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The Fifth Holy Grail War 37. Memories of Tokiomi Tosaka

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    That was ten years ago. After saying goodbye to Rin, I was easily kidnapped by a servant disguised as an ordinary person when I came out of the train station. The following night, I saw the eldest lady in person for the first time.  , a senior who is only slightly older than my two daughters, and another master in the Holy Grail War.

    On the night when I met the eldest lady, I had a big argument with the current head of the Matou family, Matou Kariya, and we even got into a fight. However, now I have forgotten even the specific details of what happened.  .  I only remember what she said to us at that time: "I personally don't want you to be hostile to each other, because you are the only 'ordinary' people I have seen in this Holy Grail War."

    Although I didn't understand what she meant at the time, thinking about it now, it seems that what the eldest lady said was right. Among the participants in the Holy Grail War, most of them had the same way of thinking as "  "Ordinary" people have nothing to do with each other. The only ones who can be called ordinary people are probably the two of us.

    The next day, I learned about my own death. Of course, the person who died was not the real me. No, to be precise, the scapegoat didn¡¯t really die. After all, he was an immortal magician. If it weren¡¯t for the eldest lady,  The servant¡ª¡ªCaster's magic seal in that Holy Grail War, maybe this guy has awakened in any passerby.  Speaking of which, although I was a magician pursuing my roots, my vision was still too narrow. If I hadn't adopted my other daughter Sakura as the granddaughter of that immortal magician, Sakura wouldn't have suffered in vain for a year.  torture.  If he hadn't been too trusting in his control over his disciples and servants, he wouldn't have been betrayed so easily.  However, if this were the case, I probably wouldn¡¯t be saved by the eldest lady, nor would I become the eldest lady¡¯s butler.

    Said to be a housekeeper, the term is actually only twenty years, and it is still the type in name only. The first task I received was to go to Africa to hire people to hunt for treasures, and to ensure that those people would never remember their time during this period.  What exactly did I do? To do this, I have to hire a new group of temporary workers every month, dismiss the old workers, and make them forget what they did this month. They only remember that they were hired to do certain things.  , and then received a commission.

    This job is really boring. The eldest lady is different from me. Although the eldest lady is a magician, but unlike me who can establish a relationship with the Holy Church, the eldest lady must do it herself. As the second generation of a small family, she has chosen  The measure of creating a world in the secular world is an unconventional and innovative initiative for any magician. If the process did not reveal the secrets of magic to any ordinary person, I am afraid that the Magic Association would attack her.  .

    The consequence of building a family business in the secular world is that it is more difficult to obtain magic materials. You have to find them yourself. Even in the name of archeology, it is difficult to blatantly embezzle them. If exposed, then in the secular world  The foundation of world accumulation may be destroyed.  So the only person around the eldest lady who can engage in this matter is me. I can¡¯t tell whether this is a hardship or an honor. However, I still went and sent the materials I obtained to those staying in Japan from time to time.  The eldest lady.

    And the eldest lady's talent doesn't stop there. Shortly after I left, the eldest lady created a new magic school - "modern magic" whose effects can also be used by ordinary people, and created a new magician.  Branch - "Magicians" who use modern magic. Although strictly speaking, the branch of "Magicians" cannot even be regarded as magicians, because strictly speaking they are not the ones who use magic, but because the combat power of magicians does come from  For magic, it is indeed regarded as a branch of magicians, although until now, there are only three people in this branch including the eldest lady herself.

    ¡°Moreover, the eldest lady also created a new heroic spirit that did not originally exist in this world by creating a virtual idol, and summoned her in this Holy Grail War.  But I have never understood this. Why did the eldest lady summon an extremely weak new heroic spirit when she could summon a more powerful heroic spirit?

    I once asked the eldest lady this question, and I can¡¯t tell whether the eldest lady¡¯s answer can be regarded as an answer: ¡°In this world, the strong almost occupy an absolute dominance, but some things are  What no strong man can accomplish, only the weak can accomplish.¡±

    Next, I asked the eldest lady what it was, and the eldest lady just said: "It's something I don't expect anyone to do."

    At this moment, I don't understand what the eldest lady is referring to, but what is certain is that in order to prevent something from happening, the eldest lady summoned this surprisingly weak virtual heroic spirit. However, doing this did not  NeedThis heroic spirit made a great sacrifice, so the eldest lady said this.

