread?  Yi Lexiang sank his consciousness into the spiritual power network composed of spiritual power. What was surprising was that the pure liquid light liquid flowing in the spiritual thread had no trace of those strange energies at all.

    Logically speaking, this kind of neutral energy will neither cause energy annihilation with positive energy nor react with negative energy, and will never disappear.  What did I miss?

    A flash of inspiration flashed through his mind. Could he have made a common-sense mistake?  Not only can the mental power of negative attributes carry liquid light liquid composed of negative energy, but neutral energy can also carry it.  Since one's mental power attribute can become a negative attribute after the mental storm in "Central City", then it may become a neutral attribute!

    Facts have proved that Yi Lexiang's inference was correct, and his spiritual power had indeed changed again.  The mental force composed of neutral energy is like the wall of human blood vessels wrapped with liquid light composed of negative energy.  The analysis results of analytical abilities show that the neutral energy is also undergoing some kind of energy replacement with the liquid light liquid at this moment, and it is still growing.

    The strange energy exchange between positive and negative energy evolves into chaotic energy with medium attributes, and this chaotic energy can be completely replaced with positive and negative energy to strengthen itself.

    Everything is a mystery that is difficult to explain. The only thing Yi Lexiang is sure of is that this strange energy replacement requires a medium: ethereal spiritual power.

    At this time, as a spiritual power rookie who had never fought against a spiritual power user, it was difficult for Yi Lexiang to judge whether this evolution was good or bad.  He secretly wondered whether he should ask the elder president of the "Akashic Secret Society" Mi Zhiqing for advice?  There may be a secret society that has a long history and has been dedicated to the study of occultism and metaphysics.Some relevant records.  But when he thought of the existence of the mysterious "Akashic Records", Yi Lexiang quickly gave up the idea of ??asking the old president.

    The escort fleet is getting closer and closer to the capital star. As before, in addition to studying his mutated mental power, under the touch of liquid light, Yi Lexiang will "snort" and fall asleep every time he travels to subspace.  .  The shadow left by the bloody and cruel battle in my heart slowly healed.

    At this moment, the interstellar joint meeting on the appointment of Yi Lexiang in the capital star is being held nervously. At the meeting, the old marshal's proposal to let Yi Lexiang serve as the commander of the upcoming task force interstellar fleet was resisted by representatives of all parties.  In particular, the "Iron Blood Society" faction strongly opposed Yi Lexiang on the grounds that he was an army general.

    "Major General Yi Lexiang is indeed a rare general," Yang Haojun put forward his objections in his unique and cold voice unhurriedly, "but we cannot ignore that he is just an army general.  I only received Army-related training in the new camp, so I think it is too risky to let an Army general command an interstellar fleet."

    "I agree with General Yang Haojun. It is a big joke to let an army general command an interstellar fleet." Zhang Yining, the theater commander of the Long March Star Region, agreed. As the backbone of the Iron Blood Society, he has no reason to oppose Yang Haojun's opinion.

    A few days ago, the old marshal used the "Kador Incident" to purge many young and middle-aged generals from the Iron Blood Society out of the military headquarters.  If this Yi Lexiang is allowed to become the commander of the task force commanding one side, the iron-blooded group will find it even more difficult in the military department.

    "In fact, looking back at Major General Yi Lexiang's two great victories, he is good at using troops to win by surprise, and his sword points directly at the enemy's vital points. As long as he is paired with a mature and steady deputy commander, coupled with a capable staff, he may not be qualified to be the commander of the interstellar fleet.  position." General Bo Shengguo of the Republic said slowly. As a common ally of the old marshal and the task force, Admiral Bo Shengguo naturally agreed with this proposal.

    "I think it is inappropriate for Major General Yi Lexiang to serve as the starship commander. After all, the operational command between Star Wars and land warfare is far apart. It is difficult for me to imagine a person who does not understand space formations and has not received formal tactical deductions.  An army general who doesn't even understand professional space surveying and mapping can command an interstellar fleet well." Ouyang Saya, another general of the Republic, also raised objections.  As the leader of the middle faction, Ouyang Saiya still admires this young man who has successively won great victories in Orit and Munro.  But war is not a child's play. A task force fleet with millions of troops was like a prince sitting on one side in ancient times.  He also felt deeply inappropriate that so many troops should be handed over to an army general.

    Seeing that most of the senior generals attending the meeting held negative opinions for one reason or another, even the wise old marshal felt helpless.  He originally wanted to take advantage of Yi Lexiang's two consecutive victories to push him to the position of fleet command. By then, Bo Jiangang had been appointed deputy commander.  This can not only enhance one's own power, but also allow Yi Lexiang to become familiar with the military rules of Star Wars.

    In the interstellar age, what truly determines the life and death of a country is the starship showdown in space.  There is still a long way to go for Yi Lexiang to truly grow into a famous general who can influence the direction of the war.

    Ye Haoran, the President of the Republic who was attending the meeting, saw that the meeting seemed to have reached a deadlock, and after some thought, he interrupted the debate between the two parties.  "It will take at least six to eight months to form a new task force. I don't think so. After Yi Lexiang returns to the capital planet, we will first arrange for him to enter the Starfleet Academy for further training. Everyone here can also consider it  Put forward some candidates, and after the fleet is formed, we will conduct a Star Wars simulation assessment before deciding on the final candidates."

    Ye Haoran is worthy of being the president of the Republic. His keen political sense allowed him to quickly grasp the key to the entanglement of various forces. For military factions, the amount of military power they hold is directly related to their right to speak in the military.  Everyone hopes that someone from their own faction can become the supreme commander of this upcoming task force star fleet.  Then let's just have a big competition. "The capable ones will go up and the mediocre ones will go down." The most fair thing is.  It can prevent the various forces from competing with each other, and it is possible to ensure that the selected people are qualified for the position of starship commander, the best of both worlds.

    After listening to Ye Haoran's words, everyone in the conference room thought about it.  Undoubtedly, this seemingly unrelated plan is the best way to resolve the selection dispute.

    "I think it's okay." Ouyang Saiya was the first to agree.

    ¡°Second¡± ¡°Second¡± ¡°Second¡±

    Soon President Ye Haoran¡¯s suggestion was recognized by everyone.

    Back in the capital, Xing Yi Lexiang sent his parents to an apartment specially arranged for him by the logistics department, and left in a hurry with Du Xianghua.  Du Xianghua's attitude this time was very different from the last time. The victory in the Munro Battle showed that Yi Lexiang was by no means the playboy he thought.  Enthusiastic DuXiang Hua kept introducing the buildings and various landscapes on both sides of the road to Yi Lexiang. It was obvious that he was cautious by nature and tried to avoid some sensitive topics.
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