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Volume 1 Chapter 6 Boarding the Ship

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    Chapter 6 Boarding ()

    There was no wind in the sky, and the Academy of Sciences chose a moment when the atmospheric fluctuations were minimal, so that the team would be relatively safe when passing through those alien vines.  Yi Lexiang walked at the back of the team. Ever since several veterans who were at the regiment headquarters told what he said to the rest of the team, his life had not been easy.  Hua Chengwu, the temporary captain of the team, waved his spittoon-sized fist in front of him and said that he would settle the score with him when he got back.

    The team chose a thick vine with a diameter of 5 meters. Although they were walking in the air above the huge sinkhole, if they were not close to the edge of the vine, it would not be much different from walking on land.  The feet stepping on the vines are not as soft as ordinary plants. The rough outer skin of the vines feels more like walking on dry and cracked ground, which is stable and hard.  If it weren't for the occasional vibration, the whole process would actually be pretty smooth.  It also made the group leader and others standing at the edge of the sinkhole secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

    The distance of two kilometers is really a child's play for the strong and strong task force members. After seeing that there seemed to be no danger, everyone, led by captain Hua Chengwu, almost jogged all the way to the crashed battleship.  Due to the strong magnetic field interfering with wireless communications, the team was unable to communicate directly with the regiment headquarters.  Seeing that Hua Chengwu was so careless and didn't even maintain the battle formation, the regimental commander at the rear was so angry that he cursed his mother.  "Even if we can't form a battle formation on the vines, you can just keep a safe distance between the team members. If anything happens, it will be a series. Well, Hua Chengwu, I'll wait for you.  I'll take care of you when you get back." The group leader thought hard.

    When standing next to a 1,200-meter warship, one cannot help but marvel at the greatness of human civilization.  Although a 1,200-meter battleship is really nothing among the ranks of space battleships known to mankind.  Even for the Charno Republic, this battleship was not considered huge, but Yi Lexiang was still extremely shocked by his first close-up observation of an interstellar battleship.

    Unlike the troop carrier on which it came, the front of the battleship is covered with small gun barrels. These light rail guns are used to destroy space torpedoes that have broken through the defense network composed of space fighters and interceptor missiles.

    Space torpedoes are a variant of ancient missiles. After entering the cosmic era, humans have vigorously developed weapons for space combat.  Light energy weapons have been used in warfare, while missiles used for combat in the atmosphere were once ignored.  However, the shortcomings of light energy weapons are also obvious. The energy beam excited will dissipate as the shooting distance increases. In other words, the farther the distance, the less powerful it is.  It also has the disadvantage that it can only launch in a straight line. The biggest difference between space combat and planetary combat is the 360-degree combat range.  A problem arises when using light energy weapons as the main guns of battleships. A shooting blind spot is formed where the shooting angle of the main guns is out of reach. The battleships have to frequently change their angles during battle to ensure that their main guns can hit.  Target.  Through simple calculations, the enemy ship can easily predict the blind spot of the main gun and avoid our attacks; it can also calculate the trajectory of our warships and carry out early strikes.  Finally, missiles have returned to the forefront of military research. Their ultra-long strike range, arbitrary launch angle, and huge destructive power can just make up for the shortcomings of light energy weapons.

    There are a row of fighter ejection ports on both sides of the huge battleship. There is a huge gap in the tail that seems to be disconnected by something. It seems that the particle engine of the battleship fell off when it crashed.  Some parts of the battleship's surface are already covered with tiny branches that look like vines. The battleship's armor, which is made of special metal, is also in a state of incomplete condition. You can feel the huge damage caused to the battleship by the violent impact at that time. Many vines are tenacious along the gaps in the broken armor.  is growing inside the battleship.

    Along the thick vines at their feet, the team struggled to shuttle among the newly grown small vines, looking for the battleship's emergency entrance.  Not bad, the emergency entrance was not submerged in the green sea of ??alien vines, and Yi Lexiang and the others entered the interior of the battleship easily.  Along the passage that had become somewhat twisted in the impact, the team slowly searched and moved towards the command room.  Except for the sound of the imitation metal shoes of the individual armor hitting the metal ground of the battleship, the entire battleship was deathly silent.  As we got closer and closer to the command room, the remains of soldiers who had died could be seen in the passage from time to time. It was impossible for the team to take away so many remains of soldiers, so they had to use a recorder to record the information of the chips on their bodies.  If conditions permit, the command will send people to collect the remains of the soldiers and transport them back to their hometowns for burial; if something unexpected happens, they will have to be buried on the Anokhi planet far away from human civilization.  I hope that in a few years, people living in peace and comfort will still remember these soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the country.

