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Wind and Song, Crime and Punishment Chapter 307: The Windmill Lost the Wind

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    "If you don't have money, why not just grab it! Compared to this, I'm hungry!"

    Qiya yelled and made a speech that was completely unlike what a member of the "Angel Guard" should have said.

    "What?! Be a robber?! What nonsense are you talking about!"

    Xiska retorted righteously as if she was stimulated.

    "No matter how poor we are, how can people from the Protection Association do that kind of thing! I refuse this! If we do that, wouldn't we be just like those sky pirates! I will never give up! Even if there is nothing in my wallet  A little oil and water, but my heart will always be pure and flawless!¡±

    As if standing on a high rock on the seaside, there seemed to be a background of stormy waves crashing on the shore behind Siska who loudly spoke very great and decent words.


    This is Su Ye who feels like he¡¯s been shot for some reason.  (Note)


    This is Lei still sleeping on Su Ye¡¯s back.

    ¡°Senior is so great~!¡±

    This is Long Wei who was moved to tears.

    "I'm hungry, I'm hungry, I'm hungry"

    This is a hungry star who can¡¯t read air.

    "A sneeze!"

    These are all the thieves who rob the rich and give to the poor to save themselves.


    These are the two people on the bullock cart who suddenly appeared Huh?

    That¡¯s right, it¡¯s an ox-cart that suddenly appears, although it doesn¡¯t seem to be pulled by an ox but by a mule-like animal unique to this world.

    As if they were being chased by something, or as if the animals they were pulling were going crazy, the two people in the car yelled in panic, and the bullock cart rushed towards the four of them.

    Four people?

    Yes, Siska just disappeared the moment she appeared.

    It didn¡¯t disappear, it just jumped up in an instant and was beyond the sight of the two people in the car.

    When it fell again, Xiska had already landed on the bullock cart, and the machine gun she took out at some point was pointed steadily at the old man and girl on the cart.

    "If it's your life, call me for the money!"

    If Siska was an angel a moment ago, the expression on her face now is that of a devil

    "Don't move, if you want your daughter's life"

    With one hand strangling the girl's neck and the gun in her hand pointing at the girl, Xiska spoke to the old man like a robber. No, she spoke to the old man as a robber.

    "Senior! What's going on?!"

    Long Wei said his dream was shattered.

    "shut up!"

    "But having said that, Shiska, look ahead, look ahead."

    Qiya, who was extremely calm, pointed in the direction from which the bullock cart came.

    Those are a pair of eyes as big as light bulbs.

    The existence that rushed out from the depths of the woods smashed the oxcart into pieces with just one pounce.

    Judging from the general physical appearance, it should be a bear-like creature.

    But in addition to the abnormal height of more than three meters, this giant bear also has two strange thick tentacles growing next to its mouth and nose, and it also swings a long reptile-like tail behind it.

    "Judging from the tentacles and tail, it should be a beartail It should generally live in colder places. Why"

    Xiska turned the girl who fell to the ground with her just now and looked at the giant beast.

    On the other side, the old man who was sent flying by the impact was gently caught by Su Ye's shikigami - although his attack power was zero, he had the ability to "carry", and he should obviously have no strength.  But it seems to be able to lift things of a certain weight - it's really troublesome to explain things like shikigami

    "What's wrong¡­¡­"

    Seemingly because he sensed danger, or because the bear's roar was too noisy, Lei rubbed his eyes and woke up on Su Ye's back.

    Seemingly because he felt that this side was a soft persimmon that was easier to squeeze, the bearded bear roared and rushed towards the two people who looked like children but were smart ahem, wrong, they were stronger than ordinary people.


    Facing the giant beast that rushed over, Su Ye and Lei did not waver at all.

    Like a kaleidoscope, Su Ye's eyes were swirling with ice blue and blood red.

    At the same time, Lei began to sing.

    Unlike the long and beautiful song last time, this song is very short.

    The blood-red heart is entangled with the wind, the cage of the contract¡ª¡ªbsp; Holding the cart-drawing animal that survived the bear's paw, the old man walked on an uphill slope and pointed to the other end of the hillside.

    "After passing this hill, you can reach my house."

    Going around the hill, what is in front of you is a pretty spectacular scenery.

    Windmill, huge windmill.

    If we look at issues such as principles, the windmills in Academy City that can rotate even when there is no wind are obviously more amazing, but in terms of scale, this windmill wins overwhelmingly.

    "That isthe windmill of this village"

    Looking at the windmill, a trace of unnatural complexity flashed across the old man's face.


    The spider silk knife in Su Ye's hand bounced upward.

    Then, it fell straight down and stuck on the ground.

    "There is no wind"

    Because she was still a little dozed off, Lei, who was holding Su Ye's shoulder, raised her head to feel it, and then said softly.

    Su Ye picked up the blade on the ground and nodded lightly.

    That¡¯s right, there is no wind.

    It¡¯s not that the wind is so light that people can¡¯t feel it, but there really is no wind.

    Although the air is still flowing, it is a slight vibration caused by the residents here.

    And those vibrations, although enough to cause the spider silk to tremble, are not enough to change the direction of the spider silk knife.

    Straight up and down means that the air flow here is macroscopically static.

    There are huge windmills, but there is no wind at all.

    "Is that one no longer in use?"

    Lei pointed to the windmill and asked the daughter of the old man beside her.

    "Hey, yes when I was a child, this place used to rely on the power of windmills to grind beans into powder and draw water. But did you see the building on the other side of the windmill? That was used to make steam and store water.  Mechanical bunkers Now the work of the people in the village is all supported by steam power"

    Pointing to the huge steel structure behind the windmill, the girl said.

    "A machine that makes steam"

    Seemingly interested in this kind of high technology (?), Lei built a pergola with her hands and watched.

    "Is that kind of thing convenient?"

    "Yesbut the power fee is very expensivebut if you want to work, you must have power"

    A complicated expression flashed across the girl's face.

    "Besides, as long as the machine is blocking the wind, the windmill cannot operate Now, because the person who owns the machine also holds the real power in the village, we can neither disobey him nor leave the village we can only endure this  This is the current situation, but there is nothing we can do about it We are like that windmill"

    To put it simply, it is the classic Zhou Papi.

    Su Ye yawned slightly and looked at the steam engine, which in her opinion was really "weak".

    In Su Ye¡¯s worldview, this kind of thing should be considered an antique

    "¡ª¡ªThat's it Then from now on, the windmill will no longer be able to move, right?"

    " Said softly, although Lei still had his usual expression at this time, it didn't look like he hadn't woken up, but more like he was lamenting or sarcastic.

    ?????? Lament?  Satire?  neither.

    The girl is just stating the facts.

    "If you just wait quietly, you won't be able to catch the wind."


    Author's note: Although Lei is a three-no in terms of setting and feeling, her lines in the comics are unexpectedly many In the world of weapon race legends, we don't plan to take the intense route or the easy route. I want to give it a try.  We adopt a more serious stylebut we actually updated twice as soon as we came back. We are really full of integrity~!  (quite)
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