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Text Chapter 419 Not Bewitched

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    Chapter 419: Not Enchanted

    Just when Luo Qinxiang was thinking about how to find the cold jade in Lin Xiansong that could unlock her charm, Miss Yue Yanting, like her and Lin Xiansong, sat in her room with a frown on her face.  .

    Of course, Yue Yanting also discovered that something was wrong, especially when she just said those unintentional words.

    "There should be something wrong with that woman." Yue Yanting said to herself.

    Yue Yanting is not like Guan Xue and Le Die. Without knowing it, she has no resistance at all when encountering advanced charm techniques.  Yue Yanting not only has strong charm ability, but more importantly, she has a natural charm, which is something that all those who practice charm want to have.  Once you have a naturally charming person practicing charm, it is definitely a matter of getting twice the result with half the effort, and this naturally charming person has a natural understanding and resistance to charm.

    Therefore, although there is a huge gap between Yue Yanting and Luo Qinxiang in terms of charm skills, her natural charm can offset this gap to a certain extent.

    So Yue Yanting was not completely charmed by Luo Qinxiang just because her charm skills were much lower than that of Luo Qinxiang. She felt something was wrong from the moment she entered Lin Xiansong's apartment.  Looking back now, the few eye contacts between her and Luo Qinxiang made her feel particularly suspicious.

    Before she said those unintentional words, she and Luo Qinxiang looked at each other.

    "Yes, it must be Luo Qinxiang's problem." Yue Yanting said with certainty, but she was not in a hurry to go to Guan Xue and the others to explain immediately.  Because based on their performance just now, it seems that they are all on Luo Qinxiang's side. Thinking about it carefully, not only does the experience Luo Qinxiang said make people feel pitiful, but the most powerful thing is her expression and look.  It's easy to feel sympathy.

    Not to mention Guan Xue and the others, even Yue Yanting herself could not suppress her sympathy for Luo Qinxiang at that time.  So if Guan Xue and the others were told that Luo Qinxiang's pitiful image was faked, Hu Chenghu, Guan Xue, Le Die and the others would have already had a huge quarrel with them without waiting for Luo Qinxiang to tell the difference.

    Yue Yanting does not want to be wrongly accused of being a cold-blooded villain, so it is absolutely not advisable to go to a showdown now.  Then something should be done. Could it be that I really saw that woman of unknown origin and purpose living in the wood?  This kind of woman is very dangerous and can control people's minds. She must want to live there. Is there any purpose that is detrimental to the wood?

    Thinking of this, Yue Yanting stood up and walked back and forth in the room. She thought about the time she was in Lin Xiansong's apartment just now, and found that Lin Xiansong was not like Hu Chenghu and Guan Xue. It seemed that he had been frowning.  .  Could it be that Mu Mu also had doubts about Luo Qinxiang?

    Thinking of this, Yue Yanting felt a little comforted. At least she was not alone. Lin Xiansong might be on the same front as her when it came to facing Luo Qinxiang.  On the other hand, if Lin Xiansong was also suspicious of Luo Qinxiang, then he should also be on guard.  In this way, even if Luo Qinxiang is really at a disadvantage to Lin Xiansong, he will not be completely unprepared.

    Even so, Yue Yanting still felt uneasy because she knew how terrifying people with charm skills were.  When she started to learn the charm technique, the first thing her master told her was: Although the charm technique seems very practical, after learning it, it must not be used casually.

    Although Yue Yanting did not fully follow her master's instructions, she used it very rarely, and even if she did use it, she was very careful to control the extent of use. Generally, she would only use superficial charm techniques to trick people.

    ¡° Ordinary people face a person with advanced charm skills. It can be said that they have no power to fight back. Sometimes they may even become the opponent¡¯s puppet.  So even if Lin Xiansong was on guard, he might as well be vigilant.  But facing such a master of charm, it's hard to say how useful his vigilance is.