    "Then why don't you keep the Command Seal?" I asked.

    "I created her, but she is not my property. In contrast, I prefer her to make her own choices." The eldest lady's face turned slightly gloomy.

    "What if she doesn't want to?" I continued to ask.

    "Then -" she closed her eyes, as if she was trying her best to endure something. After a while, she slowly opened her eyes, as if she had made up her mind, "I will do that thing.  "

    Although I don¡¯t know what she was thinking, I can be sure that the girl in front of me must have made an extremely painful decision before she could make up her mind to do what she said. Therefore, the thing itself must also be painful.  Extremely.  I can even imagine that if you give something important to yourself and the other party to the other party to choose, if you choose one of the two, one person may sacrifice himself.

    "It's ridiculous to summon her just to give yourself more hope." The girl in front of her said with a trace of self-mockery.

    I can finally understand the reason why she would waste three command spells in a row because of the confusion of the heroic spirit. If it were me, I would probably choose to use the command spell to force the heroic spirit to sacrifice for herself at that time, but the girl in front of me couldn't do it.  She is so kind with such hands.  However, the eldest lady herself did not want to accept the result of sacrificing herself, so she summoned this heroic spirit. In this contradictory way, she kept a hope for herself that seemed very illusory to me who was much stupider than her.

    Presumably, she is also struggling with this in her heart

    Originally, I thought she was an omnipotent genius, but after seeing this, I finally understood that what she said to me ten years ago was wrong, because during that Holy Grail War, there were also  An ordinary person, that is herself.

    I once thought about starting a duel between magicians with her after everything is over to avenge my friend. However, after seeing the girl in front of me, I thought that I would never be able to do such a thing in my life.  The choice was made.

    "Actually, I can do it." I said.

    I have never been able to understand why ancient loyal ministers sacrificed themselves to be loyal to the monarch. But somehow, now I suddenly have a thought in my mind: "If it is a monarch like this, it is probably true."  It¡¯s worth it.¡±

    "Why? This matter has nothing to do with you, it's just my own willfulness." The girl asked softly, her voice was so gentle, but I never noticed it.

    "It's just because you are my eldest lady and I am your housekeeper." I said.

    "That's it? The master-servant relationship between us only has ten years left!"

    "That's it, even if there are only ten years left, I have the obligation to do what I should do well in these ten years." Originally, my life should have ended ten years ago, and now even if I give it back  There was nothing wrong with the girl in front of her.

    "Thank you," a glimmer of brilliance finally appeared in the girl's empty eyes, "but if we really need to do that thing, only she and I can do it." There was a hint of bitterness in the girl's voice.

    I suddenly had this impulse in my heart. I immediately went to find the heroic spirit, told her everything, and then forced her to sacrifice in place of the girl in front of me.

    "She knows," the girl said, "I definitely don't want you to do anything irrational. This is a decision about herself, so she needs to make it by herself, not you and me."

    Later, when the female magician named Bazette arrived, in order to cheer up, I made a joke that was not funny at all, but was interrupted by the eldest lady: "Oh, by the way, Shi  Omi, if anything happens to me in this war, go and get to know Rin. She is a daughter that you can be proud of. The same goes for Sakura. I think this is also your biggest challenge in ten years.  Just wish. And it¡¯s better to let go of the grudge between those two people and you. If not, then stand with Bazett. This will at least give you a chance to win."

    These are words that seem to be about the funeral. I also said it ten years ago. Therefore, probably no one knows better than me what the eldest lady is thinking at this time. However, no matter how much I understand, I can't  What to say?

    Sure enough, I was interrupted again just halfway through my words.

    "Just in case, I also want to give you a chance to get revenge on me for your friends, right?" Probably, from the perspective of the female magician, this is a bit playful, but the meaning here is  LiterallyIt's astringent, but it's not something a female magician can understand.

    In Liudong Temple, the eldest lady and the assassin¡¯s heroic spirit were drinking tea.

    ¡°Have those two people already been in contact? It¡¯s time for the other people to come back soon"

    When I heard the eldest lady¡¯s words, I knew that this was the most critical moment, the critical moment that determined whether the situation that the eldest lady did not want to happen would happen.

