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Volume 1 Chapter 19 The Division¡¯s Doubts

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    Chapter 19 The Division¡¯s Doubts ()

    Yi Lexiang leaned exhausted against a metal defense wall that had not been destroyed by the violent stoneclaw beasts. Perhaps his crazy killings completely angered the entire herd.  The stone-clawed beasts that broke through the first line of defense did not continue to rush to the second line of defense. They kept surrounding this little human who had slaughtered dozens of his companions one after another, trying to tear him apart with the sharp claws on their feet.  of crushing.

    Yi Lexiang relied on his strength and agility that surpassed that of ordinary people to constantly deal with these stone-clawed beasts that were as crazy as himself. He could no longer remember how many stone-clawed beasts he had killed.  The severely exhausted physical strength made the things in front of him begin to become blurry, and sweat had already soaked his combat uniform.  He only knows that he must persist. If he persists, a miracle may happen. Giving up is equal to death. He doesn't want to die yet. His life has just begun. He wants to live!

    Yi Lexiang's whole body was stained with the blue blood of the stoneclaw beast. From time to time, drops of blue blood dripped onto the ground along the dagger in his hand. This was the first dagger he had picked up from the eroded, non-human body.  He couldn't remember clearly. Most of the firearms were corroded by blue blood and could not be used. He had to use this primitive weapon to save his life.  The eyes that were once full of longing for a better future now became cold and devoid of any human emotion, as cold as a stone.  After experiencing a tragic and bloody massacre, Yi Lexiang exuded a strong murderous aura, making him look like a bloodthirsty killing god from bloody hell.  The huge stone-clawed beast seemed to be frightened by Yi Lexiang's murderous intent and did not dare to move forward. A man and a group of beasts were in a stalemate.

    The mechas roaring from the distance formed a rolling iron stream and rushed toward the first line of defense, which had long been turned into a piece of metal ruins. They were the support troops sent by the division headquarters.  As the torrent of steel gradually approached, they were surprised to see a strange scene on top of the metal ruins.  A weak human figure stood side by side with thousands of giant stone-clawed beasts. The sight made the world seem to last forever!  Everyone who saw this scene was deeply shocked. The lonely figure looked so tall at the moment, while the originally huge Stoneclaw beast looked so weak and short. This strange and powerful contrast made  Every mecha warrior felt a heat rolling in his chest and a voice roaring in his heart.

    "Kill", "kill", "kill", huge sounds resounded throughout the world, and the rushing iron current was like a surging giant wave rushing toward the hesitant Stoneclaw beasts who did not know whether to advance or retreat.  The sound of gunfire and artillery made the originally silent battlefield once again shrouded in smoke.  The mecha warriors struggled to slash the alloy blades in their hands at the confused and confused group of beasts. Blood and flesh were flying everywhere on the battlefield. The screams of the dying Stoneclaw beasts were intertwined with the weird sounds of steel hitting the thick horns of the Stoneclaw beasts.  Together, in an instant, the originally arrogant group of Stoneclaw beasts turned into piles of corpses lying on the ground.

    In this chaotic and noisy battlefield filled with gunpowder smoke and blood, a mecha squad carefully protected the lone figure under its tall steel body, relying on the fragile human body to block thousands of violent monsters.  No matter who he is, the human fighter who wreaks havoc on beasts is worthy of the proud heads of humanity's most elite steel gods of war.  The mechas surrounding him were like the ancient knights protecting the king, standing quietly, and every glance directed at the figure was so fiery.

    Yi Lexiang's body was almost completely covered with blue blood and white stoneclaw beast's brains. His combat uniform was eroded by the blood and became mutilated. His almost naked body was covered with streaks of stoneclaw beasts.  The scars scratched by those sharp claws.  Covered in blood, one could vaguely see a slightly immature face. The mecha warriors standing around could not imagine what kind of cruel and bloody killing this young soldier had experienced.  The body that had lost consciousness for a long time was still leaning firmly against the metal wall that stood like a monument, and at the feet of this weak and thin figure were the mutilated corpses of about fifty huge stone-clawed beasts that kept rushing past.  The mechas couldn't help but move slowly, for fear of disturbing the young soldier who had already fallen into a coma from exhaustion.

    The fierce battle not far away is still continuing. The stoneclaw beasts that have lost their fighting spirit are vainly resisting the crazy slaughter of the steel mecha. Everything is about to end.

    The battle that lasted for a day gradually came to an end. When the herds on the eastern defense line were completely annihilated, the native creatures besieging the base also began to slowly retreat away from the battlefield.  Except for the occasional sporadic gunfire, the chaotic battlefield once again became silent.  Surrounding the base's circular defense position are piles of biological remains of various shapes. The fierce artillery fire blasted deep craters into the originally flat ground. Blue blood, yellow soil, and broken limbs were everywhere.  In every corner of the battlefield, the green and peaceful Anokhi grassland was like hell at this time.  The flamethrower carrying a bulky backpack used the flame gun in his hand to clean the battlefield. Under the high temperature flames, everything was burned to ashes, black smoke and charred.The stench of corpses filled the air.