    Yue Yanting thought for a moment, then called Yue Lu and Yue Zi in.

    "Miss, is there anything you want us to do?" Yue Lu and Yue Zi saw Yue Yanting's serious expression and knew there must be something on her mind.

    Yue Yanting nodded and said, "Well, I have a very important thing for you to do now."

    "Miss, just do as you are told." Yue Lu and Yue Zi said at the same time.

    "I want you to live in Lin Xiansong and Hu Chenghu's apartment from today on," Yue Yanting ordered.

    "Ah", Yue Lu and Yue Zi had aggrieved expressions on their faces when they heard this. It was with great difficulty that Yue Yanting did not let them continue to protect her.Xiansong, they thought they could finally be freed, but it had only been a few days, and it was time for Yue Yanting to make her decision again.

    Although they felt very aggrieved, Yue Lu and Yue Zi did not dare to reject Yue Yanting's decision. They could only look at Yue Yanting pitifully, hoping to use their pity to make Yue Yanting change her mind.

    But it was obvious that Yue Yanting did not follow their lead, and she continued: "Don't look at me with such an expression. This is something I have already decided. Even if Guan Xue comes to speak for you later, it will not happen.  Change."

    When Yue Lu and Yue Zi heard this, they could only droop their heads with a sad expression.

    "But this time the task for you is no longer to protect the wood."

    Yue Yanting's words made Yue Lu and Yue Zi's eyes light up. Although it was not good news for them to move back to Lin Xiansong's apartment, this could not be changed.  However, it was relatively good news for them that they did not have to protect Lin Xiansong personally.

    "I'm letting you go this time to monitorwell, or to protect a girl." Yue Yanting felt that it didn't sound right to call it surveillance.

    "Girl?" Yue Lu said in surprise: "Is there a girl living in their apartment now?"

    "That guy is indeed a big pervert." Yue Zi blushed and whispered.

    Yue Yanting nodded and said: "This girl is very beautiful, and her background is very pitiful, but because Mu Mu and Hu Chenghu helped her, she insisted on living with them. You also know that a girl, and  It's so unsafe for those twowell, those two perverts to live together."

    Yue Lu and Yue Zi immediately nodded in agreement. It seemed that Lin Xiansong's image of a pervert was indeed deeply ingrained in the minds of the two little girls.  Speaking of which, Lin Xiansong was also pitiful. He and Yue Lu and Yue Zi spent a lot of time together, but he really didn't do anything lecherous, but he left a big image of a lecher in the hearts of the two little girls.  Who can I complain to?

    "So I want you two to protect that girl closely and never let her be alone with those two perverts. Do you hear that?" Yue Yanting gave an order to Yue Lu and Yue Zi.

    "Miss, don't worry. We will definitely not let that girl face that big pervert." Yue Lu and Yue Zi replied very firmly.

    "By the way, remember to wear your personal jade pendant. It was given to you by the master, so don't be careless. It is disrespectful to the master." Yue Yanting added.

    Because Yue Yanting practices charm, if the two little girls Yue Lu and Yue Zi, who have grown up with her since childhood, are always affected by her charm, it will be very detrimental to their physical and mental health as they grow up. Therefore, Yue Yanting's master,  Just give Yue Lu and Yue Zi each a jade pendant.  Although the effect of this jade pendant cannot be compared with that of cold jade, its ability to resist charm is not bad either.

    Yue Yanting asked them to wear jade pendants on the side, also to give them more ability to resist the charm spell.

    "Miss, don't worry, we have been wearing that jade pendant since childhood, and we have never taken it off on one side." Yue Lu and Yue Zi replied.

    "Okay, I'll take you two there now." Yue Yanting took Yue Lu and Yue Zi over in person. By the way, she wanted to take another look at Luo Qinxiang to make sure her feeling was correct.

    Yue Yanting brought Yue Lu and Yue Zi to the living room. Guan Xue, who was sitting in the living room, saw them going out and asked, "Tingting, where are you going?"

