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Lawless Zone 190 The Reason for the Zombie Outbreak in Linhai City

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    Things have gradually become clearer here, and He An finally knows his life experience.  It turned out that he was a failed military experiment that should have been destroyed!

    He An did not doubt everything the man said, because the contents of the man's words were all consistent with the memory fragments released by the virus in his body that had just awakened!

    Whether it was picking up the virus test tube pillar, Lin Jiahui being bitten by a rabid dog, or the conversation between the two unknown men at the end.  The memories belonging to Lin Jiahui that He An saw in his dream were all exactly the same as the man's description.

    After a long time, the man saw that He An's mood had stabilized, and chuckled: "This base is where you were born, and you were secretly taken out by your father from here. He An, welcome home."

    He An, whose eyes were red, wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and took a few deep breaths to calm down: "Where is my mother's body? I think even if she has passed away, the army should not destroy her body.  .¡±

    The man nodded: "That's true. Her body is frozen and preserved in this base. If you are willing, I can take you to see her later."

    He An gratefully said thank you to the man. After hesitating for a moment, he hesitated and said, "What about the soldier who sent me out? Where is he now?"

    "You're talking about your father, right?"

    The man smiled: "Although he has never really raised you, the defense level of the base back then was incomparable to what it is now. But taking an experimental product that was ordered to be destroyed by high-level officials out of the base, and it was the one with the highest level of confidentiality.  Experiment, if he is caught, he will be charged with treason. Doesn¡¯t everything he did back then deserve you to call him ¡®Father¡¯?¡±

    He An shook his head and said hesitantly: "I don't know what he looks like, or even his name. I only know that he sent me to an orphanage and never saw me again. If I were asked now  I would like to call him father, but I can't do it."

    "You are right to have this idea. After all, this kind of thing cannot be accepted in a short while."

    There was a flash of disappointment in the man's eyes, but he concealed it very skillfully. He An, who was in a daze, did not notice it.  Then the man said: "That soldier is still alive. If you think about it sometime, you will recognize him as your father. I can contact him and let you father and son meet."

    He An nodded, and then asked doubtfully: "You know what the soldier did, and considering that your position is not low, why do you still help him? You just said that if his behavior is discovered, it will be treason.  crime!"

    The man smiled and shook his head, but did not answer. Instead, he started talking about the cause of the zombie outbreak in Linhai City again.

    After the original person in charge ordered He An to be destroyed, the research was not terminated.  Because neither he nor the top military officials at the time were willing to fail.  This situation is a bit similar to the psychology of a gambler. No one would be willing to end up with so much money, manpower and material resources invested, only to get water from a bamboo basket.

    Since He An, as a failed product, has been ¡®destroyed¡¯, the focus of research has begun to shift.  As time went by, this research achieved some results.  However, due to the lack of first-hand information, there is always a bottleneck that cannot be overcome.

    The drugs produced are either very well integrated and can perfectly invade the body of the experimental target, causing the target's cell vitality to soar geometrically!  But it also has very serious side effects, because soon after the target cells are fused with the virus, they will die in large numbers due to lack of energy required to maintain their own vitality.

    In other words, a person who is injected with this drug will definitely die after becoming a "five-minute superman".  The greater the power, the faster you die!

    The second Chinese medicine, although not as effective as the previous one, will not cause the experimental target to die immediately.  However, it will invade the brain cells of the experimental target in large numbers, causing the experimental target injected with the drug to gradually turn into a vegetative state.

    A vegetative soldier, even if he can destroy a city with one punch, what's the use?

    As for the third potion, it was the Hulk that He An had seen before, and was killed by him outside the auto repair shop.

    This medicine is obviously much better than the first two. It will not cause the human body injected with the medicine to die immediately, nor will it turn it into a vegetative state.  But the shortcomings are also obvious. Although the potion greatly stimulates the user's cell vitality, it also deprives the opponent of his thinking ability, turning him into a fighting tool with only beast instincts.

    In the end, all users, without exception, died of exhaustion.

    However, a batch of this potion was secretly manufactured and equipped for the bodyguards of some important leaders.  In an emergency, bodyguards can use these potions to delay the attack.??, using his own life to buy time for rescue.

    But no matter what, none of the above medicines were the results that the military leaders originally wanted.  According to their vision, they can be mass-produced and create many super legions with powerful strength, slow pain perception, and sharp reactions.

    So while local research continued, the military followed the clues and discovered the source of the virus in the fishing village.  It is our neighboring country, Japan.

    At first, the top military officials who received the news gasped, thinking that this country was developing another new type of bacterial weapon.  After all, this country, which is like a mad dog, has already had a criminal record.

