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Lawless Zone 194 Sleeping Beauty

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    He Zhiyu opened the door slower than He An expected. After a series of tedious procedures such as facial analysis, voiceprint command activation, pupil scanning, fingerprint recognition, electronic card confirmation, etc., the heavy alloy door dinged.  It slowly opened with a sound.  Just from the complexity of opening this door, you can see how much the base attaches to what's inside.

    It is estimated that He Zhiyu had already expected that He An would want to see Lin Jiahui's body and had taken care of everything in advance.  Although the numerous electronic eyes and laser heads capable of emitting high-temperature laser beams on the wall continued to rotate as the two walked around, always locking on the two, nothing happened.  [com]

    When He Zhiyu opened the second alloy door, the two humanoid machines standing behind the door immediately attracted He An's attention.  The height of the two robots is about 1.6 meters, and the whole body is a metallic silvery white with a texture.  On both sides of the robot's shoulders, there are military symbols printed on it, a five-pointed red star with a golden edge, and the golden "81" in the center shines under the light.

    Generally speaking, the appearance of these two robots is not very cool. The reason why He An noticed them at the first time was because of the laser guns in their hands aimed at the two people at the door.

    He An barely recognizes this kind of laser gun. It is the most common type of individual energy weapon that has only begun to be popularized in the military in recent years.  Although this kind of laser gun is not very mature in terms of production and maintenance, and its power is greatly reduced in bad weather such as heavy fog, sandstorms, and storms, it cannot replace gunpowder weapons for the time being.  However, in an environment with good air like an underground base, it only takes less than a second to penetrate a living person's body into a small black hole.

    And they are lightweight and can be connected to the miniature nuclear power battery built into the robot, so they can be used continuously for an extremely long time.  From this point alone, this laser gun is much cheaper than ordinary gunpowder weapons.

    He glanced at He Zhiyu in front of him. The latter's expression did not change at all. He must have known that this would happen behind the door.

    Sure enough, the alloy door in front of the two people was fully opened. After the two robots standing behind the door saw He Zhiyu standing at the door clearly, they immediately put away the laser gun and vividly saluted a standard military salute.  Under the gaze, the robot returned to the positions on both sides behind the door and stood again with the gun in hand.

    "Let's go."

    He Zhiyu greeted He An and walked forward again.

    After looking at the two robots again, He An agreed and followed He Zhiyu to continue moving forward.  If he hadn't guessed, these two robots were another type of bionic robot mentioned in the Sirius information previously received - a combat robot codenamed Golden Monkey.

    According to the information, the built-in program of this robot is a 'Great Sage' system that is a higher level than Sirius's 'Greedy Wolf' system.  Not only can you combine and match weapons at will, they can also be used as long as they are individual weapons that humans can use.  Even powerful weapons that ordinary soldiers cannot use alone, such as the m134 six-gun minigun, can be used easily.

    And their weapon system also includes a flame cutting knife hidden in the wrist, and a folding composite shield on the back, which can not only attack from a distance but also engage in close combat.  The auxiliary thrusters on the back allow them to fly at short distances and at low altitudes, and they can instantly glide to the enemy at super high speed on the ground.  In addition, they have built-in the country's top biomagnetic field reconnaissance system and electromagnetic interference system, and they are the most cold-blooded killing machines on the battlefield.

    He An really didn¡¯t expect that he would see this kind of bionic combat robot in this underground base, which is said to be on par with the American ¡®Eagle¡¯ system and the Russian ¡®Bear¡¯ system.

    It seems that this base really attaches great importance to the things behind the alloy door.

    Not far away from the two golden monkey robots, He Zhiyu and He An stopped at a relatively small alloy door.  After repeating the tedious opening procedures once again, as the alloy door slowly opened, a trace of cold air slowly spread from the room, causing He An, who was closer to the door, to shiver.

    "Go in, I'll wait for you here and come out in five minutes."

    He An nodded to He Zhiyu and stepped into the room where the temperature was obviously lower than outside.  As soon as He An entered the room, the alloy door slowly closed, but He An only looked back slightly, and then immediately walked towards the middle of the room.

    In the middle of the room, there is a rectangular glass cover lying flat there.  Through some white air inside the cover, one could vaguely see a figure lying inside.  This glass cover is also the reason why the temperature inside the room is lower than outside. The closer He An is to it, the stronger the cold feeling becomes.

    As the distance gets closer, the faces of the figures in the glass cover become clearer and clearer.  Her face is as gentle as jade and her head is like a waterfall.Her long black hair, especially the well-placed mole under her closed left eye, added a touch of charm to her innocent face.