    The metal door of the command room was jammed due to the violent impact, and the team had to blow it open.  The command room was in a mess, with broken electronic equipment scattered everywhere. A large hole was ripped open in the metal wall on the other side of the command room, and a broken steel plate smashed the holographic simulation platform to pieces.  Hua Chengwu defended himself aloneThe personal computer interface of the Royal Armor was plugged into the port of the battleship's central computer and began to download the data stored on the battleship and the voyage log. He turned around and said: "Everyone split up and go to other parts of the battleship to check to see if we can find any survivors.  People." In fact, the damage to the battleship along the way was shocking, and the chance of surviving such a violent impact was extremely slim.  But since everyone has come here at risk, of course we must do our best to find survivors.

    After boarding the battleship, Yi Lexiang felt like he was entering a huge information cyclone. Complex information kept shuttling in the surrounding space, and the original clear feeling became blurred, as if there were countless high-power computers around him.  The radio station kept playing signals, and the noisy and confusing signals seriously affected Yi Lexiang's feelings.  Hearing the captain's order was exactly what he wanted. He needed to find a place where no one was around to carefully analyze the specific source of that call.

    Along another passage, Yi Lexiang used a recorder to collect the personal information of the fallen soldiers, while having a headache trying to find a correct route in the chaotic perception.  The original uneasy mood has long been replaced by expectations for unknown results. Why can only I feel this unpredictable power?  Once you reach the end, what will be waiting for you?

    During the evolution of human civilization, there have been many scientific wizards with outstanding intelligence who devoted themselves to studying the ultimate code that can explain the natural world.  With the advancement of civilization, the original mechanical cosmology theory that regarded the universe as a huge and complex mechanical device was gradually replaced by a new cosmology that mixed ideas and spirits.  Modern science has given humans a longer lifespan, which in turn has accelerated the accumulation of science and technology. In fact, for modern people, unpredictable things are no longer scary.

    Superpowers and spiritual power are no longer secrets to human civilization that has entered the cosmic era.  In fact, every country has its own supernatural troops, and some radical scientists even believe that the evolution towards spiritual civilization is the ultimate direction of the evolution of human beings and all intelligent life in the universe.  Of course, things like supernatural warriors are still so mysterious to ordinary people, and Yi Lexiang, a small private, certainly has no access to them.

    Although various countries are vigorously developing their own supernatural forces, the reasons for the generation of supernatural powers are still unknown.  Among the huge human population of hundreds of billions, only a very small number of people can possess superpowers. Some people are born with certain superpowers, while some people will naturally awaken in adulthood, and some people will have superpowers after experiencing some kind of stimulation.  Possessing superpowers, the ways in which superpowers are generated are all bizarre and cannot be copied.

    In addition to special warriors with special powers, in the development process of human civilization, another kind of power that can compete with them has been born - spiritual power.  Spiritual power originates from religious beliefs. In the early human societies, religions assumed the role of explaining the world. They believed in supernatural and mysterious forces that existed outside the real world.  It is this kind of fanatical worship of mysterious power that gives religion a new interpretation with the rapid development of human science and technology.  Unlike early religions, the religions of the New Universe Age have transformed their awe of God into the worship of supernatural and mysterious powers. They not only worship the supernatural and mysterious powers in the universe, but also control this power through mysterious religious rituals and spiritual exercises.

    In fact, after thousands of years of inheritance and accumulation, the number of spiritual practitioners possessed by various religions far exceeds the number of supernatural warriors in the hands of governments.  If it were not for the dispute between the two factions of theological religion and spontaneous religion, which makes both parties check and balance each other, I believe that religion would completely suppress the power of the government in terms of high-end power.  Even so, this huge and mysterious force hidden in the secular world has caused headaches for the heads of countries.  Most countries have similar attitudes towards religion, with both cooperation and suppression, co-optation and suppression.  As far as human civilization is concerned today, the religious state established by the theocracy, as a third party force, also has a decisive secular force in addition to the two major human alliance groups of centralization and democracy.

    After calming down, Yi Lexiang once again sensed the call that had been guiding him in the chaotic space. He followed the call's direction without hesitation and moved along the intricate passage of the battleship.  Many passages of the huge battleship were damaged in the collision and could not be passed through, but that call seemed to always find a way out, constantly guiding him towards a certain location.  Yi Lexiang was completely silent in a strange state. His mental power continued to radiate from his brain to the surrounding space, making some kind of communication or contact with the power calling him.  This kind of communication is two-way. As time goes by, Yi Lexiang's spiritual power gradually merges with some external force floating in space.
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