    However, as the news gradually came, the military gradually learned what the man had told He An before, which was the Hell Legion that had escaped to Japan.

    "Obviously, the Japanese are not fools. It is simply not their style not to accept such a 'treasure' when it comes to their door automatically.

    Because the formula and data for creating the Legion of Hell had been destroyed by Hitler, the scientists involved in the research had to escape to death, or were plundered by the United States and the Soviet Union.  Under the circumstances at the time, Japan, as a defeated Axis power, obviously could not blatantly collect information and scientific researchers.

    "But Japan also has its own methods. Since the data and scientific researchers are gone, we still have more than a thousand Hell Legion soldiers here. Are we afraid that we will not be able to come up with a manufacturing method based on their research?

    However, due to the limitations of science and technology at the time, Japan did not successfully copy the Hell Legion soldiers, but instead produced countless failures.

    The tube of virus medicine that was picked up by Zhu Zhu was one of the many failed products.  At that time, the Japanese wanted to take many failed products to an uninhabited desert island for destruction, but due to an accident, the tube fell into the sea.

    ¡°Perhaps it was a coincidence that the tube of medicine traveled across the ocean unharmed, and eventually infected the fishing village where Lin Jiahui was located.

    After learning that Japan was also researching potions for super soldiers, in order to obtain the most original information, the military immediately sent agents to Japan, hoping to infiltrate the other party's scientific research base and steal the information.

    The process is complex and thrilling enough to be made into several spy movies.  In short, in the end, three military agents successfully entered the periphery of the base to work, and one of them, after accepting the order, stole a tube of Japan's latest potion and prepared to return home.

    Of course, this potion is still a failure.

    According to the military¡¯s original plan, it would be best if the medicine could be improved for personal use.  If that still doesn't work, you can also use this as evidence to criticize Japan at the United Nations meeting for violating the contract prohibiting research on biological weapons and exposing the other party's secret research.

    If you can¡¯t get it yourself, don¡¯t even think about getting it smoothly!

    This is true between people, and it is also true between countries.

    After all, even if the island country has not successfully developed it, it is still a potential threat to its own country.  No one likes to have a time bomb next to their bed, not to mention that the remote control of the bomb is in someone else's hand.

    An accident also occurred here. In order to get rid of the pursuers behind him, the agent chose to log in at the dock in Linhai City, which was far away from the underground base of the headquarters.  But he didn't want to be caught up by the other party. In the end, the agent was killed, and the potion was broken in the chaos, causing a zombie outbreak in Linhai City!

    Those pursuers were naturally the Germans that He An saw and were caught by Hong Zhi and others. They were soldiers from the Hell Legion.  Originally, according to the army's intention, they were to be transported back to the base for further study, but they did not want the helicopter heading to Linhai City to be hit by a giant monster and crashed, and the matter was left undisturbed.

    As for why those soldiers have not died after a hundred years, and even maintain the appearance of 20 or 30 years old, it can only be attributed to the magic of the original potion when they were created.

    After receiving the news that the zombie virus broke out in Linhai City, the military¡¯s response was to cover up the news and never let the public or other countries know about it!

    If you let others know about this, it will be exposed that your country is secretly researching banned biological weapons.  Although the treaty banning the research of biological weapons is as useless as the nuclear weapons limitation treaty for any country capable of researching this project, national face must always be taken into consideration.

    It is precisely because of this that the military fabricated the news of a "Linhai City Nuclear Power Plant Leak" and completely surrounded Linhai City with shielding equipment while ensuring the normal use of its satellites.  In this way, Linhai City is equivalent to passively wearing an invisibility cloak, completely becoming a 'transparent person' in the eyes of other countries' reconnaissance satellites.

    The military also deleted all the help messages posted on the Internet when the zombies first broke out. At the same time, Linhai City was turned into a military restricted area, prohibiting anyone from approaching.

    What happened next was simple, and He An generally knew everything.  The electromagnetic bombs launched by the military completely turned Linhai City into an isolated island unable to communicate with the outside world, and completely cut off the hope of everyone in the city.

    Because the speed of zombie infection far exceeded the military's expectations, when they covered up everything, they discovered that the entire city had been completely occupied.near.

    What happened next was simple, and He An generally knew everything.  The electromagnetic bombs launched by the military completely turned Linhai City into an isolated island unable to communicate with the outside world, and completely cut off the hope of everyone in the city.

    Because the speed of zombie infection far exceeded the military's expectations, when they covered up everything, they discovered that the entire city had been completely occupied.
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