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Text 173. The Korean Peninsula is filled with smoke, and China takes back the Diaoyu Islands by force

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    A week after the outbreak of the Sixth Middle East War, the death toll exceeded 50,000.

    The United Nations called for an end to the war as soon as possible. However, the two military powers, the United States and Russia, clashed in the skies over the Middle East. Twenty-six American fighter jets were destroyed, and the number of Russian fighter jets destroyed was more, reaching 35.

    In addition to learning about the progress of the Middle East war from the Internet and newspapers, Shao Dongyang often contacted his uncle on the phone to learn about the situation of the war. After all, the military knew more information.

    "Dongyang, rush to the capital immediately. I have something to discuss with you!"

    "What's going on?"

    "Don't ask any more questions!" Dao Cheng'an said resolutely, "I'll give you a phone call. You rush to the Yinhai Naval Airfield as soon as possible. When you get to the airport, you call this person and you take a military plane to the capital  "

    After hanging up the phone, Shao Dongyang muttered: "What's going on? Is the central government planning to intervene in this war?" After thinking for a while, he continued to mutter: "If we do not directly intervene in the Middle East war, relying on this favorable reality, we can use force to  The Diaoyu Islands and Treasure Islands were recovered"

    Thinking of this, Shao Dongyang couldn't help but feel a little excited. In fact, after the Sixth Middle East War broke out, he hoped that the war would expand. In this case, China would be able to solve the problem of the treasure islands and even take over the territory of the Diaoyu Islands that were illegally occupied by other countries.  Ask for it back.  "The people of China have been silent for too long. We cannot continue to be so silent, otherwise even the teeth of wolves will be worn flat!"

    The war is still going on, the price of oil futures continues to rise, and the price of oil derivatives has also begun to skyrocket. The world's attention is focused on the Middle East, but.  At this time, a crisis occurred on the Korean Peninsula.

    On June 18, at four o'clock in the morning, the North Korean military launched more than 100 missiles at the Osan Air Force Base and Seoul Base established by the United States in South Korea. More than 80 of them landed inside the military base, hitting  There were many arsenals, and more than 3,000 people were killed or injured.  At this time, the number of U.S. troops stationed in South Korea was 40,000.

    After the attack was reported by the media, the world was shocked.  The North Korean military claimed that this attack was just. The United States invaded North Korea more than half a century ago. In addition to sending troops to invade North Korea, US leaders have never given up vilifying North Korea, calling North Korea the "axis of evil" and "the axis of evil".  "stronghold of tyranny" and even called the North Korean military a terrorist organization. It has provoked North Korea and has not apologized to North Korea so far. This has seriously hurt the feelings of North Korean people.  He also demanded that the United States withdraw its troops from South Korea and prevent the United States from interfering in the political affairs of the Korean Peninsula.

    Six years ago (2009), North Korea withdrew from the Six-Party Talks.  It seems that the game between various stakeholders over North Korea's nuclear relinquishment can no longer go on.

    At that time, Shao Dongyang had his own understanding and opinions on the matter. After all, he compiled his opinions into an article and published it on the Internet.  Countless netizens followed with comments.

    North Korea¡¯s withdrawal from the ¡°Six-Party Talks¡± is inevitable and will happen sooner or later.

    The reason is simple. Like all existing nuclear-weapon states, North Korea believes that nuclear weapons are the fundamental guarantee for safeguarding national security.

    Although China is a solid ally of North Korea, it is impossible for North Korea to believe in the alliance or the so-called security guarantee. It only believes in holding its own destiny in its own hands.  North Korea is highly realistic in this regard, and all other nuclear-weapon states do not believe that any multilateral talks or security guarantees can lead them to denuclearize.

    So why should North Korea have more idealism?  Since nuclear weapons can be given up easily.  So why bother developing it?

    North Korea is developing nuclear weapons.  It is because it feels unsafe, and there are many reasons for this: the internal reason is that its development model has not brought it security vitality; in terms of external factors, North Korea believes that it is threatened.  Regardless of whether its perception is appropriate or not, the following fact is undeniable: The leader of the United States calls North Korea an "axis of evil" and a "stronghold of tyranny" and has provoked North Korea and has not apologized to North Korea so far.

    The United States also brazenly used force against Iraq to overthrow a regime with "unnecessary" force, causing huge losses of life and material to the local people.  So far, the United States has not expressed apology or compensation.  When Sudanese leaders are being prosecuted for human rights issues.  If those U.S. leaders were fine after causing great trouble, how could North Korea be willing to store weapons and weapons in its inventory?  Where is Ma Fang Nanshan?

