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Volume 1 Chapter 81 Big Scene

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    Chapter 81 The big scene

    On the light aircraft carrier "Light of Victory" docked at the temporary dock, Wu Wei, Meng Xujian and Captain Song Guorui gathered in the command room on the bridge to study the fleet's next route setting.  Although the interstellar distance on the main route is close, the waiting time is too long. After passing through this space gate, they plan to switch to several more remote routes.

    Although small groups of interstellar pirates appear from time to time on these remote routes, there are relatively few merchant ships passing through, so the time to arrive at Munro can be expected to be a little earlier.  As for those pirates, they would never attack a heavily armed military warship as long as they were not dizzy.

    The alarm that suddenly sounded shocked everyone in the command room.  It's not too far from the capital star, and the public security has always been good.  What's more, Yi Lexiang has a unit of the "Thunder and Lightning" team around him, which is enough to deal with ordinary emergencies. How can he still receive an emergency alert from the "Thunder and Lightning" team?

    "I'm dizzy. You can get into trouble even while shopping." Wu Wei couldn't help but muttered. He knew Yi Lexiang's skills, so he wasn't too worried.  However, since he followed Yi Lexiang, he had hardly lived a peaceful life for a few days either fighting or running away.  I thought it would be easier to go home with Yi Lexiang to visit relatives this time, but I didn't expect that something would happen before I even got out of the capital star's warning range.

    "Report, the "Thunder and Lightning" assembly has been completed, requesting dispatch!" Jin Sangze, the commander-in-chief of the "Thunder and Lightning" team rushed into the command room in a hurry.

    ¡°Asking for permission, the safety of Major General Yi must be ensured!¡± Captain Song Guorui replied loudly, and Wu Wei and Meng Xujian on the side had no time to stop him.

    "Hey, there's no need to be in such a hurry." Before Wu Wei could finish his words, Jin Shangze had disappeared without a trace.

    Song Guorui saw that Wu Wei and Meng Xujian, who had been following Yi Lexiang, seemed not too anxious and a little confused.

    "What, you two?" Before he could finish speaking, a staff officer on duty rushed into the command room again.

    "Report, just now the mecha guards directly under Major General Yi drove their mechas into the airport without permission."

    "Holy shit, these guys are just worried about the world being in chaos." Wu Wei jumped up, and Meng Xujian also had a wry smile on his face.

    "You two, let's just wait and see what happens. Major General Yi's safety"

    "If he can be so dangerous, there must be some misunderstanding here. Not to mention this small temporary dock, he can go to Strong's headquarters as soon as he wants. Someone who can kill dozens of Stoneclaw beasts with bare hands, you  What danger could there be?"

    Song Guorui also came from the task force, and Wu Wei had no scruples in speaking.  Meng Xujian, on the other hand, was confused. How come he hadn't heard of the stone-clawed beast?

    "Haha, Major General Yi has such great achievements, why haven't I heard him mention it?" Wu Wei's words made Song Guorui put down his high spirits and couldn't help but make a few jokes.

    "You can't say that. What if there are assassins sent by the Imperial Alliance on the dock? It's always good to be careful." Pang Hai, who had rushed after receiving the news, walked into the command room. Although he didn't know about the stone-clawed beast,  What it is, but Yi Lexiang's personal combat power must be very amazing.  Otherwise, Wu Wei would not be so stable.

    Inside the airport, the standoff between Xiao Xiaofeng and the armed police continued.  The fat policeman became angry and called the headquarters for reinforcements. This was the first time he encountered such an arrogant woman.  Xiao Xiaofeng, who received the signal from her companions, was even less anxious. The commander-in-chief will arrive soon with a large team of troops. There is absolutely no problem with Yi Lexiang's safety.

    "It was just a pain for Brother Kun who had the ion beam gun pointed at his head. He didn't expect this woman to be so tough and not even afraid of the armed police at the airport."  Cold sweat flowed down his forehead. This time he might have really kicked the iron plate. You can see that the three people surrounded in front of him didn't look nervous at all.  He was really hurt by the fat man this time. The fat man who noticed something was wrong in the crowd had already escaped without a trace.

    The fat policeman also realized that something was wrong with the situation at this moment, but faced with the crowd of people who were hiding far away and whispering around him, he was riding a tiger with difficulty.  What's more, I just called the headquarters for support out of anger, and now I can't do it privately.  I could only suppress the anxiety in my heart and support myself, but my words no longer had the arrogance just now.

    The roaring police car arrived almost at the same time as the "Thunder and Lightning" team wearing individual armor and carrying a single-person aircraft.  On the way, Jin Sangze had already made contact with the members of the "Thunder and Lightning" unit hidden in the crowd. It was obvious that the armed police force at these temporary docks threatened the safety of the protectors.

    The fully charged "Thunder Cannon" firmly locked onto the police magnetic vehicle in the air before the other party could react.  The muzzle wrapped with blue electric light is obviously more deterrent than the police cryogun in the hands of armed police.  The policeman in the car did not dare to take any drastic action and could only desperately call the headquarters.