    Yue Yanting turned around and said to Guan Xue: "I'll take Yue Lu and Yue Zi over. Let them live with Luo Qinxiang so that she can be better protected. Think about it, Mu Mu and Hu Chenghu both have to go to class during the day.  , so that most of the time, they will not be able to protect Luo Qinxiang. Yue Lu and Yue Zi can follow her twenty-four hours a day."

    Guan Xue thought about it and felt that what Yue Yanting said made sense. After all, Luo Qinxiang was a girl. It was not convenient to call Lin Xiansong and Hu Chenghu for some things. It would be more convenient if Yue Lu and Yue Zi were by her side.  It's safer.

    "Tingting, you are still thoughtful." Guan Xue said with a smile, "But you just didn't teach Yue Lu, Yue Zi and others that Xiansong is a pervert pervert, let them protect Luo Qinxiang.  "

    "Well, Xiaoxue is still smart." Yue Yanting chuckled, leading Yue Lu and Yue Zi to the apartment next door where Lin Xiansong and Hu Chenghu lived.

    Hearing the knock on the door, Lin Xiansong stood up from the sofa and opened the door, only to see Yue Yanting, Yue Lu, and Yue Zi standing at the door.

    "What are you doing?" Lin Xiansong asked, looking at the three of them blankly.

    "I just went over to talk about Luo Qinxiang. Yue Lu and Yue Zi listened.They all felt sorry for her and were worried about her living alone in this apartment with you two, so they volunteered to come and live with Luo Qinxiang.  Yue Yanting said to Lin Xiansong.

    "Oh. I just don't think it's convenient for her to live here alone." Lin Xiansong nodded. He just sat on the sofa and thought for a while. The source of this problem should be Luo Qinxiang.  But even if he had such a conjecture, it was really not convenient to do anything.  And there is also Hu Chenghu who is suddenly overflowing with sympathy.

    Lin Xiansong and Yue Yanting looked at each other, and they seemed to see some kind of tacit understanding in each other's eyes. Among the people in the living room just now, Hu Chenghu, Guan Xue, and Le Die had all been completely inspired by Luo Qinxiang's sympathy.  .  Only Lin Xiansong and Yue Yanting maintained a certain normal state of mind.

    So when the two looked at each other at this moment, they knew that the other person was thinking the same thing.

    "She is in the room now. She should have rested by now." Lin Xiansong pointed to the room where Luo Qinxiang was, which was the room where Yue Lu and Yue Zi lived before.

    At this time, Hu Chenghu heard the sound and walked out of his room.

    "Beauty Yue, Yue Lu, Yue Zi, who are you?" Hu Chenghu couldn't help but asked in confusion when he saw the three of them.

    Lin Xiansong told the origins of Yue Yanting, Yue Lu, and Yue Zi. Hu Chenghu immediately nodded and said: "It's still Yue Da = beauty, you are thoughtful. Haha, there is Yue Lu, Yue Zi accompanying Luo Qinxiang  , I think her mood will get better soon."

    "I don't know if Luo Qinxiang is asleep now. If not, we can introduce Yue Lu and Yue Zi to her now." Yue Yanting glanced at the closed room and said.

    "She should be asleep. After all, she has been wandering in Songhai for two days and has no place to sleep well." Hu Chenghu said, walking to the door of the room and knocking softly.

    If Luo Qinxiang is not asleep yet, she will naturally respond. If she is fast asleep, such a light knock on the door will probably not wake her up.

    Hu Chenghu only knocked twice when Luo Qinxiang's voice came from the room.

    "What's the matter?" Luo Qinxiang's voice was somewhat naive, the kind of voice that comes from a state of half-awake sleep.

    Hu Chenghu regretted a little, thinking that he had woken up Luo Qinxiang, but since she had already spoken, he told about the arrival of Yue Yanting, Yue Lu, and Yue Zi.

