?The people who can be imprisoned in Dali Temple Prison are either high officials or big thieves or rebels. Among these people, high officials are the best at making money. These people have enough food and clothing and cannot bear the crime. Once they are imprisoned, , first of all, family members have to come to visit the prison. Of course, this is impossible, but as long as you bribe the jailer, although you can't see the person, you can convey some news. These all cost money to buy. As for some delicious food, of course it doesn't matter. Come on, as long as you give me money, all of this can be done. net
However, there are also rules here. Common things, such as disclosing some recent situations to family members, being sick or needing to improve the food, are all within the acceptable range. If there is a need to inform others, or something like that, no matter how much they are given, They don't dare to ask for money. Once these are found out, it will be a capital offense. There are rules in each line of work. In short, they are looking for some money, and the superiors will turn a blind eye. If they cross the line, they will not be polite. .
Liu Mingliang wrote a letter. There was no problem in the letter. He just asked the recipient to give the jailer a thousand guan and gave him a jade pendant he carried with him as a token. In fact, this matter was considered a side project. He said it was a secret detention. It was impossible for him to arrest so many people without leaking the news. He just knew it one day earlier and one day later. It was with this speed that the jailers successfully blackmailed him for 500 yuan. If it was obvious, they would only get 10 people at most. He was so exhausted that he died.
Liu Mingliang is in Qinzhou, and he only has four or five confidants, but he also has a group of people who will not come into contact with Liu Mingliang, but this time they only captured him and a few of his confidants, and the minions below are still there. Sooner or later, these people will pass the news to Liu Changyuan, and Liu Mingliang is not stupid. He will not say anything else in the letter, but just asks for money. As for what the matter is, the person who gave the money will naturally ask the jailer, and the message will not leave any evidence, and the letter will not Will be burned in front of you.
You may not be able to accomplish things with money, but many things cannot be accomplished without money. Liu Mingliang knows that he is a pawn. As a pawn, you must be mentally prepared as a pawn, but a pawn does not want to die like this. As long as there is a trace of Opportunities must be fought for. Once there are no opportunities, a pawn can kill the old commander. However, according to the current situation, Liu Mingliang's crime is not enough to cause death.
Gambling and disguised extortion and bribery can all find scapegoats. These crimes only last a few years and are no big deal. Liu Mingliang knows that if he confesses, it will definitely be a dead end. There is nothing to say. If he doesn't confess, he will at most Just a few years in prison. As long as the uncle is still here, nothing will happen soon. The Liu family is not without means to save their lives.
Xinghuafang in Chang'an is also a place where wealthy people live. Most of them are foreign businessmen doing business in the West Market and some local merchants in Chang'an. These houses are not very eye-catching from the outside, they all look like small houses. But if you walk into a house and take a look, the inside is no less than the houses of wealthy families or officials.
At this time, standing in front of the door of a house, a man who looked about thirty years old, dressed very ordinary, like a street vendor, knocked on the door of the family and looked at The person who came out didn't look like the owner. He was probably a concierge. He didn't say anything and just looked inside.
"What's wrong with you? You knocked on the door and didn't say anything. Why did you look inside?" said the doorkeeper. The visitor's guess was correct. This was a servant who was a doorkeeper. Ordinary people wouldn't be like this. The existence of a person and being able to arrange a dedicated guard shows that the family is also well off.
"How are you talking? You have no control over this matter. Let me go in first and ask the master to talk to me." The visitor said arrogantly. In this era, clothing is also a symbol of status. People with bright clothes and angry horses are either royalty or officials. , the poor people just wear ordinary linen clothes. As for riding a horse, forget about it. Even if you have a mule, you usually ride a donkey or an ox cart. This is because ordinary people have a little wealth, and ordinary people rely on their feet. Measure the earth.
"Who are you? If you say you want to see the master, you will see the master. If you have something to say, if nothing happens, get out of here." The guard said angrily. Who are these people? Looking at this outfit, he looks like a hawker. He speaks loudly and thinks that he is the governor. If it doesn¡¯t work, he calls the master to come and talk to him! I have never seen someone with a big mouth, but I have never seen someone with a big mouth but also a big heart. Is he really treating himself like a dish?
"It's an important matter. I'm not talking nonsense to you. Take this and ask your master to see it and he will know." The stranger took out a jade pendant and said, with an expression that said, "I don't care about you", as if he was a humble servant. A private visit to a big shot is common.
This jade pendant is not big, only the size of an egg and square. There is no special pattern on the jade pendant, it is just the word "¸£". The jade quality looks pretty good, like a piece of white jade, refreshing and refreshing, but the concierge saw this I took the jade pendant and took a closer look, and my expression immediately changed.