    The crowd on the ground stared blankly into the sky. This is terrible.It is a rare and grand scene.  A small fight turned into a big showdown between the two sides, and these people with unknown origins gained the upper hand. Just looking at the whole set of shining silver equipment, you can tell that these people have a lot of background.

    Yi Lexiang, who triggered the whole conflict, smiled bitterly. I'm afraid it's not over yet.  Those boys should be arriving soon. There has been no fighting in this period, and they have been suppressed for a long time.  Why don't you come out and show off when you have such a great opportunity?

    Sure enough, after a while, Yi Lexiang felt the vibration from the ground. This feeling was too familiar.  The roar of the huge mecha came closer and closer, and the vibrations on the ground became more intense.

    There was a commotion in the crowd, and panicked people looked around, not sure what was going on.

    Groups of mechas swarmed from all directions, surrounding everyone in the center of the market.

    " Xiao Xiaofeng's face was as cold as an iceberg and a little moved. Why did the army show up?  Judging from the movements of these mechas, it is clear that they are a well-trained elite force. If they are enemies, it will be in trouble.

    "Fuck!" Jin Shangze in the air couldn't help but cursed as he looked at the surging mechas. Who released these kings of soldiers?  This is not a war. As for such a big scene, they even formed a battle formation.

    The fat policeman had already collapsed on the ground, but Brother Kun simply fainted.  People with some background among the crowd around started to take out their personal communicators but found that there was no signal at all.

    Not far away, just behind the mecha group, eight of the latest "Hummingbird" electronic mechas made a low "buzzing" sound.

    After completely controlling the situation, a heavy "King Kong" mecha walked into the crowd with heavy steps, scaring the people on the ground to run away, fearing that the driver would accidentally be trampled to death.  However, this kind of worry is completely unnecessary. The landing point of the seemingly cumbersome "King Kong" footsteps has been accurately calculated, and it did not even touch the goods scattered on the ground.

    "King Kong" walked up to Yi Lexiang and removed a relatively small black mecha from his back.  Although Xiao Xiaofeng, who was standing aside, realized from the reaction of the "Thunder" team members in the air that these mechas might be the fleet's own troops, he still couldn't help but shake the ion beam gun in his hand. These behemoths gave people a sense of oppression.  It's just too strong.  It's hard to imagine what it would be like if these mechas entered combat mode!

    Xiao Xiaofeng sighed sadly, no matter how elite the security force was, they could not compare with these full-time killing machines. After the appearance of these mechas, the entire market became silent, and the police cars in the sky quietly turned off their flashing lights.  But the commander of this unit turned out to be Yi Lexiang, who in his eyes was uneducated and incompetent.  Xiao Xiaofeng glanced at Yi Lexiang with a complicated look, and couldn't tell what she felt in her heart.

    Yi Lexiang, who boarded the ¡®Trainer¡¯, looked at the chaotic and quiet market and saw that the commotion was a bit too loud.  I just wanted to go shopping, how did it end up like this?

    The black ¡®trainer¡¯ slightly bent his legs and stood up, soaring into the air lightly. Xiao Xiaofeng, who was so close, didn¡¯t even feel the vibration of the ground.  The surrounding mechas followed the 'trainer', either in groups of three or five, converging into a rolling torrent of steel, and a huge roar resounded in the sealed airport hall.  Xiao Xiaofeng also boarded the "Thunder" simple airship and flew to the spacecraft parking port.

    The armed guards at the airport gradually dispersed after these people of unknown origin left.  No one will continue to pursue it. No matter who these people are, they are beyond their control anyway, so they should let their bosses have the headache.

    The crowd in the market also dispersed. After witnessing this rare showdown, the interstellar merchants packed up their goods and returned to their spaceships.  With such a great god staying at the airport, it would be safer to stay on his own spaceship.

    The bustling market immediately became empty, with only Brother Kun, who had fainted, lying alone on the cold metal floor.

    Returning to the ¡®Light of Victory¡¯, Yi Lexiang was naturally complained by Wu Wei and others.  Yi Lexiang, who knew he was wronged, kept his head silent and secretly cried out that he was wronged.  How could it have turned out like this if "Little Pepper" hadn't suddenly pulled out a gun.

    The dock management office soon figured out that the people who caused the market commotion came from the military fleet waiting to pass.  With a stroke of his pen, the person in charge of the management office directly moved the fleet from the first sequence to the first batch of navigation list.  It's better to let this great god leave as soon as possible. If he stays any longer, he doesn't know what kind of trouble he can cause.

    The Dockyard Garrison Department sent an inquiry telegram to the Capital Garrison Military District, but the other party ignored it at all.  Soon the Administrator of NASA contacted the Director of the Dockyard Management Office, and the staff could hear the Director's roar through the door.  The fat man from the armed police force who arrived first, and hisThe head of the police department was dismissed on the spot.

    As for Fatty, Brother Kun and others from the market, they never appeared in the airport hall again, and no one knows where they went.
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