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Volume 1 Chapter 66 Oret¡¯s Victory

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    Chapter 66: Oret¡¯s Victory

    Annoki Planetary Task Force Base Camp.

    Three three-color moons float quietly in space, reflecting the sunlight from the other side of the planet. The colorful moonlight envelopes the fluorescent blue plants. Everything is so peaceful and peaceful, as if they are far away from the world.  A pure land.

    In the more than 300-meter-high command cabin of the Dawn, Lieutenant General Bu Yun concentrated on the latest information coming from Orit, which was several light years away, with a smile on his eyes covered with crow's feet.  Yi Lexiang's series of achievements at Orite Star exceeded his expectations so much that they even shocked him.  This young man was born to be an outstanding soldier, and the blessings of the gods seemed to always follow him, bringing miracles wherever he went.

    Lieutenant General Bu Yun has personally deduced the direction of the battle in Orit several times. The best result ended with the mecha regiment and the 99th Division safely evacuating Orit. Obviously, Yi Lexiang did much better than himself.  Lieutenant General Bu Yun put down the report in his hand, gently rubbed his sore eyes, and strolled to the metal window.  The spotlight of the engineering troops in the distance kept flashing, and the engineering troops were busy working day and night.  At this moment, Anokhi is surrounded by high-orbit turrets and space parking ports, and heavily armed heavy fleets are constantly cruising; mining ships and large transport ships are constantly shuttling, transporting newly mined metal ores and energy ores to Anokhi.  ; On the ground, special military training grounds for the Marine Corps and fleets and a new reserve officer school rose from the ground. Under the ground are underground facilities made of 300-meter-thick hard steel plates and concrete, which are enough to withstand a 100-million-ton tactical nuclear bomb.  Attack, the Anokhi planet looks like a huge military fortress in the night.

    Just now, Lieutenant General Bu Yun carefully reversed the direction of the entire battle. The key or turning point to the unexpected ending of the Orit battle obviously lies in the sudden increase in the combat effectiveness of the mecha regiment that landed.  In the appendix of the report, there is a promotion report written by Yi Lexiang himself on the promotion of 158 members of the mecha regiment to mecha war gods, as well as 158 mecha technology confidentiality agreements signed by the newly promoted mecha war gods.  From a time perspective, these 158 new Mecha War Gods were all promoted to Mecha War Gods one by one after landing in Orite.  Bu Yun had long known from the old dean and Fang Youchen that Yi Lexiang had developed a certain mecha skill. It was this special mecha skill that contributed to Yi Lexiang's promotion to the super god of war at a young age.  .  But he never thought that just learning this kind of mecha skills would lead to the promotion of ordinary mecha warriors' mecha levels.  He felt that he had made some mistakes, and he also complained about Fang Youchen in his heart for not explaining to himself that Yi Lexiang's mecha skills were so miraculous.  If we had known that Yi Lexiang's mecha skills were so miraculous, wouldn't it be better to just leave Yi Lexiang in Anokhi as a mecha chief instructor? There are more than 500,000 members of the task force with at least close to 200,000 mecha skills.  A warrior, based on the probability of 3,000 people being promoted to 158 people, wouldn't there be more than 10,000 mecha war gods in the entire task force?  This astonishing number made Lieutenant General Bu Yun's heart beat violently. He almost had the urge to immediately send a warship to take Yi Lexiang back to Annuoji. However, looking at the confidentiality agreement in the attachment, Bu Yun immediately gave up his heart.  idea.  Just kidding, the confidentiality agreement not only stipulates confidentiality, but also all signatories must fulfill corresponding obligations.  By then, wouldn¡¯t all the mecha warriors become Yi Lexiang¡¯s private army?  Bu Yun secretly cursed that he didn't know which little brat gave Yi Lexiang such a bad idea. Judging from the list, it was probably Wu Wei.  A sneer appeared on Lieutenant General Bu Yun's face, "Good boy, I can't control you in Orit. Your cousin Wu Chao is still serving under my command. Let's see!"  The Wu family has had a lot of success over the years, and most of its young children have joined factions in the military and political circles. Bu Yun knew without thinking that Wu Wei would definitely choose to join Yi Lexiang.

    In the next few days, the unlucky Wu Chao was called to the command room by Lieutenant General Bu Yun to find any excuse to repair it several times. Wu Chao was depressed, but he didn't know how he, a small division chief of staff, had offended the general.  Commander?

    In the small room of the Orient Tactics Hall, the tired Yi Lexiang couldn't help but raise his hand and punch Wu Wei hard in the face. The joy of just getting the authorization code was immediately diluted by Wu Wei's ignorant questions.  , "Where did the aliens come from? What are you thinking about in your head?" Wu Wei covered his face in grievance. Yi Lexiang's performance just now was too amazing, and he really didn't look like a normal human being.