    Sure enough, Caster, her teacher Master, the Little Holy Grail and the other three heroic spirits came back.

    The eldest lady stepped forward and said to Saber, whom I had also met, "Long time no see, beautiful eldest sister."

    Saber not only discovered the eldest lady, she also obviously discovered me: "You you are"

    "Yes, we also participated in this Holy Grail War, but the reason for inviting you here is for something else."

    "Do you invite others like this?" Saber's face was full of anger.

    ¡°That shiny golden guy is here too.¡±

    "so what?"

    "I hope that we can get together and the enemy is him."


    "Saber, have you thought about your true wish?"

    "This seems to have nothing to do with the previous problem. Moreover, I have given up the idea of ??modifying the past. It was Shirou who taught me this. I should focus more on the future rather than the past. I hope that as an ordinary person  To live again, I want to know what kind of life I can live out."

    "Then, your wish does not conflict with ours. Under the premise that the Holy Grail has been contaminated, if the Holy Grail is not allowed to come in a reasonable manner, not only will it be impossible to fulfill the wishes of any of you, but it will also cause  It¡¯s a disaster far worse than it was ten years ago.¡±

    "The disaster Shirou said ten years ago was"

    "Yes, it's because the Holy Grail, contaminated by the evil of this world, has descended. Now, what we need to do is to let the Holy Grail descend, but at the same time strip out the evil of this world inside. My only wish is that the Holy Grail is contaminated by the evil of this world.  The consciousness born at the moment of pollution also comes, and I have a place to accommodate it, which means we are not in conflict."

    "What about the others?"

    "Medea's wish is the same as yours, and it can be fulfilled with just a sip of purified Holy Grail water. Illya's wish is to live, and I can fulfill this with my own ability, just like back then.  King Solomon kept her mother alive."

    "Then I agree." The eldest lady finally reached an agreement with Saber.

    "The archer in red, the heroic spirit from the future, can he no longer cling to his past self? I think you should know who our enemy is."

    ¡°My past self? Did you understand something wrong??¡± the red-dressed servant denied.

    The prophecy of the eldest lady failed for the first time

    "Then your wish is"

    "There is only one reason why I came here, and that is I hope to know what exactly happened in the Fifth Holy Grail War."

    There was a hint of astonishment in the eldest lady's eyes, and she muttered: "Could it be that there have been too many changes?" Waiting for something I couldn't figure out.

    "Can you fulfill my wish?" The archer in red seemed a little unhappy.

    "Oh," the eldest lady said quickly as if she had just woken up from a dream: "Leave this matter to Tokiomi. Tokiomi, you will tell him everything, right."

    It was the first time I saw such an embarrassed young lady, but it made me more sure of my opinion. In fact, such young ladies are very ordinary.

    Absently describing to Archer all the things that happened before, I have been paying attention to the situation on the eldest lady's side. If nothing unexpected happens, the immortal magician Matou Zangyan will be in "my" coffin dug out yesterday.  Illya and the Small Holy Grail will be wrapped in a translucent cocoon of light. Then, Matou Zouken will become the cornerstone of the new Holy Grail. Then, as long as the heroic spirit who betrayed me can be defeated, the Holy Grail will come, and the consciousness of the Holy Grail will come.  It will be input into one of the magic tools made by the eldest lady, the Book of Night Sky, and it will be given a new name - Lin Fusi. The evil in this world will be separated from the water of the Holy Grail under the influence of the Book of Night Sky.  , precipitated in the foundation stone, and the water of the Holy Grail will give shape to the two servants who want to be ordinary people, and then the large amount of magic power in the remaining water of the Holy Grail is what we want, yes, I have given up  The root cause.

    However, it seems that everything started out differently than planned. The thing that the eldest lady was worried about still happened

    ???????????????????????????What entered the light cocoon was not the Little Holy Grail and the coffin, but the Little Holy Grail and the eldest lady

    The eldest lady in the light cocoon seemed to have shed tears, but the corners of her mouth were raised stubbornly. As the light cocoon became thicker and thicker, she gradually became invisible, and a faint voice came from inside: "  Sure enough, caster, you saved something ten years ago"

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