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Volume 1 Chapter 60 Collision

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    Chapter 60 Collision

    Pang Hai looked at the approaching Strong mecha with a hint of sneer on his face.  A 200-meter mine array was arranged in front of the ambush position. The Strong people used smoke cover to launch their charge and also blocked their own sight.  With a loud noise that shook the earth, a Strong mecha stepped on an anti-armor mine originally used to deal with heavy tanks. The explosion easily threw the mecha weighing only a few tons high into the air.  The crisis underground did not slow down the charge of the Strong people. Stepping on the scattered steel wreckage of the mecha, the Strong people finally rushed to the ambush position on the top of the mountain.  In just ten seconds, more than twenty Strong mechas fell in the attack.  The snipers who completed the sniper mission quickly withdrew from their positions. The "Eagle Eye" sniper mecha was not suitable for the next close attack. What greeted the Strong people were the "Tiger" main battle mechas, who were waiting for the investigation.  Erno mecha group.  After just a few rounds of intensive artillery fire, the Strong people had less than 50 mechas left, and everything was about to end.

    In the tactical command hall of the Thirteenth Battle Group of Rozstr?m, Garmisch was aware of the strange direction of the battle. In just three days, he lost 23 special mecha units in Auschwitz.  This is absolutely abnormal. There is no reason that Charno would target company-level mecha units every time and turn a blind eye to other small groups of mechas in the attack area. The Charno people are too purposeful.  This shows that the other party is likely to have a detailed combat plan.  Garmisch scanned the command hall with a scrutinizing gaze. Leaking secrets should be impossible.  If someone within the command headquarters had leaked the secret, it would have been impossible for Chalpiao Astronomy's network security technicians to re-examine the security of the entire command system network.  But after three hours of troubleshooting, the sweating technician told him that everything was normal.  This made Garmisch, who originally thought he had found the crux of the problem, fall into confusion again.  What's the problem?  Ever since the Battle of Danzig, Garmisch felt as if he was fighting an invisible opponent. The commander of Charno had a complete change in his tactical style and strategic deployment. Although his tactical training was rough, he could often  Attack from unexpected quarters.  Just as the combat staff sent the latest battle report, another mecha unit lost contact.  So far, other troops sent into the mountainous area have lost nearly 1,000 people, which is a large number for the few special elites in the army.  Garmisch turned his attention to the huge tactical map on the particle screen, and must reverse this passive situation as soon as possible.

    "General, let the Guards move out." Major General Erwin, the leader of Strong's Guards, walked slowly to Garmisch's side.

    "The situation on the front line is confusing. If you go up now, you are likely to be heavily attacked by the Charno people. You have to think clearly!"

    "A hard hammer is needed to break the deadlock, and I believe there is no more suitable force than us."

    Garmisch was a little hesitant. Undoubtedly, sending out the Guards at this moment was the best way to break the predicament.  However, if Charno really takes control of the command's troop deployment, the Guards will be attacked with full force from Charno, and the life and death of the Guards will become the key to victory or defeat for both sides.  For Strong, who has an army of hundreds of thousands and has surrounded the Charno people, using a special duel to decide the outcome is already a complete failure from a tactical command point of view.  However, the Orit battle lasted too long, and the alliance headquarters called many times to urge them. They were very dissatisfied with the delay in ending the battle of the Thirteen Fighter Group.  Moreover, the agents of the Intelligence Department did not find any interesting information on Orit, so there was no point in continuing to waste time on Orit, which was desolate and remote and had no strategic significance.  Garmisch nodded helplessly and agreed to Erwin's request.

    "Strong's Guards are dispatched!" The combat staff responsible for monitoring Strong's communications exclaimed, attracting all the attention in the headquarters.  Meng Xujian walked quickly to the tactical group. The three red arrows on the map representing the Strong Guards were moving in the direction of Auschwitz.

