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Lawless Zone 220 Letters

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    First of all, I would like to apologize to everyone for not updating yesterday.  Because I suddenly had severe pain in my wrist and right index finger yesterday, I went to the hospital for a checkup.  The doctor said that because I hold pens and play with computers too much, I have a tendency to become a mouse hand, so I have to touch the computer less recently.  Normally, a chapter of 3,000 words can be written in about an hour, but today it took nearly three hours. During this period, I had to stop several times because of hand pain, and I was not allowed to touch the keyboard at home.  Therefore, updates will be slow and unstable in the next period of time, which will last about two weeks. I would like to apologize to all friends who have collected this book.  This time I can take the note from the hospital, and I don¡¯t have to do my homework openly (>_<).

    ¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ªThe following is the text¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª

    "Weird." He An looked at the handwriting on the note and wondered: "I have long heard that drug and arms transactions are more frequent in Afghanistan. When did you learn about human trafficking in Vietnam?"

    The ghost crossed his shoulders and glanced at the note in He An's hand, then returned his gaze to the street and asked aloud: "What's written on it?"

    "The words asking for help were written in English. Wasn't that woman just a local?"

    While He An was mumbling to himself, the ghost had already taken the note in his hand and crumpled it into a ball, then threw it on the ground and stepped on it with his foot.  The ghost moved very quickly, and by the time He An tried to stop her, it was already too late.  He An displeasedly glanced at the note that blended into the khaki ground, and said to the ghost, "What are you doing?"

    The ghost glanced at He An and said, "You don't want to meddle in other people's business, do you?"

    He An said angrily: "It's not that I don't know the seriousness, I just want to wait until I see the patrol police and give them the note and help the woman call the police. It's better for you, just grind it into dust without asking."

    The ghost nodded: "As long as you haven't forgotten the purpose of your visit, apart from recovering the virus and information, even if all the people in this city are killed, it has nothing to do with us. Don't create extraneous matters, understand?"

    He An said "I understand" but looked in the direction where the four people left just now.  Receiving a call for help from a hostage person but doing nothing made He An feel somewhat uncomfortable.  But he also understood that his mission was more important than the strange woman who just asked for help, and there was no room for any mistakes.

    The goal of those four people gathering together was indeed eye-catching, and because of the woman's constant slight struggle, their walking speed was actually not very fast.  So after He An finished talking to the ghost, he quickly discovered the group of people who had just walked out a few dozen meters away.  Because they were far away, the three men did not notice He An in the distance. They stopped on the street for a moment as if discussing something, and then pushed the woman into a hotel.

    Seeing this, He An's expression changed slightly, he secretly noted the location of the hotel, and leaned against the wall again to wait silently.

    As time goes by, the sun above our heads becomes more and more fierce. As it approaches noon, there are obviously fewer pedestrians on the road.  Although He An and Ghost were hiding in the shade behind the wall and were protected by the temperature regulation function of the nanosuits, they still gradually became a little uncomfortable after just running from China, where the temperature was suitable, to the Afghan desert.

    He An stuck out his tongue and licked his lips. After He An felt that his almost dry mouth finally felt better, he said in a hoarse voice: "Didn't I say that Shen Fei and the others will be here soon? Why haven't they come yet? Or is it news?  Wrong, they escaped elsewhere?¡±

    The ghost checked his wrist communicator and said in the same hoarse voice: "There is no news from the headquarters, which means they haven't shown up yet. Just wait patiently."

    "Are you still waiting? If you wait two more hours, let alone catching them both, we will both be dead."

    He An tried his best to swallow a mouthful of thick saliva and muttered in a low voice.  He wanted to reach out and wipe the sweat from his forehead, but found that the sweat that had just appeared had already been evaporated by the high temperature.  Putting down their hands a little irritably, they looked at the time. It showed that it was ten o'clock in the morning. They had been standing here for almost five hours.

    During this period, the two of them did not dare to be careless at all, and were always waiting for news from the communicator.  It's just that after such a long time, there is no news from Shen Fei and the others in the communicator.  So much so that He An began to wonder if their communicators were broken when they fell from the helicopter.

    Finally, He An, who couldn't stand the heat anymore, reached out to the ghost and said, "I'll lend you your language translator."

    The ghost asked in confusion: "What?"