    Who is this woman inside the glass cover if not Lin Jiahui!

    Judging from her age, she was around twenty years old, but she was indeed He An's biological mother standing in front of the glass cover.  In fact, He An was mentally prepared before he came in. He also knew that Lin Jiahui had died after leaving him alone.  In other words, she has been dead for twenty years.  No matter how well her body could be preserved here, it would probably become miserable.  And when he came to see her, he just wanted to truly see the woman who gave him life, so that her spirit in heaven could know that she had grown up and make her feel at ease.

    It can be regarded as the only thing He An can do as a son of man after learning about his life experience.

    What He An didn't expect was that the woman lying inside the glass cover now, although her face was pale and without any blood, did she look like she had been dead for twenty years?

    Looking at the peaceful way she closed her eyes, if she said she just fell asleep and would wake up tomorrow, I'm afraid some people would believe it.  Not only does the skin show no signs of shrinkage, it even has a strange crystal feeling due to being frozen for a long time.

    He gently placed his hand on the glass cover. The cold feeling coming from his fingertips made He An's fingers gradually numb, but he seemed not to notice it.  He just looked at the girl inside the glass cover intently, and even though he had thousands of words to say, he didn't know how to say them out.

    The thick glass isolates the two realms of yin and yang.

    After learning that he was a manufactured experimental subject, He An was very angry inside although he did not show it.  I was extremely disgusted with this approach of treating human life as child's play, and I wished I could immediately ask He Zhiyu to tell me who the person in charge was and cut him into pieces.

    But He An was relieved afterwards. Even if it weren't for the research, Lin Jiahui, who was infected, would definitely not have lived long.  Speaking of which, He An should also thank the person in charge. If it weren't for him, I'm afraid there would be no 'He An' in this world.

    Five minutes passed in a blink of an eye. As the alloy door of the room slowly opened, He Zhiyu's voice came from outside: "He An, let's go."

    He An took one last look at the woman who gave him life, silently said a word of rest, and turned to leave.

    On the way back, He Zhiyu seemed to notice that He An was not in a high mood. In order to bring the relationship between father and son closer, He Zhiyu asked, "What are you thinking about?"

    He An shook his head and said after a long time: "I was surprised that her body was preserved so well. It looked like she was asleep. I even had the urge to break open the glass cover and kill her.  Rescue."

    "In fact, there is nothing surprising. It is all the work of the viruses that fused with her body cells." He Zhiyu explained: "Although her body has died, the viruses are still alive and are constantly eating away at her body. Using low temperature  After forcing those viruses to enter hibernation, those extremely vital viruses always remained in the same state as they were one second before entering hibernation. It is also because of this that the cells that were fused with the viruses also maintained the state they had just after her death. "

    Opening the alloy door from the inside is not as troublesome as coming in from the outside, and the two of them soon returned to the outside.  The two of them had just come out. Hong Zhi, who had been waiting outside the door for a long time, immediately came up to him and said, "Boss, there was just a message from the doctor asking you to come over. It seems to be related to the captain."

    He Zhiyu hummed and said to He An: "This doctor is the man who gave you the task and tested your ability. It was his proposal twenty years ago that led to your birth. In general, a not-so-good doctor  A likable guy.¡±

    He Zhiyu then told Hong Zhi: "Then I will go see him first, and you can lead the way for He An to meet his friends."

    After He Zhiyu left with the guards, Hong Zhi gasped and called to He An: "I don't know why, but I can't breathe when I stand in front of the leader. Do you feel like this?"

    He An shrugged: "It seems not."

    Hong Zhi hummed: "Maybe it's because you just met him. If you wait until you see him angry, I guess you won't dare to breathe heavily when you see him in the future."

    "Maybe." He An said casually, and then asked Hong Zhi as if remembering something: "Just now you said captain, is it your captain? I remember you said that you are just the deputy captain of the team."

    "First, he is not your captain, but our captain!" Hong Zhi began to take the trouble to correct He An's lexical errors: "Second, even if I am the deputy captain and the captain, I am still your superior now, don't use  'Just' is such a hurtful word."

    He An said helplessly: "Okay, Vice Captain. Can you take advantage of the time we go to the ground to introduce you to the base?"

    (I will tell you, does Lin Jiahui look like this actually have a sequel? For a character written in so many words, it is all done by showing her face. I feel so sorry for her.)?My lord.  Can you take advantage of the time we go to the ground to introduce you to the base?  "

    (I will tell you, does Lin Jiahui look like this actually have a sequel? For a character written in so many words, it is all done by showing her face. I feel so sorry for her.)
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