    "The Strong people finally couldn't bear it anymore." Meng Xujian, who had a complicated expression, smacked his palms with excitement, "Notify Major General Yi Lexiang immediately!" For three days, the mecha regiments have been attacking everywhere, ambushing Strong's soldiers in large numbers.  The special mecha unit is to lure out Strong's Praetorian Guards.  Now the main event is finally here.  As long as these three Strong Guard mecha companies are completely annihilated, the situation on the battlefield will be completely reversed.

    The valley is full of bombed-out mecha wreckage, the hard mountain walls are covered with bullet holes, and murderous mechas stand on the cliff overlooking the hell-like battlefield in the canyon.  Just now, Yi Lexiang led the first battalion of the mecha regiment and the regiment's mecha company to successfully ambush a strong special mecha detachment.  The high-intensity combat did not reduce the fighting enthusiasm of the soldiers at all, and the vivid victories made everyone excited.  Everyone looked eagerly at the small black 'trainer'. The 120 "Tiger" enhanced mechas of the special mecha company were surrounding the black 'trainer' like loyal guards.

    ?There was a trace of envy in the eyes of the soldiers. This newly formed mecha company was composed of all mecha war gods. Although it had not been officially registered with the military department, the mecha skills and powerful attack power they displayed in the battle were unparalleled.  There is no doubt that these soldiers who were ordinary mecha warriors two weeks ago have been promoted to glorious mecha war gods.  The person who created the miracle was the young commander. When this young commander led the mecha regiment to victory one after another, the soldiers only had admiration, respect and deep hope in their hearts.

    At this moment, Yi Lexiang felt extremely calm after receiving the news from the division headquarters that the Imperial Guards were dispatched.  Looking around, Yi Lexiang's heart surged with great pride. Who could stop the 120 mecha war gods and more than 2,000 high-level mecha warriors on the small planet Orite?  If it weren't for the deployment of the Strong's Praetorian Guards, Yi Lexiang would have slaughtered all the Strong's special forces that had penetrated into the hinterland of Auschwitz.  Now it's finally time for the mecha regiment to show its sharp fangs. Yi Lexiang will completely defeat the Strong people's will to fight in this battle.

    In the Krakow area east of Auschwitz, the Guards entered Auschwitz across the gentle sedimentary rock plain.  Erwin observed the traces left by the mechas on the ground. According to the information displayed by the headquarters, a special team lost its signal nearby. It was initially determined that it was ambushed by the Charno people.  The company led by Erwin discovered the ambush battlefield in a canyon 50 kilometers away. There was still a strong smell of blood and a faint smell of gunpowder smoke in the canyon.  The huge craters on the ground and the embers of fire that have not been completely extinguished show that not long ago this was a battlefield filled with killings.  Erwin jumped off the mecha and carefully inspected the remaining traces of the battle, his face gradually becoming gloomy.  The situation was more serious than he had expected, and he was not interested in the armor that was destroyed by long-range fire; he was only concerned about the mechas that were destroyed in close combat.  He noticed that the destroyed Strong mecha was penetrated and torn by metal blades. Most of the wounds were in the weak joints and cockpit. This showed that the incoming enemy mecha had a very high level of control. The Strong mecha  A has almost no ability to defend his vital points.  This was definitely not the Charno Mountain Division in the original encirclement. He realized that both he and Lieutenant General Garmisch had made a big mistake. There was also a special mecha unit on Orit that they were completely unaware of.  The entire battle situation was probably a clever trap designed by the enemy, and the target was the Praetorian Guards.

    Thinking of this, Erwin quickly ran back to the mecha. He wanted to notify the headquarters as soon as possible to immediately withdraw the Guards troops that entered the Auschwitz area.  If this is really a trap targeting the Praetorian Guards, then the enemy must be confident enough to eat him.  However, the "rustling" busy tone coming from the command channel made his heart sink to the bottom completely. "Battlefield shielding". Erwin was too familiar with this sound. It was a routine method that the Guards would take before every attack. He understood that he  This fish was already surrounded by enemies, and Erwin almost without thinking sent out a signal to prepare for battle.  The group of mechas gathered together immediately dispersed to find cover, watching the surroundings vigilantly.
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