    "Qinxiang, please come out now if you want. You and Yue Lu and Yue Zi know each other."

    "Well, I'll come out." Luo Qinxiang said sitting on the bed.

    The clothes on her body and the quilt on the bed were exactly the same as when she came in, without any change.  It was obvious that she had been sitting on the edge of the bed thinking about things since she entered the room.  The sound that sounded like sleep but not sleep just now was also deliberately pretended.

    ¡®It seems that naturally charming girl is suspicious of me.  ¡¯ Luo Qinxiang thought to herself: ¡®I didn¡¯t expect that something that I thought would be easy would encounter such a change.  ¡¯

    Luo Qinxiang stood up, spread out the quilt she was wearing, and rubbed it with her hands a few times, so that it looked like she had slept with someone just now.  Then she rubbed her eyes with her hands to make her eyes look slightly red, just like when she just woke up.

    Luo Qinxiang walked to the door and opened it.

    "Come on, Yue Lu, Yue Zi. Let me introduce to you, this is Luo Qinxiang." Hu Chenghu introduced Luo Qinxiang to Yue Lu and Yue Zi immediately when he saw Luo Qinxiang opened the door and walked out.  Then he introduced Yue Lu and Yue Zi to Luo Qinxiang.

    Yue Yanting immediately watched Luo Qinxiang's every move as soon as she came out. At the same time, she also deliberately used the charm technique to see Luo Qinxiang's reaction.

    But this time, Luo Qinxiang behaved like an ordinary girl without any charm skills.

    When Yue Yanting looked at her with eyes full of charm, Luo Qinxiang was immediately stunned. She stared blankly at Yue Yanting's eyes. Her dull look was exactly the same as that of all people who were fascinated by the charm technique.

    Yue Yanting was greatly confused. If the other party was really a master of charm, of course she knew how terrible it would be if she was charmed.  At this moment, Luo Qinxiang was completely unprepared and was seduced by her.

    This is definitely not the behavior a master of seduction should perform. Could it be that my guess just now was wrong?  Or is it that Luo Qinxiang's charm skills have reached the level of proficiency and can be completely controlled at will?

    If there are only Yue Yanting and Luo Qinxiang in the living room at this time, she can also use charm to make Luo Qinxiang tell the news she wants to hear according to her wishes, but at this timeThere are many people in the living room, so it is inconvenient to perform it, and if others suddenly interrupt, it will cause considerable harm to both the person performing the charm and the person being charmed.

    Yue Yanting withdrew her charm towards Luo Qinxiang, and Luo Qinxiang's somewhat dull eyes gradually became clear.

    "It must be inconvenient for you, a girl, to live in an apartment with two grown men, so I asked Yue Lu and Yue Zi to come over and accompany you. In addition, both of them have been practicing martial arts since they were young, and they are both good at it.  I believe they can make you feel more secure." Yue Yanting said to Luo Qinxiang with a smile. Looking at her smiling face, who would believe that she had many doubts about Luo Qinxiang and that she had just charmed Luo Qinxiang?  technique.

    "Ah, thank you so much." Luo Qinxiang's face was full of flattery, "I really didn't expect that you would be so kind to a stranger living on the street. I really don't know how to thank you.  .¡±

    Looking at Luo Qinxiang's pitiful appearance, Yue Lu and Yue Zi suddenly felt that even if the lady didn't ask, they would come to accompany Luo Qinxiang and help this poor girl.

    "Okay, Yue Lu, Yue Zi, you and Qinxiang have a good chat. Then I'll go back first." Yue Yanting said and turned around and walked out of the door.

    Lin Xiansong followed closely behind her and said, "I'll see you off."

    This is the next door, what else do you need to give as a gift, and Lin Xiansong has never given anything so pretentiously before.  As soon as he said these words, Yue Yanting knew that he had something to say.

    After the two of them went out, they walked directly into the apartment where Yue Yanting and the others lived.