"Please come in, our guest, and stay here first.""Wait a moment in the house, I'll go find the housekeeper." The concierge said with a smile, as if nothing happened before, he politely called the people into the yard, arranged to sit in the concierge, and quickly ran to call the people. , this is really different from just now. In this era, the status of people who can wear jade is not ordinary. The concierge knows very well, at least they are people he cannot offend.
"Humph Dogs look down on others. Wait until I get the money and see how I can harm you." The stranger cursed. This man is not an ordinary person. He is the special liaison person outside the jailers of Dali Temple. Of course, that The jade was not his, but the concierge was fooled once, thinking that some big shot was coming.
This person seems to have no position or power, and ordinary people may not be able to ask for him. However, if something happens to your family and you are imprisoned in Dali Temple, then there is a chance that this person will show up, or someone will tell you to find him. This person, his ability is not great, he can just help you take care of your family members in prison, such as sending some delicious food, and some clothes when it is cold, but these require money to open the way, and they are not done in vain.
This stranger is the outside agent of the Dali Temple jailers, commonly known as "errand boy". Of course, this is what the jailers call him, but the criminals' families respect him. He not only plays the role of intermediary liaison, but also if If you neglect or offend him, your family may receive "special" treatment in prison. It's not even a matter of eating cold food. It may be porridge, or your teeth may collapse due to eating porridge. In short, it's not a big deal. People's methods are endless.
Such "errand runners" appear because the jailers have their own regulations. They are not allowed to have contact with the family members of criminals. For those who can be escorted to Dali Temple Prison, no family members can come to visit the prison without the approval of the Minister of Dali Temple. So the jailers came up with their own way to find a relative or friend outside Dali Temple to serve as an "external liaison", that is, an external liaison, so that they themselves do not have to meet the families of these criminals directly and avoid being arrested. Suspected of pigtails.
Once family members come to visit the prison, the guards at Dali Temple Prison will tell them who to go to. Of course, these guards are also working with the guards. The family members who visit the prison are obviously bringing some delicious food or food to the family members of the criminals. A change of clothes and the like, more because I want to know how my family is doing inside, hoping not to suffer too much. Of course, these things require bribing the guards who are directly supervising them.
The jailers are not stupid either. It is impossible for them to go directly to the families of these people. This will leave people with clues. The "errand runner" is an idler with no occupation. It is much more convenient to do this and be imprisoned. Most people in Dali Temple are not ordinary people, so the benefits received by this "errand runner" are no less than those of the jailers. Of course, ordinary people will not have such opportunities. They are all people trusted by the jailers.
These things are normal. Just like Qin Xuan's former winery or glass workshop, it was impossible to open stores and sell goods in various cities across the country. Naturally, he had to find agents in various places to operate them, as well as those in the vehicle management offices in later generations. They are "entrustees" who specialize in helping people review cars and go through formalities. They charge a certain fee. You don't have to do anything, and everything will be done for you quickly. They are of the same nature as the "errand runners" of the jailers.
"Where does this brother come from? Why does he have a token of my husband?" A middle-aged man in his forties asked immediately after entering the concierge. The concierge also came with the housekeeper, and I realized that this man was also pretending to be a big man. Wolf, the jade is not his own, it turns out to be a token worn by his husband, and he feels contempt for this person again.
"This is not the place to talk," the errand boy said.
"Brothers, please come in"
This middle-aged man in his forties said that he is the housekeeper of the owner of this house. The owner is not at home and is always out of town. He takes care of everything here. Today this man is holding a jade pendant belonging to his husband. , at the same time, this jade pendant also represents the owner's personal presence. Knowing that this matter is not trivial, there must be something going on. Generally, the owner rarely gives this jade to others.
The "errand runner" was welcomed into the living room by the housekeeper and ordered the maids to serve tea. The housekeeper sent everyone away. Looking at this man who was dressed like a countryman, he really didn't know why his husband gave this jade pendant to this man. Man, could it be that Lang Jun was kidnapped in Qinzhou? Haven't heard of this?
"You take a look at this letter first," the errand runner said and gave an unsealed letter to the housekeeper. He took the letter doubtfully, opened it, and his expression immediately changed.
"Youyouarethe kidnapper? The husband you kidnapped?" the housekeeper stammered, looking at the "errand runner" as if he were seeing a ferocious beast, with panic in his eyes. If this If it's not his own home, he might run away immediately. When did today's kidnappers become so bold and dare to come to the door to ask for money in person? In broad daylight, all the king's laws have become a decoration?
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