    He An said in a voice that was about to go crazy: "From morning to now, forget about not eating. What's the difference between not drinking water for five consecutive hours here and committing suicide? Give me the language translator quickly, and I'll find some."  Water to drink, you are willing to be dried fish here, but I am not.¡±

    ¡°?What if Shen Fei and the others arrive right after you leave?  "

    Although the ghost said so, she was obviously very thirsty.  After hesitating for a moment, Ghost handed his language translator to He An and said, "It shouldn't be such a coincidence. Go and come back quickly."

    "We should have done this a long time ago. Maybe we will get news from the headquarters later and find that the two of them died in the desert. Then we can pack up and leave. This place is getting hot to death. I don't want to think about it for a minute.  stay."

    He An grumbled while putting on the language translator.  When he turned into the alley on the side of the street, the irritated expression on his face disappeared. He looked around to see that no one was paying attention to him, and ran quickly towards the backyard of the hotel where the four people were.

    He had been staring at the door of the hotel before and didn't notice the four people coming out, so they should still be staying in the hotel.  Although the ghost warned He An not to cause trouble, He An still couldn't pretend not to know about it.  Although the three men had guns, He An, who was wearing a nanosuit, didn't take them seriously. After all, this kind of nanosuit can withstand close range fire from an M60 machine gun!

    Soon He An quietly reached the backyard of the hotel. The backyard walls of the houses here were pitifully short. He An had already jumped into the courtyard with a slight jump.  Just when he wanted to find the room where the four people were, he heard the footsteps of someone coming.

    When He An noticed someone coming, he immediately turned around and walked to a nearby straw shed with several camels tied up. He turned his back to the direction of the footsteps and pretended to feed the camels.

    The man who came over ignored He An at all and stopped four or five meters away from He An. Just when He An quietly turned his head to see what the man was doing, he heard the sound of running water.  sounded.

    Damn it, there¡¯s no toilet in the hotel, why are you peeing here?  (Note 1)

    He An cursed secretly, grabbed another handful of hay and threw it into the camel's trough.  The man behind him had just solved a major physiological need in his life, and was in an obviously good mood. He hummed a few times and was about to leave.  He An, who had his back turned to him, suddenly felt something was wrong. Why did this man's voice sound so familiar?  !

    When the man turned around and left, He An reacted immediately.  Isn't this voice the same man who told him in the morning that the woman being held hostage was his sister?

    ????????????? It¡¯s true that you can¡¯t find anywhere even if you wear iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it.  He Angang was worried about how to find them, so this man came to his door by himself.

    Looking back, he saw that the man was still walking forward with his back to him. He An lowered his footsteps and silently approached the man's back.  Just when the man in front felt something was wrong and stretched his hand to his waist and wanted to turn around to check, He An had already reached out to cover his mouth and cut the other person's back of the neck with his palm.

    The person who was attacked couldn't even hum, his legs went weak and he fainted completely.

    He An turned over the man with his face down. It was the man who talked to him in the morning.  There is indeed a rifle hidden in his robe, which looks very similar to the famous ak47.

    After looking around and seeing no one around, He An pulled the man over and searched him quickly.  He An found a handwritten letter in Arabic on the man. He thought the letter might be related to the kidnapped woman, so he took out a translator to scan and translate the text in the letter.

    "Keep the key safe. She is the key to entering the Golden City. Connect with the two people from China. They will arrive around noon. The password for the connection is 'Green special medicine sent from hell'. Don't forget it after receiving the goods.  Get rid of those two fools."

    These are the contents of the letter translated by the translator, which makes He An confused.  Keep the key, she is the key to entering the Golden City.  Putting aside what this golden city is, why is the key not called 'it' but 'her'?  Could it be that the key here refers to the woman?

    There was also this letter saying that they were going to meet two Chinese people. The time was around noon, and the code was 'green potion from hell' - it couldn't be such a coincidence, Shen Fei and Hong Zhi escaped from China.  The viruses they stole were also green!

    After looking at the man who was still unconscious, He An followed the principle of preferring to kill the wrong person before letting go, and pulled the man to a small room where camel feed was stored. He contacted the ghost using a communicator and said: "Captain, do you want to come and see me?"  A good thing?"

    Note 1: The hotels in Afghanistan are indeed the worst in the world, bar none.  Although the hotels in the city are expensive, costing about $15 per night, the power supply is unstable, and dozens of rooms are only equipped with one toilet.  Therefore, most people staying in the hotel go directly to the backyard to use the toilet.  Because the environment there is dry, the excrement will dry quickly.

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