    Guan Xue saw Lin Xiansong and Yue Yanting coming in together, with a sweet smile on her face and said, "Xiansong, you're here too."

    Lin Xiansong nodded to her, then without saying any polite words, he sat down on the sofa and said directly to Yue Yanting: "Did you also find anything wrong with Luo Qinxiang?"

    Hearing this, Guan Xue had a puzzled expression on her face and said, "Xiansong, what did you say? Is there something wrong with Qinxiang? Why didn't I feel it at all?"

    "That's because Guan Xue and you all fell under her spell." At this time, there were Lin Xiansong, Guan Xue, and Yue Yanting in the living room. Two of them had doubts about Luo Qinxiang's identity, so Yue Yanting did not.  Whatever concerns he had, he said them directly.

    If Hu Chenghu, Guan Xue, and Le Die were all together with a sea of ??sympathy just now, Yue Yanting would definitely not say such a thing. Even if she did, she would soon be drowned in the saliva of the three of them.  .

    "Charm?" Guan Xue had a look of surprise on her face. She and Yue Yanting were sisters, and she also knew that Yue Yanting knew how to charm, and she knew a little bit about how powerful it was.

    "Tingting, don't scare me. Why don't I feel anything?"

    "Of course you didn't feel it. Let alone you, I didn't feel it just now, I just felt something was wrong. When I came back just now, I only thought about it carefully and figured out that she might be able to charm." Yue Yanting said with a wry smile: "  Don¡¯t you remember the scene where you besieged me in the living room just now? If it were a normal situation, how could that scene have happened? By the way, only the wood didn¡¯t join the siege just now. "

    Yue Yanting walked up to Guan Xue and whispered in her ear: "Xiaoxue, do you remember that when you went there with me just now, you also wanted to prevent Luo Qinxiang from living in Mu's apartment, but just now  Why is there such a big change all of a sudden?¡±

    Guan Xue's face turned slightly red. She glanced at Lin Xiansong and said, "Tingting has charm skills on her body. It's normal to be able to resist the other party's charm skills. But why does Xiansong also doubt Luo Qinxiang?"

    Lin Xiansong shook his head and said, "I can't explain clearly. In short, I felt that something was wrong from the moment I saw her, but I couldn't explain it. Now Yan Ting said that Luo Qinxiang knows the charm technique, which should be right.  ¡±

    "That's right." Guan Xue suddenly remembered something and said, "I remembered that Xiansong was not affected by Tingting's charm last time at the school dance."

    "Well, there is indeed something weird about this guy." Yue Yanting said angrily. She was really frustrated in front of Lin Xiansong. Until now, she has not found a chance to get revenge.

    "Now I send Yue Lu and Yue Zi to follow Luo Qinxiang so that they can pay attention to her every move." Yue Yanting said: "This way, even if she has any ideas, it will be inconvenient for her to act."

    Lin Xiansong nodded, then shook his head and said, "But Yue Lu, will Yue Zi also be charmed by her charm technique?"

    "There's no need to worry about this. Although her charm technique is quite good, it only affects people."?dimensional, does not have the ability to control people's thoughts.  Otherwise, if we are here now to discuss how to deal with her, Xiaoxue may have already pounced on us two evil people.  " Yue Yanting said, not forgetting to tease Guan Xue.

    "That's all we can do for the time being." Lin Xiansong said and asked Yue Yanting: "Then is there any way to prevent people from being affected by the charm spell? I think Cheng Hu is now affected by her charm spell."

    Yue Yanting shook her head and said: "Unless there is cold jade, it is almost impossible for people without charm to resist. But we can find a way to get rid of Hu Chenghu first. Otherwise, if Hu Chenghu is always in the way, it will not be convenient for us to find a way.  Deal with Luo Qinxiang."

    Since there is no way for Hu Chenghu to resist the charm spell, it would be a good idea to let Hu Chenghu leave Luo Qinxiang temporarily.
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