    When Yi Lexiang, who looked tired, and Wu Wei, who had a bruise on his face, walked out of the small room, the noisy hall suddenly became quiet.  Everyone's eyes were focused on the two of them, hoping to see the result from their faces.  Wu Wei, who had a funny expression just now, suddenly showed a bright smile on his face and made an OK gesture.  The command hall was filled with joy, and the gloom on people's faces disappeared.  The captured officer Strong also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The sword of destruction hanging above everyone's heads was finally lifted.  Yi Lexiang handed the piece of paper recording the highest authorization code to Meng Xu, who was full of excitement.Commander Jian, "The next step is your business." Commander Meng Xujian took the piece of paper, respectfully saluted a military salute, and quickly disappeared into the cheering crowd.  The flashing red alarm on the command platform was cleared after a few minutes.

    The planet Oret has once again returned to the hands of the Charno people, but the matter is not over yet.  In space, the Strong warships are still cruising in outer space orbit.  It¡¯s unclear what the considerations were, maybe it was fear of the Empire¡¯s strict military laws, or maybe Starfleet still had control over outer space, so Strong¡¯s fleet commander still had a bit of luck in his heart; Strong¡¯s Starfleet  The failure of the ground battle on Orit planet was not reported to the frontline headquarters of the Imperial Alliance.

    "Your Excellency General, the stalemate between us and the Charno people cannot continue like this. The Imperial Command may contact Lieutenant General Garmisch at any time, and the ground defeat will not be hidden for long." Harder said to Strong with a sad face.  Rear Admiral Keyes, commander of the Space Fleet, said that as Rear Admiral Keyes' most trusted operational adjutant, he understood the worries in Rear Admiral Keyes' heart.  If the supreme commander is captured, all officers and soldiers participating in the battle will be severely punished according to imperial law. This is not only a disadvantage in combat, but it is very likely that everyone will be punished with desertion.  Standing in front of the porthole, Major General Keyes was in a state of confusion. He looked at the planet Orit with a cold face, which was emitting earthy brown light in space, and remained silent.  Harder's worry was not unreasonable, but at this moment, the space fleet was throwing a tantrum, and for a while he didn't know what to do.

    "What do you think of the predicament in front of you?" The news of the defeat of the ground forces was tightly blocked. Most people, including a large number of fleet generals, did not know that the situation on the ground had been reversed. Major General Case could only fight with himself now.  Discuss this matter with your most trusted subordinates.  What awaited him was a heart-stopping silence, and it was clear that his adjutant had no solution to the predicament at hand.  Major General Keyes smiled helplessly. Harder was just an adjutant, so what could he do?

    Just as Major General Keyes in space was looking at the Orient planet with melancholy, an interstellar fleet in the asteroid belt 9 million kilometers away quietly appeared behind the Strong fleet. This fleet consisted of two heavy space ships.  The star fleet of aircraft carriers, twelve star battleships and 22 cruisers and frigates came from the planet Anokhi.  Ever since General Su Zhixiong reported Orit's situation back to the task force base camp, Lieutenant General Bu Yun and Chief of Staff Bai Jiangang have been planning a large-scale counterattack.  The Strong people's crazy plan to destroy the planet put the mecha regiment in a dangerous situation. In order to rescue tens of thousands of Charno soldiers and millions of civilians, Lieutenant General Bu Yun had to order the fleet that was not fully prepared to set off in advance.  Then Yi Lexiang launched an unexpected ground offensive to completely reverse the situation on Orite. At this moment, the Star Fleet, which was rushing day and night, changed its combat plan from the original tactical rescue to a surprise attack on the Strong fleet, which was now in a dilemma.

    In addition, while Major General Su Zhixiong was lurking in the asteroid belt, he accidentally discovered the remnants of the 76th fleet of the original Orit planet that was defeated by Strong, including a light space aircraft carrier, 8 battlecruisers and  12 frigates also joined the battle sequence, and now the number of Charno warships in space has exceeded that of the Strong.  The Strong people's attention was almost entirely attracted by the defeat on the ground, and they did not notice the Charno star fleet that was gradually gathering. The situation in space was gradually developing in Charno's favor.

    Sixteen hours after the Orit ground battle ended, while Major General Keyes was still arguing with Commander Meng Xujian through Strong's tactical communication system, the mixed fleet hidden in the asteroid belt launched an attack on Strong.  The Lang fleet launched a surprise attack, and the unsuspecting Strong fleet was severely damaged. The ensuing battle was like a replica of the Strong people's attack on the 76th Fleet a few months ago. The only difference was that they were waiting for the Strong fleet.  What happened to Lang's fleet was that the entire army was annihilated, and not a single battleship slipped through the net.  The indecisive Major General Keyes and his flagship "Attack" also turned into floating dust in the universe.

    At this point, the Battle of Oret, which lasted for nearly four months, came to a perfect end with the annihilation of the entire Strong army.

    Hundreds of thousands of ground troops were captured, and the news of the annihilation of the space fleet shocked the entire Imperial Alliance.  This was the first comprehensive defeat of the Imperial Alliance on a frontal battlefield since the outbreak of the war. The furious Alliance Marshal Tyr sent a harshly worded telegram to the Strong Empire's staff headquarters, rebuking it for its incompetence, calling it  A disgrace to the millions of soldiers of the Imperial Alliance.  The family of Lieutenant General Garmisch, who had brought shame to the empire, was also uprooted by the shameful and angry Emperor Strong. All the immediate family members of the captured officers and soldiers were demoted to remote and desolate edge planets to become miners.
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