    Before Yi Lexiang lost consciousness, he seemed to hear the loud bugle sound of the charging mecha. His extremely tired spirit could no longer support him. In a daze, Yi Lexiang seemed to have returned to Munro, as if he had seen his father's kindness again.  With his eyes, he seemed to feel his mother's warm and loving hands again. There were no cruel battles or violent monsters, everything was so beautiful.  A burst of severe pain brought the dying Yi Lexiang back to the cold reality. He felt his body bumping up and down, and anxious shouts kept coming from his ears, far and near, was it heaven or hell?  Is it life or death?

    The division commander and chief of staff of the division headquarters¡¯ combat command room convened the regiment and battalion-level commanders participating in the war to analyze the problems that occurred in the battle and summarize experiences and lessons.  Division commander Zheng Jun said with a look of shame: "The division headquarters made a major mistake in commanding this operation. As the commander, I bear the unshirkable responsibility."

    The commanders at all levels who had just hurried back from the battlefield didn¡¯t know what was going on. Hadn¡¯t the protozoa been repelled?  Master, what's wrong with this?  Several divisional combat staff officers who were always arrogant at this time also lowered their heads and remained silent, sucking on the cigarettes in their mouths.  The atmosphere in the combat command room became oppressive.

    Seeing everyone¡¯s confused expressions, the chief of staff stood up and briefly explained the situation.  Then he turned to the commander of the fourth regiment, Tang Chengpeng, and said with a smile: "The commander of the fourth regiment made a decisive decision to evacuate in a crisis situation and avoided heavy casualties. He was indispensable for winning valuable time for the division to send reinforcements."  Once you contact the base camp, the division headquarters will ask for merit and recognition for you and the fourth regiment."

    "I didn't give the order to retreat? I always thought it was the division headquarters that ordered the retreat." Tang Chengpeng, who looked surprised, quickly stood up and denied it.

    "What?" The division commander and chief of staff looked shocked, "Are you sure it wasn't you who gave the order to retreat to the second line?" If it hadn't been the order given by the commander of the fourth regiment, the situation would have become complicated. If the soldiers of the fourth regiment retreated without authorization, then  This victory was just a coincidence. Not only did the Fourth Regiment have no success, but they were also held accountable for violating military discipline by evacuating without permission.

    Without bothering to summarize the gains and losses of the battle, the chief of staff inquired in detail about the situation at the time. It was certain that the soldiers were by no means retreating spontaneously. Someone clearly issued the order to retreat without authorization.  With the communication equipment lost and the war situation at that time chaotic, most soldiers mistakenly thought it was the order from the regiment headquarters, and the regiment headquarters mistakenly thought it was the order from the division headquarters, resulting in such a ridiculous and mixed ending.  I just don¡¯t know what the mentality of the person who issued the retreat order without authorization was based on?  Should we be fearful of fighting in the face of an enemy, or should we retreat selectively and re-establish a second line of defense when we find that the battle situation is unfavorable?

    The primary suspects were the other battalion commanders of the Fourth Regiment. When they saw the division commander and chief of staff casting suspicious eyes on themselves, they were so frightened that the battalion commanders stood up and denied it repeatedly.  This is no joke. If you are not careful, you will be pulled out by the Military Justice Department and slapped. Everyone is deeply aware of the ruthlessness of military law on the battlefield.

    "Who could it be?" the chief of staff muttered to himself. If the enemy was cowardly and escaped, then the matter would be simple. There is nothing to say but pull him out and kill him. The First Division will never allow such a cowardly person who is afraid of death to get involved.  The illustrious reputation forged by the soldiers with their blood and lives.  But if not, it would be hard for the Chief of Staff to believe that a grassroots commander who had never systematically studied military theory, strategy and tactics would make such precise tactical judgments in such a chaotic battle situation at that time, and make correct decisions accordingly.  reaction.  Moreover, as far as he knew, the task force was recruited from all military elites. He knew that military law was ruthless, so who would dare to do such a thing despite the disapproval of the world?

    According to the Fourth Regiment Commander, he asked some retreating soldiers and they all said it was the order from the regiment headquarters. At that time, the Fourth Regiment Commander thought that the battlefield was chaotic and noisy and the soldiers mistook the division headquarters for the regiment headquarters. In addition, the situation was urgent and he did not think carefully about it.  .  Now it seemed that this man was thinking closely, and he was obviously afraid that the soldiers would not believe him, so he pretended to pass the order in the name of the regiment headquarters.  From this, it seems that this person may not have a high official position in the army and may even be an ordinary soldier.

    Retreating without authorization, issuing combat orders beyond the level, and falsely transmitting orders are all taboos in the military. Thinking of this, the chief of staff couldn't help but sneer. If someone who is greedy for life and fear of death even saved the fourth regiment because of this wrong order  , I will also kill you to enforce military discipline.  But the question comes back again, what if it¡¯s not?  The chief of staff also felt a bit thorny.  When he told everyone his thoughts, everyone in the command room looked at each other in silence.  Yes, what if not?  Everyone in the entire command room felt that their heads suddenly grew three times bigger. They had never encountered such an evil thing after fighting for a lifetime.

    "Pa" Division Commander Zheng Jun slammed the table hard, "No matter what, let the people from the Military Law Department and the Intelligence Department start investigating first."
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