    The above-mentioned views may be North Korea¡¯s own opinions, but it does not rule out that some true feelings are revealed.  As long as North Korea continues to regard the United States as its number one hostile country, North Korea will retain the option of nuclear weapons, not to mention that the United States may not be the only one North Korea needs to guard against.

    Let us formulate the following hypothesis: Once North Korea launches its nuclear weapons program, it will never be able to stop it.  However, when other negotiating parties in the "Six-Party Talks" jointly demanded that it take part in "nuclear abandonment" with regional stability as the top priority,??Wrong¡­¡±

    "Excuse me, are these two incidents related?"

    "Mr. Reporter, you haven't apologized for what you said wrongly. I refuse to answer your question!"

    "Okay, I apologize to the Chinese government and people. I shouldn't use the word "occupation". I would like to ask, are these two incidents related?"

    "Anyone with a discerning eye can see that these are two separate events. North Korea attacked US military bases in South Korea and Fuso. This is a conflict between North Korea and the United States. The reason for the military action claimed by North Korea is historical. This is also  Facts, and China¡¯s landing on the Diaoyu Islands is China¡¯s retaking of its occupied territory. This is a fact. The next reporter will ask.¡±

    A British reporter asked: "Will China use military means to resolve the South China Sea Islands with disputed sovereignty?"

    "If the lands belonging to the Chinese people cannot be solved through diplomatic means, they will definitely be solved by military means. The Chinese government has never given up the ownership of those lands, and will not give up the ownership of those lands. Of course, this requires an appropriate time.  When the Chinese government deems that the right time comes, it will definitely take appropriate measures to solve these problems!"

    The British reporter continued to ask: "Is now the right time to use military means to solve the Diaoyu Islands issue?"

    "Yes. The Chinese government has always asked the Fuso government to withdraw its troops from the Diaoyu Islands and return the Diaoyu Islands to China. However, the Fuso government insists on going its own way and ignores the wishes of the Chinese people. The Fuso government should be responsible for the casualties caused by this military operation!"

    On June 19, the press conference held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China made the Chinese people cheer, and countries that were hostile to China, such as Hefei and Fusang, felt serious and felt the roar of the Eastern dragon.

    The Chinese government has not used such strong diplomatic rhetoric for a long time. This press conference was broadcast live by CCTV. At that time, almost all the Chinese people watching were excited and shouted: "Long live China, long live the motherland!" Some even shouted: "  Long live Chairman Wu!¡±

    The title "Iron Lady" was given to the current chairman Wu Xiaoyun by many Internet users. For a time, the number of visits to military websites increased sharply, especially the Iron Blood Military website. The number of visitors increased and the cost increased. At this time, Shao Dongyang secretly acquired this  website, it has purchased dozens of top-notch servers to meet the needs of the vast number of Internet names in China.  Of course, Jagged Military will continue to report some news that is beneficial to the Chinese government.

    At this time, shortly after the Chinese College Entrance Examination ended, many high school graduates were waiting for the college entrance examination scores to come out. Many aspiring young people planned to apply for military academies to contribute to the country. This year, the average scores of students entering military academies were much higher than in previous years, reaching  More than thirty points.

    At this time, in the Diaoyu Island waters, China's East China Sea Fleet was still confronting the Fuso Maritime Self-Defense Force fleet, and a maritime war was about to break out.  China has captured the Diaoyu Islands, and the situation is now favorable to China. Therefore, as the chairman of the National Military Commission, Wu Xiaoyun did not ask to take the initiative to further expand the war. Of course, she also knew that the Fuso government could not give up and prepare all the troops for battle.

    The relationship between the United States and Fuso can be best described as "wolf" and "awful". After the press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, it was still dark over the United States. However, the president of the United States held an emergency press conference at the White House and stated  We strongly condemn the illegal military actions of the Chinese government and demand that the Chinese government immediately withdraw its troops from the Diaoyu Islands and compensate the Fuso government

    Some netizens laughed out loud after learning about the remarks made by the US president at the press conference. A taxi driver joked: "It's so relieved. It feels so good to have others strongly condemn it! Americans are used to being kings."  Laozi, this time, we in China are determined to solve the Diaoyu Islands issue, and we actually asked the Chinese government to evacuate the Diaoyu Islands immediately. Isn¡¯t this fantastic? If the United States dares to go to war with China, I will donate all my worth, although I am not able to take it.  On the battlefield, I can be a logistics soldier, and I can still drive and transport supplies!"

    ¡°Obviously, the Chinese government will not pay any attention to the US president¡¯s condemnation. At this time, the Chinese government is ready to fight the United States.
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