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Volume 3 Chapter 102 Battle of the Alliance (Part 2)

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    Chapter 102: Alliance Battle (Part 2)

    After a heated discussion, Chen Youluo and others finally decided that Chen Youluo, Laozui, Gufeng, Ruili, Ah Zhen, Mo Lang, Tang Jie, Fat Brother, Batu and the purple maids around Meiya Ya would go to save the Holy Dragon.  The top brass of the league.  Yu Baoer and others were waiting for news in the auction center.  After this, Chen Youluo felt that it was better to go to Na'vi Star as soon as possible without further delay, hoping to arrive before Na'vi Star increased its defenses and rescue those high-level officials.

    Yu Baoer and others also supported this plan, and Meiyaya was even more happy that the maid in purple beside her could come to help.

    Yu Baoer and others sent them out the door, and then quietly waited for the news.

    Chen Youluo and his team went in two groups and returned to the barren mountains and mountains where they had just arrived on Earth. From there, they planned to use the old time jumper to go to Namei to save the top leaders of the Holy Dragon Alliance.

    As for using the old time jumper, it¡¯s not that Chen Youluo doesn¡¯t want to use a small spaceship, but where can Chen Youluo get a spaceship now that he¡¯s back on earth and is completely broke!

    However, at this time, no one was thinking about what kind of aircraft to use. They just wanted to reach Na'vi Star as soon as possible and rescue people before they increased their defenses. Otherwise, they would face the powerful guards and weapons of the Holy Dragon Alliance.  Everyone was a little worried. After all, the Holy Dragon Alliance didn't have many things, it only had people, and Chen Youluo and the others also lacked just the right amount of manpower.

    The old time jumper may not be the best, but its speed is definitely top-notch.  All normal spacecraft would have taken at least two days to reach Na'vi, while the old time jumper only took one night.  Chen Youluo and the others happened to have a good sleep on the old time jumper.  When they arrived at Namei Star, it happened to be early in the morning. Chen Youluo and others were secretly happy. After all, in this way, early in the morning must be the time when the enemy's defense is at its weakest. A sneak attack to save people at this time must be unfavorable.

    As expected, it only took Chen Youluo and others an hour to successfully reach the prison where the top leaders of the Holy Dragon Alliance were imprisoned.

    ??Looking at the guards cruising outside, each one was wandering lazily, and some guards had fallen asleep leaning against the corners of the prison, and even snored from time to time.

    Seeing how lax the guards were, Chen Youluo breathed a sigh of relief. Facing the leader of the purple-clothed maids, Chen Youluo began slowly: "We will trouble a few girls next. You must know that only you can keep them unaware.  calm down!"

    "Okay!" The leader of the purple-clothed maids smiled brightly, and the purple-clothed maids nodded one after another, with an unparalleled chilling aura on their faces. For some reason, the smiles on the faces of these beauties gave Chen Youluo a  It was a terrifying feeling, and the smiles on his face that killed people so casually could really be called the smiles of the God of Death.

    The maids in purple walked out of their hidden positions one by one, and then lined up neatly in a long queue. The patrol soldiers who were still somewhat awake felt that their eyes were blurred, and they saw countless beauties, but there was no one among these guards.  They thought that an enemy had appeared, and they all thought that they were hallucinating because they had not been exposed to the smell of a woman for a long time.

    However, just when these people were having a collective act of obscenity, tragedy happened.

    Those soldiers who were confused and still in lust died gorgeously at the hands of the poisonous needles of these purple-clothed beauties. They were like butterflies dancing gracefully, and even had a smile on their lips under the bright poisonous needles.  Just like that, he died in his dream.  Yes, these soldiers need rest so much, and sometimes death seems so beautiful.

    "Come on!" Chen Youluo saw that these soldiers did not cry out for help even when they died. He was secretly happy and ordered everyone to rush into the prison to save them.

    But things were obviously not as simple as Chen Youluo and others imagined.

    When Chen Youluo and others walked to the door, there was a sudden "crunch", then a red light flashed, followed by a thunderous alarm sound.  Obviously, there is an automatic monitor at the door of the prison. Once a stranger passes by, an alarm sound will sound. At this time, the prison director also sounded a piercing alarm sound, which suddenly woke him up from his deep sleep.  Prison warden.

    "What's going on, what's going on?" The prison director's face suddenly turned the color of pig liver, obviously he was awakened by the alarm and was angry.  "Damn it, if anyone sounds the alarm, I will definitely shoot him!" The warden quickly wiped his face, then came out of the room angrily, and immediately asked the panicked guard, "What's wrong, tell me clearly!  "

    A guard who was grabbed by the prison chief wiped his cold sweat in a panic, "Oh no, someone is robbing the prison!"

    "What?" The prison director didn't believe it, "You're going toFirst, Li Zhi's people were needed to implement this plan, and those ordinary soldiers were cannon fodder in Chen Youluo's eyes. The most important thing was that Li Zhi clearly meant to treat them as cannon fodder.  If you think about it, if all this was really done by the Western Federation, then how could they not strictly protect the headquarters, and how could Chen Youluo and others win easily.

    According to what Chen Youluo said, they planned to attack the Holy Dragon Alliance headquarters and strive to control the Holy Dragon Alliance early on, even if it was just a part of it. Then Li Zhi appeared in front of everyone as a public figure, and then told that everything was the Western Federation.  conspiracy, this fight with the Western Federation can be regarded as a reasonable reason, otherwise the people of the Holy Dragon Alliance, who have always liked peace, would not agree to a war.

    After listening to Chen Youluo's words, Li Zhi, who had always been stubborn, had no choice but to agree. After all, it all depended on Chen Youluo's wishes, and Li Zhi was just a mere commander at this time. He really wanted to command and contact some people.  They all need to rely on Chen Youluo.  Therefore, he, Li, needs to obey Chen Youluo's wishes both emotionally and rationally.

    The two sides reached an agreement, and Chen Youluo discussed the specific combat plan with Yu Baoer and others. Then a vigorous alliance war was about to begin. Can Chen Youluo win as imagined?  In what capacity will Chen Youluo join the Holy Dragon Alliance, and can Li Zhi really take control of the power?
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